
No physical copy on release day.


It’s a glitchy, unpolished game that, while being fun and having amazing dialogue, did not necessarily deserve GOTY.


I don’t know about unpolished, wasn’t my cup of tea in a lot of ways but felt very polished in almost every regard I can think of


Inventory management was horrible. Party management was horrible (but I’ve heard they improved it a bit). Camera management was horrible around areas with multiple floors, especially when they weren’t flat. (The othon fight in particular was awful.) I encountered a few soft locks with enemies sort of teleporting to the shadow realm or some shit and getting stuck inside the illusory door in the hag’s den. Specific graphics settings would get unset every time I opened the game. Stuff like a bug preventing tons of Minthara’s dialogue not being in the game. They fixed that, which is great, but there’s just so many little things like this all over the place. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people say it’s polished. It’s fun and I enjoy it, but it’s certainly not polished.

Also, putting a character (Gale) behind a skill check is insane.

Yearly1845, (edited )

The flaming fist can see you steal things from like six buildings away.

When I fought Gortash the first time (I didn’t do the foundry) his steel watchers kept kicking my ass. “Ah ha!” I thought, “I’ll close the door and cast Arcane Lock on it to keep them out and trivialize this fight!”. The watchers teleported next to gortash as soon as the fighting began and wiped the floor with me.

During the Ketheric fight, Ketheric decided he… Just had enough? I guess? He went to stand in the center of the platform and fucked off for five entire rounds while I killed everyone else and started phase 3.

Inventory management is impossible with a controller.

I play on a Steam Deck and while the game runs amazingly in Acts 1 and 2, the instant you set foot in Rivington you’re lucky if you can get 20 fps. And I hear its the same on a PC?

Speaking of Act 3, the entire act is awful. Acts 1 and 2 were incredible and then the whole thing just falls apart. The pacing is all wrong, and you pretty much forget the absolute entirely. Someone else said they stopped playing after moonrise and ended their game, and honestly I like that idea more every day.

Felogyrs Fireworks. That’s all I need to say.

You need to loot literally everything or you’ll miss critical items, and the loot overwhelmingly sucks ass. Oh boy! Another rotten tampon I can sell for 1g!

Potion tooltips are less than useless, especially on the crafting screen (oh man don’t get me started there). What does this potion do? No idea! But at least you know it tastes like Troll cum!

I really do love this game, but a lot of parts of the game are just steaming piles of shit. I also don’t believe it deserved all the awards it got, and it’s kind of amazing it did.

dwindling7373, (edited )

The marketing oversold the idea that if you wanted to do something it would amaze you to find it was expected by the designers.

Most of the, I thought at the time, very obvious thing I wanted to explore thematically were not there. Also, Romance felt clunky and unnuanced.


In Act 1 there is a downed bridge. I had something like a scroll of fly and it wouldn’t let me cross.


Larian’s writers can’t hold a candle to the Bioware of old.


I don’t know how much I would actually pump up Old Bioware on that front, but yeah, the writing quality is actually something I noticed a few hundred hours in. The VAs and animators do such an amazing job that it can slip by for a while, but the writing, taken in isolation, is just kind of… acceptable.


For everyone but a few obvious folks, all the voice acting is way too posh.


I think is supposed to be how they set the Bauldurians apart.


I hate multiplayer in pretty much any game where there’s a lot of menuing. And being able to wander off? There’s a reason you don’t split the party IRL and it holds here. Having a shopping session also is boring IRL and it is here, too. Oh, there was important plot stuff happening? I didn’t know the other person was in a conversation.

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

Just let me auto follow the party leader, please


You can do this and also listen to conversations you aren’t present for from the active character portraits without changing settings. There’s even a prompt for ongoing conversations to join in on them as a listener remotely.


There’s a setting, I think it’s called eaves drop mode, where you will automatically listen in on any conversation that another player initiates.


Those pyramids were literally necessary in DOS2

Can’t imagine why they weren’t in this game

  1. The original vision for the game would have been better. EA was more interesting.
  2. Pacing and toes of gear is done poorly. There’s swords for days but only 2 interesting tridents, war picks, or hand axe for example. There’s barely any usable druid gear (anything that actually matters if you wild shape). And the most useful stuff for monks is found only in act 3.
  3. A lot of people are nitpicky only because it won so many awards and it’s not their own perfect game (if such a thing exists).

I still give this game a 10/10 for what it is. Despite knowing if it baked another year it might have been so much more.


What was different in the Early Access?


tl;dr, the story and motivation for everything was far more fleshed out

Here’s just some of the things. Not even going into mechanics that are removed (like Wyll’s eye). Or my personal opinion some of their starting looks were a bit more interesting/better (you get a bit of an idea www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MeutkQFliM or from the CohhCarnage videos I link later)

There used to be way more dialog options for one. Your class/subclass/god/etc actually got reflected in more options. There was a great video of a cleric giving some unhinged prayer to the tiefling that opens the gate. It’s not major, but it adds to a lot to the game. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KameRUsFv8Y (with all the BG3 videos now, it’s harder to find some of the classics). Also, Shadowheart had a much more interesting conversation if you were also a cleric if you were a Cleric of Shar too.

The camp was way more interesting. There’s a ton of story ripped out of the game from the camps. This, was the thing that hooked me in EA. Daisy (the in-game code name for what would be replaced by your dream visitor) would entice you with power, encourage you to use the illithid powers. And when you finally do, and the narrator says “you’ve lost something you can never get back” probably makes more sense now. Once you did that, you got a class specific illithid power. There was no weird illithid skill tree, it was based around how often you used the powers. But going back to the camp, the companions would comment more about each other. Shadowheart and Lae’Zel’s hatred for each other was shown way better, even commenting if you talked to one or the other first. Here’s a couple of examples www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYRe2jHhBRc and www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw5q6u_iMN0 but overall, the camp at the end of the day was 1000x more interesting and really fleshed out the characters more and I’d say in important ways.

I’d even say the starting area (Nautiloid) was better. The current one is sufficient I guess. But the original showed you more about the fight the Illithids have with the Gith, you got to see more of the ship, what the Illithid did to people, what it meant to become a thrall (to really sell it that this is a terrifying process). But it showed you a few more mechanics too. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC-GWA_Yj2c starts at EP2, but you’ll want to go to EP 3 as well. But you can see the differences.

Tav used to talk.

For me, the story around “Daisy” was way more compelling. The song “Down by the river” is in reference to these encounters. Here’s a video on that www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTw_9vM5LgA

… So these are just some of the things, lol. There’s more like when you got down to the Underdark and some serious changes that happened there. And I haven’t even touched on the stuff that never made it in (like the extra companion that was to be a werewolf… or the original Nightsong) (you can see some of it cataloged here bg3.wiki/wiki/Cut_and_unimplemented_content ) and I’m fairly certain all the companions were originally supposed to show up in Act 1 instead of 1, 2, and 3. There’s a lot of dialog from characters for places they’re not “supposed to be” like the eagles (can’t find video, but its out there). But none of that is EA stuff, just cut stuff… but if the game had baked longer… I’m just saying… it might not have been cut sutff.


Why’d they change it so much? EA dialogue does seem better. Especially what they did with the dream visitor.

Is there any way to play the EA version still? And it’s it possible to complete the EA version (all acts)?


I have not found a way yet to play EA again. I’ve legit e-mailed Larian asking for it too.

I can only guess as to why there was such a drastic change. Because one day (in EA) I’m playing the last EA patched version and the following day on release… a bunch of stuff blinked out of existence. My guess, is they ran out of time. Various zones (like Upper Baldur’s Gate) are just removed (said zone is just a stage now). Various story lines are incomplete. There’s story threads that stop cold (there’s supposed to be more Hags if the various letters/notes/and NPC conversations are to be believed). The whole end sequence were the capture dragon shows up… how they got that dragon is never shown… etc. So, that’s my guess, they had more ambition than time.

Oh another idea that wasn’t completed. Karlach (the last character added/worked on) is the only origin character you play that you can hear the inner thoughts/monolog. Everyone else is silent.


Yeah couldn’t find anything. Guess I’ll keep searching it someone has a copy of EA somewhere


I like the “Free The Artist” side quest.

That is all.

@Plum@lemmy.world avatar

That’s the most controversial take so far. Cheers!


I decided not to buy it yet.


Same. I’m patiently waiting for real sale on it.

@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The alternate party member NPCs are generic stereotypes, and far less interesting for that. They don’t hold a candle to the NPCs in something like Wrath of the Righteous, who subvert expectations in a wonderfullly interesting way.


I dislike most if not all party members. Like not always actively dislike, but don’t care much what happens to them. Even if the writing and voice acting is more than decent. Too grimdark and fucked up is how I would describe it. It’s like Larian took all the criticism about previous games being too lighthearted and overcorrected. And not in particularly relatable ways, feels more like they sat down and brainstormed intensely in nerdy excitement and with little depth or restraint about what would be cool and extreme and fucked up, and oh wouldn’t that be awesome… creating freakish caricatures with oh so dramatic and cursed backgrounds rather than you know, relatable flawed characters. Of course I only feel like this because much is done very well and so any missteps are more striking.


You can’t be a cleric of any of the interesting gods: Umberlee, Gond, Bane, Bhaal, Loviatar, Myrkul


I kind of hate how you can not only nope out of nearly every puzzle with lockpicking but rogues get like half a dozen bonuses during the skill check so why are you even rolling the damn dice?


This game doesn’t seem interesting enough for me to try it.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

This game is great, but if it came out only a year or two after BG2, it wouldn’t have been as highly praised being much smaller and also because contemporaries would have been on par mechanically.

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