betterdeadthanreddit, to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread

Tuna, the chicken of the sea, had been the preferred host but this whole dolphin thing is an unfortunate bycatch incident.

jeffw, to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread

Did they get Tua?!?!

mozz, (edited ) to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread avatar

Just gonna leave this here -- the recent fatality rate in humans is about 30%. There are a tiny number of data points but the point is, it looks to be more deadly than Covid was by quite a lot. And clickbaity news about the 2022 dolphin case aside, it's clearly everywhere, and able to jump to new mammal species readily.

Since it first arose, H5N1 has been identified in a range of species including mink, dolphins, grizzly bears, foxes, and a polar bear.

It’s been especially devastating for marine mammals; in Argentina, bird flu killed 17,400 southern elephant seal pups, roughly 96 percent of all young born in 2023, researchers estimated.

Maybe I am missing something but assertion that the current public health risk is low seems to be based on more or less nothing. Why is the risk low? People are still working among animals some of whom are definitely infected, every day, in messy conditions. The consequences once it figures out how to spread person-to-person will be somewhere from moderate to apocalyptic, and what we're doing right now is clearly just half-measures to delay that happening by a little bit. Why is that low risk?


What matters more for public health risk is virility, and mortality tends to have a negative correlation with virility. In simpler terms, the more deadly it is the worse it is at spreading. It’s not a hard rule but is true more often than not, though I don’t know any details about avian flu. I assume if the CDC has determined the public health risk is low that it’s probably because it’s not particularly virile.

mozz, avatar


Do you mean transmissibility? I get what you mean, but I've never heard this word used this way. (Virulence is, more or less, the non-fatal version of mortality -- how much damage the disease does -- so not that.)

Be that as it may, once the disease is established in a new species it tends to get less harmful because of exactly what you're talking about -- but plenty of diseases through history have been in the short run both fast-spreading and deadly, especially right after they jump into a new population. Which is exactly what H5N1 is doing right now (on all three counts).


One of the reasons how deadly it is correlates to lower spreading is just how quickly deadly things kill.

If something like the original SARS had a 7 day infectious window before killing you things would have been very different.

I’d be interested to know how quickly it incapacitates humans, and how long you’re infectious for.

Edit: changed infectious window, accidentally used a incubation period by mistake.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Maybe I am missing something but assertion that the current public health risk is low seems to be based on more or less nothing.

That paragraph kind of reminds me of this…


We could use a new Black Death to lower real estate and rent prices.

Riccosuave, avatar

I am going to assume you don’t really understand what it would mean if there was a pandemic with a 10-50% case fatality rate in the modern global economy where it would be on every single continent on earth in a matter of days. I can assure you that housing prices would be the last fucking thing on your mind.


It was a sardonic comment.

Yes, obviously the end of the world as we know it would be /extremely/ bad.


the world as I know it is a bit shit tbh


Yeah, but when the old world dies without a new one being born, we’ll all yearn for the days of ‘a bit shit’.

Riccosuave, avatar

It was a sardonic comment.

Fair enough, and thank you for clarifying. I was really hoping that was the case.


The risk is low because we have not yet detected a variant with the mutations needed to facilitate human to human spread. If we do it will jump from low to extreme very quickly.

mozz, avatar

"It is okay! The fire is only in the building next door along with the 10-15 others it spread to. Once we've detected it in our building, the risk won't be low anymore, of course."

(Edit: Actually, once it's spreading inside our building the risk won't be low -- we've already detected it in our building a couple of times, but it didn't spread so it's fine.)

unreasonabro, to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread

I wonder if the lab gets bonus points for every species its inventions cross contaminate!

Beaver, to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread avatar

That’s what happens when you shove a bunch of chickens together in a filthy factory.

mozz, avatar

And then collect the bedding (an indescribably foul mixture of sodden straw, chicken shit, and feathers) and feed it to your cows.

tearsintherain, (edited ) to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread avatar

To be clear it’s a case going back to 2022, but still concerning.

gdog05, to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread

Well that’s fucking terrifying.


Only if you’re a Dolphins fan!


I dunno, if I was in Tampa Bay, I’d be watching to see if pirates are next…

Everythingispenguins, to politics in AI Can Tell Your Political Affiliation Just by Looking at Your Face, Researchers Find

Just go read this comment on the cross post. The head line is a 100% lie


Not really relevant to the post but seeing “headline” spaced out like that did something real funky in my brain

cedarmesa, to politics in AI Can Tell Your Political Affiliation Just by Looking at Your Face, Researchers Find avatar

Doubt. I heard this new ai buzzword will walk my dog and stop hurricanes.


If a sharpie can’t move a hurricane, I don’t know what will anymore.

Lucien, to startrek in The Best Moment in Deep Space Nine's Greatest Episode Is a Punch Left Unthrown

I need to rewatch that series

setsneedtofeed, to startrek in The Best Moment in Deep Space Nine's Greatest Episode Is a Punch Left Unthrown avatar

the finest moment in an already immaculate piece of television is all about the ways to enact violence without lifting a single finger

Rude. Garek worked really hard on that plan.

valen, to startrek in The Best Moment in Deep Space Nine's Greatest Episode Is a Punch Left Unthrown

One of the best ST episodes. Dark. But not the darkest. That one’s Hard Time, also DS9. When O’Brien is condemned and has decades of memory of incarceration implanted before his superiors can get their butts down to the planet. Then we see his descent to the bottom.

setsneedtofeed, avatar

I’m pretty sure the darkest ST episode was Enterprise’s Rogue Planet.

You can’t see a thing!


That is definitely a top contender!

Not necessarily dark, but I think the most tragic is “The Sound of Her Voice” where they try to rescue the standard captain on an unbreathable atmosphere planet…

Tap for spoilerAnd she was dead the whole time

mercano, avatar

The last scene is a little heavy handed with its foreshadowing, but it’s one of my favorite bottle episodes.


Yeah that and Inner Light. Like HOW THE FUCK Picard just show up to work the next day and not completely shattered by being forced to live a 75 year life with a wife, kids, and everyone he loves dying?!

Kolanaki, to startrek in Looking Back at When Star Trek Made Its Own Galaxy's Edge avatar

When I turned 21, my dad took me to a Star Trek thing in Vegas. There was a Borg invasion sim and then we got to have drinks at Quarks (I got some gigantic fucking fish bowl of blue stuff). It was fun, but I barely remember it because of that giant blue drink. lol

I had gotten a shirt that was a riff on the old “Im with Stupid” joke that said “I’m with Illogical.” I don’t know where it is now tho…

Corgana, to startrek in Looking Back at When Star Trek Made Its Own Galaxy's Edge avatar

One of my biggest regrets is not making it to The Experience when I could have.


I got to visit as a junior high age kid. It was an amazing experience.


It was pretty cool. I went with friends, and we got very drunk on a drink called a Warp Core Breach and then did the experience. I remember being impressed at the pacing and the acting of the members running the ride.

This was during the Borg 4D period, and it was pretty novel for the time. A pain to get to from the strip, though, probably part of its undoing.

pbjamm, to startrek in Looking Back at When Star Trek Made Its Own Galaxy's Edge avatar

Had some good times drinking Warp Core Breaches at Quarks Bar in Vegas back when I was young and fun.

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