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Fuck that traitor. I’m not sure how he isn’t facing charges.


He’s a retired general so I’m sure he earns a pension, if nothing else.


Okay, but why would I give a fuck if it were true? Trump sure as hell is going to be. Let’s see whose best is better.

I said in 2020 I’d vote for a ham sandwich if it was the only alternative to Trump. If Biden is a coked up vegetable, I’ll so vote for him over Trump.

MagicShel, (edited )

I’ve always been a bit salty that wrestling kept preempting my science fiction shows, so I wouldn’t call myself a fan, but I have seen a lot of WWF (haven’t watched since the name change). I know exactly what you mean and that would be pretty epic.


It makes sense. I’m pretty sure I’d be a total asshole if I were rich. No worries on that front, though. I’m not going to be rich. Ever.


Look at our current set of lawmakers. Many of them are unserious people and you can’t take what they say seriously. Which is why we should endeavor to stop electing them.


I don’t care what fucking color everyone is in 1000 years. We should all just fuck each other to end race once and for all.


We need like a global swing/orgy day. All monogamous relationships are suspended once a year. Only requirement is they can’t be the same skin color unless both are… ethnically ambiguous.

There, we fixed population collapse.

“No! Not like this!”


Your dry sarcasm leaves me parched. I’m here for it.


If you don’t have enough people to win the war by picking up pens and voting, you definitely don’t have enough to win by picking up guns and shooting.


If they lose by less than the margin of Covid deaths that’s going to be hilarious. Until they realize that it was a conspiracy all along and they were tricked into not masking.


No. You’re going to have to walk me through the thought process that led you to ask that. My whole point is if you can’t win through voting, don’t try to start a war because you aren’t going to win that either.


Al’s problem is the woman’s complaint was clearly performative, but there was no way for him to say that without relying on the rhetoric of rape denialists and victim blamers. If he had fought back against it, he would forever be invoked in both sides arguments.

That’s the downside of being the party of empathy and human dignity.


I’m guessing too young to say a print the name.

Just a suggestion. I interpreted what you wrote differently than I think you intended.


I’m not going to insist that what you wrote is wrong, that would indeed be pedantic. I’m just saying that a casual read of that sentence indicates something different than intended and I suggested that perhaps a clearer version might be cognitively easier for some folks to read.

Downvotes obviously disagree so that’s fine. But it certainly wasn’t intended as pedantry.


I get it, but the fact that Wiener was later convicted of sending obscene materials to an underage girl really undermines your point. It’s pretty obvious in hindsight that he shouldn’t have been in a position of power and influence. There are things that can be overlooked - but actual crimes that could create a conflict of interest or leave someone vulnerable to blackmail cannot.

Should he have been forced out in 2011? From the perspective of say, 2012, there is a good argument against it, but 2015 demonstrated that it was, in fact, the correct call after all.


Local and state elections also matter. Watching Trump deal with a Dem Congress might even be amusing. But yeah, vote Biden because Trump already fucked up the Supreme Court enough.


I was around during Ross Perot’s independent run. If he didn’t win, no third party had a chance. Ross was extremely popular his first run and when he ran his little whiteboard presentations, a huge number of people watched because that was the most entertaining and relatable show on TV. He drew viewers from both parties. He got 19% of the popular vote and not a single electoral vote.

All due respect to Bernie, but he wouldn’t have touched Ross’s numbers just because you can’t have that kind of reach any more. Third party just can’t win.

MagicShel, (edited )

I joined the army for no reason other than I didn’t know what the fuck to do with myself. Hell I could’ve had a free ride to college if I’d known what I wanted to do.

So it is from the perspective of experience that I will tell you, the quality of our military will plummet when absolutely no one gives a fuck about being there. There were gung ho motherfuckers who really wanted to be in the army and they were good soldiers. Then there were those of us who were just there to fuck off. You don’t want 100x as many of those. The military would just be absolute garbage.


When I was growing up, the big fears of Gen X were another ice age, over-population, nuclear war, and quicksand.

So I’m not sure what Gen X has to offer. But we’re here if you need us - like if global warming causes a quicksand crisis. Otherwise we’re just gonna keep doing our own thing.


Particularly where he limp-wrists it and breaks his wrist.


How about a bot that just instantly fact checks and replies every time he posts anything. We could potentially prevent the lies from getting half way around the world before the truth gets its shoes on.


Does it ever occur to anyone to just say, “that doesn’t make any sense and is probably a distortion”?


Imposing a harsh punishment in this situation, even if warranted, would not be seen as unbiased. The fallout would be intense. I’d be most concerned about the perception of those folks who don’t really pay attention to politics. Will they refuse to vote for someone who’s been to jail on a felony, or will it offend their sense of fair play and make them vote for “the underdog”? The sentence, whatever it is, has to be a 4D-chess move by the judge.

I really don’t think it’ll be jail time, but I’d love for it to be and more importantly I’d love for the election to bear out that choice.


Dang. 50% of mine did. I’m doing worse than average…


Hmm. I’ll have to run polyamory/polygamy up the flagpole, because I’m not letting this one go…


I assume anything coming out of a Musk company is a lie unless I see it with my own eyes. And then I see an optometrist.


Who would you rather unexpectedly run into while swimming in the ocean, a maga or a shark?


I used to mainly vote third party as a protest vote for both sides to do better. Didn’t matter the party, really.

I voted for Obama out of genuinely wanting him in office. I thought he was decent overall but he did disappoint me.

I voted for Biden purely to keep Trump out of office. Even so, I think Biden has largely been a better President than Obama was, though the Gaza/Israel thing is really testing that. I would love to have a more progressive choice, but any time I am disappointed in Biden, I just remind myself the alternative and I would crawl across a mile of broken glass to vote for him.

So I would anecdotally say this election is outside the norm.


You can still affect local elections, which arguably will have a greater impact on your day to day life anyway.


Told? It’s just math. If you want to change things, you have to either do it from within an existing party or wait for an existing party to implode and then maybe there is an opportunity for change.

I’m fifty. I spent a lot of fucking elections wasting my vote on third parties, thinking I was sending some kind of message or making things better, but here we are. I wasted every single vote prior to 2008. Would anything be different if I hadn’t? No. Would anything be different if a bunch of people hadn’t? I don’t know. Maybe.


Fair. Government is hard. There is no such thing as a right answer. Just shit that we find out later didn’t work. I’m not happy with either of the two parties; I don’t really believe in parties anyway. But here we are.

Fight the good fight, my friend, but just don’t let fascism take us. My grandfather fought against the fascists in WW2, and here I am doing the same (though admittedly with way less personal risk) 80 years later. I don’t like it, but it is what it is.

MagicShel, (edited )

I disagree. I feel so much happier since I learned to just let shit go and focus on stuff that I can do rather than worrying about what I wish other people would or wouldn’t do.


Fair enough. I just see a lot of people who seem to enjoy being mad about things. I mean I enjoy a nice cathartic rant from time to time, but I never internalize that anger.


I thought he swore up and down he didn’t use one… didn’t need one.


Why would they do that if climate change isn’t real?


It’s like those little penny trays in gas stations. Take a kidney, leave a kidney.


Truth isn’t worth shit. I have no idea how anyone decided it was worth investing billions, but there is no fucking way there isn’t some egregious fraud going on there. I would imagine tracing the investors back reveals a number of low-capital morons investing their retirements and a bunch of foreign nationals buying influence.

Still not worth billions because Trump isn’t worth it if he doesn’t win. If he loses the election, I think that stick is going to tank the next day down to about zero as all the big investors pull out.


Still waiting on the IT sector to recover. If I were of a conspiratorial mind, I would suggest the wealthy are trying to tank the economy temporarily (specifically in left-leaning spaces like much of IT) because that is the strongest predictor of election outcomes. But I just can’t bring myself to believe they would all be able to coordinate that without someone trying to fuck the rest over. I suppose we’ll see.


I had no idea about any of that. Good link. Thanks.


Oh good. It’s just me in particular that is fucked. That’s nice.


no one has ever been found guilty of failing to fulfill fiduciary duty

For as big a deal as is made of this by investment advisors and similar roles, this is shocking to read.


A quick search suggests Enron and Bernie Madoff are a couple of examples of conviction, but maybe there are nuances I’m not familiar with.

Several PA House Republicans boo officers who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 | Harry Dunn and Aquilino Gonell were invited to PA’s House of Representatives — but several GOP lawmakers booed and walked out (

“I heard some hissing and I saw about eight to 10 of my Republican colleagues walk out angrily as they were announced as police officers from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,” state Rep. Arvind Venkat (D) said in a phone interview Thursday. “I was shocked and appalled,” he added. According to Venkat, the commotion lasted...


That’s so disgraceful. Why don’t they boo service members who fought and died to defend this country, just like those officers?


Those stupid fuckers are going to lose the military vote that has been theirs for decades. I already saw a massive difference in political stance between the 90’s and the 2010’s (could be due to primarily working with enlisted in the 90’s and officers in 10’s) and it’s really only a razor thin veil of ignorance that keeps them believing republicans take take their side more than democrats. That veil is going to break.


Other people are allowed their reasons. They don’t have to secretly feel the same way I do. I speak for exactly one person - me.

I already had this person blocked because I felt they contributed negatively to the experience of being here. That’s a subjective call, but if the mod happens to agree, I want him to know he has my full support in his efforts to make this a nice place to visit for anyone who doesn’t like being around insufferable assholes. Those are my kind of people. I don’t personally need any rules cited or clarified, but mine isn’t the only perspective.


Man, the first thing I did when I joined Lemmy was to develop a policy of blocking anyone that didn’t think I would enjoy seeing or interacting with. They didn’t have to do anything wrong per se, but if I thought they argued in bad faith or jumped to ad hominem attacks or whatever, I’d block them.

I was worried at first. Some of them were prolific, and I didn’t want this place to feel empty. But I’ve found that I’m spending less time arguing with people who only want to piss me off gives me more time to interact with more thoughtful folks. The responses in turn encourage them to post more. So by blocking people I don’t like and encouraging people I do, I think that helps to make the community better as a whole, not even just for me.

Life is too short. I come here to interact with people I enjoy. We don’t have to agree, it just has to not be someone who inspires the thought, “not this motherfucker again.” Try it. It makes Lemmy so much better.

Good luck, my friend.

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