stackPeek, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation avatar

What the fuck is “Lunch Debt”

(im not an american)


Children pay for school lunches, some families can’t afford it and get into debt. It’s part of the orphan crushing machine called laissez-faire capitalism.


Yep. A systemic solution to poverty costs more and thus would probably decrease profits. Allowing poverty to exist is cheaper, plus you can do charitable donations. They won’t fix the root of the issue, but you get some good PR and a tax write-off.


Even in third world countries, school students can afford a two/three dollar lunch. Oof


US “uplifting news” are so bizarre.

stackPeek, avatar

Yeah tired of seeing them


Uplifting would be if a kid learned how to hack so he could hack into the lunch and mainframe and drop the tables so that his friends debts were erased.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m in the U.S. and do not find this in any way uplifting. It makes me incredibly sad.

MonkderZweite, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

“Lunch debts”? Second hand embarassing that this is a thing.

Jikal, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

“No, no. We ‘bought’ your debt. You work for Arby’s now.”

M0oP0o, avatar

The weird part for me is that Arby’s would be uniquely and ironically good at feeding kids. Their food is easy, cheap, and packs well (they are sandwiches). As bad as corporate sponsorship of public institutions is they could have likely done more good by directly donating food (they do have the meats after all).

RagingRobot, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

During the pandemic lunch was free. It’s odd that during that time a lot of these petty issues were all magically solved but then they just came back and now we don’t know how to deal with it somehow. Infuriating

wildcardology, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

Politicians are willing to let US children starve, but won’t blink an eye about giving billions of dollars worth of arms to Ukraine and Israel.

Don’t get me wrong Ukraine’s fight is important and fuck the IDF for their war crimes but take care of your home first.


There’s plenty enough money to aid both.

It’s just concentrated in billionnaires’ pockets.


The Republican party always says to take of our own and then we try and they keep blocking everything that would take care of our own.

Jaybob32, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

I guess this is why kids are working night shifts at meat packing plants. Have to pay off that crippling lunch debt.

MapleEngineer, (edited ) to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation avatar

Republicans are losing their minds because this could have gone directly into the pockets of the wealthy instead of passing through the accounts of the poor to be dirtied before going into the pockets of the wealthy.

M0oP0o, avatar

As not a US resident, I do have to point out that school lunch debt is a thing in Blue states as well. I am not going to say one side is the same as the other but this is the major failing with a two party system, after time it all bleeds together.


Thank you for your expert advice 🙄

M0oP0o, avatar

What advice?

turkishdelight, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

what’s a lunch debt?


School lunches aren’t free in most of USA


that’s crazy


A solemn responsibility of every 'Murican Citizen.

RestrictedAccount, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

I don’t give a shit if I get downvoted for saying this. I am going to Arby’s today.


Dont they just have like lunchmeat sandwiches? I never get what their schtick is, like it just looks like delibmeat slices


It’s freshly roasted and cut roast beef. The biggest difference between that and deli meat is that Arby’s serves the meat as soon as it has come out of the roaster, so they are hot sandwiches. The French Dip is pretty good.

wolfeh, (edited ) to upliftingnews in Hero Taco Bell manager speaks out after life-saving CPR on baby in the drive-thru avatar

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Illuminostro, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation


VirtualOdour, to upliftingnews in Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

Obviously it’s a complex situation but you do have to feel sorry for the poor families who paid their bills and watch others get theirs cleared - I’d feel so much better about these if it went to a fund which paid into the system so every kid gets x dollars a day on their card.

M0oP0o, avatar

but you do have to feel sorry for the poor families who paid their bills and watch others get theirs cleared

This is a wild take.


It’s actually not if you think about it, I’m saying that the system should be fair.

Imagine if Trump and Mr Rodgers both have kids gong to the same school, Trump doesn’t pay his debt because of course he doesn’t but Mr Rogers diligently pays even though he doesn’t earn anywhere near as much a Trump.

We could donate only to Trump using the debt forgiveness option OR we could fund the meals in the first place which would feed both Trump and Mr Roger’s kid equally.

The assumption that the only people who don’t pay are poor and the only people who do pay are rich is clearly foolish, there are probably children who’s parents couldn’t afford to eat properly themselves because they prioritize their children’s lunch bill.

The expectation of debt forgiveness is also a dangerous perverse incentive, if there’s a chance a debt will be forgiven then paying it early is foolish therfore you’re teaching people to keep debt hanging around which isn’t really a great idea. Lowering people’s outgoings by removing a cost such a school lunch however gives a little extra which can be used up clear debt, build up emergency savings, or be reinvested into lifestyle necessities.


Just how completely and hopelessly out of touch with reality can you be?


I’m very in touch with reality, I think possibly you’re not really upstanding the situation being discussed. I explained in a post to the other person that had a knee-jerk response without considering the matter.

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