IbnLemmy, to politics in U.S. Doubles Down on Defunding UNRWA — Despite Flimsy Allegations

But no issue sending 1.8bn in military aid to Israel in the latest spending bill


Well those hospitals aren’t going to blow themselves up

pyrflie, to politics in U.S. Doubles Down on Defunding UNRWA — Despite Flimsy Allegations

This is US distancing itself from the UN.

Not a smart decision considering international politics but understandable considering the fact that reconstruction failed.

US South and New Amsterdam needs to be restructured. Authoritarian governance will only result in revolt and species destruction at current technology levels.

Linkerbaan, to politics in Organizing Aid to Gaza Led Me to a Harsh Truth: Biden Is on Board for Ethnic Cleansing avatar

By imposing food scarcity on Gaza, and bombing refugee camps, apartment buildings, hospitals, universities, and aid distribution centers, it’s clear that Israel is following through on the words of its political leadership.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s occasional expressions of concern with the civilian death toll in Gaza while enabling the war raises a disturbing question: Is the Biden administration knowingly complicit in maximizing civilian killing in one of the most deadly military campaigns in recent history — or stunningly naive and incompetent?

Either way, hundreds of thousands of Democratic Party voters already came to the same conclusion as Andrea Mitchell: It is incompatible to claim concern for Palestinian lives while actively participating in their extermination.

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Tech Official Pushing TikTok Ban Could Reap Windfall From U.S.–China Cold War

I encourage people to read the article. Perhaps you, too, will disagree with the click baity title.


It is with great smugness but much greater exasperation that I confirm that article to be EXACTLY what I’d expect from a Politico article with a headline like that.

Basically rehashing a bunch of “why won’t the left realize that to question any Democrat in any way is to automatically become a Republican plant working against America?” type bullshit.

Hell, they use Mark Kelly (one issue demagogue candidate caught being a deeply corrupt liar) as an example of the perfect Democrat candidate and The Intercept exposing his lies and corruption as an example of a BAD thing to do! 🤦

Phegan, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

They are nothing but ghouls

werefreeatlast, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Maybe they should spend that budget dropping School lunches from drones in Israel? Is that the proposal? Maybe sell the lunches and support Trump with his new con-job, whatever that is this time. Maybe he’s building beach front condominiums down in Baja California again?

3volver, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

House Republicans would ban school all together if they could.

andros_rex, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

These kinds of programs are important in high poverty districts. Super transient population - sometimes students might attend for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Parents don’t speak English, or can’t read, so they can’t fill out the paperwork to get their kid on the free lunch program. Many of these kids come to school TO eat - when COVID shut my district down the schools were kept open as feeding sites. We provided breakfast and had a school food pantry.

I don’t think people understand how many children would starve without free lunch programs.

KingThrillgore, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

I’m cool with it if we also ban free breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and gym access for Congress.

HulkSmashBurgers, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Because house repubs are trash.

RampantParanoia2365, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Carlson: what’s the big deal? We all know there’s no such thing as a free lunch program, anyway.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

I say we eliminate the CEP and make breakfast and lunch free for all kids in public school.

DogPeePoo, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Republicans are radicalizing the population and it’s exactly what Putin wants


Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia? The interview and the several videos after that… It is the most blatant ridiculous propaganda I’ve seen in a long time and it’s strange. That combined with the crazy amount of Russian bots on those videos puts you in such a weird weird environment it’s crazy

He even says

“Coming to a Russian grocery store, the ‘heart of evil,’ and seeing what things cost and how they live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That’s how I feel, anyway, radicalized.”

Lmao usually they try to be just a smidge more sneaky with the propaganda


I did see that. It was crazy.

I think Putin has the goods (kompromat) on Tucker, Elon, Dershowitz, Trump, and most of the Congressional Republicans. Probably all were avid frequenters of Epstein island.


I think it’s less blackmail and more just knowing what buttons to push. Tucker needs attention, he’s that kid saying “look at what I can do” but grown up and completely lacking ethics. If you offer him a platform and reach he’ll agree to anything.


Remember Matt Gaetz attempting to blackmail him in an extremely awkward interview, which Tucker subsequently changed the subject on and ended the interview?

I bet he’s a freak and Putin has the goods.


Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia?

Putin made fun of Carlson afterward for asking such weak questions. I mean, I’d serve up softballs too if the alternative came with a risk of unexpected acute polonium exposure, but it’s still humiliating for Carlson.

gregorum, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

It’s a good thing that there aren’t enough of them to pass a fart let alone this bill


Have you seen/heard some of their fellow elected officials? I’m pretty sure some are just congealed farts using air pressure to make noise.

Sanctus, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

I’m just going to say it, all kids deserve free lunch. We can give every kid in Yemen a free bomb but we can’t feed our own kids? This place is hell because we stopped simply pulling these people onto the streets and beating them. Its apparent the only thing that keeps the boot out of your mouth is the threat of violence. And even then they’ve created a system where the military police keep them safe and we’re all too busy and poor to do anything else but get to work. I want to do something, too. But if I get arrested my kids go on the street.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

If my kid is required by law to be somewhere you better fucking feed them.


That is a really good point. I’m all for free lunches because i know it’s something we can do for our people. But you’re on to something that i would like to hear a rebuttal to.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Something like “You’re free to homeschool your kid.” Especially because assholes against this love unmonitored homeschooling

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