
No real man believes that. Real men see him for the scumbag he is and know that he has no respect for anyone.


Well thats just patently untrue.

He has plenty of respect for himself

Theprogressivist, avatar

He has plenty of respect for himself.

I can’t stop laughing.


I don’t think he does, he doesn’t mind playing the fool…


No he doesn’t. That’s why he constantly needs it from others.


We’re talking about Real Men^TM^ here.


They are just as real men as the next asshole. Cut the real man crap.


I’m not sure they’re even human


Don’t lump me in with trash like that. No one likes a bigot.


The whole concept of a real man is bs.


Odds are, incels polled say.

Riccosuave, avatar

I’m sure most men that support Donald Trump don’t give a fuck if he respects women or not.

ptz, (edited ) avatar

I’m sure most men that support Donald Trump don’t respect women.


I’m still (i can’t even find the word to express the emotion) from reading about the stuff for sale at his rallies that says “joe and the ho need to go.”


Especially when it could be easily changed to not be misogynistic:

Joe and co need to go

Riccosuave, avatar

You have to appreciate the irony given the fact that Donald Trump has made a habit of having sexual relationships with sex workers, so much so that he married Melania who was an escort.

I’m not knocking sex workers. That is a perfectly valid way to make money in my opinion. I just think it’s a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black. Then again, that is par for the course with the MAGA crowd.


Yooooo I literally just saw a car with that bumber sticker on my way to work this morning and my immediate thought was “lmao who was the dumbass who came up with that one.” Glad to know the tree of MAGA does not branch very far (in this case at least).

And yes, the car also had a confederate flag bumber sticker, because obviously it would.

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

Well, that’s settled then.

Badeendje, avatar

No they don’t… Next

simplejack, avatar

I’m not really a fan of this poll

The wording is kind of wonky, a lot/some/not much/not at all leaves a lot to be desired for me.

“Some” is kind of ambiguous. I’d like to believe that most people would read it as it’s intended from the context, but I’m certain that some idiots probably interpreted it as something like “he has respect for some women” and not as “he has some respect for women in general”

“Some” also just feels like it leaves too much open to interpretation as to “how much is some.” Personally, in a lot of other contexts I’d tend to read “some” as pretty much synonymous “not much” and while in this poll those responses are right next to each other, they are still supposed to be distinct from each other. This should probably have been a “‘On a scale of 1-4, how much do you think trump respects women?’ With 0 being ‘not at all’ and 4 being ‘a lot’” type question

There’s also the matter of what is meant by “respect.” Does he respect them as equals? Does he respect their rights? Their opinions? Does he respect them because they’re able to bear children? Does he respect their physical beauty?

It’s hard to get truly representative sample sizes of the voting population because it’s such a large and diverse group, and 875 respondents doesn’t really inspire a whole lot of confidence in me about this poll’s accuracy when there’s well over 100,000,000 registered voters, especially without any other demographic info about who responded.

Just my 2¢ on the matter anyway


Paywall, but This isn’t even a opinion piece. They’re pretending it’s actual journalism.

NYT, you just can’t stop can you.

Must. Somehow. Normalize. Trump.


“We demand a horse race!”

Someday in the future, when they’re writing about the downfall of the US, I hope they point out how unrestrained capitalism’s lust for perpetual growth sacrificed journalism for engagement and that so many Americans were deceived about what the truth was, because it was profitable to do so.


Shareholder value is the real truth.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Grab her by the pussy.

Yeah this guy totally knows what girls want.


I’m assuming they mean, most male trump supporters say.


It says “registered voters” on the chart.


That’s why I tell my coworkers I’m going to grab 'em by the pussy on international women’s day.

On my anniversary I honor my partner by sleeping with another woman - especially if my partner happens to be pregnant. I believe in the sanctity of marriage.

/s Trump is a fucking clown that is only overshadowed by the idiots that vote for him.


His supporters do as well, as you can see when Jordan Klepper talks to those wearing t-shirts that say “trump that bitxh” or “Hillary sucks but not like Monica”


Pretty sure Trump only respects dictators.


Most? Hah


how much they think former President Trump respects women: a lot, some, not much or not at all? [...] A majority of men — 54 percent — said that Trump respects women either “a lot” or “some.” Just 31 percent of women saw things that way.

So 46% of men and 69% of women think trump doesn't respect women.

The real question is going to be whether that opinion matters to each person.

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