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When speech passes over a line break it’s common to have it like this. It’s odd because it’s separated into separate boxes, but in paragraphs this is acceptable.


Not necessarily, the white box could be narration, no?


Yeah they need to be, when going across paragraphs you leave the first set open, then open and close the second set. The first set then leads into the second.


Like so:

“The quotation opens on one paragraph,” the commenter explained, "but is sufficiently long that it needs to span over more than one. The quotation marks do not close at the end of the first paragraph.

“The quotation resumes on a second paragraph, with a corresponding open quote mark. Once the quotation is complete, the mark is closed at last.”


Fuck yes. The first two games were ridiculous and very easy but fun regardless.


Hello this is our daughter Jon. Wait, no that’s terrible - this is Elf! Shit, fuck it just call her Alexis.


Isn’t that the point of the meme? Old memes were just as stupid as new ones.


I think you’re exactly right. I’m not in any way qualified to make this statement but, if I’m right, you can’t just make the brain “go faster” and get more useful time without time actually passing. Processes need to happen in the brain for thoughts to occur, and you’d have to somehow speed those up… I mean there are chemical reactions happening in your nerve endings, how are those going to speed up? Especially by a factor of >1000 as implied by the OOP!


I still can’t believe that Israel’s actual currency is called the “shekel”, it really sounds like something a sci fi author would make up.


So your plan is just to read headlines and make assumptions? I’m sure that will give you a much clearer insight into things.


Above the Dutch is a machine learning algorithm which so far has managed to learn to make the bottom marionette appear to vomit, and nothing else.


Having it as a benchmark is good, it encourages developers to aim to get good performance on a relatively underpowered device. I worry that an upgrade would muddy the waters… And drive games away from aiming for “verified” on the steam deck 1.


I haven’t particularly felt mine is underpowered tbh. Obviously it’s a handheld so it doesn’t play the AAA graphics card melters on ultra haha. But yes, introducing a new one would affect everyone who doesn’t upgrade… Plus of course the benchmark being low benefits PC players with weaker hardware, too. Budget players, in other words, who perhaps can’t afford a £500+ upgraded deck. Seems a bit cold to just throw these folks under the bus.


Not a hardware issue. It won’t run because EA don’t allow their anti cheat to run on Linux.


Yes, and that is exactly why having a low spec device as a common performance benchmark is useful. It extends the lifespan of low spec devices in general - at least if publishers think it’s worth targeting the playerbase.


I’m not lying, I’m just recounting information from ProtonDB, if it’s wrong then sorry about that I suppose. I usually find it trustworthy.


Let U be a matrix, representing all of your composite factors. I is the identity matrix such that IU=U.


I liked fable 3, but I’d much rather replay 2… Which I also can’t. Annoying.


I’m pretty sure he plays the robot, actually. Yknow, Terminator.


Yeah, and right now the probability that it will shut does not make me want to spend any money on it.

Helldivers 2’s Politics Appear To Be Flying Over The Heads Of Some (

There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor. Their faith was been shaken by an Arrowhead community manager they believed they found to be (gasp)...


I think you are expecting a lot more subtlety in people’s interpretation than the people doing the interpretation deserve. Yes, super earth is clearly a military dictatorship to anyone who recognises that it is a political satire. But for those who don’t, and who don’t see beyond the surface veneer of “we’re defending Earth from invaders”… It looks a lot like AmericaWorld, where everyone is happy and free and kept safe from the nasty aliens.


A nazy sounds like some sort of cute little thing that old ladies make.


Counterpoint - I’ve had two Logitech mice, both dired with the same issue (dying RMB switch), and a Logitech keyboard which lost a key and you can’t buy replacements.


This is very confusing. I assumed at first that a gallon was 4 quarts + 8 pints + 16 cups, a weird way to write 8 quarts… Because a quart in my interpretation is 2 pints + 4 cups = 8 cups. I mean the diagram does show the gallon containing all of them.


Even a big boat like that won’t last forever. You’d need a lot of maintenance just to keep it afloat long term.


Well so far I have 0 arse cheek diseases so I’m not especially concerned


Neither of these looks good


You’re not wrong, I have 0 interest in anything McBranded


That is not the only form of slavery, and modern slavery very rarely resembles the specifics of the Atlantic slave trade.

Regardless, neither has very much to do with wage slavery, but it nonetheless remains a term in use and not a totally random use of the word.

BluesF, (edited )

I was intrigued by this so I had a look in the good ol’ dictionary, and whelmed is a word… Although it’s meaning is closer to overwhelmed than it is to, say, nonplussed as you might assume. The “over” has been added for emphasis rather than to change the meaning, and I assume underwhelmed came later.


“Giving” is ballroom slang from like, the 80s. Extra is also LGBT slang that has been around at least since I was a teenager > a decade ago.


I’m not sure any linear scale will quite accurately represent how people feel.


Ah, XII the Hanged Man. Not as ominous as it might appear. It represents self sacrifice, yes, but the Hanged Man is usually protrayed as placid or even cheerful, he is not afraid of his circumstances.


I’m sorry they force you to watch certain streamers? I don’t use twitch, wtf is that about?


If you don’t like grindy monotony it is not the game for you.


I think a lot of people played Dark Arisen which came with everything packaged.


The sensible way, of course, is to take this into account when planning your mission. Send ahead a big, slow, minimally crewed or autonomous spaceship, totally full to the brim with equipment, supplies, etc. Some years later, send your faster ship full of people and whatever newer technology you just can’t do without, catch up and intercept the big slow boi, and then land to start your colony.


Is there a cracked version floating around yet?


Is there a pun here I’m not getting or is this just absurd?


Gondolas are probably a lot more efficient than busses though, I’d have thought.


Why would you want to spend 4 weeks trapped in a hotel with no windows?


Even if there are windows they might as well not be there because it will be pitch dark all the time. And any light you shine will reveal… nothing.


Ha, fair enough, although I’m not reading any article about an idea this silly. I still don’t want to go on any holiday where I can’t leave the hotel.


Ah, I’m sorry, you caught me, I made a flippant comment about a submarine that doesn’t exist. Thank you for enlightening me so graciously.


This has already taken more time than it deserves from either of us. My criticisms were uninformed, sorry, I still think it’s a shit idea. I don’t want to stay in a hotel in which for significant portions of my stay I can’t leave. I realise it’s not really different from a cruise - I think cruises sound awful too, and this just adds on that some of the time you can’t even go outside.


This is one of the best memes I’ve seen all year

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