
PhlubbaDubba, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military

Picturing Modi facepalming at how awkward this makes the talks about why he isn’t cooperating with the sanctions lol

@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Picturing Modi not giving a fuck as he orders for farmers to get beaten and Muslims raped and murdered.

andrew_bidlaw, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military

Are there some recruitment campaigns, ads in India? It’s still sounds weird a lot of non-speaking volounteurs went there. Maybe they browsed r/askarussian too much and wanted to immigrate like that?


“High paying jobs in Russia! Free flight + room and board!”

@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar
  • Funeral costs are not provided.

Families won’t even get the bodies back

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Man they must have promised them one hell of an iTunes gift card.

@JWBananas@startrek.website avatar

in “Russia”

Lemminary, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military

What kind of shitty beliefs do you have to have to think, oh yeah, helping Russia invade is something I should do??


Money good.


Your average Indian citizen is probably not as tuned in to the conflict as people in Western nations. Poor men in rural areas are pitched high wages (to them) for some easy work like building barracks away from the frontline. The same thing was happening in Cuba. Then once they arrived in Ukraine they were put in combat roles.


They’re promised well paying jobs, they don’t necessarily know what they’re getting themselves into. I’m sure whoever is recruiting them is incentivised to lie about the actual situation.

@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

The same set of beliefs where scamming people for gift cards and tech support is okay, of course.

PoliticallyIncorrect, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military
@PoliticallyIncorrect@lemmy.world avatar


@Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

Hopefully they get paid in shrapnel to the head.

@PoliticallyIncorrect@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe yes, maybe not…

athos77, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military

Translation: "support jobs" = "frontline cannon fodder with no training, support, equipment, food, medical supplies, or evacuation".

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Yeah. Russia just gained Indian levies.

Rice_Daddy, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military

I recall reading a few threads on r/India or similar where it’s clear that they aligned to the Russian narrative.


Not surprisingly, you will find many of those from Asia countries which are no longer aligned with the western narrative.

snownyte, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

Oh boy, Russia has found their new meat grinder.

hannes3120, to world in India confirms citizens have joined Russian military

Tbh which country could confirm that that’s not the case?

I’d imagine most Western countries have citizens completely controlled by misinformation that joined the russian military.

What country realistically has a claim to confirm that not a single citizen joined Russia?

DogPeePoo, to politics in What Do Voters See in Trump? DW News Germany

Thanks to Fox (Faux) News and Rupert Murdoch

Bobmighty, to politics in What Do Voters See in Trump? DW News Germany

Someone that lets them be stupid, violent assholes.


He is to poor stupid people; their idea of what a smart rich person is like.

He hates the things they hate, and gives them permission to mock and hate. He tells them that they CAN say those things the left says you can’t say.

cygnus, to world in More people from China seeking asylum at US border
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

The bravery and determination of these people is mind-blowing. I feel so lazy in comparison.

@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

Being lazy is a privilege

@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

Of course it is. I never said otherwise.


I’m guessing they’re trying to say that you don’t need to feel bad for having privileges that others don’t. Acknowledge, yes, but you didn’t choose the circumstances you were born into.

@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

That’s exactly what I’m saying!


I’m starting to think you might be banana

GBU_28, to world in More people from China seeking asylum at US border

To hear it told some places here on Lemmy, you’d be surprised a single person would leave China.

@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

To be fair, Lemmy was founded by tankies. That’s to be expected.

milicent_bystandr, (edited )

Most Americans are trying to get their children into schools in China so they can move there long term. Chinese people are migrating to North Korea but it’s hard for Americans to get visas there.

Edit: for the people who seem to be misunderstanding me, I want to be quite clear. Practically every American would move to North Korea to enjoy advanced society, peaceful and prosperous, if they could, only they don’t meet the strict criteria for a visa. There are a small and ever-shrinking handful who would stay in America given the chance to emigrate, but they’re either hard-line idealists who believe in the long-term rehabilitation of their country, or deluded. Most of the major demographics surveys have confirmed this, and any media that disputes it is already known to be carefully overseen by anti-humanitarian pseudo-state-funded conspirators.


Do you have a source for that? I’ve heard of folks being sent to China for a work appointment, and therefore looking for schools for their kids, but never Americans just straight up moving there to make a go of it, and place their kids

Edit and I assume when you say “most Americans” you mean “most Americans already interested in living in China” not “most Americans” because the latter would be a comical statement.


because the latter would be a comical statement.

I mean the latter.


You’ll need a source for that then.


the latter would be a comical statement.

Source: I thought someone would laugh


Excellent satire. It took a minute for me to be sure you were joking there, but strict visa requirements in an advanced NK gave it away


Most Americans are trying to get their children into schools in China

lol wut? I’ve not met a single person trying to get their kids into schools in China. All the people I know who have immigrated from China are like “fuck that place, but I love going back because it’s my home and my family is there.”


Nope, it’s been stated, so it’s a fact here. You are just in your own tiny bubble of people who don’t want to live in China.


Fuck man, the bubble has followed me up and down the eastern seaboard and all the way to Texas and back. How do I get out?


Remember what Disney taught you. “Just Believe!” When you believe, it’ll be true, and all the occasional people you meet who aren’t heading to China will be unusual outliers.

Listen to your feelings. You know it to be true. Everyone wants to move to China. Just Believe!

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t tell if you’re doing a bit or if you have brain worms.


Brain worms. Started as earworms but then they moved deeper…


That bubble also includes everywhere I have been which covers a good chunk of the west coast, southwest, and northeast. Where are these people that want to move to China? I think the only spots we haven’t covered is like Alabama and Oklahoma? So maybe they are there?


They’re all the people you haven’t talked to. Practically every American. You’ve probably not even talked to 1% of Americans seriously about whether they want to move to China. Idk man, you’re just bad at statistics or something.

*Disclaimer: I have never been to America but I’m sure I’m right.


I realize you’re being facetious, but you make an interesting point. That being said, I can recall having conversations about people wanting to move to many different states (ca, ma, co, tx, fl, hi, at least). And I’ve even heard people talk about wanting to move to different countries (india, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Brazil, at least) and I’ve never heard anyone say they want to move to China. I’ve had 3 close coworkers from China and asking them if they want to move back to China, they all laughed at the idea and essentially said “fuck no.” My Indian colleagues seem to be mixed on the idea of returning to their homeland.


People who have experienced various other countries want to settle in the US. People here who haven’t been elsewhere, idolize the idea of X country and post about wishing they could go, knowing deep down they wouldn’t even if they won the lottery and could go anywhere.


So, I was telling the truth when I said I’ve never been to America; but I have lived in Asia and most people I know would gladly move to America if they had the chance. They love their homeland - some of them, at least! But “America” or similar sounds like a better life, and who doesn’t want a better life? Unfortunately there’s a lot of feeling of hopelessness about improving things, so even those who try to improve their home area easily burn out and often skip out if they can.

Many Westerners (orders of magnitude fewer) do want Asian visas, but mostly only because they have specific desire to help. Again, they love the Asian country they move to, but it’s usually with the idea in the back of their minds that they can move back home when the time is right or if they need to. I can’t speak for those who stay in Asia because they’re disillusioned with their home country: such people are around but I don’t often meet them.


lol no they’re not. North Korea is like a real-life SNL skit and China’s population and real estate will implode in a couple decades. You can’t even tell what’s sarcasm anymore because after Trump told them it’s okay, the stupid people are coming out in hordes.


Well, luckily I’ve never met this Trump, so any stupid in me is my own bona fide stupid :-p

Are… Are you sure you’re not itching to go to North Korea? Perhaps you’re just in denial? I mean, I’ve not been there myself but people keep saying we should look out for Korea opportunities, and I have this low, ominous feeling about going South, so I think NK must be good.

Besides, I saw SNL once and it was funny. Sounds like an endorsement from you for NK!

@b3an@lemmy.world avatar

….Would move to North Korea to enjoy ‘Advanced Society’…. 🤣


Most Americans are trying to get their children into schools in China so they can move there long term.

I have a bit of a hard time believing that. Where did you hear this?


They hear it whenever they put their head up their ass. It’s actually just digestive noises, but this neanderthal interprets it however they want.


Thank you, but I can hear my digestive noises quite fine without warping time and space to bend my anterior to my posterior.

And those digestive noises do say, that every American desires a better life in North Korea, but will settle for China as second best. Don’t your digestive noises say the same thing?


Where did you hear this?

Somewhere sandwiched between a <Fe+> and a </Fe+>

I thought the tone of the thread above made the irony clear, but apparently everyone took me seriously.


Well fuck. I blame hexbear and lemmygrad for thinking you were serious lol.


It was clear. Respect to your commitment to the bit in the edit. A lesser person would have backed away instead of doubling down.


I love advanced societies that use wood gas to power decades-old trucks


Me too. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” See, environmental consciousness!

umbrella, (edited ) to world in More people from China seeking asylum at US border
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

the article is veeery vague as to what “more” means, no actual data.

it tells the dramatized story of one person. why would a chinese travel all the way to the us when asia has plenty of countries to go to for a fraction of the cost?

also isnt china still seeing unprecedented growth? this article smells funny…

HowRu68, (edited )

the article is veeery vague as to what “more” means, no actual data.

From the article:

"From October through January, US Border Patrol agents registered about 19,000 illegal Chinese entries. During the same period in 2021, while pandemic restrictions were still in place, only 55 were registered. "

Sounds like more to me


Pandemic and non-pandemic is not a good comparison, specifically for those mentioned restrictions… they note it’s the fastest growing group but link that statement to another article about Mexican migration, which had no Chinese info I saw.

harderian729, to world in More people from China seeking asylum at US border

Good! The more immigration the better!

I only wish we could have a stipulation that additional immigrants must live outside of major cities, so they can help revitalize America’s dying towns.


Ooh, interesting immigration policy: you can immigrate, but only to a rural area.


Rural America is better than a lot of places in the world.

I’m sure many immigrants would be ecstatic to have the opportunity.

@rhythmisaprancer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

I live in a rural town (1 hour+ drive in any drection to the next town) and I could see this being a good thing if implemented correctly. This town isn't equipped for an influx of any people, but has vacant lots that could be turned into a variety of housing. There aren't a lot of jobs, but I would think more people would mean more things could be offered. Potentially great way to invest in rural areas!


Heck yeah! Remember, the alternative would be these immigrants being unable to immigrate to the US!

If they would prefer to stay outside of the US rather than live in rural America, nobody is forcing them to come!


I think we should force you to live in South Dakota, since it needs a little revitalizing.


Seeing two of your comments now, I feel you have a bit of a bee in your bonnet about immigrants being forced to live places?

Care to share more? I don’t mean to pre-judge you, I just feel there’s more behind your feelings on the matter than I understand yet.


How about, and this might be a little crazy, not forcing people to live somewhere?


You’re right. They can just stay in their current nations if they don’t want to move to rural America.


I think forcing immigrants to live in bumfuck nowhere places because you like those places is stupid. You don’t even have an actual argument for it. I think metal music and manual cars should be more popular, so let’s force immigrants to only listen to metal and only drive manual vehicles lol.

Are you also gonna claim that you’re pro-freedom and pro-small government while forcing people to live in your backwater hometown?


You still can’t comprehend what you are reading and I’m done repeating myself.



The level of dialog I expect from a hillbilly smh

@rhythmisaprancer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

I was being genuine and said nothing about forcing people. It's an option to consider, but not one you will see when you lack compassion.


I imagine they would; alas it gets a lot more complicated than that.

I’d like to see a renewed love for rural places generally, and especially in the developing world. There’s so much potential there that I feel most people don’t see.


What better way to open people’s eyes to the beauty of X, than to force X upon them!


Okay I saw this and first thought it was a reply to another thread about XWindows and exTwitter.

I’d like to see a renewed love of rural places - not by forcing people to live there.

But in this thread’s hypothetical of immigration to rural parts, there’s a difference that it’s an invitation: you’re invited to come to our country to live in certain areas. It’s only “forcing X” if you think you’re already entitled to immigrate.

Like, easing immigration for “skilled workers” isn’t forcing anyone to be a “skilled worker”.


People having to live in certain places aren’t being offered immigration. Immigration means becoming a citizen. Citizens of the United States are free.


That’s a fair, and important point, I think. Though I only half agree. Gaining residency also counts as immigration, does it not? At least it’s a step in the way to full residency; and those steps do come with a limited freedom.


If you’re white


I think most will agree immigration is good, but this “let’s let everyone in!” mentality is dangerous. China is not our friend…we need to be vetting these people, making sure that everyone who’s trying to get in are properly screened.


I don’t agree with “letting everyone in.”

I agree with expanding immigration limits and making it easier for people to immigrate.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh we have a similar policy to that in Australia, it’s fucking awful.

New migrants have to uproot their lives to spend 3 years living in dead end towns with zero job prospects, it’s a huge career killer and ensures immigrants have less opportunities to advance compared to other Australians. It’s also a negative in their ability to form social connections due to the lack of people, or get help from ethnic communities who can share their experiences and knowledge navigating a new country compared to their previous.

But hey some shitty rural workplaces like abattoirs fucking love the captive workforce to exploit.


And I’m sure many of them choose it over their previous nations.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say here. It’s better these immigrants don’t get to immigrate?

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

What I’m saying is pretty fucking obvious.

That forcing them to go to rural towns is bad.


Nobody is “forcing” them to go to rural towns.

They can choose to stay in their current nation or emigrate elsewhere if rural America is not good enough for them.

It’s literally accepting people who otherwise would not be accepted.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

Wow you’re so generous!

How about simply letting them live like everyone else instead of making them second class citizens with less freedoms just because they want to immigrate?


Because America’s towns are still dying and this is a way to revitalize them.

If rural America isn’t good enough for them, they can stay in their current nation or try to move to a different one.

The alternative would be them not having this option. This is literally nothing but gain.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

The solution to dying towns isn’t to force people to go die in them as well.

The alternative would be to let people in without such stupid requirements.


The solution to dying towns isn’t to force people to go die in them as well.

Literally not at all what I suggested.

Please argue in good faith if you want to be taken seriously by rational people.

The alternative would be to let people in without such stupid requirements.

If that’s what you want, that’s fine. I would prefer additional immigrants help restore America rather than leech off of it in a major city.

This discussion is over. You may have the last word.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

That is literally what you’ve suggested since you first floated this idea.

Immigrants do not “leech”, they contribute to society just the same as anyone else.

Get your right wing head out of your fucking arse and grow a pair of empathy. My last word is go fuck yourself.


You need to calm down.

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Removed, rule 5:

Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!


If America’s towns require human sacrifice in order to stay vital, they should die.


It would appear that humans, given the free choice, choose to live in cities. Forcing people to go where they’d rather not go is obviously going to be a negative.

Anytime you override people’s freedom to choose their own path, you make things worse.


The most beautiful and vital thing about America is freedom. If you cut that down, like by forcing people to live in a particular place, to revitalize something else, you’ve gone downhill.


Ok. They can just stay in their current countries.

Nuerion, to world in More people from China seeking asylum at US border
@Nuerion@lemmy.world avatar

havent we caught like 2 or 3 chinese american spies recently ?


Yea, but Lemmy is becoming like Reddit…hardcore liberal… “let everyone in, who cares!”

@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

The fediverse is way left of reddit. There's a lot of tankies here.

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