zephorah, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

Trump is just the side show to this. He’ll be playing golf and making terrible speeches while this architecture goes up around him. It’ll be SCOTUS 2.0 on a larger, more inclusive scale.

Instead of the meandering disorganized crap of 2016-2020, with most executive office jobs left unfilled, it’ll be project 2025.

The choice here rests with the under 40 crowd. Vote for or against it.


The funniest possible outcome of another Trump presidency is Trump being too insane to even follow the Project 2025 plan, and just erect another 4 year kakocracy that largely embarrasses the Republican part

resetbypeer, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

Sounds like the Ernst Röhm of the SA but MAGA style

JimSamtanko, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

Again, keep this in mind when you see people urging you to not vote against Trump. Also note how you almost never see any of them in the comment sections of stories critical of Trump. The few that do show up usually only try and whatabout it into being about how Biden is bad.

Omega_Man, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

What’s going to be infuriating is when the killing starts, so many people will act like this was unavoidable.

Remember being gaslit in 2016?

knightly, avatar

It was unavoidable, because nobody in a position to do anything about it was willing to avoid it.

We were set on this path in 2015 when the court ruled that the DNC is entirely within its rights to rig the primary. They chose not to run the most popular politician in the country because it was “Her Turn”, and in so doing gave the Presidency to Trump.

Everything that has occurred since then could never have happened any other way. The backlash to Trump that put Biden in office despite pulling another fuckery on Bernie, and now the red wave of greivance against a “stolen election” that will give us Trump again.

What’s infuriating is that, for the first time in a decade, I can’t predict the political future anymore. I’m not even willing to bet we’ll have elections in 2028, much less who the winners will be.


Trump is the Dems fault… So much for the party of personal responsibility.

nova_ad_vitum, (edited )

Biden was never the candidate who was going to make bold moves and enact the kind of change required to start to fix systemic problems . On his boldest day he could never have conceived anything like the New Deal and if he did it would be too terrified of rocking the boat to move on it. Biden was always just the safest way to beat Trump. And old white guy. The army of pointless op Ed writers wouldn’t have any oxygen to write breathless speculative articles about whether the country is ready for a woman/black/___ president. Not breaking any barriers. Safe. That’s it. He has done a lot of good work, but he is at his best uninspiring.

Bernie was never going to win. Whatever the hypothetical polls show, whatever fuckery the DNC did, he was never going to win. The same country that elected Trump could never elect Bernie, it’s simply not possible. Bernie actually cares about making people’s lives better - he’s fought for it his whole life. He was with the civil rights movement. He was fighting along side gay rights activists way before it became mainstream. The American electorate as a whole doesn’t deserve him, and appropriately - could never elect him.

foggy, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

By all means, let’s just sit around and wait?

I really hope an attempt to overthrow our government is met with the terrifying force of our military. This shits been outta hand for too long.


I think it’s somewhat arrogant to assume that the state violence apparatus is wholly on our side on this one.

  1. What kinds of people do you think staff the military and police, LBGT activists and climate protesters?
  2. For those not on the MAGA train but are perhaps “uncommitted”, being ordered to fire on Americans may be a bridge too far.

The military will likely fracture like everything else in such a scenario. I imagine desertion, theft of equipment, and sabotage would all be huge problems until things more neatly sort themselves into “us” and “them.”


Our country would be completely and permanently overthrown on the international stage the moment that happens. China and Russia will own the world, and America will be left in ruins. A civil war will make us incredibly weak, and the rest of the world probably isn’t going to fight for us when that happens.

There’s a chance we’ll be literally overthrown too, especially if we leave (or are expelled from) NATO.


The military leadership is deeply neoliberal. They are definitely not leftist, but aren’t fans of Trump and MAGA either. However, expect Trump to start replacing them as soon as he takes office.

HogsTooth, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

The left own guns too


Americans own guns but doesn’t do anything with them. Or soo it looks like from over the pond.


You obviously haven’t kept up with our mass shooting events /s


And our suicide and domestic violence rates. Plus all the gang violence. The nerve of a European to say we don’t use our guns.

Sanctus, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution' avatar

I bet this guy doesn’t walk the street very much.


You know he’s too scared to do that. Bark bark bark. Unfortunately his multi hundred page manifesto is the guidebook for people who could be in power.

toiletobserver, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

Conspiracy to commit treason


I really hope we call it what it is this time around.

We got some pretty grave consequences on the books for treason, and I think they might be just about the only thing that can start to put this fire out.


It won’t happen. Biden has already said he won’t do anything. It’s ridiculous. Hopefully people like Sanders will get the ball rolling. At least he’s making noise.


It looks and feels like everyone is waiting out what happens in November and with it what happens in January… (There might not even be an inauguration in January, Trump might begin his day 1 dictatorship right after he claims winning the elections, and has his goons to support him)

Everybody that matters now is frozen from acting untill past the election, while imo now should be the time to intervene and not let it roll onwards, remove one of the chess pieces now and the momentum might not be unstoppable.


Sure sounds like a reason for Biden to start using these “official acts” he can’t be arrested or prosecuted for.

phoneymouse, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

Oh yeah completely normal for a US think tank president to be threatening bloodshed


Yeah, this isn’t some fringe extremists they can pretend are outside the movement. The Heritage Foundation IS the movement. They’re “respectable” conservatives, transformed by Trumpism into full blown terrorists.

MegaUltraChicken, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

Kevin Roberts is a piss baby fascist who should get fucked along with his entire party.

Kyrgizion, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

“If you don’t fight back, we’ll let you live” For now. Make no mistake about scorpions though.

azimir, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'

And your God emperor is signalling bloodshed if we let you do it.

You don’t negotiate or compromise with Nazis like the Project 2025 people.


Basically they’re saying, “Shut up and take it or we’ll kill you.” That is not a political platform. It’s extra-Overton. It’s domestic enemy-making.

Spitzspot, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution' avatar

Threats are the domain of those bereft of ideas.

OpenStars, avatar

Or those who simply enjoy contemplating the violence. Like, dang it, the Left capitulated, but are you sure we can’t kill just a few of them for uh… “demonstration” purposes?

Theprogressivist, to politics in Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution' avatar

Scheppele’s assessment echoed that of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, which warned in an analysis published late last year that “the entire project is devoted to aggrandizing executive power by centralizing authority in the presidency, and a key aspect of democratic backsliding is viewing opposition elements as attempting to destroy the ‘real’ community, an essential aspect to quashing dissent.”

“Project 2025 paints progressives and liberals as outside acceptable politics, and not just ideological opponents, but inherently anti-American and ‘replacing American values,’” the analysis said. “Targeting vulnerable communities is a core tenet of Project 2025. Project 2025 is very clearly on a path to Christian nationalism as well as authoritarianism.”

For the love of everything we care for. Please vote this November.


Vermin Supreme 2024 baby!

knightly, avatar

It’s far too late to vote our way out of this, Trump will be president next year because the Democrats would rather lose an election than a fundraising opportunity.

Start preparing for the inevitable. If you and your friend circle aren’t ready to engage in mass civil unrest like the French do whenever their government acts up then it’s time to get that way. Form an affinity group, practice acting in concert while in black bloc, study police tactics, surveil the local fascist agitators, join a worker’s union, identify opportunities to disrupt business-as-usual, and most importantly, do not organize online.


People like you are the problem. You’re just spewing nonsense. This is ABSOLUTELY the time to vote.


Op is not saying don’t vote. They are saying sway voters have been swayed.

knightly, avatar

I didn’t say not to vote, just that it’s too late to fix this with electoralism. If you feel compelled to do so then please do, we have to embrace a diversity of tactics if we’re to have any impact on the national stage.


Trent Reznor was ahead of his time in many ways.

2025 for year zero, anyone?


The Heritage Foundation existed for a very long time, and many far-right evangelicals wanted to take over the US. They played a long game. They even sunk 1 billion dollars into the whole project, and needed to learn from some other countries like Hungary and Russia. At least the HF has a lot of ties to the Orbán regime of Hungary, our only luck is it’s on slow burn thanks to the EU.

kibiz0r, to politics in 'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams

Can we please be done with the term “the quiet part”?

Default_Defect, avatar

Hasn’t been actually quiet in a long, long time.


And unprecedented!


And dog whistle!


kibiz0r SLAMMED “the quiet part”

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