@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar



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@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Weirdest episode of binging with babish

Why was Trump talking about sharks at a campaign event? (www.usatoday.com)

“It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, 'What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?” Trump said. “By...

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Dude wouldn’t know what to do with a condom.

My theory is it’s not dementia, it’s neurosyphilis. Party like it’s 1825!

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

We would like to apologise for any unpleasant experiences or doubts caused by the miscommunication of these terms

We are sorry we got called out

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Idk, if you want to test people on how they understand formulae and order of operations without letting them just punch it into a calculator. The actual math isn’t hard, but if you don’t get substituting values into an equation then it’s not trivial

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

If I die before I wake / At least in heaven I can skate / Cos right now on earth I can’t do shit / Without the man fucking with it

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Who would win; tens of billions of dollars worth of US-built air defence systems, or whatever surplus scrap the Chinese or Russians have flogged to Iran recently

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Anyone have an actual citation on this particular fact?

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

My wife’s aunt is in the process of doing this at the moment. Seems to be systematically working her way through each branch of the family tree causing drama, slinging insults, trying to pit people against each other, and just generally being awful until people get fed up with her nonsense and disengage - at which point she’ll find some other branch to go all “woe is me/people are so mean/everyone is against me”, then rinse and repeat.

Depression, alcoholism and narcissism are pretty powerful, and anyone trying to help gets themselves a first class ticket on the drama llama express

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Bonus: you have bacon to bribe the facilities/IT person with when they come round looking for blood after the breaker pops for the 5th time today

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

I know a guy with what sounds like a similar condition - in his case most of the colour receptive cells in his retinas are fucked, it’s a genetic thing that ment they didn’t form correctly in the first place. Not really anything you can do surgically, it’s not like cataracts or stigmatism where the retina is ok but the light isn’t reaching it correctly.

He wears highly tinted sunglasses cos it turns out that those colour cells are also really heavily involved in adjusting your iris to ensure you get the right amount of light, so his eyes adjust to changes in brightness much slower than normal which can be physically painful if he (eg) turns on the lights in a dark room

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget that he also didn’t found Tesla

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

This is literally how it works in other parts of the world - do you guys just have to trust that your landlord isn’t going to decide that they’d rather just keep your money at the end of the lease?

In NZ, the landlord is required to lodge the bond with a government agency, and in cases where there is a dispute a special court will adjudicate and issue binding orders as to how the money is to be divided.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, key money is explicitly illegal in NZ - the only money you are allowed to collect is a bond of no more than 4 weeks rent (which has to be lodged) and the first weeks rent in advance.

The most common form of shady dealing is that the law requires that tenants leave the house in a “reasonably clean and tidy state” - landlords and the tenancy tribunal don’t typically agree on what “clean and tidy” means, so “oh, when we did the hand over inspection we found some places you didn’t clean absolutely spotless so we had to hire a cleaner and want to take that out of your bond” - if you question or challenge it they typically withdraw the claim because you were such a good tenant and just this once and not at all cos they are bluffing and know the tribunal would immediately tell them to get bent, but that requires you to a) know your rights and b) be willing to call them on it, and people are typically neither of those things.

Landlords will typically also add something to the rental agreement or whatever requiring you to have the carpets professionally cleaned before you leave - the tribunal has repeatedly held that this is unreasonable to require and as long as the carpets are clean then the landlord doesn’t get to dictate how they were cleaned. Doesn’t stop letting agents asking to see a receipt.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Definitely interested - is the mainline situation any better than with ARM?

I’ve been bitten before with a device that “supports” a major distribution, but only if you install our custom pre-built image (good luck auditing what we’ve tweaked) and only with our special pre-built kernel that isn’t even an LTS version, and has a bunch of patches applied to support whatever weird peripherals we decided to throw on the board, and will get exactly 0 updates after the initial release.

Raspberry Pi gets around this by being big enough to get buy in from vendors (Ubuntu distributes a special kernel + firmware bundle), but support for all the other smaller knock offs seem shaky at best

Australia supermarkets should face hefty fines for code of conduct breach, says report (www.reuters.com)

Australia’s major supermarkets should face hefty fines if they do not comply with an industry code of conduct when dealing with suppliers, a government-commissioned report said while rejecting calls to give regulators the power to break up the big chains....

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Probably also worth noting that Woolworths controls 48% of the supermarket spend in New Zealand as well, and recommendations to force both Woolworths and Foodstuffs (who control essentially the rest of the market) to split their wholesale and retail arms into independent companies was met with a luke-warm reaction from the centre-left government of the time, then quietly dropped by the centre-but-increasingly-not-really-right government who took over

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Is there a charge for “attempted negligent homicide” or something? You did something so catastrophically stupid that was all but guaranteed to kill someone except you got lucky, but you still should end up getting censured so you don’t roll the dice on someone’s life again

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Where I live, for that kind of incident the employer would be obligated (as in, $50k worth of fines and likely criminal charges if you don’t) to report it to an independent investigator to determine who was at fault; the person cut the lock would be liable for a fine, and the employer would have to prove that they adequately trained the employee before allowing them to work in a high risk area, or the health and safety officer and company directors could be found criminally liable

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Learning to drive as part of high school is a super American thing that is really indicative of your attitudes towards driving and car ownership

XZ Hack - "If this timeline is correct, it’s not the modus operandi of a hobbyist. [...] It wouldn’t be surprising if it was paid for by a state actor." (lcamtuf.substack.com)

Thought this was a good read exploring some how the “how and why” including several apparent sock puppet accounts that convinced the original dev (Lasse Collin) to hand over the baton.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

I’d be super surprised if this was western intelligence. Stuxnet escaping Natanz was an accident, and there is no way that an operation like this would get approved by the NSAs Vulnerabilities Equities Process.

My money would be MSS or GRU. Outside chance this is North Korean, but doesn’t really feel like their MO

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

If I was on the governing committee of a major political party, I’d be funding trips to places like Hiroshima and Auschwitz for members of our party that are running for office for the first time, not for the photo op, but so that maybe they can get some fucking perspective and not say batshit stupid things that make us look like a bunch of genocidal racists.

Idk, just a thought. Assuming that “genocidal racists” isn’t a significant voting demographic that you are trying to appeal to.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

This is exactly the sort of nonsense that my suggestion is designed to avoid.

If all you know about Hitler is that he was in charge of Germany during the second world war, they lost, a bunch of people died, but their uniforms looked cool (Hugo Boss, looks sharp) and people called him “Fuhrer” (German sounds so badass) then yeah, this kind of thing doesn’t seem so off.

I want my representatives - whatever their affiliation - to have stood in front of the pile of children’s shoes and the mass graves and the charred ruins. I want them to have stared at the abyss, felt the horror and the despair and the inhumanity and the evil and truly understood the weight of the responsibility they have to ensure we learn from our history.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

That’s not how the US electoral system works. If the vote turns out 49%/48%/3%, then the guy with 49% wins. Unless your 3rd party is polling in the mid forties (and is therefore not a 3rd party) all you are doing is vote splitting

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Idk, maybe fundamental policy statements - “the holocaust was real”, “first strike use of nuclear weapons is abhorrent, inhumane, and we will never advocate for it”. If you want to be part of our organisation and have our support, you sign on in support of our fundamental position and if you go against that in public we’ll kick you out, pull our financial support, and run someone else against you next election

Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections | Ars Technica (arstechnica.com)

TL;DR there was a backdoor found in the XZ program. All major distros have been updated but it is recommended that you do a fresh install on systems that are exposed to the internet and that had the bad version of the program. Only upstream distros were affected.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

The reason openssh links liblzma in the first place is to enable a systemd feature, so naturally “systemd bad, it’s proximity to a security issue is yet more proof that a pile of shell scripts in a trenchcoat is a superior init system” etc

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, Mar-a-lago first

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Idk, bit of a longshot by maybe it’ll turn out that he stored recordings of all his meetings in the spa or something

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

A quick guide to explain what is going on here, and what the numbers mean: pbs.twimg.com/media/DaMLUoGXUAI21V6.jpg:large

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

One the one hand, fuck Rudy, hope they find every cent of his and he ends up living out the rest of his days in a dingy, shitty apartment wallowing in his own piss while barely being able to afford food.

On the other hand, if you lent him money it’s because you are either an amoral leech, or your expected favours from Trump in return.

Fuck everyone involved in this I guess?

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Absolute immutability is kind of a terrible property for a financial system though, cos it completely ignores the fact that mistakes and fraud happen and you need a way to forcefully recover funds other than “lol sucks to be you I guess”.

The one actually genuinely useful application for this kind of technology that anyone has come up with is Certificate Transparency, but crypto people don’t get excited about it cos it’s not possible to make money from it.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

The point of the bond is that if the appeal fails, the court just hands the money over - shes probably more likely to see the cash this way than if he didn’t appeal.

Appeals court doesn’t give you a “do over” - they don’t try the case again, they don’t re-decide facts. Appeals court lets you argue that the previous court made an error in procedure. Given how competent Carrols’ lawyers were and how totally incompetent Trump’s were, I doubt they will be able to find anything.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

He’s not playing 4D chess. This isn’t some master plan. He is appealing because his choices are:

  • Appeal, put the bond up, hope he can stall for a while and maybe something comes up, probably loose later
  • Accept the verdict, loose now and either;
    • Pay the judgement
    • Refuse to pay the judgement and have people who cannot be threatened, bullied or argued with come seize assets
@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar
  • $90 million isn’t that much money if you are a large company and want the president of the US to owe you a favour.
  • The CEO of Chubb had a pretty cushy white house role under trump, maybe this is a favour being repaid at the expense of Chubbs shareholders

Either way, most other countries call this corruption

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Isn’t the point of the rapture that only the truly righteous who have lived according to God’s word go to heaven? So a few thousand people world wide go poof, everyone else gets left on earth cos they have the wrong haircut or worked on a Sunday or once ate pork or prayed in public or are a massive hypocritical bigot or something

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not a physicist, but I’m pretty sure 64kg of 80% enriched uranium is more than the critical mass.

Tbh, maybe that’s fine. Take possession of uranium, instantly teleport back to mediaeval Europe - preferably into the middle of a major court - uranium goes prompt critical and irradiates most of the nobility. They are already a bunch of inbreds, what’s a bit more genetic damage?

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

I live in a place with sensible firearms laws, so this is totally a thing. Gun owners are licensed, and part of that license is a “good character” and “legitimate purpose” check. Self defence isn’t a legitimate purpose, so if you start running your mouth on Facebook about shooting people on your property there is a tip line people can send reports to, and you can expect a visit from the local police. Similarly, getting caught DUI will violate the good character requirement and you’ll need to surrender your guns - you’d better be able to account for all of the guns registered in your name or you’ll end up with a much more serious conviction

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

This is neat. I’ve played about with the idea of doing something similar, but embedding the result in a minimal Linux image built for some esoteric CPU and emulating it in the browser using something like JSLinux

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Neon works great for me.

  • I prefer Debian derived distros (RH derivatives are fine as a technology, but I’ve been using Debian derivatives for so long that RedHat feels like coming home and finding someone has rearranged your cutlery drawer and all your plates - I don’t care if your system makes more sense, in sure I’d get used to it but right now I can’t find anything!)
  • I do most of my work in Docker or using tools I install from upstream
  • I don’t really play games so don’t care about marginal performance gains from newer drivers

Pretty much I just want a laptop that just works when I need it to, while still having a nice, friendly, modern interface and Neon does that.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

What is it about Ubuntu LTS that makes it a hard pass?

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t really care if I’m running a kernel from 5 years ago as long as I’m still getting timely security updates. What I care about is having up to date versions of the apps I actually use day-to-day - through Flatpack, Docker or whatever, and I prefer to have an up to date WM cos it’s something I interact with a lot.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Debian makes more sense to me because I’ve been using Debian and Ubuntu since people were getting excited about Debian Wheezy coming out soon.

What little I have used of RHEL and CentOS they seem to be pretty logically designed, just different. I hadn’t come across any real WTFs trying to use them. RHEL makes Debian look bleeding edge and reckless with their updates by comparison

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Oh man that brings back some memories.

A guy I went to primary school with was super obsessed with it. He was kinda weird (not that surprising given his parents were super chill with their 10 year old playing this) but lived pretty close by so I’d hang out at his house after school sometimes.

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

Theoretically you can do medium rare chicken sous vide because the temperature is just high enough to kill the pathogen. Practically, why would you - it skeeves people out, and the texture is pretty bad

@RegalPotoo@lemmy.world avatar

You are kinda glossing over an awful lot of wholesale slaughter carried out on civilians. It doesn’t count as “guriella war” war when the people you are shooting are civilians, not soldiers.

The state of Israel and the IDF are undertaking a colonial, genocidal war in Palestine. That doesn’t make Hamas the good guys.

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