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Tons of people. I doubt BG3 would have succeeded if it wasn’t so unabashedly horny.


Eh, maybe after they added the NPC icons to the map. At launch, there was basically zero chance you’d complete any NPC quests on your own.


What exactly makes you think they were ever great tools?


That’s really only true if your target audience has the memory of a lead-addled boomer.


What ever happened to the Chocolatier game he announced?


No they weren’t. They gave trump a 33% chance of winning and successfully predicted how he could win.


In a similar vein, there’s a game done in this art style about going on a rampage through a tech startup office.


There’s far right assholes who think the solution to falling birth rates is to go full Ceaușescu.


There’s also open cases against Putin’s puppets in Georgia for the invasion of South Ossetia.


I think that’s a distinction without a difference. How would the ICC seek an arrest warrant if not by having the chief prosecutor submit one? If the court had approved it, the title would be “arrest warrant issued by ICC”.


Didn’t he also call the Emmy’s rigged because The Apprentice never won?


Hello fellow USian! Would you like to be swimming with me in local warm water port?

Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

The guy playing him didn’t own the copyright, since it was originally from an 80s TV show. Once he made the character famous, the TV show copyright owner fucked him over and he had to come up with his own character, thus Count Binface.


LiPo batteries are the more comparable type and are in the 140-200 Wh/kg range. For version 1.0, that’s not a bad number.


There’s not enough known lithium deposits in the world to make the batteries needed to decarbonize transportation and provide the energy storage needed for a fully renewable grid. That is not true of sodium, which is cheap and abundant.


I hate to say it, but Walmart’s store brand stuff is still reasonably priced. It’s not uncommon for it be half the price of the big name brands.


It’s important for getting these laws struck down or voted out. Having no rape or incest exception is massively unpopular (75% oppose even in red states). But allowing an exception undermines their justification for making abortion illegal. You can’t have an exception and make the arguement that fetuses have personhood and therefore equal rights to the mother. Pressing on this issue makes a lose/lose situation for Republicans. They either lose at the ballot box or lose in the courts.


In case you haven’t noticed, most of what the right spends their time talking about is made up bullshit. Sticking to the facts only will naturally exclude most right-wing topics because they’re not based in reality.


The originals had it as a trait that you picked at character creation.


A bit. We’ve recently had Arkane and Rocksteady forced to make multiplayer games by their publishers and fail at it.

Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

And will they reward Biden for listening or reinforce the idea that there’s no point trying to please the progressive left by finding some other reason to get upset and not vote?


It’s more how quickly she made the choice. TNG writers would have had Picard at least talk it over with Riker or make some kind of speech justifying it.


Sure, but he also ripped off Triumph of the Will for the ending scene with the good guys. Lucas just really likes Nazi imagery.


It might be, but the wicked step-parent stereotype is unfortunately very grounded in reality.


Nah, they’re obviously gearing up to push Newsom in 2028.


Let’s not forget the last time Ukraine surrendered to Russia, they had 10% of their population genocided in return.

Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

It’s more that both languages are agglutanative, which means they can make new words by mashing together existing ones. A concept that would be two words in English, like “day drinking”, would be one in an agglutanative language.

Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

Unlawful tampering with the timeline and a couple counts of deicide. (Last Epoch)


You have to translate from CEO double-speak first. What he meant was “Gamers are masochistic morons, so we thought we’d make more sales by making piracy harder than by making the game better. Our launch flopped, so we’re going to try it the other way around.”

What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about?

Which indies did you discover and would love more people to know about? I’ll start: The Pale Beyond. Not sure if it’s a hidden gem tbh, but it’s such a good story rich game. I laughed, I cried and felt the characters struggles. If you like story rich games/ choices matter, check it out.


Starsector: It’s an Elite style open world space game. What makes it special is that it’s been in constant development for over a decade and has a crazy number of ships, weapons, lore and features. And a vibrant modding scene.

Also the devs are vehemently against DRM, so the only place you can buy the game is their own website. Or not buy. They put the full version up for anyone to download.


Or maybe it’s because the truth matters and spreading disinformation is bad.


It was basically impossible to self-publish before Steam became massively popular. You needed a publisher to make the physical games and get them into brick and mortar stores. If the publishers all decided something, you didn’t have a choice but to listen.


Implicit multiplication takes priority over explicit multiplication or division. 2(2+2) is not the same thing as 2*(2+2).


I haven’t played in nearly a decade, but it used to be an open secret that the Eve economy wouldn’t function without high sec bot miners flooding the market with tritanium.


Mindustry did something similar to this (tower defense instead of RTS). It’s actually a really fun game. It worked by simplifying the factory part enough that you could slap down things quick and dirty in between waves of enemies.

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