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The police/etc may not believe them.

There’s something about 44% of cops…


It’s never been about Christianity. It’s really a new religion - the only parts of the Bible they know are the anti-queer parts.


The nostalgia boner is that it was a very unique game, and nothing has come out quite like it since. It’s not even like Daggerfall or Arena. For someone looking for that experience, Oblivion and Skyrim were massive disappointments.

Going from a volcano that is spewing flesh mutating disease while riding giant bugs around to Tolkienesque Medieval Fantasy Landscape gave me whiplash. (The Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine save the package though.) And losing the ability to kill whoever I want? Spears???

Skyrim is better. It mangles what could have been a good story by retconning lore and making Alduin into big evil bad, just as Oblivion was about basically Satan invading the world. Morrowind’s villain may not be right, but his motives are 100% understandable and he has a good point. (In Oblivion: why would you join a cult dedicated to killing everyone for no reason?)

As a Morrowboomer, I’m willing to accept the series changed, but there just hasn’t been something to replace what I hoped for ES4. They don’t make games with that vibe anymore. The closest thing I’ve had to scratching that itch would be Planescape Torment, Pathologic, or Zeno Clash.


Well yes. His position is confusing, because these folks want to fuck their mistresses/side-pieces/prostitutes consequence free, but also want to keep their wives trapped at home and to punish “sluts.”

Similarly, folks like Lindsey Graham and Ryan Walters want to fuck dudes on the side, but want to still consider themselves superior to the “removeds.”

These men have a sexuality based solely on real control and power, nothing resembling normal human sexual desires.


I am gay. I have had lots of gay sex. I have had lots of kinky over the top gay sex. I have talked about absolutely wild and over the top kinks with all kinds of people. I’m not trying to be gross, but to communicate that I have a statistically significant sample size.

I have never met a person who was a bug chaser. I’ve never spoken to one on Grindr, or seen one with that listed in their profile. They exist, and I’ve seen interviews with them online, but I’ve never met anyone like that in real life.

Some heterosexual women have sex with dogs - I’m not sure that it would be fair to extrapolate that to all heterosexual women.

I’ve never been to the Folsom Street fair, so I’m not sure why I am responsible or related to the behavior that happens there.


Bro, I’m in multiple “homosexual communities you can found online.” I’ve never seen anything like what you are describing.

I can find all kinds of crazy and gross heterosexual pornography. I would not generalize the behaviors I see in heterosexual pornography to all heterosexuals. I would not generalize the wild and raunchy behavior of heterosexual men and women at Mardi Gras to all heterosexual men and women.

Go touch grass - there’s a good chance that you’ll actually interact with a real gay person, instead of the imaginary demons you created in your head.


Bro, it’s not my fault that you go out of your way to seek out extreme fetish gay porn content. I prefer the more routine stuff, but as long as it’s fantasy, feel free to fap to whatever you like.


Why would you deliberately seek out the worst in people/groups and then use that to condemn the entire group? Should I argue that the majority of straight men are pedophiles based on the popularity of child sexual abuse material?


Literally every gay man I know is concerned about HIV. Lots of people go on prep. There is not a subculture of people spreading HIV consensually or forcefully. I have never met a single person in either online communities or real life who would advocate for that practice.

I have quite literally been to sex dungeons. I have seen people set fire to genitals (in a safe and controlled way). I have seen people participate in far more extreme practices. I have never seen anyone advocate, fantasize, or talk about any of the things you have mentioned.


FO5 is going to be a FO76 tier disaster. With the show there has to be a ton of pressure to crank something out the door. Microsoft’s folks are probably beating down Todd’s door. Bethesda has never really understood the series anyways.

If TES6 comes out, it’ll have 3 skills and ignore all established lore to turn an interesting and nuanced character into Bad Guy who wants to destroy the world for no reason. Admittedly normies really like this version of the series, so maybe it’ll still be wildly successful.


Is there one for Sims 3 Medieval? A warning that it wasn’t playable on modern OSes would have sufficed.


Oklahoma is already directing schools not to follow the guidelines. I can’t legally work in a school - unless I’m able to hold it all day - but I’m still expected to complete my four years of service for my TEACH grant 🤡


Those states and Individual healthcare providers are 100% going to ignore those laws. I live in a red state and we routinely flout federal law.

And you can only really legislate against discrimination that people are stupid enough to document. They won’t say that they aren’t treating me because I’m trans, but because of some other reason. Just like the job that recently fired me and refused to pay me for ANY of the work I did, didn’t officially fire me because I’m trans :)


Bringing a case to court requires access to the financial means to hire a lawyer, or having a case egregious and documented enough to find a lawyer to work for you pro bono.

And you won’t be able to sue at all if you die because they refuse you care (I guess your family can 🤷‍♂️) - there have been multiple cases of transgender women dying because EMTs refused to treat.

Red states don’t operate by rule of law. Oklahoma had a police department recorded talking about how much they wanted to kill black folks last year, pretty much nothing happened.


Just maybe from a more optimistic world.

I’d love to be there. I’ve been fired from two different jobs for being trans - not even good jobs, day labor shit. My birth name still shows up on the background check.

Latest one is refusing to pay me, and insisting that I wasn’t even hired. I’ve reached out to the Labor department, but red states genuinely don’t give a shit. I’m probably just going to have to eat it.

With medical care, I’ve definitely overheard unpleasant conversations when they were deciding where to room me. The biggest scare is what happens if my current HRT provider is driven out of state - I used to use Planned Parenthood, but would have to wait 3-4 hours to be seen at my appointments….

This places aren’t livable for trans people. Please listen to a trans person, who lives in a red state. They do not give a shit what laws are on the books - OK and FL have already directed their schools to ignore Title IX guidelines. Laws will not protect us.…/erins-2024-anti-trans-legi…


They shouldn’t give exceptions for “good faith effort to hire.” If you can’t hire someone, clearly you aren’t matching what the market demands and need to improve working conditions and pay.

Just like “emergency certifications” in teaching, when the solution to “we don’t have enough qualified people” becomes letting any one with a pulse in, we end up with a race to the bottoms in employee qualifications, pay and working conditions.

You cannot expect someone go through years of school, with additional specialized training, sometimes even masters or doctoral level degrees, to work for substandard wages. In the medical field especially - the mobile and qualified can make bank as travel nurses, why would they bother with you?


Yep, and they pay CNAs subhuman wages so they’re staffed by anyone who can pass a piss test. (My local gas station sells “fetish urine” lol).

My boyfriend had to put in some hours at a long term care facility as part of nursing school. Absolutely disgusting stuff happens there - the CNAs do not give a fuck (which makes sense, it’s not like you’re making that much better than Macca’s)


I wonder if that’ll make it legal for me to piss in the men’s bathroom again/have a job in the career I love and went thousands in debt to train for… only mentions students and they tend to forget that trans adults exist…

Oklahoma state law says it’s a misdemeanor and schools can lose up to 10% of their funding for letting anyone (teacher or student) use a bathroom that doesn’t match their birth certificate. (There’s been a standing executive order since 2015 that birth certificates cannot be changed). I have the face and body of a reddit neckbeard, but I was violating the law by not pissing in the same room as my female colleagues and students.

Just kinda messes with your head when you have to commit 1-3 crimes a day at work.


Yeah - that’s what I wondering. The law in Oklahoma says anyone in a public school. Our state department of education is controlled by Ryan Walters and LibsOfTikTok, so it’ll be interesting to see how they try to fight this.


Part of teaching is peeing strategically - you have to plan your water drinking so that you only need to go during lunch or plan. (The worst is when they make you “cover” during your planning period - usually I could get away with sitting behind the desk and doing a subtle pee dance all hour)


Pain is googling “instant heartburn relief” at 3 am. “Have you tried going back in time to eat less garbage?” as well as the suggestion to literally drink acid (apple cider vinegar).


This is a photoshop. It’s not real. It’s old enough that it’s not even “AI.”


This is unlikely to happen unless you are neglecting your home maintenance - the mushrooms are probably the least of these folks worries.

andros_rex, (edited )

When we fight back, we get killed. (And then blamed for own deaths/have our deaths covered up - if you believe that Nex offed himself, you know nothing about how corrupt Oklahoma is)

Edit: that was meant to read “didn’t off” himself. I said the opposite of what I meant.

Nex did not kill himself, Owasso covered up the bullying and pretty much every state department is understaffed by under qualified toadies of Stitt.


Yes - I left out a word and changed the entire meaning of the sentence. I do not believe Nex killed himself. I believe that Owasso Public Schools and the Owasso police were complicit and are involved in covering up Nex’s death.

I’m a transgender teacher in Oklahoma that quit teaching last year because I knew that if something happened to me, there would be no help and there would be an immediate flood of bullshit.

The FBI exists because of Oklahoma’s refusal to investigate the murder of minorities…


I think seeing his fans then was a contributing factor…


The Schrödinger equation is a multi variable second order partial differential equation. You end up with a “position operator” and a “momentum operator” (momentum is mass times velocity, so we focus on the velocity bit). Because of the way that taking a partial derivative works, you end up applying one you can’t get the other.

Idk that’s probably a terrible explanation (I got a C in that class lol), but it is really cool when you see how the math works.


He also had a comic called Red Panels before which was even worse. Stonetoss was a rebrand to come across as less horrifically racist. The article mentions this, but I think associating his name with Red Panel is also important.


These kinds of programs are important in high poverty districts. Super transient population - sometimes students might attend for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Parents don’t speak English, or can’t read, so they can’t fill out the paperwork to get their kid on the free lunch program. Many of these kids come to school TO eat - when COVID shut my district down the schools were kept open as feeding sites. We provided breakfast and had a school food pantry.

I don’t think people understand how many children would starve without free lunch programs.


I did a pizza party for the class that made the most improvement on a benchmark test. Paid ~$100 in my own money, tried to get everyone enough for two slices. It wasn’t the right kind of pizza, they were still hungry, I didn’t get the right soda… fuck me for not dropping that cash on a fat j instead.


How many pot smokers do you think she sent to prison as a DA?

And all those teenage “super predators” that Joe, Jack and Bill sent to prison


Even people who regret their surgeries aren’t necessarily regretting that they had gender affirming care. Surgeries can go wrong and aren’t always predictable. They can change our relationships with our bodies. Regret isn’t always “I regret transitioning” - it can be “I don’t like the way my scars healed.”

Team “no regrets” here. Right after I got out of surgery I woke up just enough to look down where them titties where and smiled.


I love all the candy that is “fat free.”


It sounds like you feel a little threatened by a dildo, are you not confident in your ability to satisfy a women? It’s okay to include toys, especially if your partner climaxing is important to you.


Think about the cybersecurity implications - how many people get cheap shitty sex toys (jelly toys aren’t sanitizable btw 🤢). There’s already a lot of issues with smart lights, fridges, having default root passwords or already shipped compromised… now you can have a botnet inside your butt.


As long as it’s got a flared base.


Fr 😭 the best I’ve found is silk boxer briefs. So much of the “sexy” stuff is crude joke shit, like oh look the dick is an elephant trunk! Also even more tangential, why is no one able to take a good dick pic? How is a blurry picture of a dong next to a can of Monster supposed to entice me?


I like GEMDAS personally. “Group” is best, it includes parenthesis and brackets, as well as things under radicals. I find that PEMDAS/BEMDAS causes problems later in math.

andros_rex, (edited )

In my specific context I’m usually tutoring and not introducing the concepts - they’ve all learned PEMDAS and changing one letter is much easier. I suggest “groups” because they absolutely struggle with manipulating expressions inside radicals. I usually pair it with a short discussion of the purpose of notation.

I appreciate your mention of the importance of teaching the difference between operators and terms. My pedagogical background is in the sciences and I’m much better at doing math than teaching it 😅

I would like if math classes (in my area) did more explicitly teach the difference between terms and operators. I say “you can’t divide out the log” pretty much every day.


Mates, makeup ain’t for y’all. You know how you spent eight hours messing with your .bashrc or rolling for counter strike skins or whatever weirdass hobby you have? You don’t do it because you are trying to attract women - you see your friends get into something cool and you get competitive with them. That’s what it is for the womenfolk. They get their nails did and do weird ass makeup looks because it’s a fun hobby. They know that you probably don’t care about the difference between coffin and ballerina nails. But their friends do, and they want to show off, because it’s fun.

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