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Reg, why’d you just stab yourself in the shoulder?

Ah cmon, ain’t ya ever seen a movie?

Well of course I’ve seen a movie, but what the hell are ya doing?

Every time the guy stabs himself in a movie, it’s right before he kicks the piss outta the guy he’s fightin’!

Well that don’t… when that happens, the guys gotta plan Reg, what the hell’s your plan?

I dunno, but I’m gonna find out!


I can confirm this. I’m not a wolf expert, or even seen that many wolves really, but I have a dog and I don’t think she’d wear a bonnet.


I don’t know why seeing the word Milk 15 times in a row was so funny to me, but I wanted to let you know that I shid and fard


Helldivers is at least cheaper than most other games. I’ve been playing the crap out of it both with friends and randoms and having a lot of fun. Hoping I don’t lose interest once I get all the strategems unlocked, but just got one of the warbonds after grinding for the medals so I should have something to do for a while


This guy lemmy’in while driving what a champ


When I was a child, I genuinely thought that’s what these signs were supposed to mean. In my area they were kinda scattered around the place, oftentimes not even near a construction site, so I thought they were just random propaganda signs.


They are signs indicating that the road work you assumedly have just driven through has ended.


Took me a second too.

The words in the speech bubble are supposed to represent the average/ stupid movie viewers take away from a movie, while the top text (ie the text going “over the viewer’s head”) is the actual message that is being missed.

This meme is satirizing the format by switching the two locations, implying that the main message Mad Max is trying to get across is no deeper than, “living in Australia fucking sucks”


“Oh yeah? Well what’ll happen if I push this button and then turn all the knobs to max?”

“Everything will be fucked up.”

“Well I just did it. Now what?”

“Everything is fucked up.”

“Bet ya didn’t think of that 😎”


The reason they say this, is because using inspect element is going to give you a cleaner result 100% of the time with way less effort.

If you use an image editor, you have to worry about making sure all of the pixels line up properly, the right font is used, right font size is used, make sure that the margins are the same, if you make a small mistake you practically have to start all over…

Right click > inspect element > find the text block you want to toy with > type what you want > done. And it looks exactly the same as if it were part of the website, every time.

Different strokes, yes, but if I see someone cutting their food with a chainsaw I’ll at least make sure they know how a steak knife works.


Did you ever have a friend who would, no matter how many times they’ve already said it or how little sense it makes, always take the opportunity to say, “that’s what she said”?

I think it’s kinda like that, the guy on the left is trying to have a normal conversation but the person on the right here’s something that triggers their infested brain and they just have to blurt out the totally hilarious joke. This completely kills the conversation, and the one trying to talk is looking at his buddy like, what the hell is wrong with you?

InternetIsScary, to lemmyshitpost avatar

What if any Fediverse instance's make this DRM that Facebook has, with posts being locked for users not signed in. This can help with those who are scared of AI “taking over” because let's be real, AI just grabs the information you post online. If we do this, would AI “die”?

I don't personally care so to speak, as AI will not care, or sorry, these companies developing the AI LLM's will counter new strategies to obtain PII from websites.



Multi-billion dollar AI companies when they have to log in to see a post: 😯


This could actually be a really good idea for someone with a disability that makes reading a traditional clock difficult. Someone with dyslexia, for example. Maybe rather than a slow changing gradient, the color could fill in a portion of the face as the hour goes on. They’d set up a color for each hour, and after a short while of getting used to it they should be able to very quickly read the time.


There’s these which are prescription only, but you can also down a bottle of magnesium citrate as an OTC alternative.


mfw not enough magicka to cast even once 😞


I read it as “a lack of values and decadence” as in “the lack of decadence is a bad thing”.


even fictional ones like Jesus.

HEYOOO wow spicy comment of the year right here guys


You are saying this like they are not aware… like telling a drowning person that if they don’t stop breathing water they’re gonna die. The point is that using credit in the first place isn’t always a choice. Just because it is for a lot, maybe even most people, doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of other people for whom it isn’t.


I’d never seen this before now haha, you’re telling me he wasn’t supposed to know who that was? I instantly recognized Merry before the clip even loaded lol. Clearly his love for the hobbit’s weed has slowed Elijah’s mind.

Edit: just watched the full video, Elijah was in a different room and the interview was done via satellite.


I love that people in these paintings are always flexing the Rollie


Right now, “huge” is popping up a lot.

Just found my new favourite combo using the illithid powers

So Half-illithid warlock Tav + storm cleric Shadowheart + Minthara hits like a truck apparently. Everyone has initiative bonuses, so first turn Minthara hastes Tav, Tav casts black hole to cluster all enemies together, then Hunger of Hadar’s them, Shadowheart then calls an upcasted Call Lightning with divine strike and...


If you’re having fun with the black hole ability, make sure you keep an eye out for void bombs early game on you next play through.


Yeah it’s weird. It’s really easy to forget to use your consumables in this game. It tries to help you out by automatically throwing them in your hot bar, but once the section on the side gets filled up and you get used to ignoring what’s there you may as well stop picking shit up


“completely censored” doesn’t mean people can’t see and tell what it is lmao. I saw the post. Go show it to your grandma or little sister and see if they appreciate it. Did you honestly expect people to want to see that? The image isn’t well known because of how happy it makes people.


What am I missing


I mean, this is useful for textbook information, sure. But when I’m trying to solve a niche technical problem, trying to fix a mod for a game, looking for a specific guide I’ve followed before etc, my local library/ ChatGPT is completely useless. Whereas Reddit has like a 99% chance of someone having the exact same issue I’m having, posting about it, then editing the post with “nvm I fixed it” (/s).

Some of these solutions are so specific that the chances of finding them elsewhere are slim, especially for older issues where Google’s algorithm has been pointing the the same reddit post for over a decade. No one else bothers making a new post because it’s already been answered on Reddit. Now that post with the information is gone, and the only solution we can get is “Deleted by a script. Fuck Spez!”


I don’t think people are under the impression that literal harm is being done. “more harm than good” is just a saying. “more inconveniencing the general public rather than damaging the financials of the corporate entity” doesn’t roll of the tongue as nicely.

Personally I think the mass Exodus of content creators was enough of a nail in the coffin. People removing their previously posted content feels more of a symbolic " fuck you" to Reddit than anything else; I still have to visit the page to see it’s been removed, so I don’t know how much is being done. This is just my opinion though, and it’s not my content to police, so people will do what they feel is right. It just sucks seeing a comment that almost certainly would’ve fixed my problem, and not finding it anywhere else, and that comment has been removed. I’m sure eventually the information will pop up elsewhere, but until then people are gonna bitch about it, me included.


“I think it’s funny how everyone’s saying I got booted off stage, when in reality, we just did a hard cutoff time and just happened to leave at that time…”

Lmfao solid save


I think another factor in getting these high approval rates is the citizen’s fear of being “found out”. Like sure, they don’t suspect their American friend of many years will report them to the Kremlin if they tell them they don’t support Putin, but what if they find out anyways? Better to just lie and fake support than to trust a survey is truly anonymous


I do believe the title is meant to be what is referred to as “a joke”.


He was in one of the last episodes, thanking them for inspiring a generation of young minds to be interested in science. Enough people probably looked it up for it to effect the algorithm


That’s my new nickname for my mustache


Or we could just not normalize sending death threats over the Internet? Don’t really get why there’s an issue with that


The same way sending them the show will help. If your show is that big they can just look it up reviews or clips on YouTube or whatever. I don’t think employers want to watch an entire season of someone’s work to decide to hire them, but if it’s a recognizable show like some of the ones pictured they may not even have to look it up


Haha ok baby don’t even worry I have that on autofill


Builds up momentum, then fights the momentum to bring it to a dead stop over her head. This is some next level skill I can’t even comprehend her technique


Funnily enough, I tried this once when my Internet (shitfinity) went out for two days. I asked the online chat rep if I could be reimbursed for the outage. They replied with, “due to the outage, we will be crediting (128.99/30*2)=$8.60 to your account.” With the math included and everything. They probably have a lot of people trying to get a free month out of a few hours without service and just started doing that, haha. I couldn’t be mad.


3 of 4 names listed are words, really makes you think huh 🤔


Ah yes, the shitpost meme community, that’s exactly where I should post my very deep, thought provoking political content


I know what a political joke is, and most people don’t go to shitpost communities to find them


Now THAT is epic 😎




Hey, I’ve got a (albeit very minor) mental disability and I use the word casually around friends all the time, but I just want to point out that it’s you and me that are tainting the word, your comment makes it sound like “other” people are the cause of it no longer being a clinical diagnosis rather than an insult.

That being said it’s definitely falling out of favor in the public eye. It probably won’t be too long before it’s viewed at or close to the same level as the hard R. I think a lot of us are getting cancelled in 20 years.


Using it for a good natured joke or even self deprecating humor can have a positive effect on it.

I really don’t think you’re gonna have many people agreeing with you on this one… it’s hard to say a joke is good natured when it uses a word that defines a group of people as an insult. The context isn’t going to matter to someone with a disability who’s been called a retard maliciously. To use the same example as before, there are plenty of “good natured” people that use the hard R for humor and it pretty much is never gonna land. Or when a gay person hears a straight person say something is gay, they don’t really care how many gay friends you have.

Just to be clear I’m not trying to tell you not to use it. Like I said before, I’m an asshole and use it with my friends too. But I realize this makes me an asshole, and instead of trying to spread my asshole around (phrasing…) and convince the people I’m offending that they shouldn’t be offended, I keep it to my circle of asshole friends and accept it when people tell me I’m being an asshole.

As someone who enjoys language, you understand that it changes over time. The time period where “retard” is a word that can be thrown around on a TV show without repercussion is coming to an end, just like the time period where calling gay people fags and black people negro or worse came to an end before. Language is not static, we can try to pretend it is but that’s just not how it works.

Hope this didn’t come off as a rant or anything. Just trying to give my understanding, one retard to another.

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