@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar



Just some Internet guy

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Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might’ve been the one. I made two accounts, one on lemmy.world and another on sh.itjust.works, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Lemmy wasn’t ready and still mostly not ready for a mass Reddit exodus. The Reddit API fiasco wasn’t anticipated by anybody and the large influx of users exposed a ton of bugs and federation issues.

But it’s not a failure, yet. I’m sure Reddit had growing pains after the Digg exodus too. Some platforms take years to become popular. Reddit was small for quite a while before it became more mainstream.

In a way to me Lemmy feels a bit like Reddit must have been a few years before I joined it 12 years ago.

The problem is the expectation that Lemmy could replace Reddit overnight, and would immediately be a 1:1 replacement.

Although personally I like it more here, and I get more interactions than Reddit. But I am a tech nerd, so.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah mine’s doing that too, and my dmesg is flooded with USB disconnect and reconnects.

The thing probably is overheating and shutting off. I believe I’ve seen videos of them catching fire too, not sure if it’s that one or another webcam that looks similar.

Mine’s on a USB hub with buttons for each port so I just leave its port off until I need the camera and only turn it on when needed.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Did you rebuild your initramfs? The files needs to be available pretty early during boot and that’s probably why it still seems the old one.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Dracut is the correct way to do this on Fedora so nothing else needs to be done. Then I’m not sure why it’s not taking it.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

The fuck are you doing that it takes an hour to do with systemd? My experience has been the total opposite: drop a file or two somewhere, probably a symlink and done. Even encrypted ZFS root in initramfs was surprisingly easy to set up.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Cool but what does it have to do with open-source?

what's your current linux distro?

wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it’s a gacha. I don’t want to gamble with my account being banned, so I’m keeping windows for it specifically.) this’ll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

What distro I’m using isn’t that helpful of a question because it’s largely a matter of taste and technical needs. I use Arch in large part because I do some rather exotic things that would be harder to set up on most mainstream distros whereas Arch just gives me a completely blank slate to work with and configure my system the exact way I want it to work. My desktop also has some server duties, it runs VMs, it has multiple GPUs and also drives my TV room independently of my main workstation area.

I usually recommend whichever distro gets you the closest to having everything the way you like out of the box as a starting point just because it’s less frustrating when most things works out of the box. The Arch experience is nothing works out of the box because it doesn’t even come with a box. Arch isn’t necessarily a bad choice even for beginners, but the learning curve is much steeper as a result and some people do like to just learn everything whereas some others prefer to start with the shallow part of the pool rather than diving it headfirst. It’s not like you have to commit to any distribution forever, you can start with something simple to use, learn your way around Linux and then you can upgrade to another distribution as your needs and wants evolves.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

What kind of filename do they have? How big are they?

My guess would be that they’re Android thumbnail files or some sort of hidden metadata file. Possibly some raw jpeg because all the parameters are expected to be fixed size so they didn’t bother with the header. Or it’s a custom header.

But even then, that’s a lot of zeros for an image format.

Does it seem to have a JPEG header later in the file? It could be a header followed by a normal JPEG file too.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

That guy’s channel got blessed by the algorithm, got it recommended yesterday as well.

Landlords in Alberta are using government-funded climate retrofits as an excuse to hike rents (ricochet.media)

On May 29, the National Housing Council’s review panel on the financialization of purpose-built rental presented a report that highlights the urgent need not only to build more non-market housing specifically, but also to protect Canada’s existing affordable rental housing from financialized landlords through an acquisition...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

“The free upgrades I made thanks to the government increases the property value therefore your rent goes up”

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

No. This gets painted on the framebuffer when the OS boots up, it’s after firmware is done with it. It’s barely any different than when full graphics mode load up.

LogoFAIL is based on replacing the BIOS logo with one that will trigger the exploit in firmware code, before the OS even starts.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

But it’s already up to date. It shows updates to the version they’re already using.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

They share the same partition, but they’re treated like independent filesystems. They can have different mount options, so on one you can enable compression but not another some you may want to disable Copy-on-Write, etc. That’s also useful so you can rollback a system update without also rolling back your data or vice-versa. You can also store multiple distros each in a subvolume and boot different ones all while sharing the same partition and not wasting space. If you have multiple users it’s worth having a subvolume each so each user can independently rollback their home directory. Maybe you want your projects on a subvolume so you can snapshot and btrfs-send it frequently.

I don’t use btrfs but on ZFS I have tons of datasets: steam library gets large recordsize and light compression, backups are heavily compressed and encrypted, VMs have a dataset tweaked for disk images, my music and movies also have a larger recordsize but no compression. I have one that’s case insensitive that’s shared with Windows machines and Wine stuff. I cap the size of caches and logs.

It’s very versatile.

Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I would trust them more than Microsoft because at least they would actually store it encrypted safely and not just basic ACLs that are easy to bypass.

Even with a root shell on macOS you can’t bypass certain things like access to the camera for example. You’d have to work way harder to access recall data, not in a way that malware can trivially access.

I still wouldn’t use it though, because I think the whole thing is dumb and I don’t need my computer to spy on me so I can remember what I did yesterday. I have browser/shell history for that.

Found a security bug in LMDE6, need some help (i.imgur.com)

I have an older Intel laptop that has a 1600x900 display, and I find that if I put the machine to sleep, connect an external monitor with a higher resolution, and then turn it back on, the login screen doesn’t adjust to the new resolution and it reveals what I had open (see photo)....

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

That definitely looks like a Cinnamon bug, specifically its screensaver component. Worst case they’ll direct you to where to report the bug, or they’ll move the ticket themselves.

Also, obligatory this is one of the many ways X11 is insecure and unsuited to proper screen locking. Lock screens on X11 are just fullscreen windows you pray the window manager won’t ever allow to unfocus, close, resize or move or not cover the rest of the desktop.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I believe it’s also highly recommended to use Xscreensaver specifically as the author is well aware of the risks and limitations and does as much as possible to guard against all known ways to bypass it.

Mono/stereo problem with videos files. How to fix?

I have some video files which have stereo audio tracks that were created from a mono source. I think the mono signal got sent to the right channel and not the left because when I created the files in OBS I forgot to select mono audio recording. When I play the videos all the sound is on right side only. Hope that makes sense…...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

FFmpeg should be able to do that without reencoding the video, possibly also audio. Basically you want to use -c:v copy -c:a copy and remap the right channel to a single mono channel, and remux all of that in a new output file.


@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Just bake it into the wallpaper.

Open the wallpaper in your favorite image editor, crop it to the exact placement you want, add the colored border where you want it and save it into an image of the exact size of your monitor resolution so it doesn’t get scaled in any way.

If you have too many wallpapers, you can also automate it with ImageMagick and a bash for loop.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Not sure if I can easily test VRR as it only works on fullscreen windows, but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work.

Yes this is AMD, KWin 6.0.5 with the explicit sync patch for the compositor. There’s a chance this works fine with NVIDIA too since they have to implement the same interfaces as everyone else.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah, also pretty excited about PipeWire, the video stuff opens a ton of doors for OBS and broadcasting in general on Linux.

It’s worth losing all the network ability that X11 has

Waypipe is pretty good, can totally watch YouTube over SSH into a VM. It uses video codecs for compression, so in theory it can probably even get extended into game streaming. Probably not so great on low bandwidth environments but it’s not like modern apps use Xlib anyway, it’s all rendered by the client.

DEs are also implementing compositor level RDP support, which brings in a ton of room for properly optimizing remote access.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

And PP’s campaign is half about undoing everything that’s been done so gas guzzling F350 drivers in Alberta are happy and vote for him.

There’s no winning this without economic impact and mass anger from the population.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Concrete examples of such firmware: NVIDIA cards and nouveau. All of the kernel code is GPL, but you still need the firmware, which must be signed by NVIDIA and thus can’t be modified at all. Or some WiFi chip firmware.

Technically those could be permanently burned into a ROM chip on the device itself, but for convenience the vendor ships the firmware with the driver and load it at runtime so it always matches what the driver expects and save on a ROM chip. But now that means the driver is uploading a proprietary blob and being unable to provide your own is an artificial limitation imposed by the hardware. Sometimes such firmware artificially limits what the hardware can do, so the magic numbers can absolutely infringe on your freedom. Such firmware can also be the programming for an FPGA so it can get really complicated really fast. There’s also a legal aspect to it: FCC regulations on WiFi chips are typically enforced in firmware, so the manufacturer isn’t even allowed to let you modify it, but that’s also violating your right to tinker with your hardware and assume the liability. What if you’re not even in the US?

Some people would rather only have fully libre systems, but for most people a libre driver is better than a fully proprietary driver which is better than no driver at all and having to run a completely proprietary OS.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

There’s not a whole lot of good options for decent ARM PCs and the M1s are legitimately pretty good machines, repairability aside.

Even if you can’t repair them at least it’s pretty much guaranteed they can at least have their OS upgraded to a libre one. There’s going to be millions of them on the used market in a few years for cheap.

I have zero complaints about the hardware of my work provided MacBook Pro, very nice machine to use overall.

Are they the best bang for the buck? No. But Linux isn’t just about getting as much as possible for as little money as possible. Not everyone wants to daily drive an old bulky ThinkPad because it’s free-er. I’m happy with my framework but the battery life, keyboard and touchpad are quite inferior compared to my work MacBook. I wouldn’t buy one for myself, but I can recognize it’s still a nice machine and it’s much better than whatever crap Microsoft is pushing out with its Surface line.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah, a single sudo mv command can easily be several steps in a GUI, possibly error prone too. Because if you do it in the GUI you have to navigate all the way to where the source file is, cut it, navigate to where it needs to go, paste it there. Or you can paste the command in a terminal, done in 0.1 seconds.

If I want some information from someone, I can cook a big oneliner to copy paste that will give me exactly the information I want instead of needing a dozen screenshots all coming from different places and programs.

As long as you can trust the person feeding you the commands, I can get just about anything working on your computer effortlessly.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Mac uses TouchID for the most part in the GUI, but CLI sudo still asks for your login password, although it can be configured to ask for TouchID as well. The GUI does fallback to having you enter your password if somehow you have a Mac without TouchID.

Windows uses the UAC thing which currently we don’t have a great way to do on Linux but should be possible with Wayland (on Xorg you’d just need to script clicking yes and bypass user approval because there’s no security). On Windows when the UAC popup pops up and you click yes, you’ve done the equivalent of entering your password. In enterprise settings, it’s not common for it to be configured to actually ask your password, or ask the password of an admin account. So no it’s not “good enough” even on Windows under some situations.

On Linux you can configure sudo to use the fingerprint reader or a security key if you want. PAM stands for Pluggable Authentication Module, you can do whatever you want. You can also make it no password at all and sudo just automatically gives you root no questions asked.

The security use case is to prevent software running as your user to have an easy path to getting to root without some form of user approval. That also means if you walk off your desk to refill your coffee nobody can sneak behind you and plop a USB with malware, click yes and leave.

It’s doable on Linux with some PAM and Polkit tweaks, just not how it’s shipped by default because it’s better users voluntarily reduce their security settings than defaulting to minimal security like Windows used to (in particular the XP days before UAC, and UAC did annoy a lot of people when it came in with Vista and 7).

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I feel like it was great 10 years ago but now it’s just… kind of bloated and super buggy, and not even that compatible anymore? It’s like its only quality was it would play just about anything you throw at it, but even then there’s stuff I have to open in MPV because VLC just doesn’t play them.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Already coming up close to 10 years of The Lounge! Really gets the job done nicely as long as you don’t hate webapps. By far the least broken option for mobile unless you go IRCCloud.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

A guest shouldn’t be able to crash VirtualBox , so something is horribly wrong.

Try disabling 2D and 3D acceleration in VirtualBox, that’s the only thing I can think of that would cause something like that.

I recommend QEMU/KVM, it’s much, much more reliable and performant.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

KDE has Plasma BigScreen. It even maps remotes to regular common keybinds so you can navigate apps without native support for that kind of use.

I haven’t seen it in the wild and I don’t think there are many apps that do integrate very well with it, but it exists to mess with.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Note: do that from a live CD/USB or with the source drive mounted readonly. If you dd a mounted and used filesystem, you’ll most likely end up with a corrupted and useless filesystem on the target.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

They even used to be the best drivers, a long time ago when nobody cared about the graphics stack. Had ATI/AMD? You got the FGLRX proprietary driver and it was really bad.

12 years ago it was probably one of the least broken GPU drivers available. You actually got most of your GPUs capabilities.

Now with Intel and AMD going open-source, those are now the best drivers and NVIDIA is lagging behind and not keeping up with advancements in the Linux graphics stack. Hopefully the open driver and NVK catches up and brings everyone a good open-source NVIDIA experience so we can stop relying on the proprietary driver.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah, if I see “Steam Deck verified”, I expect the game to work 100% out of the box. Although I guess a “playable” rating might have been more appropriate, but with online mode being so popular I’m sure there would be tons of complaints if Valve said it worked perfectly.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Easiest for this might be NextCloud. Import all the files into it, then you can get the NextCloud client to download or cache the files you plan on needing with you.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I’d say mostly because the client is fairly good and works about the way people expect it to work.

It sounds very much like a DropBox/Google Drive kind of use case and from a user perspective it does exactly that, and it’s not Linux-specific either. I use mine to share my KeePass database among other things. The app is available on just about any platform as well.

Yeah NextCloud is a joke in how complex it is, but you can hide it all away using their all in one Docker/Podman container. Still much easier than getting into bcachefs over usbip and other things I’ve seen in this thread.

Ultimately I don’t think there are many tools that can handle caching, downloads, going offline, reconcile differences when back online, in a friendly package. I looked and there’s a page on Oracle’s website about a CacheFS but that might be enterprise only, there’s catfs in Rust but it’s alpha, and can’t work without the backing filesystem for metadata.

Did I just solve the packaging problem? (please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong)

You know what I just realised? These “universal formats” were created to make it easier for developers to package software for Linux, and there just so happens to be this thing called the Open Build Service by OpenSUSE, which allows you to package for Debian and Ubuntu (deb), Fedora and RHEL (rpm) and SUSE and OpenSUSE (also...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

The problem is that you can’t just convert a deb to rpm or whatever. Well you can and it usually does work, but not always. Tools for that have existed for a long time, and there’s plenty of packages in the AUR that just repacks a deb, usually proprietary software, sometimes with bundled hacks to make it run.

There’s no guarantee that the libraries of a given distro are at all compatible with the ones of another. For example, Alpine and Void use musl while most others use glibc. These are not binary compatible at all. That deb will never run on Alpine, you need to recompile the whole thing against musl.

What makes a distro a distro is their choice of package manager, the way of handling dependencies, compile flags, package splitting, enabled feature sets, and so on. If everyone used the same binaries for compatibility we wouldn’t have distros, we would have a single distro like Windows but open-source but heaven forbid anyone dares switching the compiler flags so it runs 0.5% faster on their brand new CPU.

The Flatpak approach is really more like “fine we’ll just ship a whole Fedora-lite base system with the apps”. Snaps are similar but they use Ubuntu bases instead (obviously). It’s solving a UX problem, using a particular solution, but it’s not the solution. It’s a nice tool to have so developers can ship a reference environment in which the software is known to run well into and users that just want it to work can use those. But the demand for native packages will never go away, and people will still do it for fun. That’s the nature of open-source. It’s what makes distros like NixOS, Void, Alpine, Gentoo possible: everyone can try a different way of doing things, for different usecases.

If we can even call it a “problem”. It’s my distro’s job to package the software, not the developer’s. That’s how distros work, that’s what they signed up for by making a distro. To take Alpine again for example, they compile all their packages against musl instead of glibc, and it works great for them. That shouldn’t become the developer’s problem to care what kind of libc their software is compiled against. Using a Flatpak in this case just bypasses Alpine and musl entirely because it’s gonna use glibc from the Fedora base system layer. Are you really running Alpine and musl at that point?

And this is without even touching the different architectures. Some distros were faster to adopt ARM than others for example. Some people run desktop apps on PowerPC like old Macs. Fine you add those to the builds and now someone wants a RISC-V build, and a MIPS build.

There are just way too many possibilities to ever end up with an universal platform that fits everyone’s needs. And that’s fine, that’s precisely why developers ship source code not binaries.

Why Danielle Smith Is Wrong on Research Funding in Alberta (thetyee.ca)

Last month Alberta Premier Danielle Smith tabled Bill 18, the Provincial Priorities Act, in the provincial legislature. If passed into law, the bill will give the Alberta government power to vet any agreements between the federal government and post-secondary institutions, and other “provincial entities.”...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Totally not setting up a loophole to dictate what gets researched and making sure no inconvenient things gets discovered that would contradict the province’s agenda and local industries negatively.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

No but it does solve people not wanting to bother making an account for your effectively single-user self-hosted instance just to open a PR. I could be up and running in like 10 minutes to install Forgejo or Gitea, but who wants to make an account on my server. But GitHub, practically everyone has an account.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

There’s been a general trend towards self-hosted GitLab instances in some projects:

Small projects tend to not want to spin up infrastructure, but on GitHub you know your code will still be there 10 years later after you disappear. The same cannot be said of my Cogs instance and whatever was on it.

And overall, GitHub has been pretty good to users. No ads, free, pretty speedy, and a huge community of users that already have an account where they can just PR your repo. Nobody wants to make an account on some random dude’s instance just to open a PR.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

The whole point is you can take the setup and maintenance time out of the equation, it’s still not very appealing for the reasons outlined.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Most VoIP providers have either an HTTP API you can hit and/or email to/from text.

Additionally, some carriers do offer an email address that can be used to send a text to one of their users but due to spam it’s usually pretty restricted.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Example of what?

VoIP provider: voip.ms

They support like 5 different ways to deal with SMS and MMS, there’s options. wiki.voip.ms/article/SMS-MMS

Carrier that accepts texts by email: Bell Canada accepts emails at NUMBER@txt.bell.ca and deliver it as SMS or MMS to the number. Or at least they used to, I can’t find current documentation about it and that feels like something that would be way too exploitable for spam.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I mean, OPs distro choice didn’t help here:

EndeavourOS is an Arch-based distro that provides an Arch experience without the hassle of installing it manually for x86_64 machines. After installation, you’re provided with a lightweight and almost bare-bones environment ready to be explored with your terminal, along with our home-built Welcome App as a powerful guide to help you along.

If you want Arch with actual training wheels you probably want Manjaro or at least a SteamOS fork like Chimera/HoloISO.

It probably would have been much smoother with an actual beginner friendly distro like Nobara and Bazzite, or possibly Mint/Pop for a more classic desktop experience.

It’s not perfect and still has woes but OP fell for Arch with a fancy graphical installer, it still comes with the expectation of the user being able to maintain an Arch install.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

EndeavourOS isn’t a gaming distro it’s just an Arch installer with some defaults. It’s still Arch and comes with Arch’s woes. It’s not a beginner friendly just works kind of distro.

Coming from kionite, you’d probably want Bazzite if you want a gaming distro: it’s also Fedora atomic with all the gaming stuff added.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I must be lucky, works just fine for me with SDDM configured for Wayland only, autologin to a Wayland session.

<span style="color:#323232;">max-p@media ~ % cat /etc/sddm.conf
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Autologin]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">User=max-p
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Session=plasma
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#Session=plasma-bigscreen
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Relogin=true
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[General]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">DisplayServer=wayland
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Arch. That leads me to believe it’s possibly a configuration issue. Mine is pretty barebones, it’s literally just that one file.

AFAIK the ones in sddm.conf.d are for useful because the GUI can focus on just one file without nuking other user’s configurations. But they all get loaded so it shouldn’t matter.

The linked bug report seems to blame PAM modules, kwallet in particular which I don’t think I’ve got configured for unlock at login since there’s no password to that account in the first place.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

ActivityPub makes this impossible. Everything on the fediverse is completely public, including votes, subscriptions and usernames. Even if Lemmy did offer the option, other servers wouldn’t necessarily.

And honestly this is a system that would be mainly used for spam and hate speech anyway. Just make a throwaway like everywhere else.

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