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I know it’s the angle and I know I’ve seen this image at some point in the past and I’ve seen it correctly, but for some reason the chair legs on the near side are totally fucked and my brain won’t accept them.


Not trying to be weird, but to understand - roughly what age range and location are you talking about?

I’m a divorced 52yo woman living in the Chicago suburbs and this is news to me.


It varies, but when I was younger I saw more women keeping their married names if they had very young children, but mostly just returning to their maiden names. Over the years I’ve noticed less women changing their names when they get married, or instead hyphenating their married name. But this is just observations from one socioeconomic viewpoint, so I can’t make sweeping statements about the majority.


Through my teenage years I got wrapped up in an evangelical environment, but as an adult found my way to a non- denominational church. It was eye opening. The more I talked to the pastor, learned and read, I realized that people get wrapped up in their denominations like sports teams. And since the different denominations come about because of different interpretations of Scripture and the “rules” some group puts into place for their team, no wonder it’s the perfect environment for creating a culture of control and abuse for those seeking power.

This doesn’t make me not believe in God, this makes me not trust the motivations of people in power. On the day to day, I try to be the best I can to people around me, and share love, kindness, and respect. That’s my big take away from Jesus’ teachings at least.


I don’t think that was being stated as a point of pride. It’s just the shitty state of things here.


Thank you for making me reread the previous post lol.


Ham, pineapple, onions, green peppers, and jalapenos, no sauce. One of my favorite pizzas.

There’s enough goodness that you really don’t need pizza sauce on it, or at least I’ve never come across a sauce that works with pineapple. But the flavors and textures work well together.


This the cucumber water those fancy spas serve?


She may have insecurities, unsure of how her body looks or smells, or whether or not she’s “normal” down there. Fear of judgement can be a huge mood killer.When I was growing up I was never told there was anything wrong with me, but discussion of bodies was rather taboo. It took MANY years before I was comfortable with myself. Also, if she’s ever experienced any trauma, that could make her less comfortable as well.

Are you guys able to have discussions about intimate matters? What turns you on, what kinds of touch, how and where? She may or may not know why she’s not comfortable with it, but communication is so important for the health of the relationship. Patience, kindness, and to be supportive and non-judgemental of each other goes far with intimate matters.


Weighted blankets can help with the transition too!


Mom - “Stop playing your video game, it’s time for dinner.”

Son - “But I’m not hungry”

Mom - “Don’t tell me that, I can see your teeth are hard. Now go wash your hands.”


Yet the price is in euros…

Point being, the US is fucked but we don’t have the monopoly on it.


Something I haven’t seen other commenters bring up that can have a huge impact, is the overall lifestyles people are living.

The unhealthiest years of my life were when I was working 2 jobs and struggling to keep a roof over mine and my 3 kids heads. Stress and depression were huge problems and money was tight, so sometimes the little bit of dopamine or serotonin from eating a “treat” were the highlights of the day. Add to that, the guilt of not being around to cook regular meals for my kids lead to 1) making large amounts of food on my one day off that could be eaten as leftovers throughout the week or 2) easy convenience foods (frozen pizzas, boxed Mac and cheese, etc) that the kids could make when I wasn’t around.

Fast forward many years - my kids are adults taking care of themselves and I’m down to 1 good job that offers financial stability. My diet and health have completely changed. I actually have the time and energy to cook and plan better.

I’m not saying this to shift blame or responsibility, but to bring a different experience. When I hear (hopefully well meaning) people suggest “just cook healthier meals” it strikes me about the same as “stop eating avocado toast and you could afford a house.”


Let’s reframe this a moment -

Wealthy person 1 “you ever go hungry?”

Wealthy person 2 “no, not at all”

Wealthy person 1 “I have no idea what that poor person was complaining about.”


I’m in a southern Chicago suburb. Yesterday it was over 70 degrees, last night we had hail and tornadoes, then I wake up to snow flurries. There are trees and plants doing things they shouldn’t for weeks and I suspect my spring allergies are already starting.

While part of me is embracing the “milder” days, it’s also a bit unnerving.

Shkshkshk, to 196
@Shkshkshk@dice.camp avatar

This is what its like working in childcare. Kids do stuff like this all the time.



Definitely different handwritings going on. My guess is someone fucking around with a younger siblings homework.


You’re on the right track, but not quite there.

You’re right that rare steak is ok because the outside surface has been cooked killing external contaminants. But the contaminants in chicken can exist throughout the meat, therefore it needs to be brought to temp all the way through.


And mine would only schedule the insertion immediately around my period so the cervix would be more open.


One of the more common fixtures in American coffee drinking homes is a drip brewer. It pours hot water over a basket of grounds into a glass carafe which sits on a heating element to keep it warm.

Personally, I dislike the taste and never drink that much coffee. I use a Clever Dripper to make my one large cup before work, drink it, and go. Depending on my mood or time available I might make an espresso based drink, but my Clever otherwise meets my daily needs.


A cop had someone handcuffed in the backseat, an acorn landed on the car, the cop panicked thought he’d been shot and emptied his gun at his car, somehow not killing the person handcuffed in back.


My boyfriend bought his kids special cereal bowls that have a divider in the middle. Cereal on one side, milk on the other. Spoon the dry cereal, dip into the milk side.

My old ass feels like either that’s too much trouble, or maybe I just don’t appreciate cereal that much lol .


Growing up in an environment where mistakes were unacceptable sets the stage. Our willingness and ability to understand that that’s fucked up and change our attitudes about mistakes takes more growth.

For some people it’s easier to dig in their heels and double down.


I adopted an adult kitty a few years back and he had horrible dental issues which resulted in having most of his teeth extracted (I ended up with significant discounts per tooth because most of them basically fell out once any stress was applied.) After a few weeks of wet food he went back to eating mostly dry. Per my vet, cats mostly swallow pieces of dry food whole and the crunching occasionally heard is more the result of pieces of food getting caught between teeth while repositioning in the mouth to swallow.

I still give the little guy a fat tablespoon of moist food every morning as a treat, but aside from that he just eats dry without a problem.


You chew them? I thought you had to suck on them. 🤔


I was too, until they changed the formula a year and a half/2 years ago? Started tasting more like Pepsi to me, not a fan. I can do Cherry Coke Zero on occasion, or if I’ve got a craving I’ll do regular Zero with a squirt of orange Miso.


Oh God - auto correct fucked me. I meant Mio. Like the concentrated drink mix that comes in small bottles that you can add to water.


A friend used to say he was hung like a can of tuna.

You can still stack donuts on a can of tuna.


Those parents are retirement age and the “child” is balding with a comb over.

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