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Lol at disbarred. She will be in the Supreme Court if the election goes the wrong way!!


Personally I think prioritising the status of people currently in the US over newcomers is entirely reasonable.


Just to add, if Trump wins, they will certainly step down and Trump will appoint 40-year olds to the SC. Possibly the crazy lady from Florida. Voting Blue is the only thing that will stop this distopia.


Tbf the vice president has not been the candidate since Al Gore, so I don’t think it can be seen as the default.


That’s a nice thought, but I am pretty sure that Trump leads among white voters. The election wouldn’t be close otherwise.


There are many misconceptions here. For instance, a sizeable fraction of the public believes that minors receive a sex-change surgery (they don’t) as opposed to just medication and therapy. I think most people are mostly worried that it is easy to transition and kids might do it without considering the consequences. These myths could be easily dispelled if they actually talk to transgenders.


Can journalists of respectable outlets please just put the conclusion in the headline? Those that briefly read headlines (90 percent of readers) will now assume that Biden lost 88,000 children. Even worse behind a paywall.


Doesn’t seem to be an SC case. Should be obvious that you can’t have a trademark that includes someone else’s name. How did it end there?


Actually, when kings/queens abdicate they usually lose the title king/queen. These titles are then re bestowed upon death. Would of course be ridiculous to have two living kings at the same time (similar to presidents).


For politicians they usually you the term previous or past to indicate they are no longer in power. So Trump would be past president or PP. since he was only in power for one term, you might want to add the adjective small, such that Trump’s full title becomes small PP.


Yes, policing can be important, but it also helps that socioeconomic conditions have improved since the pandemic.


Yeah blame the left which is in power in…. Oh right, nowhere. Essentially the voter has tried out all (somewhat) reasonable right politicians and since nothing works they now decided to try the crazy right wingers.


This is just such a false narrative. The issue is not a lack of funds to help our own citizens and refugees. The issue is that those funds are concentrated among very few very wealthy people. Those wealthy people would very much like us to blame the refugees.


The problem in Belgium is that the Dutch speaking part swings far-right whereas the French speaking part swings far-left. Without common ground they probably will not be able to form a government.


Absolutely not. Only women should be punished for such a heinous act. Men simply cannot control their urges /s.


To be clear: they are penalizing “pedos” while simultaneously allowing (encouraging?) 13-year olds to get married. This is not about pedophilia but about gays.

Biden rips ‘convicted felon’ Trump, says ‘something snapped in him’ (

“Here is what is becoming clearer and clearer every day. The threat that Trump poses would be greater in a second term than it was in his first term. This isn’t the same Trump who got elected in 2016. He’s worse,” Biden said, according to prepared remarks…...


It depends on whether you think the Justice system is fair. I personally think the justice system is unfair, but since it is biased in Trump’s favour, his conviction is an even larger blemish on his track record. Of course it should also weigh heavily that this crime directly relates to misleading Americans prior to an election.


Not (frequently) mowing your lawn is one of the best things you can do for your local bee population. Dandelions and other meadow flowers are great sources of nutrition for them. Obviously, don’t use pesticides either.


That unwatchable news network might well be CNN to show the world just how “balanced “ they are.


Democrats are insanely stupid. Don’t they remember the last time Nethanyahu was invited in campaign time? Even if you support Israel, certainly as a Democrat you cannot support this guy??


You are missing the point: breeding cows, whatever the purpose, is cruel.


This is a punishment that simply cannot be enacted. Any doctor that participates violates his Hippocratic oath.


If you can move the debate to actual policies, Dems will always win. Problem is the interest in presenting this as a horse race, and the focus on outrage quotes. That includes Lemmy- Politics where the few topics on actual policy get few upvotes, and activity.


The thing that makes this somewhat relevant is how close the election is. If those tapes exist, and you can get them to the right social media accounts, it might make 0.5 percent of his voters reconsider (and that might be sufficient).


Indeed. They have received F16s. They are useless if Ukraine cannot take out aerial defences on Russian soil. Why is this even a discussion?


This is such a weird restriction. Vietnam was a proxy war between the US and the Soviets, and both had boots on the ground. Nobody was particularly concerned this would cause WW3. Why is Ukraine different? Of course, I am not advocating a fully armed confrontation, but Western elite troops that can mark targets, take out key operatives, and direct troops? I don’t see the issue.


Here I am talking about Western troops that would be active in Ukraine, not Russia.


Why do you believe this makes the war go nuclear? I don’t see the connection at all.


In Italy the combination of solar panels on your roof in combination with an EV should imply that you pay very little in electricity and fuel bills. There should be a decent group of households for which such an investment pays off.


Most people that do not drive EVs vastly underestimate how much they can save in fuel and maintenance costs.


Not worried at all about Tate/Peterson type of voters? I am quite worried about the new brand of toxic masculinity, and that demographic definitely leans towards Trump.


It would be pretty insane if Cohen does time, and the person ordering him to do the crime does not. Of course, par for the course in the US justice system, but nevertheless crazy.


Build sufficient storage capacity and prices will not turn negative.


Did you even read the post you are responding to???

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


I don’t think anyone is saying that. Don’t shut up, but do vote!


The pedo rapist in the end already shows the difference between the candidates. Vote for the guy that has not been accused of rape.


There’s not now, nor will there ever be a perfect choice. Fact is that all US presidents have, to some extent, blood on their hands. Is the choice this year bad? Yes. But all previous presidents in recent times supplied arms to regimes like Saudi Arabia, Israel etc. In the past the US itself committed its own genocide on native Americans, interned Japanese, killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, invaded Iraq and Afghanistan etc etc. And with all these atrocities, voting the lesser evil helped (a bit). Perfect is not for sale this year, nor will it ever be.


Yeah, the process is slow but thorough (as it should be since these are among the most difficult cases in existence).


The real blame here lies with the US, especially the Trump presidency. In Iran moderates were in power until Trump unilaterally ended the Iran nuclear deal. That was a clear signal to Iran, that moderation doesn’t bring them forward.


I always wonder what type of Republic they are aiming for. The PRC? Or the Islamic Republic of Iran? The French or German Republic? I guess given their religious leanings they would prefer the Theocratic/Iranian style of Republic.


The US is both a constitutional Republic and a democracy . In fact, the democratic part is included in the constitution.


I don’t understand this argument. The Declaration of Independence is not part of the constitution so it’s not part of a valid legal argument. as I understand it the Constitution does not give individual citizens the right to elect the State that governs them ( beyond by moving obviously).


That’s exactly what he’s doing in OPs article…

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds (

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that never happened, allowing the company to turn a profit on its fledgling carbon capture and storage project, according to a new report by Greenpeace Canada....


Pedantic, but you can do this by planting a forest (in a currently not forested area).


Agreed. Forestation can be a large contributor to reducing climate change, but any scheme that is offered by polluting companies should be viewed with extreme scepticism.

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