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Have you seriously never just had that one moment where your hands were full and you needed the keys out of your hand for a second but you knew you were about to need the keys again shortly so you just put them in your mouth real quick so that you can do what you need to do and then grab the keys again


I find myself temporarily kind of sort of not really homeless. I bought five acres of land, with an agreement on file that the county would open the barrier upon purchase. Here I am 5 months later still struggling to even get them to answer my calls much less open my barrier. So while I have land, and an RV, I have nowhere to put it.

The majority of RV parks have no availability for long-term stay, even if they did they cost pretty much the same if not more than renting an apartment which is stupid. And most places are insanely hostile towards RVs staying anywhere else. Iā€™ve been lucky in that I happen to be near a rest stop that is both usually not busy and absolutely huge. Iā€™ve been sneaking under the radar staying here longer than I should occasionally hanging out at a wallmart or something during business hours to avoid being noticed.

But this is getting harder and harder as most public Waste stations have closed, and the ones that are open still have gotten rid of their potable water so I might be able to dump my Wastewater but I have nowhere to then refill water.

I built this RV to be great for 24/7 living, I have over 4 kilowatts of solar on the roof, I have over 15 KW hours of battery storage so I donā€™t even need an electrical hookup. I have a full size heat pump hot water heater, two chest freezers one of which is to use as a fridge, and I have about 100 gallons freshwater capacity. On top of that I have enough filtration on my water system to make it so that I could probably just safely use stream water if I really wanted. Iā€™ve got multiple levels of whole home size filtration right at the tank, and then for all my drinking and cooking water it goes through an additional 10 stage filter system that has reverse osmosis and alkaline remineralization. Itā€™s in good condition, clean, and itā€™s hard to miss the solar lining the whole thing. Itā€™s obviously not a dilapidated homeless RV but people treat me like Iā€™m some kind of homeless crack addict just because Iā€™m in an RV.


Have you verified their encryption method? Where is the source code? Where is the third party public audit that verifies that itā€™s implemented properly with no other means of access?

Blindly trusting that they say itā€™s encrypted is basically the same as no encryption


I mean, None of these appeared to specifically be about the air tag. But it is at least does help show a general overall commitment to security. So itā€™s not as if itā€™s not a huge point in favor of trusting that the airtag data is safe


If we didnā€™t already have the perfect option that is bitwarden I would probably go for this. But thereā€™s really no reason to switch away from bitwarden to this. Itā€™s open source, gets regularly publicly audited, and nothing ever leaves your device unencrypted. So even if they had their data center broken into and all machines stolen physically I wouldnā€™t have to worry about my passwords


The dog in hot car one and glue in pizza cheese i was able to reproduce on my Google search before they fixed it. But definitely some are fake


Everyone always thinks the jewelry when they think of diamonds but I am excited for the prospects of what cheap lab-grown diamonds can do for manufacturing. Diamonds are electrically insulative and yet 10 times more thermally conductive than copper. There are a LOT of industries that would be VERY interested in that.

Hell, it would probably be useful in CPU substrate as well. Instead of silicon semi conductor doping if these could be made precisely enough you could use diamond for the insulation layers and gain that insane heat transfer efficiency to help with avoiding Hotspots. Maybe thatā€™s too thin to matter that much not sure


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Leaks say a lot things, and are almost always wrong. The idea that you could put a PS4 level of performance in a handheld with reasonable battery life is absurd.

Valve put a damn good custom amd apu in the deck, and itā€™s limited to 15w if they really wanted they could just slap a higher power limit and get way more performance. But then it would run too hot and itā€™s battery life would be practically non-existent. And considering that was a partnership with AMD to help design that I highly doubt Nintendo has magically figured out something that neither valve nor AMD new in terms of how to get that kind of performance out of a small power budget


That still requires a cooling system capable of handling the higher power, which will make the unit bigger, heavier, and less portable


This just shows you have no idea how cooling works. The most you could add to the external dock will be a fan, thereā€™s only so much a fan can do the bottleneck is that your systems cooler is simply not large enough. A fan cannot make up for a copper heat sink that is too small, take a good look at the iFixit teardowns of the steam deck and look at how much copper that thing is working with and thatā€™s already one of the larger handhelds. You couldnā€™t put a ps4 amount of power through that no matter how much fan you gave it


Iā€™m sure youā€™re getting that from the many Reddit comparisons. But in every one of those Iā€™ve looked at the one thing that they forget is that the PS4 is playing at 1080P and the steam deck is playing at 720P.

If you use the official dock on a 1080p monitor the steam deck starts to fall behind the PS4 rather quickly. It is true that on paper the steam deck Apu is getting close to the PS4 but thatā€™s without taking into account the TDP that the steam deck has set or the fact that steam deck is running at a lower resolution.

It gets even Messier when you take into account that not all games will run at 1080p on the ps4, some of them have Dynamic resolution support to maintain better performance at which point comparing the games becomes extremely difficult.

But if you just look at Absolute raw CPU and GPU compute numbers the steam deck isnā€™t quite at the level of the PS4 which makes sense because it doesnā€™t have access to quite as much power. It is much newer which is why it gets as close as it does. And if it had a 20 watt TDP Iā€™m willing to bet it could beat it in most things, but as it stands because of the limitations of the cooling necessitating a lower TDP itā€™s not quite there.

You are correct that arm is generally more power efficient but thatā€™s only the CPU, we donā€™t know what type of Graphics they will be using and for a gaming device thatā€™s a fairly important piece of information. Nvidia doesnā€™t really make mobile arm gpus anymore so they canā€™t go with them, and if they go with one of the Arm based gpus those are significantly behind in terms of performance. They are good enough for your cell phone but they donā€™t compare to AMD or Nvidia.


No, no it canā€™t. Plenty of videos of people putting absolutely stupid powerful fans on tiny heatsinks with big overclocked cpu and itā€™s unable to keep up until they swap to a bigger heatsink.

There is a limit to how much heat a given amount of heatsink can disperse and there is a limit to how quickly that can transfer to air. If the heatsink is too small no amount of extra airflow will fix it.


The ratios are the same, you just canā€™t find videos of people doing it with small things because thatā€™s not as interesting. There is still ultimately a limit to how much a given amount of heat sink can transfer heat to air even with a small processor.

20w TDP would be possible with some extra forced air from a dock. Mainly because some handhelds can be put to 20 tdp, and they technically work although they hit thermal throttling at 90c almost immediately. With a little bit of forced air from a dock you should be able to bring that down to a much more reasonable 80c


I genuinely donā€™t understand how anyone can believe this, I keep trying it over and over and over and it fails on the absolute most basic of business searches. And some of the directions it gives are just completely nonsensical, and itā€™s voice guidance is absolutely terrible making it fairly easy to miss a Direction if youā€™re not able to be looking at the screen

I hate giving my location to Google but at the end of the day they are still the only GPS navigation that doesnā€™t suck at basic navigation


I donā€™t just mean the voice, even just HOW it gives directions. Google maps gives you multiple warnings for a turn , one way before, one approaching, one right at. It also will often tell you which lane to take a turn in if multiple exist (use the second from the left lane to turn left) if your next turn is right after with little warning.

Itā€™s been a hot minute so i can try again to see if itā€™s changed but directions were terrible with little extra warning and no taking the next direction into account.

The map was also justā€¦ Messy, little outlines for buildings everywhere a bunch of random green squares all over the map that I couldnā€™t figure out how to turn off and wasnā€™t even sure what they were meant to represent other than they seemed to roughly correspond with grassy or treed areas but for using it as a navigation app that is extremely annoying because it just makes the whole map of cluttered mess and makes it difficult to really tell what Iā€™m looking at when Iā€™m trying to drive and need to see my next Direction quickly and easily at a glance


Itā€™s genuinely difficult going back to toilet paper once you get used to a bidet. Itā€™s just so much better in every way


Itā€™s a little weird at first but you very quickly get used to it, itā€™s now to the point that when Iā€™m forced to use toilet paper that is now weird and uncomfortable. I have a fancier bidet that has a drying function which is essentially just a miniature hair dryer pointed at your ass but when Iā€™m in a hurry I literally just use a hand towel.

Butt towels are surprisingly common for bidet users because youā€™re literally just drying water, the bidet has fucking power blasted any sign of shit away so the towel will never get any marks or streaks on it


Thankfully on linux we have tools to heavily limit itā€™s access such as firejail. It doesnā€™t just get unrestricted root access


Itā€™s just not going to happen, itā€™s way too slow to become profitable. There are plenty of nuclear power plants in production that have been in production for 40 years that still arenā€™t profitable.

Storage is going to have to be the thing that makes up for the instability of solar and wind, whether it be in the form of heat storage, hydrogen production, fly wheels, or some breakthrough in Battery Tech.


It shouldnā€™t be, but I donā€™t live in Fairy Tail land, I live in the real world. And as sad as it is the fact of the matter is if itā€™s not profitable itā€™s not happening. At least not in the US, so unless the population finally chooses the band together tear down the current structure and basically change overnight I have to ask for realistic possible solutions


An almost immeasurable amount? Itā€™s how goods are transported, enables a vastly larger pool of workers due to how far they can travel, and is a continuous source of work for an entire sector


The US is the worst offending nation but many others will fail for the same reason. Was just heading off the ā€œbut this one small place with specific economics did itā€ comments


The fuck are you talking about, you can unlock everything without ever once spending money. Even if you DID drop thousands that would only give you more bonds and some cosmetics you canā€™t buy medals. You have to play to unlock things


Iā€™m very aware of how micro transactions work. Iā€™m trying to say that this game is nowhere near as egregious is literally any of the others on your list. I donā€™t play a lot, I get on once every maybe couple days and I do a full set of missions so three Maps.

I just about hit level 27 recently, I already have two of the premium more Bonds on locked and then most of the way through them and I am on page 7 of the overall main war bond. I have not spent any money on the game.

I didnā€™t grind, I didnā€™t specifically go for things, and I didnā€™t spend money. You will get absolutely nowhere for free with that type of casual play in any mobile game or League of Legends


Except there is no good option to vote for on climate change. There are less bad then the other options options, but there ainā€™t no good radical change right now options.


There is also the problem that a lot of times the argument for why itā€™s better is not framed properly. Plenty Of Studies have shown that if literally everyone were to suddenly go vegetarian we would have the exact same problem just now with vegetables instead of meat. The supply wouldnā€™t be there things would get ramped up emissions and resource use especially water would increase drastically to try and keep up with the demand.

If youā€™re going vegetarian just because you donā€™t like the idea of eating animals then thatā€™s fine, but if youā€™re at all coming at it from the sustainability perspective then the true solution is a dietary mix that is more heavy towards the vegetarian side of things but still with some meat mixed in just not a dietary staple eating constantly.



Sure this is a fairly recent one. It makes intuitive Sense on the surface that going pure vegetarian would be beneficial and reduce emissions. But thatā€™s because we are comparing it to a system of meat that is based off the current demand where a majority of people are large consumers of it regularly.

Animals can be beneficial environmentally speaking even when raised for food, and the resource cost for growing vegetarian food can end up becoming quite large when you scale it to that same level.

Extremes are rarely the true solution there is usually a middle ground this is no exception

LordKitsuna, (edited )

Soybeans are a fairly large part of most purely vegetarian diets, as they provide a metric ton of the various nutrients one needs, you can get around that with enough other types of vegetables but SB is the quickest and easiest which means it would likely become one of the most heavily consumed parts of an all vegetarian economy if everyone were to suddenly switch.

Soybeans, kale, and winter squashes are generally the most popular because they are very heavily nutrient and vitamin dense. But they donā€™t exactly scale to extreme levels cleanly.

Again, to be clear, I am advocating for a switch to primarily vegetarian diets. Iā€™m just saying going exclusively vegetarian isnā€™t necessarily going to be great and will come with its own set of challenges and problems. A middle ground of primarily vegetarian but still some light meat usage is going to be the healthier Middle Ground both for your diet and the environment


The day that hot dog changes price is the day we know Costco Has Fallen

LordKitsuna, (edited )

I mean to be fair people might be more open to it if high density housing didnā€™t suck ass. The exact same shitty template copy pasted a thousand times. Itā€™s honestly not even that itā€™s the same thatā€™s the problem itā€™s that the template sucks ass.

There is a middle ground between high-density housing and showing you into a tiny poorly put together space but nobody seems willing to build that. Give me a suburb house, a full two floors, with a standard layout. And turn that into high density housing and Iā€™m willing to bet a lot more people would be fine with it.

Itā€™s not like thatā€™s even all that difficult to imagine, we build fucking skyscrapers 100 plus stories tall thereā€™s zero reason we couldnā€™t just take a two-story suburb townhome and just stack 50 of them on top of each other. Then the only thing lost is a dedicated garage and your own private backyard which some people will still heavily want but itā€™s a much easier pill to swallow versus the ā€œshitty cramped poorly designed apartment layoutā€

Also it should be mandatory that high density housing has a minimum of one dedicated parking spot per unit, the first two floors of any high-density buildings should be dedicated to a parking garage. That is the other thing that makes people say fuck you to high density housing is itā€™s always a shit ton of units crammed into not enough parking and itā€™s a huge pita to deal with. Do we need better design the cities that are less reliant on cars for transport? Yes, but you should still expect at least one car per unit regardless itā€™s just the reality of America


Even if you got rid of all the bureaucracy bullshit and started building trains everywhere tomorrow that would not remove the need for people to have cars. And the idea that you should be able to build a building that does not have enough spaces for everyone that lives there to have one is unreasonable.

Even if I could literally walk outside and immediately outside of my door get onto a train there are still going to be times I would need a vehicle. Even if I only use it once a year I would still like to be able to own my own. I would like to live somewhere that I only need to use my vehicle a couple times a year but I still need to have somewhere to put it


I would be really annoyed having to rent something every time I wanted a new bed, tv, dresser, that sort of thing. Itā€™s nice having my own vehicle that can do it.

Like I said we should absolutely have good robust public transportation everywhere so that I only need to use it on those very specific occasions which will drastically cut down on the problems with so many cars but I should still be able to have one. Trying to outright remove cars from people will never lead to anything useful because they will fight you tooth and nail.

Make it so that I donā€™t need it but can still have it if I want it and suddenly they will be on the road significantly less often, Iā€™m glad that you have been able to get by without one and are happy but not everyone is going to be the same. I mean hell I regularly make trips between the states almost every other week for seeing friends and I would really hate to do that on public transportation because it would take whatā€™s already a 6-hour round trip and probably turn it into a 10 hour round trip.


Yes Iā€™m familiar with riding trains, both in and out of the us. It is enjoyable but it is much slower than just hopping in my car and going straight to where Iā€™m going. For the sake of those trips where Iā€™m hopping around between states and coming back in a single day I would not want to have to do it by train. When Iā€™m going out of state and staying out of state for a couple days train is perfectly fine and as long as the Amtrak lines up with my schedule I generally will


And what if itā€™s pouring down rain? Or snowing? And I just donā€™t feel like becoming completely soaked just to go to the grocery store. There are lots of reasons someone might want a car over a bike. I actually have a bike and I do use it, fun fact Iā€™m also a bus driver so Iā€™m pretty fond of public transportation because it directly feeds my livelihood. However I have this neat little thing where I donā€™t really sweat much even if Iā€™m basically on the verge of heat stroke. So if itā€™s anything more than like 60Ā° F outside and sunny and Iā€™m doing some type of cardio such as biking i will start to overheat.

So the majority of my bike riding is in the fall and winter months, but I do very much enjoy during those months when I can take the bike to work thankfully I donā€™t have to go very far and I get to ride the local transit for free as a bus driver.

The carrying capacity of Earth is already handling the majority of Americans owning multiple cars, Iā€™m literally only asking for enough parking for one car for each individual in the design of a building. Which is literally just a couple floors of a parking garage and youā€™re over here asking like I want the end of the world. If you ever want to see Improvement in public transportation you need to stop being so extremist because it pushes people away from the idea entirely


Have you actually looked at any of the studies the majority of our greenhouse gases are coming from? Transportation is only a small piece of it. If your goal is to stop climate change then there are significantly more important things you could be targeting. Fuels used for generating electricity, as byproducts in the manufacturing of goods, and the clear cutting of forests all contribute significantly more to Greenhouse production than Transportation does.

Thatā€™s not to say we shouldnā€™t reduce Transportation emissions still, which you seem to think Iā€™m not advocating for but I clearly am because I am saying I want better public transportation and I want to be able to use my car less often I just donā€™t want it taken away from me entirely. But using it as an argument for the removal of cars is weak because itā€™s not even one of the largest contributors


As someone that ended up being the teacher for the majority of my friend group. If you are struggling with the teaching more than likely youā€™re trying to give answers to their questions. Which is actually more unhelpful than helpful.

If theyā€™re asking you how to make a certain kind of turn, or how to know how close they are to something. Just giving them an answer isnā€™t really useful because they donā€™t know how to arrive at that answer, instead you need to help them ask the correct questions.

" you didnā€™t quite make it in that parallel park, get out and take a look at where the car is. The back of the car is only just barely in the spot, so clearly you didnā€™t end up deep enough in the spot. What do you think you need to do to change that"

And have them keep practicing until they start to figure it out, it will seem frustrating for them in the moment but itā€™s genuinely more useful for them to try things on their own and attempt to reach the answer. than it is for them to be handed the answer, because then they understand not just the answer is, but the why of the answer. Why did I not make that turn, what does it feel like to not make the turn properly. Which is very important for being able to apply those same principles of vehicle control to other situations.

One of my favorite things to do with people is to set up some cones or a block of wood or whatever and just tell them to try and park as closely as possible to that object without touching it. I have them do that, get out, go look at how close they were to it, and then try again if they were nowhere near it until they can get it to Within less than a foot. Great way to help train sense of vehicle position.


I hate this recommendation because Matrix is just a terrible user experience. It has basically nothing of value over Discord other than being open source. Which is important but itā€™s not enough to counteract the amount of basic quality of life stuff that is just absolutely trash garbage on Matrix. Stuff that no normal user is going to put up with.

If Discord does end up completely eviscerating itself the replacement will just be some new upstart closed Source program that is shiny just like how Discord took over from Slack it will not be the rise of Open Source because open source developers have no concept of user experience.

I mean we donā€™t even need to start talking about how bad all the client options are and how half the features donā€™t work and all that. You can look no further than the login system. Average users do not like want or accept having multiple options for logging in. Thereā€™s a reason that irc, teamspeak, mumble despite in many ways being objectively Superior especially in the case of the voice chats ended up relegated to only nerds like us. Because no one else is willing to deal with keeping track of servers to connect with or how to cross join or add users.

Same reason that Lemmy is like 90% technical users that are already invested in something like Linux. The average user got frustrated by how fragmented everything is how many duplicate channels and content you would find between instances and how difficult it was to search instances in the first place. I am here because I can ultimately work around those emoians, but the average person? Is not willing to and they shouldnā€™t have to


I mean with next cloud and immich it doesnā€™t really matter if they are popular. Those are services that you host for yourself for you to use generally by yourself.

Immich I could see someone using if theyā€™re already familiar with Google photos, so long as someone else handled the setup and maintenance of it of course


Itā€™s about the prostate, itā€™s got a similar number of nerve ending to a clitorisā€¦ For some reason

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (www.pcgamer.com)

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but Iā€™m no game developer. šŸ¤· And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


400 on a single shard (server) that actually quite a lot. It is far far easier to just throw a bajillion different servers at the problem and only have a relatively small player count per server. Having 400 running smoothly on a single server is a very impressive optimization achievement


Correct and eve has been very impressive with its per server player counts as well. Itā€™s a completely different type of Beast mind you, trying to keep that many players synchronized over something like a first person perspective real-time movement game is a completely different ball game from keeping spreadsheet simulators synchronized.

Still a very good achievement of optimization regardless but definitely a completely different ball game from synchronizing a first person type content where the players are free to just move in whatever fucking weird ways they want rather than linear vector paths


Thatā€™s what the difficulty mode selection is for. If you want an easy One-Shot experience just play on the easier modes. Overpowered over tuned weapons just create assholes in the higher difficulties kicking people out of games for not taking ā€œthe correctā€ load out.

Those of us with a little more time or a little more skill or a little more both enjoy the harder difficulties actually beingā€¦ Difficult. Imagine that, the correct place to give people the ability to have a Nerf mode is in the difficulty slider which thankfully the developers have done!

Instead of complaining about weapon balance just turn down the difficulty and enjoy your easy experience


Gonna have to disagree. Telegram is the ONLY chat app with ACTUALLY NATIVE code clients on desktop and mobile. Its the only one that isnā€™t website in a box trash thatā€™s slow heavy and buggy. I use discord mostly because itā€™s where everyone is but i fucking hate everything about it and wish people would use telegram.

If you think other chat apps donā€™t read/process metadata from your dms and such your an idiot. Nothing is safe short of self hosted matrix with full E2E encryption or similar and ainā€™t nobody doing that.


I just get

error":{ā€œcodeā€:ā€œFileAccessDeniedā€,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œAccess to this file was denied for your application.ā€,ā€œstatusā€:403


I usually just keep them in the center console of my car the ones I bought came with a little nice bamboo bag thing to keep them in. So I only keep them in my pocket when I know Iā€™m going to use them and I havenā€™t found them to be particularly annoying in the pocket personally could always just hang the bag off a belt loop if it really bothered me though


Donā€™t forget about reporting bias. Youā€™re more likely to find stories about Metal straw deaths because metal straws are not common. So when it does happen itā€™s considered news, just like how youā€™re going to see reports about almost every single EV fire and yet hundreds of cars Catch Fire every day and you almost never hear about that. Hell youā€™ve probably driven by a standard gasoline engine fire more than once in your life and thought very little of it

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