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I thought this was wholesome memes and mom did not conform to society by wearing the crown made for her by the her kid.


Amen! (sorry i couldn’t stop myself.)

I haven’t identified as Christian since reading the bible and realizing god is portrayed as some fucked up attention craving psycho.

But fictional Jesus is like the OG embodiment of woke. He doesn’t need to be real for the philosophy to be. If only more people followed his literal example.


Or its a representation of what the future looks like if we keep fighting the people who fight for all of us.


Can you elaborate?


I see what you mean. I agree people need much more tangible details about how climate change is already effecting them and will affect us in the future. As well as the sheer out of proportion footprint of for profit industry.

But even if you where to communicate the details, people would still need to care to listen. The most effective path is probably a bit of both, radical action to turn heads but also have those actions carrying a more directly explicit message other then “acknowledge us” .


Maybe it drove headlines where you are but for me its a first i hear of it.

Yet everyone is talking about Stonehenge.

100% agree though activism needs more clear messaging.


I think they did this to play against the left vs the right.

Biden doesn’t care about progressives, if they are against trump then those votes are already secured.

He is right wing and wants to appear more representable to conservatives to get their votes.

Its pure token symbolism but i bet it does have a noticeable effect in how the candidates are perceived.


How about being an authoritarian right winger who is funding a certain state to commit Holocaust 2.0

No hes not nearly as bad as Trump, Xi. Putin. But thats an incredible low bar.

If only Bernie got a chance.


Are you stupid or what? The line needs to go up, up and up!!! Your problem is the fucking line not having the greatest boner your moms bottom will ever see.

Daddy needs to see numbers climb to FeEL aLiVe.

Dont you get wat injustice are done to us? Only today some hippy weirdos took the spot in the news that i could have used to give an adverview about buy our product.

Trow the scum in jail i tell you. That will teach them to destroy our beautiful heritage. Fossil fueled electric chairs for all of them.


“Those where theoretical gummies to proof a point”

Thats why they are “in his pocket” and now openly On display.

Could also argue my left leg and pocket didnt cross the border, only my right did.


Going out of your way to have an abortion exactly there?

That sounds just like a satanic withcraft ritual.

Not sure if there more or less steps, maybe it just IS considering abortion used to be a job for the local herbalist women.


Just FYI the license in your comment doesn’t actually exist and the creative commons license it links to does not mention AI anywhere.


Well i understand its to combat ai from training on your comments right, maybe also to poison the data?

I just don’t see what taking a non relevant licensee and giving it a different name is doing to stop that. Trivial to filter stuff like this out in a dataset.

At best an individual data scraping company decides to honor it out of kindness. At worst people think that its a real license and copy it with a false sense of security.


Well you could always just use the proper name. The cc license in question IS anti commercial. A great deal of ai is opens source and non commercial and to those cc is fair game. But if commercial is where you draw the line then envoking this license may do.

This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)

Calling it “anti-ai” when its not removes power from your argument. Your invoking something that does not exit and linking to something seemingly unrelated.

Now the bigger question i have, have had since i have seen people do this.

Why is there still not an actual anti-ai license? Seems obvious that there is a need for it? I dont know much about how licenses are created but it strikes me as odd.


Before privacy guides changed there was a spreadsheet with all providers, security details and wether or not they have ever complied to government requesting access.

If i recall correctly proton did not score very great. Disroot did very well on paper but was considered new and had yet to proof itself

Anyone know if this (updated) information still exists?


Fellow autist here.

I have had a theory for many years that part of my autism is related to a unbalanced endocannabinoid system where i do not make enough dopamine as part of the natural reward process.

I bet you already tried full spectrum cannabinoid oil containing both cbd and thc. But if not i highly recommend it. But not to get high. I personally found a good dosage that allows me to boost the ecs the right amount to have it function more similar to others.

I am curious to know if you ever tried dmt? Real Breakthrough does not compare to conventional psychedelics but if you already state that to much lsd ruined your (creative) right hemisphere i am not sure i can recommend it.

What can absolutely recommend for intrusive fantasy is recreational immersive daydreaming. I have a feeling you may already be doing this but in the form of Maladaptive daydreaming

What i realized for me is that its all about balance in your mind. I love working with logic, structure and math and general very left hemisphere stuff. But i also have a real need to stimulate my right hemisphere trough a creative process.

If i don’t foster my creativity and ability to fantasize i become distressed and borderline psychotic making me unable to work with logic and structure.

I always make sure i have acces to a creative outlet, be it a specific task on my job (i am fortune to have alot of freedom though) or a side hobby.

Whenever i have time alone (which is also a need many neurodivergent people share) i tap into fantasy to simulate a world around me where i have absolutely creative control. Its also fairly useful because you can simulate situations from real life to study them up close.


Don’t force yourself to smoke more unless you actually feel it improves your situation.

I absolutely get using it for work even while such a thing is heavily looked down upon on. If not for cananbinoid medicine to make me appear normal i would have been fired a long time ago, its rare to meet someone who understands this.

As for creative outlets, they don’t need to be huge projects that you never Finnish. Also remember that the goal is to accomplish a creation. The act of maintaining a creative process is where the health bonus i tried.

Some personal recommendations.

  • view personal challenges as if they are puzzles. Your own behavioral tendencies as game mechanics. puzzle with your game mechanics to create a system where you get closer to succeeding the personal challenge with the least amount of effort.
  • Jack Herer is a great medicinal strain, stay away from unknown weed. Having a consistent source of the same known strains and knowing your dosage is the difference between medicinal use and drug abuse.
  • if you like good tactile feedback invest in a good keyboard that makes you want to type just for the feeling. I understand that this may be difficult for you cause you do appear to miss basically any reward feedback but the idea is to start typing down some of your ideas and fantasies as an excuse to use tockle on your keyboard.
  • If you have an interest in computers, move to linux if you havent already. You learn so much about computers in general and you have so much freedom you can design your experience to be tailored to your needs. Its a good symbiosis of technical and creative ideas.

Video games that stimulate the creative processes: Minecraft, Rimworld, The sims, Actively modding games, like skyrim or cyberpunk.

Regardless of if this advice is useful, I wish you the best. Its rare to meet someone who’s challenges hit so close to home, even in autistic circles.


Sometimes i wonder, am i the only one who found it much easier to reverse engineer the required formula from given data, multiple choice response and the different but similar formula on the other question?

Once had my class turn against me because a very unskilled teacher wrote a question on the test of which we hadent seen the required formulas in class. But that couldn’t be said the teacher because i the kid who was known to not be able to pay attention to annything found the correct answer.


The year i got an internet connection my English grades doubled but its not my first language so yeah no perfect. Deal with it :)


Maybe reverse engineering isn’t the right term.

Brute forcing using the provided calculator and calculated guesswork till i got something that matched one of the answers.

I sometimes lost points for “something off in my formula” but the answer was correct so i passed overal.

I have a nack for “visualizing” certain math allowing for calculated guesses. I had a few instances (not on a test) where i literally just told the teacher i had not the faintest clue how to tackle the solution but it just screamed “x=3” and i was kindly told “well done, but no points without formula. “


Find X where X is a modifier (a series of calculations) to be used with the provided numbers to end on a specific answers.

And i often had like 3 different sets of provided numbers and answers to verify if the series of calculations are goin in the right direction. Once you have sm that answers all 3 questions you known its gold.

Last step is restructuring the “modifier” so it actually looks like a formula.


A teacher mentioned i had a skill for calculated guesses and my first though was “Why aren’t you teaching me to hone the skills i am good at rather then forcing me to do it in a way i have an handicap (memory).


No, they hated me. Also because i was the only one to pass the exam, not because i was great but because the teacher was so bad that i ended up on top because not being able to pay attention in class was my default. So it didn’t make a difference how bad the teacher was for me.

Dont ask me to remember 3 different numbers at the same time. I literally cannot do it.


I tend to overuse commas but i am trying not to because it makes my speech more identifiable in the age if ai.

Believe it or not, not putting effort in typing increases your privacy online. The important part is i got to say what i wanted and people understood what i meant anyway.


I have to disagree. Being able to obtain close enough accurate results without needing to calculate or measure is incredibly useful on a daily basis.

Ever had to pick the right size drill or screwdriver bit out of a mix? Thats the kind of skill this most often relates to.

combined with real measurement it becomes intuitive knowledge to verify my own measurements.

In school i just had to do extra work to be able to write down a formula. I agree thats not useful but i was still practicing the same algebra to do so.

Trying to remember the formulas from my head turned out to be literally impossible for me. I got a diagnosis post education and i may explain why i developed this ability from need to make up for my disability.

webghost0101, (edited )

What do you mean with a human author? Sorry you actually lost me on this. Student logic is the skill of taking school tests right? Cause outside math i had very low grades.

I rely on the same mathematical logic but the calculation is done intuitive, like a gut feeling. Thats not the “reverse engineering of formulas” i talked about, that i just did because school expected it of me. But it relies on this very useful ability.

As you use math intuitively you become more intuitive at it, honing the ability. School did not provide a platform to do so while it makes you better at normal calculations as well

The example i gave that does best illustrate it is seeing the sizes of things without having to check labels, markings or actually measure. Especially useful for domestic jobs Like hanging up a mirror on the wall. Or when visiting stores like an ikea.

Another term I believe for it is eyeballing it. But i cant see how you think it isn’t useful outside of schools. (Pun intended)

I have been outside school for more than 10 years. I use all kinds of mathematical principles on a day to day basis (part of how i perceive the world) but solutions requiring specific formulas pretty much never happens and when it very rarely does happen (i think i used Pythagorean once 2 years ago), i just google it.

Oh its also super useful in video games like Minecraft where you have to do a lot of math but cant be bothered to take a calculator. But video games aint real life so it doesn’t count.


Actually that is sort of what happend in the end of my school career

I always understood the underlaying logic so i never needed to learn that. But then sin cos and tan happend and for some reason i don’t understand them.

I have been able to memorize their formulas on multiple occasions but i start mixing them up in less then a minute every time, i swear its actually ridiculous how inept i am at memorizing and not mixing stuff up even with mnemonics.

I had to hand in an exam with half the pages unanswered. Twice. I wad lucky the first time because the half I did was without error and worth more then 50%. The second time, not so much and i had to defend my non existent answer before a jury.

Yesterday i learned more about algebraic topology out of curiosity, i also dabble with statistical analysis and frequently use all kinds of math in programming.

Just a minute ago i looked for a simple explanation what sin cos tan are about and its stil the same, and i know its supposedlyJust hightail school level but i don’t understand what they are for at all it makes me nervous its my Achilles’ heel of math.


I think my partner has a good dose of this. Excelled at test taking but struggles to live up to expectations post education.

I don’t think it’s relevant to what i did, i never have issue generating novel ideal to successfully tackle a problem and i spend a fair amount on coding which requires good problem solving.

If annoying i had a problem with understanding the default solution so i had no choice then come up with a new one using my logic. But at that point it really is just called autism.


Ever since doing a deep-dive in what Colonel Karl E Nell said at Salt 2024 and the people he mentioned to be credible, sirens start to go off in my head whenever i read anything that involves a US aerospace company.

If you want to take it all on face value, which i do not recommend. Companies like these exist between military and private industry with a levels of secrecy so complex the white house no longer has acces or authority. And actually its about UAP and non human intelligence.

The question is not whether its real its “Why does a high rank make such statements on stage on such an event?”

Sorry, this really is just what happened whenever i see anyone mentioned these companies now.


This channel has been uploaded vids of these screens for 8 months now. Is there some more tangible info on how these came about?

I don’t think you can diy this in a garage?


Without additional information that seems more likely but its at least portrayed here as a real display.

It would still be a very interesting idea to rather make everything a display make everything a zero energy AR surface but then we need convenient mainstream AR wearables.


Found them on amazon holy shit.

You’d think something like this would be major tech news, people have been talking about this tech for ages and a consensus for many is that it wasn’t impossible. (Look at all the crap foldable phones)

It’s objectively not cheap but it’s not expensive for such revolutionary tech.


Good luck with overpriced shipping :) but still for something i though was not yet possible its shockingly accessible.


I had no idea and i thought i was relatively up to date with new gen technology. I thought the foldable phones that came out where more an experimental proof of concept of the first instance of such technology but not that whole flexible panels where possible.

Even just the fact an oled display can be this thin is completely new to me.


This is why nazis are handles with kid gloves. To trick you into believing the right spectrum politicians are somewhat left leaning.

And it works, thanks to a two party system… what are you legally allowed to do about it? Freedom to choose and vote.

Gonna pick full on Facism? No? Facism-light it is.

Suddenly for this an executive order can be signed, other stuff not possible, but this is. Makes me sick.


The biggest tell is how people who identify as left all hete Bidden.

Theres a famous comment by nixons right hand on the war on drugs. They wanted to get rid of the

“anti-war left”

The same anti war left is currently involved in global protests against the genocide in Palestine. That phenomenon is not just the US, Its was not reported in any news i saw but i know off at least one more then a week long building getting occupied in a university in europe.

The Bidden administration has very recently low key responded to these protest by changing the definition of antisemitism to interpret the state of Israel as a jewish collective. Therefor any critics of the state of Israel becomes a crime.

Where are the laws they did they enact when nazis where marching the streets and cultists stormed a government building? Yes some are jailed after a long time, its similar to the pride flags. The occasional token bone to pretend to card.

Theres the general the unwielding support for the genecide. Bombing civilian tents with us weapons did not cross any red lines to continue to provide so.

Is it a coincidence that the victims are all muslim? As a lefty i preach tolerance. Also for the existence off dumb religions overseas that may not be so tolerant of my freedom in person.

Also right leaning:

  • pro corporate, America is a capitalist country but business with the same right as people is the opposite of woke.
  • war on drugs still very much exists
  • still no social healthcare like basically every other western nation.

I get its often not as simple as flick a switch to solve issues and many issues are systematically grown. But people have been yelling Bidden to use some of that presidential power and him doing it now to restrict asylum which is also a right leaning thing to do is a cherry on top of all the lies.

People should still vote and the most left you can vote is D but i am really hopping that once the threat of Trump is gone there becomes some room to roast them in a national protest.


Facism-light. As in Right with authoritarian tendencies who are in bed with the corporations. The Democrats are not Nazis, there just don’t mind them.

I am against assault of any kind, Our biggest concern should be fixing the damn ecosystems of our planet. Everything else is a distraction. The economy can be worth wadever people believe it is but its not worth nothing if we go extinct.

Even in Europe some progressive parties are shifting to the right and social healthcare is getting eroded.

I get that we can’t just all stop going to work cause i am still being a cog in the machine that destroys itself myself but holy fuck can we got someone good in charge?


The vibe i give up is definitely this one.


Especially the Bold text and the crudly drawn happy face next to it.

(Yes i know its from the rage comic memes)



Dalle’s attempt. Way to stylized and symmetrical to my liking but interesting the brand logo is spot on.


Oh wauw it really doesn’t hold back. I was expecting a “cant generate real logos and trademarks”




There about the same size as the thumb, if i can use that as reference compared to my own thumb…

I don’t know how many dicks you know as a reference but uhm those sausages aint big.


I am the opposite.

Its like some symbolism where there rank chokes the person beneath the uniform. Actually makes me feel kinda sick.

webghost0101, (edited )

Does this mean if they try to ban other books, lets say about abortion all you need to do to guarantee it Doesn’t get censored is included a gay part?

That would be the loophole to really piss em off :p

EDIT: “prevents libraries from removing books “based solely on the viewpoint, content, message, idea, or opinion conveyed.” Instead, content curation will be managed by “a licensed library media specialist, an individual with a master’s degree in library sciences or library and information sciences, or a professional librarian or person with extensive library collection management experience."

Still though please can we turn non lgbt books into having a completely unnecessary lgbt subplot just because it would be funny. I am not even gay :p


There is also no news of the extreme statements col E Nell has made at the end of SALT 2024.

I was partly assuming that to be a psiop to distract from the war. Now i dont know what to think but absolutely radio silence is so strange. What happening at our Media?


Yes to make this a new more versatile meme


Some people aren’t gonna like me saying this. But when used responsibly chatgpt is the absolute linux mvp.

I stopped being a windows user a month after getting access to gpt4, its been amazing. I learned so much in general and it would not have been feasible for me without there-are-no-dumb-questions-ai

webghost0101, (edited )

“don’t enter any commands you see online without looking at it first. You can’t trust everyone”

This has somewhat become a staple idea of mine. People trust others online way too easily. Ai isn’t all that different in this but its more obvious to us that there is something to be scared about the uncanny valley.

What it tends to come down to is capacity for personal critical thinking which we should aim to foster more in future generations.

Maybe i assume too much that programmer-minded people naturally come with such skills for troubleshooting and will be capable of responsible ai interactions?


I am gonna be real with you guys

  • get 10% more sleep per sleep


  • both nostrils always work

Is this what getting older does to me?

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