bayank, to games in Arms Race returns to Counter-Strike 2, custom sticker placement, Zeus skin and more

This is great to hear, I only exclusively played arms in csgo and was so sad when they forced everyone to cs2 and didn’t include arms race , I walked away from the game completely but now I have a reason to come back

QuarterSwede, to retrogaming in DOSBox Staging 0.81.0 out now with new CRT shaders and lots of graphics improvements avatar

I love DosBox. Great to see it being worked on.

thefluffiest, to retrogaming in DOSBox Staging 0.81.0 out now with new CRT shaders and lots of graphics improvements

Gods 🥰

Macaroni_ninja, to pcgaming in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition gets performance improvements, HDR-bloom, bug fixes avatar

Bought this game like 4 times. GoG, Steam, boxed version and as part of an RPG bundle and it’s amazing they are still updating it.

Last time I played it on Steam Deck and it ran amazingly out of the box

Silvia, to games in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition gets performance improvements, HDR-bloom, bug fixes avatar

It’s really amazing that NN:EE (Love that acronym BTW) is still getting worked on. I love seeing what comes out of a passionate community/developer

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks, to gaming in Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters (open source Star Control 2) now available on Steam

Jumping peppers!

slacktoid, to gaming in Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters (open source Star Control 2) now available on Steam avatar

Fr read this as Quran masters, whoops.

collapse_already, to gaming in Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters (open source Star Control 2) now available on Steam

I am ready for some Frunji (sp?), the sport of kings!

SnotFlickerman, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app avatar

Snaps were a mistake.

There, I said it.

melroy, avatar

Snaps wasn't and isn't needed from day 1


they are needed, linux need universals package manager, building for every single distro is a waste of time


Linux needed a universal package manager and it got three. Snap is not needed.


A bit of history. The first universal packaging format was snap by Canonical and used to be called Click apps and it was made for the Ubuntu mobile OS and later to the Ubuntu desktop. Red Hat in response to that created the FlatPak format. The AppImages are community effort.

lemmy_user_838586, (edited )


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  • melroy, avatar

    Remember Unity?

    popekingjoe, avatar

    I wish I didn’t. 🤮

    million, avatar

    I liked Unity - they were doing so much customization to Gnome that it made sense for them to have their own DE.

    melroy, avatar

    But it's dead again...

    dan, avatar

    almost every time Ubuntu goes off and does its own thing, not including the rest of the Linux community in its decisions, it ends up designing stuff that never gets adopted

    This is something I like about Debian… They don’t make changes unless it’s really necessary. I run it on all my servers, except an Unraid server. Network config is still in /etc/network/interfaces in the same format it was in 20 years ago. When they adopted systemd, they still had full backwards compatibility with SysV init, and even today I think you can still uninstall systemd. It just keeps working.


    Remember Upstart?

    Yeah, the worst implementation of it I had to deal with was a CentOS 6 system.

    The best implementation I’ve used is probably my Chromebook.

    leopold, (edited )

    AppImages long predate Snaps, but yes, Snaps do predate Flatpaks by a few months. There’s also Nix packages, which predate all three. Of course, this all matters very little compared to the merits of all four technologies. The heavy dependence on proprietary technology for repositories makes Snap clearly unsuitable to become the universal Linux package format.

    Bezier, (edited ) avatar

    I don’t think that matters at this point. Flatpak is widespread and Canonical can’t possibly expect the linux crowd to choose the proprietary alternative. I could see snap being the one, had they just handled it differently.


    true, appimage is not exactly a package manager, so we have flatpaks so win in the end btw supporting flatpak and snap is 10x easir than old .rpm .deb and support more distros


    Canonical needs it to monetize Ubuntu.

    The users? They don’t

    haui_lemmy, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app

    Proprietary software platform makers should always be held accountable for what happens on said platform.

    ipsirc, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app avatar
    <span style="color:#323232;">systemctl disable --now snapd

    Disabling a systemd service won’t prevent it from starting. For example, if another service depends on it then it will start anyway.

    You have to mask the service which redirects the service files to /dev/null so that the service effectively has zero directives.

    systemctl mask --now snapd

    It also means that anything which depends on snapd will likely fail. That is absolutely an improvement since we obviously don’t want anything that depends on snaps.


    What’s wrong with just removing snap? When ever I am forced to install Ubuntu I will remove snap and the “advantage-tools” (the part trying to sell you support)

    First I’ll snap remove —purge all snap packages Then apt purge —auotoremove snapd ubuntu-advantage-tools


    Leaves behind a bunch of stuff. You have to manually remove each Snap individually, plus the snapshots they take and then hide, and then use Snap to remove itself (it doesn’t let you), then you can apt purge snapd.
    There’s several levels of “we know better than you so we’ll just keep this here for when you inevitably change your mind” and it is exhausting.
    I don’t even know if the above would also clean up all the dev/loop cruft. It was an unpleasant surprise to discover that apt remove alone didn’t at least disable all the systemd .mount units.


    There’s like one directory left after my uninstall - I don’t do this by hand though so I’ll have to look up the playbook.

    My first line was the snap remove

    Might need an autoremove —purge at the end to clean up.

    Montagge, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app avatar

    I enjoy y'all acting like this couldn't happen with flatpak or AppImages

    SnotFlickerman, avatar

    Oh, it totally could.

    I don’t actually see anyone in here making such an argument.


    How is this notable or interesting then? I thought we were all just accepting that malicious software is an inherent part of all open platforms.

    SnotFlickerman, avatar

    Open platforms often have individuals running/hosting their own repositories, which means the risk is distributed.

    This means that the individual repository can be attacked without affecting the whole network. The risk is still there, but they would have to simultaneously attack all repositories at once and succeed with all of them.

    In a corporate-hosted platform like Snaps, you have one centralized location that can be abused and that can affect all repositories in the system.

    If someone hacks Canonical, they can make the whole Snap Store an attack vector without nearly as much effort.


    If someone hacks Canonical, they can make the whole Snap Store an attack vector without nearly as much effort.

    So basically the same as if someone hacked flathub? Or if someone hacked Canonical/Debian/Red Hat/whoever and gained access to their package signing key?

    IHeartBadCode, avatar

    It absolutely could. Heck, RPMs and DEBs pulled from random sites can do the exact same thing as well. Even source code can hide something if not checked. There's even a very famous hack presented by Ken Thompson in 1984 that really speaks to the underlying thing, "what is trust?"

    And that's really what this gets into. The means of delivery change as the years go by, but the underlying principal of trust is the thing that stays the same. In general, Canonical does review somewhat apps published to snapcraft. However, that review does not mean you are protected and this is very clearly indicated within the TOS.

    14.1 Your use of the Snap Store is at your sole risk

    So yeah, don't load up software you, yourself, cannot review. But also at the same time, there's a whole thing of trust here that's going to need to be reviewed. Not, "Oh you can never trust Canonical ever again!" But a pretty straightforward systematic review of that trust:

    • How did this happen?
    • Where was this missed in the review?
    • How can we prevent this particular thing that allowed this to happen in the future?
    • How do we indicate this to the users?
    • How do we empower them to verify that such has been done by Canonical?

    No one should take this as "this is why you shouldn't trust Ubuntu!" Because as you and others have said, this could happen to anyone. This should be taken as a call for Canonical to review how they put things on snapcraft and what they can do to ensure users have all the tools so that they can ensure "at least for this specific issue" doesn't happen again. We cannot prevent every attack, but we can do our best to prevent repeating the same attack.

    It's all about building trust. And yeah, Flathub and AppImageHub can, and should, take a lesson from this to preemptively prevent this kind of thing from happening there. I know there's a propensity to wag the finger in the distro wars, tribalism runs deep, but anything like this should be looked as an opportunity to review that very important aspect of "trust" by all. It's one of the reasons open source is very important, so that we can all openly learn from each other.


    Nice try canonical - no matter what you say snaps is just your way to lock people in to your store. You’re no better than apple, only your product is shit. Excluding the shoulders you stand on, which are made by others. You’re the enshitification of Linux.

    Why would you pull debs from random sites? Do you know how hard that is to do for the average user? And you want to compare that to a download from the store that’s in the basic install on Ubuntu?


    Those are just app distribution formats. Since there’s just 1 snap store which can deliver snaps, they’re not comparable.


    Most people get their flatpaks from the same handful of places though, right? Flathub and ??

    This isn’t a snap specific issue is what he is saying. It could happen to other stores.

    Also, my snap nextcloud is amazing and was the easiest to set up and maintain.


    Flathub has manual submission verification though, which includes the steps to build flatpaks. Reviewers (currently) would definitely catch fishy looking apps.

    They’ve also implemented manual reviews in case of metainfo or flatpak permission changes, another thing for additional safety.


    People download and run completely opaque AppImages from god knows where and that’s better than Snap Store which is hit with malicious apps so rarely it’s actual news

    Flatpak also has a system where any scammer and malicious developer can just roll their own flatpak repo and voila, nobody can stop them. If it ever becomes mainstream, it’ll be a shit show worse than Google Play


    Text files could theoretically contain malicious content. Why doesn’t the format have a built-in virus scanner??? Is this what you’re suggesting?


    No, but root-of-trust isn’t really established unless you ONLY take packages that the distro’s security maintainers actually maintain, Flatpak, Appimage and Snap are a bit of a no man’s land. You have to trust the developers to be cool, independent of the tool, unless you as mentioned before use only FOSS software from the distro’s main repositories. And yes, specifically main repos because any random dick can go and upload a PKGBUILD or make a PPA.


    You’re pretty much just rehashing a possible apt repo “vulnerability,” but at least with flatpak they remember where each package was installed from.




    Anyone can create an apt repo and the override your system packages with new versions.

    At least with flatpak only the applications you installed from the bad actor’s repo would be affected, though obviously they can still have a ton of malicious dependencies


    This does not invalidate anything I’ve said


    I wasn’t trying to, just pointing out that it was nothing new


    What Flatpak stores are there in widespread use other than flathub? (Additional servers that depend on the runtimes flathub distributes don’t count.)


    Elementary has their own for their stuff


    When it does, we’ll deal with it. But in the meantime, the motivation is important. Canonical developed and aggressively pushed Snaps despite most people hating them because… it made then more money.

    Kushia, avatar

    It’s happenend with the AUR too.

    Snaps however have a certain expectation that newer/inexperienced users should be able to trust them.

    bizdelnick, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app

    Don’t read the community, post all news you see.

    onlinepersona, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app

    I don’t think you understand, it’s closed-source for your safety! If it were opensource there would be many more malicious apps. Only we can hold those at bay and only we know which improvements to implement as we know better than everybody else. Trust me, you’re safer this way /s

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

    youngGoku, to linux in Snap store from Canonical (Ubuntu) hit with another crypto scam app

    As someone who has been using Ubuntu for 10 years, I am sad that I don’t know more about the intricacies of Linux.

    I know more than I did 10 years ago… But probably would really be uncomfortable running arch.

    I think I will install Debian 24.04 as my desktop (daily driver) this year and be done with Ubuntu. Hopefully I learn some more and eventually try out Arch on my laptop.


    You can also play with it in a virtual machine. It won’t give you quite the same experience for your specific hardware, but you will get a feel for how it works, especially the package manager etc.

    yianiris, avatar

    Just last week I was arguing with a bunch of fan boys here about how that system prevents you from learning, how Debian is a tiny bit better, but with arch/based systems you both have a reliable daily runner and be able to learn as much as you can take.

    The more you learn the more aggravating debians (mint-ubuntus) become, forcing their choices on you. Arch respects and rewards people who want to do it their way. They provide the blocks, you build your system.

    @youngGoku @mr_MADAFAKA


    Arch is unstable and pacman is prone to breakage. That’s not necessarily bad for some people but for people who want everything to be reliable and stable it is problematic

    yianiris, avatar

    And you are either an ubuntu/debian troll or pretending to know something.
    Can you show us some reference of how/when pacman broke last?

    Arch-testing has been more stable than sid ever was, and it was rare that sid ever broke.

    And I haven't used systemd EVER, unless that is where ALL the instability comes from, and I missed it, from wheezy to arch-testing



    Arch uses systemd so you haven’t use Arch if you haven’t used systemd. That probably doesn’t change anything. You are welcome to not use systemd I could care less.

    Arch is unstable because it ships packages that are brand new compared to Debian stable (not sid) that ships packages that have been tested for 2 years. Debian also used to only be free software but that has changed as of recently. (Stability and security are the exception)

    Debian sid is the Debian unstable branch which has little to no testing. Software goes from there into the testing branch before finally making it into stable. By the time that happens its unlikely you will ever find a bug as the vast majority of the bugs have been found.

    On the other hand, Arch pulls the packages as soon as possible as its user base prefers newer packages over stability. That’s fine but to say it is somehow more stable is incorrect. For instance, here are some recent issue on Arch:…/openblas-0323-2-update-requires-m……/incoming-changes-in-jdk-jre-21-pa……/linux-kernel-update-kills-lapt…

    My point here isn’t to say Arch is bad. My point is that you can’t just leave Arch by itself for years on auto update without issue. Updating Arch often requires reading of changes and manual fixes. Some people enjoy that, others do not.

    • bad package update, can’t boot (GRUB)
    • didn’t update in a few weeks, update, can’t boot
    • update script on endeavour gave up at some point, and so I couldn’t boot if I didn’t manually mkinitcpio after updating

    I used it for 2+ years on multiple devices, and almost never updated without having a flash drive nearby to arch-chroot. I ran Mint before that for about the same time, it never crashed let alone failed to boot. I’m now on MX+Nix and get the best of both worlds.


    You’d have to wait a while for Debian to reach version 24

    I like Debian - it’s foss and stable


    See you in 48 years


    Lol yeah, what is their release schedule like? Any speculation on when 13 is coming out?

    I just assumed Ubuntu releases were based off of Debian.


    Ubuntu maintains it’s own package library which is far newer then Debians but less tested/stable. Debian only releases new version when it’s team feels their ready. However Debian does keep up to date with security patches

    If you would like a distro that keeps itself up to date try out Fedora, it’s updated every 6 months and has been super popular lately

    Note that if you use flatpacks they will be up to date no matter what distro you choose, making Debian a very stable option while still getting new features in applications

    Edit: edited to answer the question more clearly


    I would not claim that Ubuntu is anything but stable. We run a bunch of Ubuntu lts servers at work and there’s hardly any issues. Found a 16.x the other day with over 500 days uptime driving signage. That was desktop version.

    I use Debian because of the OSS focus, and stability. And because I know the distro fairly well. They’re conservative in choice of tools and for instance only went full systemd a few years back (5?)

    I don’t mind systemd but I don’t mind sysv init either. Even slackwares scripts worked fine. If it’s not broken don’t fix it.

    dan, avatar

    However Debian does keep up to date with security patches

    Only if you use the stable version. Debian has a security team that handles quickly uploading patched versions of Debian packages, but only for stable. Debian testing and unstable aren’t handled by the security team and instead require the package maintainers to upload security updates (which can lag behind)


    I like Mint for Ubuntu’s simplicity without Canonical’s bullshit


    There is no Debian 24.

    Just install Linux Mint or maybe even Fedora

    dan, avatar

    I’m considering trying Mint Debian Edition once my new laptop arrives (pre-ordered Framework 16)


    Check out MX. It’s Debian, but it has some improvements for desktop use.

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