
echo, to politics in Is Biden on track for defeat? The debate, explained.

Current polls are complete bullshit - just like this post.


Yup. Early polls never mean shit.

yeather, to politics in Chicago’s inhumane migrant evictions are a symptom of a bigger problem

The most humane thing to do would be deport them, but Chicago would rather pander to liberals as a sanctuary city than do anything to improve the city.


Which neighborhood are you from?


I’m not from Chicago, nor would I be comfortable telling you where.


Which is okay. You don’t need to be from here to comment on it, and you don’t strike me as someone who would modify your position much based on interacting with the actual human beings involved anyway.

But I do wonder what you think ‘pandering to liberals’ is in practical terms and how it is different from, say, acting in a way that most represents the values of a majority liberal constituency.


The values of a majority liberal constituency should still involve improving the safety and livability of the area. Having the illegal immigrants on the streets will lead to more crime and economic decline. Plus now they are wasting away on the streets and dying.


The values of a majority liberal constituency should still involve improving the safety and livability of the area.

A functioning government can do more than one thing at a time. YTD homicides are down YoY, continuing a 3 year trend, which the migrant surge is smack dab in the middle of. We know you aren’t here and are devoid of firsthand knowledge, so how do you imagine this migrant crisis actually playing out on the ground here? Because you sound ridiculous.

You’re allowed to talk out of your ass all you want, but I don’t need to stick around for the stench.


You’re right, governments can do multiple things at once, like defunding critical support systems while adding hundreds to potentially thousands of people onto the streets. The “pandering” part of the government is saying they care and being a sanctuary city while not supporting them at all and letting them wallow on the streets. The murder rate is down from the historical high in 2021 but is still higher than pre pandemic and pre illegal immigrant crisis.


When and where did your ancestors immigrate from? Bet they didn’t have to worry about being deported or take any citizenship tests.


My father immigrated to the US in 2001, he did so legally. My great great grandmother and great great grandfather came to Canada from Scotland in 1905. I do not know if they took a citizenship test or anything since Canada was a colony. My mothers side of the family is eigth generation American, and I am one quarter American Indian.


In 1905 there were no immigration restrictions on anyone outside of Asian countries (immigration law is and has always been rooted in racism). Your great great grandmother and grandfather just got to show up and become citizens. Same with your right generation family on your mother’s side.


Yep, Canada was a colony of the UK at the time, they didn’t immigrate so much as move. You’ve also ignored my father being a first generation immigrant and going through the process legally a little over 20 years ago. There’s no excuse to being an illegal immigrant, they should be deported.


My point is the definition of “legal immigrant” has changed. Nobody cared when it was all white people showing up. As soon as Asian people started showing up we passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. We changed the rules for explicitly racist reasons. The focus on the southern border is no different. Nobody cares about white illegal immigrants.


Every illegal immigrant should be treated the same, regardless of race. You cannot break into the country.


It was fine when Europeans did it for a century.


Brother this is now, the laws apply to everyone, European or not. If a European illiegally immigrates now they will be deported.


Did you know there were a record number of illegal border crossings from Canada this year? Nobody is shouting for a border wall there. I wonder if that is because most are Asians who are the “model minority”.

FuglyDuck, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Should we care about a nutter and … uhm who?…. ? No. We should not.

We should be concerned about losing people to 3rd parties, and simply not voting?


jordanlund, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

YES! Because swing state polling shows Biden either tied or slightly losing to Trump when it’s just them, head to head.

But the same polling shows Biden losing by a wider margin if you include Kennedy, West, and Stein.

3rd party votes will only help Trump.



Biden/Trump - 50/50
Biden/Trump/Kennedy/Stein/West - 41/43/5/1/1


Biden/Trump - 46/46
Biden/Trump/Kennedy/West - 38/40/16/4


Biden/Trump - 48/52
Biden/Trump/Kennedy/Stein/West - 40/43/6/1/1


Biden/Trump - 42/46
Biden/Trump/Kennedy/West - 33/37/18/2

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly! Glad someone gets it

xmunk, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?

Nope - except in as far as I feel embarrassed by association from being a Massachusettsan… oh fuck, he was even born embarrassingly close to me.

itsgroundhogdayagain, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?

Whoever loses is going to blame him.

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar

Rightfully so. He’ll probably end up a spoiler


Nah, Trump won’t admit defeat.


That’s why I want to see him win!

gnate, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?

Picking a rich tech lawyer from California with no political experience is kinda like pulling out of the race, yeah?

treefrog, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?

He’s talking about running as a Libertarian, which would pull more votes from Trump than Biden, imo.


Misinformation. Pulled straight from Wiki. “He initially ran for the Democratic Party nomination, but announced on October 9, 2023, that he would run as an independent candidate.”


He was talking about running as a libertarian recently. There was a news headline about it just a few days before I made my post.

MedicPigBabySaver, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?


stanleytweedle, to politics in Should we care about RFK Jr. and his new running mate?

Yes of course, I care deeply about comedy.

Snapz, (edited ) to politics in The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions

He’s demonstrably the actual biggest loser in history, and he only gets more loser-y folks… If any of you are starting to have your memories fade, here’s a quick refresher to read this morning and then copy and send to your aunt karen in Missouri.

  • 0 re-elections won
  • 1 term president
  • 2 times impeached
  • 3 marriages
  • 4 inch lifts in his shoes
  • 5 kids, from 3 different mothers
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 7 US Capitol police suing him for Jan 6 terrorist insurrection and murder of police
  • 8 trillion + dollars added to the US debt in a single term
  • 9 trump lawyers sanctioned by federal judge for lying in frivolous election fraud lawsuits and ordered to pay defendant’s legal fees
  • 10 years that trump paid $0 in income taxes between 2000 and 2015. ($0 to cops, teachers, roads, prisons, disaster relief, etc)
  • 11 trump associates charged with serious crimes over the past 5 years
  • 12 million votes (the big lie) - trump claims he won the 2020 election by 12 million votes when in reality, he lost by about 7 million votes.
  • 13 of August, 2021 - one of multiple days that trump was supposed to magically become president again according to Qanon and a crack addicted pillow salesman (the two most respected information sources in the gop)
  • 14 year old girl in a youth choir that trump approached in 1992 to say, "Wow! Just think - in a couple years I’ll be dating you."
  • 15 originally confirmed cases of COVID in the US trump said would soon be, “down to close to zero.” followed by, “like a miracle, it will disappear.” - over 1,000,000 Americans have since died of COVID as it continues to kill years later.
  • 16 years old - age of daughter ivanka when she hosted “miss teen” pageant and, according to long time trump associate Noel Casler, "trump called her over in the middle of a rehearsal and had her give him a lap dance while he leered at the crew."
  • 17 known trump and russia investigations from local, state and federal prosecutors
  • 18 gop senators that ignored trump threats / warnings and supported Biden admin’s infrastructure bill.
  • 19 as in COVID19 - trump was verified as the single largest source of disinformation on the virus, with a Cornell study claiming that 38% of the “misinformation conversation” originated with trump
  • 20 the day in January, 2021, when Biden was sworn in despite trump inciting a violent insurrection to stop election verification at the US Capitol.
  • 21 gun salute that trump ordered for himself when he left office after a humiliating defeat, even though he never served in the military, famously called military members “losers” and “suckers” and actively avoided the draft with a cowardly “bone spurs” excuse.
  • 22 date in August, 2021, when Alabama hate rally crowd booed trump for finally saying people should get vaccinated, only after 700,000 Americans had died due in large part to his failure as president
  • 23 as in wrestlemania 23 in 2007 where trump, a cartoon level failure with no other prospects, participated in a fake bet that a proxy wrestler would win a fake fight on his behalf or he would shave his wig and hair plugs off.
  • 24 day in August, 2021, when trump actually filed a lawsuit in Florida court against YouTube, a private company, demanding that they reinstate his YouTube channel like a desperate, irrelevant embarrassment with no platforms left to abuse.
  • 25 plus credible sexual assault allegations against trump, spanning decades and with accusers starting as young as 13 years old at time of assault.


  • 91 indictments.

It’s a big number jump but I think you forgot 91 indictments.


Fixed it for you, worthy addition and jump

JeeBaiChow, to politics in The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions

It literally doesn’t matter, unless people go out and vote. Seriously, if you don’t vote, you deserve 4 more years of that loser.


I don’t think “not voting” should lead to what trumpers will do to this country. BUT, voting is easy enough that if they really care they better make the little effort it takes.


Just throwing this out there: it’s not so easy for everyone, red states in particular love to add roadblocks to it including closing so many polling places that voters at the remaining places will likely face many hours of standing in line, particularly in areas more likely to vote blue, and have even passed laws making it illegal to shuttle people to the polls or pass out water to people waiting to vote.


I don’t live in a swing state. Voting for President is literally pointless for me.

You can get me to the poll if the vote is for abolishing the electoral college, or if ranked choice/instant runoff becomes the method used to determine the winner.

Not going to bother otherwise.


I dunno if you know but the US has 2 branches of govt that are democratically elected… One could argue the legislative branch is actually far more powerful than the executive.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

President is just one of many things you’re voting on. Passing on voting because of that is a very bad idea.


President is just one of many things you’re voting on.

Uh, yeah, that’s why I specifically said “voting for President”.

Plus this whole thread is specifically about the Presidential race.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

You can get me to the poll if the vote is for abolishing the electoral college or if ranked choice/instant runoff becomes the method used to determine the winner.

Not going to bother otherwise.

You said you won’t go to the poll, meaning you won’t vote for anything. It’s all on the same ballot.


Bad word choice, what I meant is that I’m not interested in voting for President unless that particular vote also came with one/both of those things ‘attached’.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, okay, if you wanna leave the president part blank and you’re not in a swing state, no harm, no foul. Or just write someone in.

Suavevillain, to politics in The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions
@Suavevillain@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think GOP voters really care about policy at this point. They have voted against their own interests all the time. I’ve seen it 1st hand working at the SNAP office in my state. People voting/worshiping guys like DeSantis while he makes it harder for them to get food or help.


The phrase I’ve heard in the past is a Republican would eat shit if it meant a liberal would have to smell their breath.

These people hate Dems and liberals so much they’ll vote for the most vile people. They just don’t care as long as a Dem isn’t in power.

@Korne127@lemmy.world avatar

But it’s not about the core voters that always vote for the same party. It’s about the people that are switching and still (somehow) unsure. And they can be reached.

MediaSensationalism, to politics in The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions
@MediaSensationalism@covert.nexus avatar

40 percent of voters said that Trump’s policies had helped them personally, while just 18 percent said the same of Biden.

One significant change I’ve noticed from Biden’s policies in my daily life is the capping of overdraft fees. Previously, having a negative balance was a financial emergency as I had to borrow money from friends to avoid hefty $30 fees while waiting for my income check to clear.


Trumps tax policies benefits the majority of Americans who take a standard deduction. He made sure his name was on the COVID checks and the Child Tax credit checks. He was the President that stopped student loan payments.

None of these are historically GOP policies but they did help the average person. Trump is pretty good at making sure people know that he’s helping them in some way.


Trump didn’t STOP student loan payments, Trump PAUSED student loan payments. Biden was the President that actually stopped payments by providing real debt relief, while Republicans attempt to block it with all their heart and soul.


And sadly, a lot of voters don’t understand that, just “I got relief from Trump and got it taken away by Biden” and no amount of explaining will get them to see what really happened


Stop vs. Pause is a distinction without substance when 30% of the population is illiterate, and over 50% can’t read or write at a 6th grade level or above.

Like I get it, I get what you’re saying and it’s technically correct. But to the rube who’s going to be voting (or at least 30% who will), they just know that under Trump their student loans stopped; and then Biden restarted them.


If they’re illiterate, i doubt they have student loan payments


You’d be surprised. No Child Left Behind caused a lot of schools to “auto-pass” failing students to get them off of their rolls. And if you pass high school you can almost always get into a lower-tier public school or a community college. Also, you have to combine that with straight-up Scam colleges that accept anybody.

@MediaSensationalism@covert.nexus avatar

Trump’s policies jeopardized the lives, livelihoods, and overall welfare of transgender people.


Which many people, unfortunately, consider a good things


I know that, but most people don’t care (or even worse agree with it). Trans issues are really only popular online; similar to homosexual issues in the 90s/00s.


The child tax credit checks were for 2021 which was Biden. Also him making sure just name was on the checks created delays and is just an ego things. Also when they doubled the standard deduction they took away exemptions.

@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

For example, prior to increasing the standard deduction you could deduct a portion of your rent and bills if you worked from home. I used to take advantage of this and ended up owing taxes for the first time thanks to them taking away exemptions. Luckily my alimony is from 2018 or I wouldn’t be able to deduct that anymore either.


The supermajority of Americans take the standard deduction. You have to understand math to take the other routes. So removing those exemptions was not a negative to the majority of lower and middle class Americans.

It may have delayed the checks, but the checks stopped under Biden. And that’s what people remember.

They were paying the credit out early during COVID, not simply including it in your taxes. To the average person it looks like more moola.

DrPop, (edited )

As someone who deals with this everyday for work I can tell you the tax cuts and jobs said act of 2018 did not help anybody but those that already had money. The tax returns got"simpler" but as for families they didn’t see that much of a difference or owed more.


Trumps tax policies benefits the majority of Americans who take a standard deduction.

Up until the tax breaks sunset during the Biden admin as it has been I tended to do, making it worse for the majority of Americans.

Funny enough, THAT is a historically GOP policy: give just enough to make the opposition look bad when you take it away.


You and I get that. The average person doesn’t. That’s why it’s effective.


Shut your pie hole. Idiot.


Cram it in your cram whole Lafleur!


It’s unusual this was down voted. I took your statement as to say Trump is better at messaging, and it’s something Biden needs to do better.

Everyone seemed to take the tone as support for Trump, which doesn’t appear to be the intent.


What’s more; the majority of Americans don’t vote. Trump realized that if you can convince non-voters to vote you can crush in an election and that’s where the majority of his support has come from. Biden, the Democrats (and honestly the establishment Republicans) still don’t realize or are unwilling to utilize this fact.

To win; Biden needs to help American’s pocketbooks and do so now.

Everyone seemed to take the tone as support for Trump, which doesn’t appear to be the intent.

Ya that’s pretty normal. Trump is the worst president in my lifetime. He should be easy to beat.

@Zoomboingding@lemmy.world avatar

The biggest campaign disaster is not touting the monumental investments in infrastructure. You almost certainly have a water line replacement, lead service line replacement, or bridge reconstruction project in your town funded by Biden.

fubarx, to politics in The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions

“Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant.”

That if is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


What blows my mind is how many people these poles seem to say think that Donald Trump’s economic policies are so great. The fact is that he, in four short years, undid nearly all of the economic growth that Obama built on for eight full years. And that was before he mishandled the pandemic so unfathomably badly that our country is still recovering from it four years later.

It is just mind boggling that there are people, that aren’t a part of his moronic base, who see him as anything but a buffoon.

Edit: formatting and clarification.


The people still supporting Trump, by and large, live in an entirely different reality than the rest of us. Even among Republicans, the belief that Biden actually won the last election or that Trump has done anything wrong is strongly correlated with Fox News viewership.


Brainwashed from birth


The economy is a really easy target for someone to point to to claim a president is doing well or poorly. Really whenever someone makes a claim about “the economy” in general without specifying which metrics they’re talking about and why those are relevant, they’re full of it and just using it to make the list of pros or cons longer.

I’m still in my 20s and I’m more or less a layman as far as economics go. Ever since I started paying attention to politics, the economy has simultaneously been doing extremely well and poorly depending on who you ask, and they can use a whole mess of different metrics to explain why they’re right. Meanwhile the only thing I really notice is the price of gas, groceries, or rent.

It seems that we live in two different economies: a good one for people that support the president, and a bad one for those that don’t.


I think it’s a whole lot simpler than that.

Trumps presidency was 80% pre-covid, and entirely pre-inflation. Bidens was all covid, all inflation that saw the average person lose 20-30% of their pay.

This is how stupid and simplistic the average voter is, and it’s why conservative propaganda works so well. Their feelings don’t care about facts.


And have pretty much always been that way, at least in semi recent memory, and the GOP have used this fact constantly by taking credit for their Dem predecessors’ economic policies and by the time the negative impact of their policies start to be seen, the Dems are back in power and the GOP blames them for the hardship

The average voter does not and apparently will never understand that economic policy takes years to fully see and feel the impact


I’ve been working for three decades. In that time, we’ve had some legitimate financial crises such as 9/11, 2008, and COVID.

Those aside, what I’ve mainly witnessed is people who fail in business or lose their job via incompetence never say, “Man, I should’ve hired a legitimate bookkeeper and stopped using my corporate card to cut rails in the strip club bathroom,” or, “Man, maybe I should’ve shown up to work more than twice a month and maybe I shouldn’t have slapped the receptionist on the ass when I did show up.”

No. It’s always, “My business failed and I lost my job because of the economy”

“The economy” is some great catch all bogeyman scapegoat that has very little basis in meaning when used in daily conversation, especially as it pertains to personal finance.

We can talk about corporatocracies or consolidation of wealth or two tier justice because those things are real and should be addressed, but they are rarely what people are referring to when they blame “the economy.”


Trump being good for inflation by… starting a trade war with China? And Europe?

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