balderdash9, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

Isn’t it funny how any proposal that would harm the interests of seniors is a third rail in US politics, but they can willingly fuck over our children?


Children don’t vote, and parents of children that can’t afford to pay for school lunches can’t donate, or find the hours needed to vote during a work day.


Well-fed children get a better education. Educated adults are less likely to vote Republican


America eats its young.

Mongostein, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

The “school lunch and breakfast programs are subject to widespread fraud and abuse,”

So is Congress, but I’d abolish that long before free meals for kids.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

You know what would eliminate fraud and abuse of these programs? Making them universal. Kinda hard to defraud a program that everyone gets.


Agreed, and democrats are trying to do that while republicans fight it.

charles, avatar

Can I also add: who fucking cares if someone frauds their way to saving the cost of a $2.50 lunch for a child? Feed the damn kids.

Uranium3006, avatar

We use school lunch as a dumping ground for excess at commodities the USDA buys up to get farm votes, who cares?


Easiest way to stop that would be to just give everyone lunch.


Republicans support many things with higher potential for fraud and abuse than school lunch programs. Privatized prisons come to mind.


Right? Like how is this the thing they fight against? Fucking ridiculous.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

They’re straight up lying.

“Fraud and Abuse” is a dog whistle for “don’t trust those pocs”


I don’t understand how you can abuse giving kids a meal at school…


Double Chickie Nugies.


at my school some kids would purchase large amounts of cookies and such using the lunch money provided by their parents

then they would sell these foods in order to get money


How would buying cookies then reselling them get them any more? If there was markup the kids would just buy from the school directly.

experbia, avatar

I had kids that would do this at my school too. they’d sell them at a loss, technically - see, it was their parents money paying for it, but they would get paid cash by kids for discounted food items. it was essentially a way to launder the money your parent gave the school for your lunches into usable money, with a little bit of a loss yes, but at a big gain in versatility - for any kid, cash in hand is way better than dollar values in a school lunch system.

but I’d much rather have this “fraud” (of the kids’ parents maybe lol) than kids go hungry.

and this has nothing to do with the free school lunches either. those were always fixed meals given to you - not “lunch money dollars” you could choose to use as you see fit. so this is just a bunch of greedy old assholes wanting to starve some kids.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Sometimes the kid has the wrong skin color


they’re stealin beans!


Who cares? If kids are hungry, feed them. If Congress is hungry, too bad.

user1234, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

What gets me is that so many of these idiots put We the people… stickers on their trucks. And they have absolutely no clue what the rest of that sentence is, or that it specifically mentions promoting welfare of said people.


Me the people


Well not those people! Seriously though, Regan made that a dirty word for them.

TransplantedSconie, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches
xmunk, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches

“Hey brown kid, give me your lunch money so we can buy more bombs.”

Republican compassion


hey kid, give me your money (I will send it to oil companies)

FuglyDuck, to politics in House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches avatar

imagine being such a giant fucked up asshole that you think “oh, some people’s lives suck a little less so lets fuck over everyone that struggles to feed their kids.” is the way to go.

Imagine being such an asshole that you think this guy is doing god’s work and should be supported.

uberdroog, avatar

It’s a Jesus thing, you wouldn’t understand


So pathetic. People these days need more Christ in their lives! or else they don’t see the compassion and love in reads notes taking food from children.

jordanlund, to world in Honduras Ratchets Up Battle With Crypto-Libertarian Investors, Rejects World Bank Court avatar

Clearly it’s time for me to sleep because I read that as “Crypto-Librarian” and was very confused for a minute…

Rekonok, avatar

Whatever you do, don’t call him a monkey or suggest turning him back into a wizard…

Rekonok, avatar



Good point.

cyd, to world in Honduras Ratchets Up Battle With Crypto-Libertarian Investors, Rejects World Bank Court

I haven’t seen any explanation of why the current Honduras is so dead set on shutting down Prospera. At worst, the development is not an economic success, and the cost is borne by the investors. At best, it creates an economic boon to Honduras. Seems like a no-lose proposition, the same reasoning behind many other special economic zones around the world. The only explanation I can think of for the Honduras government continuing to chase this issue is ideological/political hostility. It feels like their energy would be much better spent elsewhere.

Rekonok, avatar

This is an organized crime scheme to wash drug money and fuel right wing paramilitary so yes hondurans will pay.

This is the shit RICO act protect US citizens from. And the law is a shit now used in union busting still better than a corrupt arbitration court.


Prospera is still subject to Honduras criminal law, so if there’s any real concern about organized crime they can go after them using the criminal justice system. They wouldn’t need these legal shenanigans.

Rekonok, avatar

If there were reals investors they dit not need those crypto scaming shenanigans


I haven’t seen any explanation of why the current Honduras is so dead set on shutting down Prospera

Then you clearly haven’t read and understood the article you’re replying to.

At worst, the development is not an economic success, and the cost is borne by the investors. At best, it creates an economic boon to Honduras.

You can’t possibly believe that bullshit yourself. Do you work for Prospera or are you shilling for free?

Seems like a no-lose proposition, the same reasoning behind many other special economic zones around the world

“Special economic zones” are specifically made to circumvent regulations meant to protect and otherwise benefit workers and consumers to maximize corporate profits while minimizing corporate risk. Their very existence is harmful to regular people.

The only explanation I can think of for the Honduras government continuing to chase this issue is ideological/political hostility

Yeah, some of us have ideologies that put the interests of the majority of people over the interests of the ultra-rich and their corporations. Baffling to a corporate shill like yourself, I’m sure.

It feels like their energy would be much better spent elsewhere.

Than protecting their people from corporations looting their country? Not really, no.


In the real world, sensible governments know that getting companies to make investments is a good thing, not a bad thing. Over in the States, Joe Biden is making the investment incentives of the IRA the centrepiece of his re-election campaign. That’s why it’s remarkable to see a government actively trying to drive away investors.

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

I love it when shills pretend that blindly swallowing pro-corporate propaganda makes them the only adults in the room rather than the perfect marks for con artists. So adorable.


It’s only “remarkable” if you don’t know anything about the economic and political history of the region.

Anyone in their right mind would reject this thing after seeing the so-called benefits of the United Fruit Company, or the invitation of American plantations into the Kingdom of Hawaii.

In the actual real world, investment is only good if it’s beneficial to the populace and doesn’t undermine its sovereignty. Getting, say, the British East India Company interested in your country was a curse not a blessing, same as having these clowns interested now.

Freuks, to privacy in Signal’s New Usernames Help Keep the Cops Out of Your Data avatar

Articles contains 1894 words, hmm 😏

njm1314, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

Surely this will be an article about the FBI finally cutting down on Nazis and right-wing extremists in The Gaming Community right? Right? Oh…

CharlesDarwin, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Huh, I wonder how much they’ll focus on the right wing aspect of that. Or are they both-sidesing the animal activists, giving that equal weight to alt-right fascists?


Huh, I wonder how much they’ll focus on the right wing aspect of that.

Just enough to say they did and no more.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

An internal FBI threat advisory obtained by The Intercept defines Anarchist Violent Extremists as individuals “who consider capitalism and centralized government to be unnecessary and oppressive,” and “oppose economic globalization; political, economic, and social hierarchies based on class, religion, race, gender, or private ownership of capital; and external forms of authority represented by centralized government, the military, and law enforcement.”

Guess I’m on another list because I agree with all of that.

BossDj, (edited )

The result of none of that is the same as anarchy, violence, nor extremism

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Anarchy has stood for those things since its inception.

Who taught you that it means violence and lawlessness? Maybe they have an agenda?


I don’t know what you’re trying to say.

I said the FBI definition of “violent anarchist extremists” doesn’t properly define violent, anarchist, or extremists.


And Semi-Hemi-Demigod is trying to explain to you that, while you’re of course right that none of those things are symptoms of violent extremism, a lot of them are aspects of peaceful anti-authoritarian political beliefs such as those of anarchism.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Thanks for the assist


No worries 🙂


But I never said it was about violence and lawlessness


Are they honestly okay with putting “Social hierarchies based on […] race or gender” in writing?


I would read this as "Of the types of violent extremists, the ‘Anarchist’ type are those who… ". As a really dumb metaphor, if I have a pokedex, I don’t need to restate that they’re all Pokémon in there each time.


I’m not sure that your interpretation gels with the FBI’s historical behavior. The organization literally tried to get MLK Jr. to kill himself.


Not arguing that the FBI hasn’t suppressed completely valid movements in the past, because that’s well-documented for anyone to see. I just think that if I was a professional writing a handbook in this situation, I wouldn’t go to the trouble of redefining the context each time either. Because of that, I’m not sure that this is demonstrative of their stance.

jordanlund, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Roblox? Are there that many radicalized 8 year olds?


Gotta catch them early if you want to have nice obedient corporate drones.



TragicNotCute, avatar

Have you met many 8 year olds? They are all fucking radicals. I’d say at least half are terrorists.


Letting them out from the mines was a mistake

ivanafterall, avatar

Can't even fit their plump little bodies down chimneys anymore.


That’s a preexisting condition though, 8 year olds have always been menaces to the rest of us

neidu2, to politics in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

I remember feeling like a webdesign master when I figured out frames. I was always more of a backend guy (perl + CGI = ❤️), but frames enabled me to produce pretty decent looking


I’m afraid that’s not a very strong legal defense.


Its not a legal defense, its a warning. We all like our fingers, be a shame is some of us lost em.


Warning of what? Gamergate-types not supporting Biden?


Not necessarily gamer gate types, I dont trust the FBI to keep it to just them. Wouldnt put it past em to go after anarchists for example. But if they can keep it to gamer gate types they can keep their fingers.

TheBat, to games in The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers avatar

Extremist gamers as in? Playing Call of Duty while strapped to an aeroplane wing?

starman2112, avatar

Lmao getting a 360 noscope while base jumping from the Burj Khalifa

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

The people who say the n word through their mics


Extreme =/= Extremist


Those would be X-tremeists. It’s an easy mistake to make.

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