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I’m sorry, the entire coastal waters? Fuck no, this is absolutely unheard of and insane.

6,000 years ago, men and women -and those migrated from other locations- had equal access to resources, research finds (

Using isotope geochemistry, scientists have uncovered new information about the Barmaz necropolis in Valais (Switzerland): 14% of the people buried 6,000 years ago at this site were not locals. What’s more, the study suggests that this Middle Neolithic agropastoral society – one of the oldest known in the western part of...


Very interesting! I am curious how modern populations would show up if tested by this method.


Based on the information in the article this seems way over the line. Is there some context missing or is it just that?


This is an important finding, coming from a relatively unbiased and credible body. Israel has already been muddying the water by spinning a narrative that the UN has some secret antisemitic agenda, and I expect they will double down in response to this.

This report needs to be backed up by individual nations if its findings are to be accepted. Global citizens must pressure our governments to acknowledge and act on these findings. If we do not, many of them will find ways to downplay or obfuscate them, and the situation will not improve.


Can you give an example of what you’re talking about? I think more mod communication is good so my initial response is to oppose this suggestion.


I did and I didn’t see anything like what you’re describing. Low effort, provocative content, yes, trolling, no. Trolling is not just an opinion you find offensive.

This the issue with trying to police trolling. No one can agree on what it means. Moderation standards need to be based on clear definition in line with community consensus. Vague prohibitions like trolling lead to bias and moderation abuse.

I’m not opposed to removing these types of comments but if so it needs to be based on a clear standard that everyone can understand. A prohibition on “trolling” clearly is not adequate for this purpose.


OK I agree it probably should have been a clear statement of the rules and then conversation over. Going back and forth with a combative attitude is not an effective moderation strategy.

But this seems like a minor criticism. Overall I appreciate the attempt to explain the rules, I just think it could be done better.


Very concerning if true, though unless this is regarding the mod OP mentioned, this is not the exact issue at hand.

In my opinion, the mod structure established by Reddit and perpetuated by Lemmy is extremely flawed and will inevitably lead to abuses like this. This is the predictable result of all governance structures that lack democratic oversight. Exactly what the best oversight would look like I do not know but I hope there will be experimentation in this vein in the future. Until such time, I doubt this issue will be resolved very successfully.


To me this is not clearly explained in the rules. While I didn’t like the content in question, this seems overly heavy-handed for the situation.


Insider from OpenAI PR department speaks out!


Is this true? Seems like it would be difficult to verify.


People have been saying shit like this for 30 years. It’s not inevitable, but there is a risk and they want to be prepared for it.

In Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, a hidden underground world is under threat by the Maya Train (

Rays of sunlight slice through pools of crystal water as clusters of fish cast shadows on the limestone below. Arching over the emerald basin are walls of stalactites dripping down the cavern ceiling, which opens to a dense jungle....


I’m normally in favor of these types of projects but I’ve heard the local people are opposed. I’d like to know why but I haven’t found that information, maybe because indigenous voices are deeply repressed in Mexico.


But will it destroy the environment more than the status quo of driving and flying everywhere? I mean probably there are fewer such trips in Mexico than in richer countries but still quite a few.


Roads are much more easily used for illegal logging, hunting, etc. than train lines. Not sure if that’s an issue in Mexico but it for sure is elsewhere.


Confirmed where?

LibertyLizard, (edited )

Thanks, but it seems a lot more complicated than just saying they’re “confirmed fake”. It sounds like there’s a legitimate debate over the best way to translate a word that doesn’t have a direct equivalent in English.


I mean correct translation is very difficult. I don’t really know what you’re referring to here but none of the links posted here suggest the translation was completely wrong. Just that there is a nuanced subtext that isn’t totally clear in this context.

But I mean this is Israel Palestine so fuck nuance, let’s just kill the other tribe and be done with it, am I right?


Do you speak Arabic? How would you translate it?

So far it’s just angry terminally online people angrily shouting which I don’t put much weight on. The experts listed in the articles disagreed so how am I a non-Arabic speaker to know which is correct?


I have little faith in Israeli propaganda and about as little in online ideologues. But thanks for sharing your knowledge in any case, since you sound like you are speaking from a place of knowledge, unlike the other commenters.


Do your parents know you took their iPhone?

Progressive Democrats aren’t turning activism into election wins (

Essentially, today’s 213-member Democratic caucus breaks down into a few categories, the largest of which are traditionally liberal lawmakers who come from cities or inner suburbs and are comfortable with incremental victories in helping the working class. There are dozens of moderates who are more friendly toward business but...


Solar production is quite variable. This time of year there is often excess production, but in fall or winter there can still be shortages. So it may still be worth subsidizing more production, though there might be a debate as to how much subsidy should go to storage vs extra solar production. Another possibility is to come up with non-capital intensive ways to turn cheap electricity into something useful but I’m not totally sure what that would be.


Maybe. The problem with these systems currently is that they also have large capital costs. So if you only run them during times when electricity is cheap, you end up having less production/revenue to offset those costs. So it doesn’t really pencil out yet, unless electricity becomes cheap all the time or you figure out how to build them really cheaply.


“I’m opposed. Cable news told me that California is being overrun by criminals because of woke politicians and I believe them over voices from my own community or crime statistics.”


It was a joke but it’s also real. I live in a city in California and I’ve heard suburbanites say it’s literally not safe to come to my neighborhood because they actually think they will be spotted and attacked instantly. Meanwhile, as I mentioned, crime rates have dropped considerably and I can’t even think of a single person I know who has had a recent problem with crime. It’s like the media has whole-cloth fabricated a crisis that just isn’t happening and I feel like no one but me can see it. Insane.


Thomas is a Supreme Court justice and his legal ruling in a recent case advocated for banning gay marriage. Perhaps the situation is different elsewhere but in the US there is still a lot of prejudice against queer people among conservatives.


Yeah I think it is more of a loud minority but it is a strongly held belief for a not insignificant portion of the population, and they hold a lot of political power.


What university campus has a closing time?


You’re right, I forgot that the constitution is the basis of all moral reasoning and we can’t make any arguments that don’t stem from it.


Trespassing outside of people’s immediate dwelling spaces shouldn’t be illegal at all. It’s just a tool for the wealthy to control the rest of us and where we can exist on our common planet.


Horrific. What can we as individuals do to help alleviate this situation?


Agreed. If you’ve lived somewhere ten years why should you be denied a vote? Frankly I would allow all residents to vote even when they first arrive but I’m sure this would be even more controversial.

Seems like a strange thing to riot over—is this being perceived in a lens of colonialism?


I see. Well I definitely support New Caledonia’s right to self-determination but I don’t think fighting over disenfranchising people is going to be the best way to achieve that.


Yeah you might be right. Oh well.


Seemed like a decent article. What is the nature of your criticism?


New York post is definitely biased but I don’t know if I’d consider them quite as bad as a tabloid. I’ve seen decent articles out of them often enough, though I’m not a regular reader so maybe only the good ones are filtering over to me.

Ukraine’s troops withdraw from parts of north-east as pressure mounts (

Ukraine’s troops withdrew from several areas of the country’s north-east amid mounting pressure from a new Russian offensive, as the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, postponed all foreign trips underscoring the seriousness of the threat....


So what’s the problem? Lack of arms? Has the new aid had time to make its way to the front yet? Or is it lack of soldiers? That would be harder to solve.

Why Ukraine Should Keep Striking Russian Oil Refineries (

Washington’s criticism is misplaced: attacks on oil refineries will not have the effect on global energy markets that U.S. officials fear. These s​trikes reduce Russia’s ability to turn its oil into usable products; they do not affect the volume of oil it can extract or export. In fact, with less domestic refining...


Blowing up oil refineries may be a net benefit anywhere on earth but certainly in Russia it is.


Taxes are one method for doing this. Though it has to be a high enough tax.


Normally don’t think there’s much of opinion pieces but this was a good one. Well, researched, covering an important issue that most people have relatively low understanding of. Concrete policy proposals to address it. Thanks for sharing!


Not just in Bengladesh… I was speaking to an elderly colleague last week who is losing his vision and he was sharing how afraid he is they will take his license. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that if he can’t see, it’s not safe to drive because knowing where he lives, he will otherwise be a prisoner in his own home. There is no alternative way to get around in his neighborhood.


So you don’t have one then? I’ve seen plenty of research on worker coops, and I’ve never seen any that supports this idea. Without any evidence I’m left to conclude that this is just capitalist apologia.


Love me some Anark—I did watch this but I don’t remember seeing much detail on how community governance works. Is it in there and I missed it?


So anecdotal? Have you worked in a worker’s coop? It’s hard to see how some workers taking advantage of others would be worse than the owner taking advantage of them but if you have seen it maybe you can explain how.


Ok, this doesn’t seem to be the overall picture in the economic literature but thanks for sharing your experience. Given that, I can see why you hold those views.

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