Santos Quits Congressional Bid After Raising $0 in First Quarter: ‘I’ll Be Back’

George Santos is throwing in the towel on his attempt to get re-elected back to Congress, after raising a devastating zero dollars and zero cents in the first quarter of 2024.

The serial fabulist got caught telling so many exaggerations, misrepresentations, and flat-out lies that my attempt in January 2023 to chronicle them barely lasted a day before it was outdated. He was finally expelled from Congress in December 2023 after a damning Ethics Committee report and one of his fellow Republican congressmen accused Santos of defrauding him – and even his mother.

A special election in February for Santos’ replacement in NY-3 was won by Democrat Tom Suozzi, but Santos couldn’t stay out of the spotlight, crashing the State of the Union address in March, insisting on taking advantage of the floor privileges afforded to former members of Congress, although he was not allowed to take up a prime seat.


Damn the dude could not even sell candy bars to fundraise some money


See now. It’s funny that you say that because George actually had raised 43.7 million in campaign funds by selling specifically chocolate bars. Unfortunately, just as he was taking the money to the bank, he was robbed by a traveling band of Jewish Nazi members of Hezbollah sent by Joe Biden.


Damn man!!! He should have used those Jewish Space Lasers to protect his neck


Unfortunately they are pretty busy in Gaza right now.


He didn’t so much quit as face reality and ‘decided’ to quit. In truth it was decided for him.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

What are the odds that Santos just pocketed the money and is claiming a wash?

18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

There’s no way he’s had $0.00 donated to him. At least a handful of shitheads would have donated something to him. This 100% just feels like him lying again.


But then again, everyone who donated to him immediately knows he’s lying. I guess he just doesn’t care?

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Why would he start now? He seems to be a pathological liar.


Fair point!


Yeah, I would’ve Said the amount I received was 1 (maybe 10 or a hundred depending on how much he took in) dollar above the highest donation…


Someone known to be an absolute fraud in every aspect of their life claims he received zero dollars in donations?


CharlesDarwin, avatar

Zero dollars? That’s incredible. You think there would be at least one dumbass that would back this dipshit, if only to “own the libs”.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Hey don’t sell him short. He very well could have received more money and then just lied and claimed he hadn’t.

Quetzlcoatl, avatar

At least he has his NFL career to fall back on


Has he given up volleyball?


It didn’t line up with the Formula One season, so he had to drop it.


$0.00? Holy shit. That’s actually a little impressive.


No kidding huh.


0 dollars received, or 0 Dollars received wink wink?

Should’ve reported a small amount… dudes crooked as the winter night is long

CharlesDarwin, avatar

He and George Costanza share more than a first name - “it’s not a lie…if you believe it.”


Damn man, that’s impressive. You’ve got to really work hard to piss off just everyone.

GladiusB, avatar

Watch me


Joke’s on you, fucker. I just donated $2 to your campaign!


throws a Timex at youWhat a weird request. Now what? What?

GladiusB, avatar

I only have thyme for certain puns


It’s an ingredient that I overuse to spice things up.


Oh I always use it when I’m really hungry so I don’t have to cook as long.

FuglyDuck, avatar

“I’ll be back…. Like herpes.”


$0 net or gross? Because if it's anything like a few shady "charities" they had several thousand dollars in gross donations, but after things administration expenses, and a litany of other "overhead" they netted absolutely 0 dollars.


It’s movie studio accounting.


Well I guess being a loud mouth , in your face republican congressman who tells unbelievable off the wall lies isn’t as unique or interesting as it used to be.


Even the debauched repuglicans have limits i guess




The balls on this guy to run again after all of the shit he did. Dulsion 1000% lmao

Orbituary, avatar

And you think the American political ecosystem supports your statement?


He’ll be back… on Dancing with The Stars.


That’s great! Let’s do 45 now!

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