captain_aggravated, avatar

This is the second “meme” I’ve seen trying to make the point that Taylor Swift should be immune to criticism because she’s female in the span of two minutes.


That is because you’re not reading properly then. I don’t give two shits about this subject, but the meme states “popular with girls and women”, it says nothing about her being a woman.

zarkanian, avatar

But there are lots of rich people who fly private jets. Why her of all people?

captain_aggravated, avatar

Because she has recently been in the news for suing the plane tracker guy. She Streisanded herself.


You honestly think I don’t have enough hate in my heart for 2 rich assholes flying around in private jets?


its weird how this is implying that there are people who don’t hate elon musk.

stebo02, avatar

newsflash: there are. tons of them


There are dozens of them. DOZENS!!!

DessertStorms, avatar

Porque lo nos dos?

On a more serious note, this is actually a perfect demonstration of why intersectionality is vital, and how classism and sexism intersect - this isn't, and shouldn't be reduced to "either/or", we can hate and fight against billionaires for being exploitative oppressive capitalists, and misogynists who only hate Swift for being a woman singing for other women..


I think Taylor gets a lot of hate because many people want her to be a role model for young adults.

When she inevitably fails to live up to everyone’s standards, this is what ensues.

It’s hilarious to watch.

Also, nobody is holding musk up as a role model. At least, not for young adults.


You know. Except his followers, who are primarily young adults.


I’ll just point out that there’s a significant difference between wanting someone to be a role model for others and having someone as a role model for yourself. IMO, more people view Swift as the former, and most who hold musk in high regard are the latter.


The internet being disproportionately angry at a woman rather than a man?

That can’t be right.


they only meme on her because she might prevent trump


‘Hateing’ this post for that horrific spelling

flamingos, avatar

The idea we don’t hate on Musk is genuinely insane. His hate subreddit even got brought over (!enoughmuskspam).

You could’ve chosen literally any other billionaire and you would’ve had a point.


Why not both?

Excrubulent, avatar

If people don’t notice how much more society hates women for doing the same things men get away with everyday, they simply haven’t been paying attention.

If they’re only just now having it pointed out to them, after participating in the latest hate campaign, they’re motivated not to understand because they don’t want to recognise their own behaviour as misogynistic.

Talking about how they “hate both” might be true for any one person, but that doesn’t change the wider trend.


of all the places, you posted this on the fediverse?


I mean we don’t need any more convincing to hate Elon. I don’t dislike Taylor, I just think the memes are funny lol

Ibaudia, avatar

They are both bad people for different reasons. Taylor is just a corporation in human form. She regularly fucks people.

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