vin, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens

Great, now please resign and quit politics

Linkerbaan, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens avatar

Israel: we do a little burning of women and children. Le oops

TheBananaKing, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens

Israel: “lol oopsie woopsie, never mind”

dexa_scantron, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens avatar

Bloody 🎯

Aralakh, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens

Bloody lunatic fakes care.

lennybird, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens avatar

So many tragic, incompetent mistakes. Almost like that’s what we’ve been warning about.


Even assuming it was a tragic mistake, which it wasn’t. It was a deliberate massacre to show defiance to the ICJ ruling of Friday.

But let’s assume it was a mistake for once, even though decapitating children and burning other children alive in a designated safe zone you sent them to, is nothing but a barbaric mass killing committed by genocidal mass murderers.

Okay but now really to the point. If we ignore all that, and assuming an actual mistake, who the fuck can give them weapons then? If someone at the shooting range just starts blasting around and killing dozens of people he would never ever be handed a gun again. If someone works as demolition man and blows up the occupied apartment building instead of the old factory 5 km away he was supposed to, he would at best be committed to an asylum and also never ever be handed any explosives again.

floofloof, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens

Put it on the pile with the other tens of thousands of tragic mistakes by the IDF. And with the ones they’ll so accidentally make tomorrow.

Bookmeat, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens


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  • neatchee,

    Found the war criminal! 🙋

    ModernRisk, avatar

    It’s pretty much sarcasm. Everyone knows that Israel PM does not give a single shit about what happened.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, advocating murder.

    ModernRisk, avatar

    Murder? I saw the persons comment and it was clearly sarcasm. But I did not expect anything else from you. You delete everything that’s not to your liking, I remember you deleting my own comment for absolutely zero good reason.


    Yes, it was meant in sarcasm. Oh well. It’s not always easy to convey that in text. Appreciate your efforts.


    Fwiw, I could still see it, so maybe it got restored.

    ModernRisk, avatar

    Not the one you commented to but I found it interesting that you could still see it. So I tried another Lemmy app and now, I’m able to see it too as well.

    One app shows “removed” and the other still shows the comment. Quite odd.


    Definitely read it as sarcasm, but maybe I read it after the ‘quotes’ were added.

    sirboozebum, to world in Netanyahu admits ‘tragic mistake’ after Israeli strike on Rafah camp kills dozens

    Their mistake was not managing to block all news of their massacre.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Pretty much, yeah.


    That’s why they attacked the USS Liberty when they started the six days war


    Are you suggesting that the massacre itself wasn’t a mistake?

    EDIT: To clarify, are you saying it wasn’t an immoral choice? Or simply that it was intentional?

    livus, avatar

    They are pointing out that it was intentional and part of a widwr pattern.

    That genocidal ghoul Netanyahu is 36,000 deep in corpses right now, many of them children. He hasn't suddenly grown a conscience or empathy. Something else is going on.


    Ok, because it could be read the other way as well which would be seriously fucked up :/

    megopie, to technology in The race to decarbonise the world’s economy risks repeating the mistakes of the colonial era by building industries on forced and child labour, rights advocate warns

    It’s wild because we don’t need to. We can use extant technologies with established supply chains, it just requires us to move past minor hang ups.

    Battery electric cars/trains/buses are unnecessary. Trains and busses can use overhead/3rd rail electrification, most personal trips can be done safely and easily using an E-bike (much smaller batteries that can be produced en mass with existing supply chains) and cars should be reduced in usage outside of particularly rural areas where they truly are a necessity (which is a tiny portion of the overall population).

    For the power grid… WE HAVE NUCLEAR POWER! IT IS SAFER, CHEAPER, AND LESS POLLUTING THAN LITERALLY ANY OTHER OPTION! The only thing holding it back is massive amounts of red tape put in place due to fear mongering funded by the gas and coal industries.



    It’s not cheaper. New nuclear power plants are so expensive to build today that even free fuel and waste disposal doesn’t make the entire life cycle cheaper than solar.


    It is cheaper when you’re just talking about the actual construction, operation, and externalized elements of the fuel cycle. The reason they are so expensive is the massive difficulties and delays that come from getting the projects approved and the constant legal challenges to shut down construction once approved. If construction is delayed by an injunction, you still have to pay all the specialist until construction starts again.

    Solar is only particularly cheap if the power goes directly in to the grid and doesn’t need to stored. Including the cost of grid scale storage bloats the price to be uncompetitive with natural gas.


    If construction is delayed by an injunction

    Can you name an example? Because the reactor constructions that I’ve seen get delayed have run into plain old engineering problems. The 4 proposed new reactors at Vogtle and V.C. Summer ran into cost overruns because of production issues and QA/QC issues requiring expensive redesigns mid-construction, after initial regulatory approvals and licensing were already approved. The V.C. Summer project was canceled after running up $9 billion in costs, and the Vogtle projects are about $17 billion over the original $14 billion budget, at $31 billion (and counting, as reactor 4 has been delayed once again over cooling system issues). The timeline is also about 8 years late (originally proposed to finish in 2016).

    And yes, litigation did make those projects even more expensive, but the litigation was mostly about other things (like energy buyers trying to back out of the commitment to buy power from the completed reactors when it was taking too long), because it took too long, not litigation to slow things down.

    The small modular reactor project in Idaho was just canceled too, because of the mundane issue of interest rates and buyers unwilling to commit to the high prices.

    Nuclear doesn’t make financial sense anymore. Let’s keep the plants we have for as long as we can, but we might be past the point where new plants are cost effective.

    Zworf, (edited )

    most personal trips can be done safely and easily using an E-bike (much smaller batteries that can be produced en mass with existing supply chains) and cars should be reduced in usage outside of particularly rural areas where they truly are a necessity (which is a tiny portion of the overall population).

    E-bikes are often not an option for many reasons. Needing to bring cargo, bad weather, danger from other traffic. If they were actually such an amazing option everyone would be using them because they are hella cheaper than cars. Even in the netherlands where bike infrastructure is great, people are extremely car-centric.

    Personally I think subsidised public transport is a much better option.

    And nuclear is not cheaper and it doesn’t even factor in waste storage and decommissioning otherwise it would not have been viable. Right now when a nuclear plant is closed the operator walks off scot free and the cleanup costs are borne by the public. The mining of the uranium is also pretty polluting. There’s a lot of this externalisation to make it viable.

    The only reason it worked in the past was that the governments were building nuclear arsenals and invested in nuclear industry (note that this industry was not necessarily capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium but still, it was about building up an industry). It’s no coincidence that most countries relying heavily on nuclear power are also nuclear armed.

    Also, environmental pollution is also a safety issue. Don’t just look at human deaths. Even Fukushima was a major disaster despite not leading to many deaths. The regulation is there for a reason and that still didn’t manage to prevent Fukushima (not talking about Chernobyl there because that was just human idiocy fucking up at its worst). And other first-world countries have also had meltdowns.

    Personally I also feel bad about dumping our waste problem on future generations. That kind of thinking is exactly what led to the climate crisis. But admittedly this is a lesser issue for nuclear in particular because we do this with pretty much everything (as this article also mentions)

    xoggy, to technology in The race to decarbonise the world’s economy risks repeating the mistakes of the colonial era by building industries on forced and child labour, rights advocate warns avatar

    Industry is like a triangle and if you move towards one corner you have to move away from another:

    <span style="color:#323232;">      cost-effective
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">         /
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">ethical /__ green

    Imo, if we want ethical and green, then billionaires should be taxed more heavily for the good of us all.


    Or maybe shouldn’t come into being in the first place?

    Billionaires are a symptom of a system that’s eating itself. Taxation might be able to offset it, but the actual power needs to be broken up, and both laws and attitudes about unchecked growth need to change.

    We’ve ended up in a situation that’s fundamentally tainted by capitalism. Every company, every product, is being slaughtered like a pig for quarterly profits. It happens over and over again. Some new thing comes out that seems great, it gets bought up or goes public, and it turns to shit.

    We have to have the nerve to point at it, call it out, and figure out how to stop it before it kills us all.


    True, nobody should ever have billions. There’s simply no need for that much money, you can’t ever use it up.


    I think it would make more sense to replace cost-effective with cheap. It may be cheaper to use a process that makes it likely 80% of the population dies in 35 years, but that’s a huge (non-monetary) cost. The overarching issue is our current economic system ignores those costs that take a generation or more to come due.

    Burn_The_Right, to world in Israeli airstrike hits Gaza hospital tent camp

    What can we do to help stop this genocide? Maybe we could give some fighter jets to the ones committing genocide. Would that help? Only one way to find out!

    EpsilonEridani, to world in Israeli airstrike hits Gaza hospital tent camp

    Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey, I’m gonna get you, too Another one bites the dust…

    dumbass, to world in ‘Our beautiful sister’: Friends pay tribute to Australian aid worker killed in Gaza avatar

    Israel going for the world record of breaching the Geneva Convention the most times in one war.


    That means they’re going to get away with it.

    The geneva conventions haven’t mattered for awhile.

    dumbass, avatar

    That’s just because Canada hasn’t fully joined.

    noorbeast, to world in ‘Our beautiful sister’: Friends pay tribute to Australian aid worker killed in Gaza

    Israel forces have killed Israeli hostages under a white flag, killed large numbers of women and children, bombed hospitals and refugee camps, along with killing reporters and aid workers…while Israel always had the right to defend itself that is not justification for extrajudicial killings or genocide, both of which should provoke harsh international condemnation and responses.


    while Israel always had the right to defend itself

    There is a discussion to be had about an occupying force having any fucking rights but let's just leave that for the trials that will surely hold these war criminals accountable ...


    Israel would have to acknowledge a need for trials first. Unless the US stops blocking action.


    Israel doesnt have a right to defend itself, especially as an occupying army against Palestine.

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