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Oh, wow. What a journey this was.

It starts in a pretty unassuming place: a big, black void (Final Fantasy VII) (Star Wars) (The Thing (2011) 0:00:37–0:00:38).

As with any great horror, the first step is to lower our expectations. Put us at ease. This is done wonderfully here. It’s almost peaceful. But, the wisps of forehead color that rise like flames foreshadow the nightmare to come.

As we venture downward (The Descent), we enter a vast desert (Dune) that feels very alienating. Though we haven’t gone far, the framing that seems to put us on one of Saturn’s rings tells us that we’re very far from home (E.T.).

Further in and things really seem to crescendo as we fall over eerily dark hills into the lair of the desert’s greatest monster: some… thing we can’t even fully perceive. But we can perceive its eyes, and those eyes might be the most violent eyes my eyes have ever laid eyes on.

From here, the narrative takes a turn: it’s all about our escape. We make our way over rolling hills, sun-bleached landscapes. But it’s soon after this that I think things start to fall apart. The lips were incredibly funny. Me and my viewing party spent hours staring and laughing at the lips. But, they’re also a stark departure from what we’ve been shown so far, and I’m left not really knowing what the author is trying to say. Personally, I think it would have been great if there were another set of eyes instead.

Things drag on, but it’s not long until we’re struck out of nowhere by an ending sequence right out of 2001: A Space Odyssey (2001: A Space Odyssey) that really doesn’t work and fails to resolve any of the narrative threads.

All in all, I’d give this work a 19 out of 31 and a nice slap on the bum.


The trailer certainly failed at making his apparition exciting in any case.

I… completely disagree, but you know, whatever.


I swear to god, Dolly Parton is going to enter the Christianity canon. 200 years from now, she’ll be part of the Trinity.

I mean, full support, of course.


Wow, what an excellent point.

Fun fact: all of those phones lined up in a row are actually Nokia’s.

Yes yes, that’s why this is a false equivalence.


That it’s fucked up?
That comes the heart, cuz.
What do you mean support.


Does Saturn Devouring His Son inspire any feelings within you whatsoever.


If I’m punching up, you know, who I hit? Several women.

You’re doing that thing where you accuse black people of being lazy because you were poor once but managed to work hard and find a good job.

In society, women are beneath men. Would you care to argue they’re not?

who don’t want to be put on the same level as rapists.

Why do you keep self-including into bizarre categories like this?


Oh! We’re doing race.

Would you say it’s okay for a black man in the 1860s to say that very white american towns make him kinda nervous? Or like, a town in Idaho today.


Are you being catcalled right now?

I didn’t realize this discussion was happening outside of your house. Is there a garden I shouldn’t be stepping on?


Do you mean the activity about the question or the question itself?

I haven’t engaged, so I don’t know how mean people have really been getting, but that topic was more about, like, a verifiable sociological reality among women. I wouldn’t take it personally.

It's called "social jet lag". Yes I know about sleep hygiene. (

It’s absolutely true that a lot of modern-day problems with being tired come from bad sleep habits. What I’m talking about is a real phenomenon that isn’t being in front of a screen too close to bedtime. If anyone wants to know more, here’s a 3-minute video from AsapSCIENCE about what research shows.


I did this recently with FF7 Rebirth. It might have looped twice, honestly.


I still like to, if I can, because I don’t want old-breath hotboxing CO^2 brain damage. My mom calls this fresh air.


Oh, that’s right, this was 2014.

In this case, they’re referring to the P.T. video game. It was cool as shit, but good luck getting a copy to play. :p


Yeah, “symbol thingy” is setting me off rn.
The only thing that can help me is filing my taxes incorrectly.

petrol_sniff_king, (edited )

Mathematically, no, it does not. We make up the definitions. If you wanted to see what the consequences of a, I don’t know, 5-dimensional universe with Pi set to 5.65 were, you can do that. These are scribbles on pages, there is literally nothing stopping you.

Academically, what’s stopping you is whether these calculations are useful. The only problem I see here is that it’s kind of misleading to imply to someone that Pi is something it conventionally isn’t. But even then, I think I’d respect the mathematician who could recognize Pi as a symbolic name for, usually, one particular transcendental constant a little bit more than one who refused to even entertain the idea. Like, imagination is important to mathematics, too.

And to be clear, “let Pi = 3.14” is also incorrect. It is closer than 5, but it is still infinitely wrong.

[edit] And also, I was imagining this question was for a younger audience. Reading it again, I’m not going to pretend I know what’s going on up there.


Now there’s one I wish I could have read. Jesus christ.


Ah, yeah. Now it makes sense, hahaha.


No, because amateur art is interesting.

Hours of effort to what, exactly?


But providing a description to an “actual artist” is an artistic skill.

Ohhh, so this is why people tag their images by popular art commisioners. Here’s another one asked for by XanthemG—you know he asks for good stuff.

Wait, that doesn’t happen.

why you believe ai inherently makes something not art.

For the same reason ChatGPT can’t make you any less lonely.


Dude, I don’t care how many iterations a person goes through. I care that the piece contains a bit of their soul.

The argument you’re making fails to appreciate why two images, one made by gen AI, one by a real human person, both exactly identical pixel by pixel, could possibly be valued differently.

If you want to know why I seem to lack respect for the prompt artist who spends a 3-month chunk of their life toiling over their latest piece, making everything just so, because some part of them desperately needs to say something and this piece is the only way they can—I would ask you to show me one.

But further, the prompt artist doesn’t even make it. Even if they did spend the time, credit goes to the AI. The prompt artist is welcome to claim their prompt, I guess, but I don’t often see them sharing those around. Would that even be entertaining?


There’s a line between a cup and an ocean. I don’t see what that has to do with anything.

I’m claiming that it’s possible for an artist to use ai in the production of real art.

As an artist can use a guitar instead of their own mouth. But can an artist’s art be the guitar playing itself… hm. A book in a library is art. But can choosing a book from a library be art? Ah, but what if it takes a long time. Wow, philosophy is interesting.

The argument here hinges on the definitions of inherently vague words. “Hm, you say a chair must have at least three legs and a seat, but this rock is a place people sit. Hm, what if the rock was sculpted, does it count then? Yes, yes, I am very smart”—This is boring and I don’t care.

If the script for your movie wasn’t written by people, then I don’t care about it. It’s trash. It’s garbage. I would rather watch one made by people who care. I want people to talk to me with their art. When an AI becomes sentient enough to intend to make something meaningful, then we can revisit.

Oh right, but you mean the technical caveat for the use of AI tools.

Joel Haver uses an AI filter to do his rotoscoping. I like Joel Haver just fine.

The mere presence of an AI filter in his work is not what I consider artful, though.


When it contains their soul, I already said this.

Actually, I really like the director analogy.

Yes, it’s very quaint.

Does the director take credit for their actor’s acting, though? Usually, the actors win the award for best acting.


It’s not useless.

It’s specifically not useless because people forget this.

Where there is disagreement, there is politics.

Telling Mariah Carey to leave politics in her b-sides is, inherently, not possible.


But how would you tell someone of the world’s politics without it?

You don’t seem to agree, but it’s kind of incontrovertible.

All communication is rhetoric. The way that you stand, the clothes you present, the style of speech you adopt—but rhetoric is just the name for all of that.

Colloquially, political just means something is more terse than usual.

But that’s the thing I’m arguing about. The usual, the normal, is still at odds with the fringes. There is no debate between the political instigators and normal, apolitical society, who would like to return to a time when trans people weren’t in movies (or blacks, or women)—there is only politics.

I’m just saying, a lot of people are afraid to rock the boat, and they need to get off that shit.


Equally political…?

Mate, I don’t imagine that Mariah Carey’s latest album and the Rosa Parks Bus Boycotts are, like, the same severity. I don’t really know how to respond to that.

You are pushing back against people who don’t want to involve themselves “in politics.”


I’m pushing back against people who don’t see politics. Who view being “normal” and doing what society expects of you as anti-transgressive.

To coerce people into normal society is transgressive. After all, you can’t do that without power.

What I’m describing is a “no standing still on a moving train” kind of situation. I’m challenging the idea that “being normal” or “maintaining the status quo” or “not rocking the boat too much” is a moral good. That “difference” is political, and “the same” is where we ought to be. The idea that the real problem with society is that people complain too much.

Somebody can agree with everything I just said and never talk to their congress person once.

I think it’s horribly reductive to paint them all as wanting to go back to the 1950s.

But in the 1950s, people wanted the rabble-rousers about women to shut up, didn’t they?

The issues today are different, but it’s all the same.


To the average listener, you are likening our distorted Luigi friend to Rosa Parks.

Not really. I just assume more of their intelligence than you do.

We are not in fact on a moving train,

Was Roe v. Wade overturned with or without you?

It was overturned without a lot of people.

But, regardless, this actually has nothing to do with whether having Christmas dinner with mom’s family or dad’s is an issue of politics (the family’s).

If you lack the imagination for why two people might disagree about some Luigi head, whatever. They still can. Maybe somebody views it as ableist, maybe it becomes a nazi dogwhistle, maybe it’s not funny enough and the community argues about whether content like this should even be welcome here. Maybe somebody thinks it’s gross and doesn’t want it in their eyes, and what was just an image of Luigi is now a point of stubborn unwelcomeness from the community and the reason why this individual decides to leave forever.

Not all of these examples demand that you care about them. People leave sometimes. Oh well.

You don’t have a counter to the idea that politics is everywhere—you keep agreeing with it and then dismissing it. This grandstanding about treating very serious ideas very seriously is getting really boring.


This sounds like a failure on Democrats to get information out.

Actually, yes! I haven’t even read the rest of your comment yet.

God damn the DNC needs to go harder.


It implies a reward for work, which is a basic model all games use for basically everything you do.

How is it pay 2 win if you’re not paying anything?

[edit] Okay, you said “or” xD Yeah, I’m sure Call of Duty would sell it to you.


Do you mean in 9?

I remember 9’s being kind of hard for some reason, but I don’t remember it being worse.


I’ve asked like ten 10 year olds and none of them want me to break their legs; that’s ridiculous.


Ohh, it’s because they’re different kitchen appliances. I’ve been going about this all wrong.


It failed because an “immutable cryptographic proof” that the information being represented is valid is about as useful as a handwritten certificate that says you own Sagittarius.

Cryptography cannot verify your ownership of Sagittarius; it is not an authority. It cannot prevent you from claiming you do, either: anybody can enter whatever they want into the system.

And funny enough, this cryptographic lock and key isn’t even undisputable. If you have a dated record from 2020, and someone else wants it, they can just verify theirs on a different chain. Who is to say which chain is “more correct”? The dates? Dates don’t matter. If you were unlucky enough not to publish your work before someone else does, you don’t cryptographically own your work. If you were lucky and you had published, someone else can just lie that they weren’t ready and you stole it from them. So, even with all of our fancy math, we’re still back to he-said, she-said.

Worse, most blockchain records I know of are way too small for images, let alone video, so all they do is cryptographically “verify” URLs to the work. What exactly is the point of this? Can the files served by these URLs not simply be… changed?

I know they can be changed because C2PA has this very same, exact problem.

The blockchain is, at best, a database. The fact that it’s public doesn’t mean anything—it might be worse, even.

Why bother reinventing all of this? We have institutions already that keep records. What social good is bought from having the most public of all records?


Why would people do something stupid and against their best interests? Hm, I wonder.


I’m not understanding what problem this is solving.

The ESRB is a “cross-ecosystem” institution to keep games producers honest—what does this… DCL(?) actually do?

From what little I’ve read here:…/white-paper-distributed-compliance-…

All I can say is that this protects companies from homebrew “infractions” on their software copyright by making it difficult to install un-attested firmware updates.

I’m not even confident in that summary. What does this do?


They got angry because it forgot what the reminder was.

It asked for information A, then it asked for B repeatedly, and once that was finally settled (with an answer that is technically supportable but absolutely not what the user wanted) it then asked for A again.

If this were a real person, I would definitely be thinking “should I just ask someone else?”


Yeah, I don’t really find it that funny.

I mean, I have no idea who made it. I think it’s entirely possible they did this just as a bit of fun.

But it runs entirely too close to “ironic” 4chan “Hitler was good actually” posting.

There isn’t really anything grounding it in the realm of parody, of insincerity, and so it’s kind of indistinguishable from what someone who actually likes this abuse fantasy would do.

The point is, I had an argument about literally this very subject with someone 2 or 3 weeks ago, and this is extremely vindicating.

Not to say the game can’t be fun. I believe people when they say they have a good time. It’s not like you have to do this.


Well, sure.

It really depends on the kind of engagement the game is getting.

I don’t expect most people have any real problems, this even is probably ironic, but it does raise an eyebrow.


If all of your time is spent correcting the answers you know you want it to give you, what use it to you exactly?

Like, I’ll take your word for it: you can trick it into giving more correct answers.

You would only do this if you already know the correct answers.

I mean, you can use it for rubber-ducking, I suppose. I don’t know if that’s revolutionary, but I guess it’s not useless.

You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds (

For the past few years, a growing number of users, analysts, and experts raised alarms about a truth that feels obvious to a lot of people who surf around in web browsers: the quality of Google results is in serious decline. Google disagrees.


Subscription services still get worse. The arrogance Cable TV must have to show us ads—cable was the ad-free service back in its day. The same is happening with Netflix. The same will happen with Spotify. This thing is a snake eating it’s own fucking tail.

I want something without perverse incentives. Donations, maybe. Taxes, possibly. I get free roads, why not a free search index.


Ohhh my godd, me too. It’s so anti-intellectual.

To anyone who might care, you can identify an apple as a low-quality orange, but that doesn’t also mean the apple is a low-quality apple; they’re optimized to different ends. That is, I think, the point of the expression.

But, if we’re trying to evaluate them on something like taste, which is entirely subjective, yeah, I’m comparing those shits. And, I’m going oranges all the way.


I’m stoked to play it, but I’m waiting for some other store front first. Sigh.


referencing xenophobic shit like “because china”, angry at tim sweeney,

What… the fuck are you talking about? You are lost in sauce, dude.

I would rather GOG be made the de facto alternative than Epic. The fact that we have approx. 1 grocery store nearby does not mean we should be excited a Walmart is being built.

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