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Wild_Mastic, (edited ) in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

Seems like I have to add this moron to the ignore list right next to Musk, so I no longer see posts about him.

dohpaz42, avatar

Shit I forgot about this feature. Thanks!

JoMiran, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile' avatar

Fine. I won’t pick a side. I won’t crucify anyone without evidence. So…release the transcripts. That seems like the logical step.


Twitch settled with him instead of losing in arbitration for banning him. I want to see the the transcripts. It sounds like part of his settlement was that he couldn’t talk about it but ex twitter employees violated the nda. That’s a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

He’s a massive pos so it Wouldn’t surprise me if he did do something worthy of this witch hint but damnit i want to see the texts before i burn him when twitch is being so weird about it.


That’s a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

I don’t think that’s weird, twitch really doesn’t want the pr of being wrong or having a pedo on their platform, its a lose-lose and I would expect them to try and cover it up regardless.


The transcripts won't be released unless they're leaked. Giving out any details about the minor he was chatting with risks exposing the victim, who is possibly still a minor. Releasing the transcripts would be an incredibly damaging move, and not to Beahm; people would almost certainly doxx the kid immediately, possibly putting them at even greater risk of harm than they would have been in to begin with.

We don't need to see them, anyway. We're not involved. We have nothing to gain from reading the details. If self-admitting to having inappropriate conversations with minors isn't evidence enough to convince you one way or the other, then I really don't see how reading a sext thread with a child will make much of a difference.


It was seven years ago. Unless he was talking to a ten year old, they’re not a minor anymore.


And if they are…well, first of all, yikes, and second of all his career as a content creator is going to go from “damaged” to “gone” as no platform would let him stream after that.

JCreazy, in Nearly 6 months later, Palworld devs confirm Nintendo never drew so much as an inch of its legal sword over bootleg Pokémon allegations

Do people still play palworld or did it end up dying out after all the hype? I know a guy that bought it because of the hype, played it for a few hours saying how cool it was and hasn’t played it sense.


I’m in the same boat.
“OH MAN THIS IS SO COol I can’t wait for the rest of the content oh it turns out I can”


I’ve been having trouble putting my finger on what it is about it like that. I waited a little bit past the hype to play, and when I started I was completely hooked. Then I got busy for a few days and couldn’t play it, but never really felt like picking it up again

I wonder if it’s because it has a lot of different mechanics, but they aren’t particularly deep? So it’s addicting as you keep discovering new ones and how they interact, but then dies off?


I think that’s exactly it. You’re excited by the promise.

Default_Defect, avatar

I knew this would be the case when my friend insisted I buy to play with him. Hes an unfortunate barometer for games that will either lose hype quickly or get shut down soon after release. You name a game that had a hard fall off and he was its biggest proponent during its honeymoon period. Game had its servers shut down? He played the shit out of it.


Such a shame because your friend sounds like a cool person. I think it’s just that the gaming industry has become so bloated and mismanaged that a lot of new products are hyped to hell, then face plant hard.

Default_Defect, avatar

He is, and I spent a lot of money buying and playing some of these games against my better judgement, but I can’t do it anymore. Especially not if they’re gonna charge a $70 fee just to start.


That’s how most games are lol. Of course you have your fanatics who have to play the new game and nothing but the new game (looking at the Abiotic Factor discord server), but once I finish the current content I’ll move on to something else until a new update.

I’m cycling through Abiotic Factor, Selaco, and Going Medieval right now.


It got boring real quick


I’m kind of an early access freak, but I put in about 80 hours and enjoyed it. There were definitely problems early, and I don’t plan on going back to it for at least a year, enough for them to release substantially more and it feels fresh.


Same here. I heard they released a handful of new upper tier pals but I’ll wait for the next major revision to go back


I’ve heard that this Sakurajima update (wild name, btw) is pretty huge, bringing an entire building system overhaul, new pieces, as well as new pals and an entire new map.

Chozo, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

How quickly we went from "I didn't do it" to "I did it, but it wasn't that bad".


Wait for it…

That didn’t happen.

And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

And if it was, that’s not a big deal.

And if it is, that’s not my fault.

And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.


Overused comment that has almost nothing to do with the point.


Just admit you’re too stupid to understand.



MikeOToxin, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

I’m no fucking predator or pedophile

Well… If the person was a minor, and you weren’t, and you knew they were young and the messages were ‘leaning inappropriate’, you’re a pedophile.

Also a predator.


That is not the words you should use for a 17 year old he didn’t even know was underage.


He said he knew in his post.


Still not a pedophile nor a predator even for flirting. This is not a 12 year old, but in many jurisdictions a responsible adult.


He’s a morally reprehensible asshole either way.


Yeah, he is mainly a cheater on his wife. Not exactly great, but conversations on this sound like by people who never leave their basement and talk to people.


A pedophile predator is somebody who systematically texts underage people, and fishes out the vulnerable ones to exploit their weaknesses for their own satisfaction and exerts control over them. Speaking to a single, depending on the jurisdiction (±1 year), consenting adult (17 is young, but not completely stupid), with slightly flirty messages is absolutely not that. it isn’t even toxic. in fact, it devalues this tag for behaviour which is not cool due to the cheating and a bit skittish because of the age difference, but is otherwise kind of okay. See, next time somebody tells me about a pedophile predator I will be thinking about a conversation between two adults, or almost adult and not nasty abuse scarring people for life.


Have you talked to 17 year olds? They are far from developed in most cases. Anyone even in their late 20s should notice the difference in development and stay clear.

Carighan, avatar

Yeah that’s a fair take.

It is reprehensible and disgusting behavior, but it doesn’t mean we should universally apply labels across vast swaths of different issues, as it devalues said label and poisons future discussion.

Simple labels simplify discussion of course, but that runs the risk of losing nuance for the specific way someone was a disgusting creep.

DrJenkem, avatar

No it’s not. Beahm, a 38 year old man at the time, was sexting a minor. That makes him a pedo.

Carighan, avatar

I did not disagree with that, so I’m not sure what you’re on about.

DrJenkem, avatar

So you agree that Beahm is a pedo? You replied to a person that does not think he is a pedo with “fair take”. Maybe you replied to the wrong person.

Carighan, avatar

Yeah I do. I disagree with most of their posts, but I agree with the motion that using the same labels indiscriminately is a problem in online discourse.

For example, far as I know so far, I’d call him a pedo, but I am unsure whether I’d call him a predator (of course, language differences apply, too). That’s just because I need words to express the predatory nature of people like Maxwell who prey on teens and YA.

That’s kinda what I meant, there’s too few words to just use the same label across the board sometimes. Doesn’t make something someone does less reprehensible. Rather i prefer to sometimes use full sentences instead of quick labels because it more accurately expresses the matter.

DrJenkem, avatar

but I am unsure whether I’d call him a predator (of course, language differences apply, too). That’s just because I need words to express the predatory nature of people like Maxwell who prey on teens and YA.

What do you mean by this? Beahm was preying on a minor by sexting that minor and asking to meetup at twitch con. Are you specifically referring to people operating child sex rings? In either case, I don’t think anyone else uses your ultra-specific definition. For myself, and I assume most others, pedophiles are merely a type of predator. For example, the show, to catch a predator, was about creeps sexting kids online. This is precisely what Beahm was doing so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call him a predator.


Unlike you who leaves in his windowless van to go hang out with your girlfriend at her highschool.


No point in leaving the windowless van, if I chained my highscool girlfriend inside it.


I leave my basement and talk to people every day without hitting on underage girls


Dubious take.


Not in the jurisdiction he was in, and that’s all that matters.

Also, while sending sexually explicit texts to minors (using only words) is not illegal, I’m pretty sure we can correlate what his intent was. What, do you think he’s going to come out and fully admit he’s a pedophile? No.

Also, nowhere in any of his statements has he clarified that he didn’t know they were underage. If it were the case that he didn’t know, that’s a pretty fucking big deal and he should know how important it is to explain that. He didn’t though.

Stop defending pedophiles.


Mfers out here googling what age a legal adult is to defend predators


Where did that age come from?

NatakuNox, (edited )

Are you seriously taking the pedophiles side on this?!


It isn’t pedophilia, that is the point. It is flirting with a, in many countries and states, consenting person.

braindefragger, (edited )


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  • Aurix,

    Then why aim at me and not change the legislation?


    Ya he was just trying to be a pedophile. Totally different…

    weastie, (edited )

    I hate to get so semantical but using the word pedophile incorrectly just desensitizes the word. Pedophilia means being attracted to children, primarily meaning before or in the early stages of puberty, usually younger than 13. In fact, many pedophiles would not be attracted to someone aged 15+ because they are typically exclusively or primarily interested in prepubescent bodies.

    That doesn’t mean this guy isn’t a total asshole, but he’s not a pedophile, and I think anyone can understand an adult sexting an older teen, while still absolutely horrid, is quite different from sexting a child.

    Once again, absolutely not defending this guy, I don’t even know who he is… but I think it’s important not to desensitize the word.


    I know the distinction, but hebephile doesn’t carry the same weight. Also, I believe I read the minor was 12. So… Pedo.

    I stand by what I said. We don’t need to be apologistic towards the scum of the earth. Kids are kids.


    Oh fuck. I heard she was 17 and that was fucking bad enough as is. Fucking hell this man is awful.

    christian, avatar

    Yeah I would totally agree with this if the word wasn’t already desensitized a very long time ago. The language has changed. (I’m assuming people were ever differentiating, I don’t really know/remember the history.) Colloquially it means interested in teens unless it’s clarified to be worse than that.

    I recommend not trying to make this argument, anywhere. It will not change the way people use words, even if it could there would not be a point (attraction to pre-teens is so egregious that it will always be clarified), and a lot of people will assume that someone who doesn’t accept the colloquial usage is themselves interested in teens and in denial about how the public actually views that to the point where they think only interest in prepubescent children is problematic and handwave everything else away as a language issue.


    Colloquially, it’s a catch-all nowadays. Like I said in another reply, we don’t need to differentiate between lowest common denominators. That gets into sounding sympathetic to these fucks, and anyone who sympathizes might as well be one themselves.


    You sound like a pedophile.


    I’ve attended a seminar for child protection before that was delivered by a former cop (that worked in the sex crimes division) and they said the exact same thing - in the context of correctly making the distinction between paedophile and sex offender.

    Sounds like he was grooming her.

    half_built_pyramids, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

    Why is this guy still around after bathroom?

    rigatti, avatar



    If I recall correctly, he filmed some people in a bathroom without their consent

    rigatti, avatar

    Oh. Yeah fuck this guy.


    Pretty sure that entire thing was accidental. Not that it makes the situation any better.


    Well, other than just having a phone in your pocket and mistakenly hitting record, I’m not sure how it could be accidental.


    He was live streaming at a venue and went to pee and forgot to turn off his camera feed iirc.

    missphant, avatar

    He streamed inside a public bathroom at E3. Then there’s also the thing where he cheated on his wife. I don’t know why people are so drawn to online personalities who prove over and over again they’re bad people with no intention to change.

    happybadger, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile' avatar

    My t-shirt saying “I’m no fucking predator or paedophile” has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.

    Sanctus, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile' avatar

    When you act erratic like that, you got caught. If you were innocent of even intention no long winded explanation of “they want me to disappear” would be necessary as the messages wouldnt even exist. The dildo of consequences has arrived for Guy Beahm.


    The great thing with your logic is no matter what he does he is guilty for you anyways. Great logic.


    Man, he admitted he was guilty.


    Dude, he said he was guilty. The fuck are you even trying to say.


    It is the pedohile predator messages that get me, when we talk about text flirting with a 17 year old. That is just not the scale of an issue people blow it out to be. People are like a rape-murder case almost happened. It is beyond ridicolous.


    It actually is a big deal. You really need to take some time to think it through to understand that. Either that or you are a troll and I’m just wasting my time right now 🤷‍♂️


    Yeah it would’ve just been rape of a minor, can’t prove he wanted to murder her!


    I can’t believe somebody would type this for serious. First the jump between talking over text to rape is quite a long line in between. It is like us two disagreeing and me murdering you. And rape means non-consensual sexual intercourse. And given the age of 17 years, even if they would have consented, it wouldn’t be rape, as the person has enough emotional and sexual maturity to understand what it means. Now, it might be not legal in some jurisdictions, but this is just beyond wild proving my point people just want to make shit up.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    It’s called statutory rape. And he was married and 38 at the time. And he was also trying to meet this person at twitch con. And this is the same year of twitch con that he was caught cheating on his wife.

    No amount of spin makes this OK. Please stop trying to justify pedophilia in defense of your favorite streamer. Sexting a minor is not ok, and the fact that even Beahm himself couldn’t spin this in a way that’s good for him should tell you something.


    It wouldn’t qualify for that as depending on the country people can consent at that age. And we speak of a difference of a single year anyways. There is a reason people bring up marriage and age difference up instead, because it simply isn’t pedophilia. Current societal definition: “Psychiatric diagnostic criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.”

    DrJenkem, avatar

    The country is America dumbass. Age of consent is 18 in America. She was a minor, he was trying to solicit her at twitchcon. If you want to go the legal angle, that is a crime.

    That’s not societal definition, that’s the clinical definition. But If you want to be pedantic, yes you are right. He’s actually an ephebophile, which is still detestable and is still illegal, still immoral, and still very fucking creepy.

    Sexting a child is wrong. How is that hard for you to understand?

    Are you a Doc fan? Are you a pedo/ephebophile? Libertarian? What’s going on here?


    In over half of America it would have been legal as the age of consent is above 16 or 17. ……/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_St…

    This isn’t a child, it is almost an adult in the legal sense quite literally. Your entire point of a crime have taken place has just no ground to stand on.

    There were inappropriate messages, but sexting wasn’t mentioned so far and I doubt the exact details will be known. A meeting in a public place like Twitch Con is better than some back alley.

    Thanks to resorting to personal attacks, but I am bothered so much by this, because this situation makes shitty behavior as in cheating on his wife almost the same as actual rape and abuse cases. And that takes away resources in prevention and investigation where it is needed. I grew up with the Michael Jackson smear campaigns and social media just proliferated this type of abuse.

    DrJenkem, (edited ) avatar

    Twitch con was in California. And in the legal sense, almost an adult is a minor. So yes, this is a crime. And immoral. And worse than cheating. And yes, I’m ok with personally attacking pedos and those who defend them.

    Also a lot of those states use age-gap/romeo and Juliet laws. In most states it’s illegal for a 38 year old man to solicit a minor.

    Raped at twitch con is better than raped in an alley? Jesus fucking Christ.

    I’m guessing libertarian and pedo, you probably don’t actually give a shit about Beahm.


    How did you get fro meeting somebody to raping on Twitch Con. You have zero reasons to assume this situation. It isn’t pedophilia in any legal or moral sense.


    Again I ask, where did you come up with this age? From what I've seen, nobody has specified an age of the victim.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    Very true. I’ve seen no info regarding the minor’s age, which honestly is probably a good thing. The victim’s identity should be protected.


    Hmmm it sounds like you have a 17 year old that you want to text.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    He admitted to sexting a minor. How the fuck is he not guilty and why are you out here trying to defend pedophilia?

    Alteon, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

    From the article, it sounds like he knew they were a minor and still leaned into the conversations. Why? Why TF would you even be curious about it?


    “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” -Some Rapist

    JusticeForPorygon, avatar

    “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” -Some Rapist

    Broken_Monitor, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

    Yeah I’ll believe that when they release the transcript of what he said to the minor

    Crackhappy, in Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile' avatar

    “I’m not a predator” said the tiger as he approached the sheep.

    Crackhappy, avatar


    Sanctus, in Nearly 6 months later, Palworld devs confirm Nintendo never drew so much as an inch of its legal sword over bootleg Pokémon allegations avatar

    I mean it’d be like Nintendo suing Cassette Beasts.

    I think GameFreak has sat in its own shit too long.

    These indies are coming right up their ass with ideas that were just waiting for the Pokémon IP and now GameFreak can’t touch them. (The ideas not the lawsuits)


    It had every right to take over the monster catching market back in the early 2000s. Cartoon, GBC game, trading card game, they had it all, and they wrapped it in a super cool dark comic fantasy setting with actual plot and raised the target audience by a couple years to grow along with the kids who were all crazy about Pokémon.
    Well, the trading card game just had a successful crowdfunding campaign and THIS GUY just bought a bunch of the old cards to introduce my kids to the world.


    It wasn’t a game I played at the time, but I really enjoyed going back to play it last year.

    Zahille7, in Your favorite video game doesn't need a remake | Digital Trends

    I think the Battle for Middle-Earth games deserve remakes.

    It’s been too long since we’ve had a good LOTR game, let alone one that was an RTS.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, in Nearly 6 months later, Palworld devs confirm Nintendo never drew so much as an inch of its legal sword over bootleg Pokémon allegations avatar

    Of course not, because they didn’t do anything wrong. Just a bunch of pissed off pokemon fanboys pissed that Palworld was way better at the pokemon concept than Pokemon itself was.


    I mean…

    I’m glad there are so many Pokemon, and that Pokemon were not unique enough for the most part to be trademarked, but if you think they didn’t lift very heavily from a single source you’re fooling yourself and making flippant accusations of your straw-manned opposition.

    Also I’m questioning if it was actually “way better” or just edgier for the memes that games would latch onto and vehemently defend. It seems to have been very successful in the latter even if it wasn’t their intent.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    They iterated on a stale formula in a way that those customers had wanted. Palworld is also far more competently designed than you’d expect from its premise, but that premise is the kind of satire that only people familiar with Pokemon would write in the first place.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    The other guy: NuH uH gIt Ur FlOoPiNt StRaWmAn AcCuSaTiOnS oUtTa HeRe!

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, (edited ) avatar

    I mean…it is, literally, factually better than pokemon is at its own formula. Not really a disrespectful take, and far from a strawman. And you’re kidding yourself if you think being inspired by something is the same thing as theft. Fun fact: pokemon lifted off of dragon quest. The fact that it is so successful is literally because it does pokemon better, but sure, “flippant accusations” lol. Congrats, you are the exact type of fanboy I’m talking about


    Dude, if you think I’ve played Pokemon since red/blue, or I’m fanboying here, I’m glad to be part of your strawman because it’s delusional.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Sure bro it’s cool. Have a nice day!

    all-knight-party, avatar

    At its own formula? I thought Palworld had a whole like crafting and base building/management side. That's not really what I wanted out of a pokemon type game, and so I didn't get Palworld. I can understand it being a better game for somebody who likes that, but I don't know if that qualifies as Pokemon's formula.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    The catching of pals, the way you do it, mounting your pals, fighting in real time instead of turn based, the boss battles, the exploration are what people are specifically saying it does better than pokemon, and I 100% agree with that take.

    Tearcell, avatar

    @p5yk0t1km1r4ge @Donjuanme it has fun, tactical pvp now? I may have to reinstall!


    I love the Pokémon franchise, even grew up with it. And Palworld was just a way better experience than let’s say Scarlet and Violet.

    Yes, it was made for PC, which is way more powerful than the switch, yet it ran perfectly fine with ~50 fps on high on my 10 year old PC, while the switch struggles to keep 30.

    Granted, a lot of the monsters look like amalgamates of 2-3 Pokémon - but they looked good, like Katress, that fire-gyrados, even that Dragonite-Goodra-Altaria mix looks good IMO.

    The world was generic, but unique enough to be explored - and it is too big for the amount of Pals that existed.

    I had fun with Pokémon as well, but I only got to play the DLC after I finished Palworld. I did not catch the legendary turtle as of writing this comment because the game is just… boringly slow.


    I don’t think you have played either Pokémon or Palworld. Because they have nothing in common.


    Yeah that’s kind of the point.

    (Also wtf are you smoking? “Travel the world collecting animals to be on your team” is the core concept)


    One is an RPG and the other is a crafting survival,

    Palworld is just ARK with the dinosaurs replaced by off brand Pokémon,


    Except Palworld isn’t what you described. It’s "build a base and capture mons and people to out to work at your base so you can climb the tech tree and build guns to fight the boss mons


    Yeah, ok? The fresh mechanics Pokemon has needed for a long time now. Also, still rounding up ‘mons to build a team to accomplish goal.

    It was similar enough that Nintendo had to tell its fans to shut the hell up about it.

    Palworld is the facelift Pokemon needed.


    Stapling a survival crafter to a bad pokemon knockoff is not my idea of “fresh mechanics”.

    thingsiplay, in Nearly 6 months later, Palworld devs confirm Nintendo never drew so much as an inch of its legal sword over bootleg Pokémon allegations

    Nintendo should get sued for trolling. And if we are at it, sue Nintendo for using ideas and art styles from other games as well.


    I don’t recall Nintendo trolling.

    I do recall Nintendo, in the most polite and businesslike way possible, telling its incessant dickriders to stop flooding its communication channels with the breaking news that someone made a game with a Pokemon-adjacent concept.

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