What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

I think the most common answer is going to be Tears of the Kingdom, and that is one for me that stands out for sure, but I will try to add some more unique inputs as well. Many are games that came out longer than a year ago, but i didnt get around to playing until more recently.

-Escape From Tarkov, Single Player. Okay look, I have 3000 hours in EFT Live/regular. There is nothing that competes with it, nothing like the experience. But there are so many excessive and unlikely to be changed negatives to the experience that I simply cant put more time into it anymore, much less recommend it to others. LUCKILY the SPT version exists, and it is so fucking fun and refreshing. No cheater, no long load times, no disgusting server desync. No busted ass rogue and boss AI. Hate the stupid base exp rates? change them. Hate the ridiculous hideout install times that only exist to keep people from bullrushing high tier ammo in week 1? change them. I have mods installed that vastly improve the enemy AI, that fix the truly deranged shooting/recoil physics, that show you more data on different ammunition in game so you dont need a wiki open constantly, sell you gunsmith compatible guns so i dont have to build that shit for the 1000th time. Shit I even turned off fall damage so i could yeet myself off cliffs and chase down gun shots. It is simply much much much more fun. Its really the only Tarkov experience i can recommend these days.

-Mechabellum. This game is what ive wanted from the auto battle genre since it first popped up. Its got the perfect blend of conceptual strategy (think chess, the first game in the genre was auto-chess after all), randomness (the starting loadouts and perks on each round work as a very effective randomizing seed) and LACK of high APM micro bullshit that makes traditional multiplayer RTS a nightmare to pick up and learn. Its wonderful and im going to be playing so much of it as they are adding more coop modes and maps. 150 hours already.

-Monster Hunter Rise. This last year was the year that monster hunter really clicked for me, after like 5 years of on and off trying and failing to get into it. I think what changed was finally understanding that the game is just pushing you to improve on a purely mechanical perspective, constantly. In the same way that dark souls combat rewards you for ‘getting good’ (learning the movesets, knowing when to push and pull back, etc) Monster Hunter just wants you to be a goddamn badass, but youll have to work for it. Go slap that dragon with a big fish. 250 hours (yeesh)

-Hades. This is one of maybe 3 games ever that i could actually describe as ‘perfect’. Im sure a lot of people have read this sentiment online, but here’s the thing; I tried Hades 3 times previously and, while i did enjoy the experience and got like 2-5 successful patricides, it never really clicked into place. Until this time. The entire reason i got back into it was getting a steam deck, which i cannot recommend enough (if the price is right, be wary that a steam deck 2 in late 2024 is quite possible). but that was just a trigger. What actually made the difference was me slowing down a bit to appreciate the absolutely unparalleled and breathtaking attention to detail that the game constantly fulfills. 21000 voicelines, and ive never heard a repeat in 80 hours. Still unlocking new things like 30 or 40 successful runs in. Even the most supremely minor things: There is a decoration you can buy for your room, a big harp. you can run up to it and pluck some gross discordant notes. Neat, this kind of thing is in a lot of games, but still neat. EXCEPT plucking this thing enough gives you unique dialogues with a certain character. plucking it enough in between different runs shows you actually improving, making some less gross notes, then gross chords, then less gross chords, all with unique dialogue unlocks as you go. and eventually you pluck it and produce some real music. I cannot emphasize enough, this is a silly little decoration in your room that is totally optional and it wouldnt shock me if 95% of players completely miss it. THIS is the level of detail the game is constantly operating on. Super rare niche legendary boon from Demeter that kills stuff with a certain condition when its at 10% hp? bam, unique demeter voiceline for using it to beat the final boss. shit like that, is why this game is special, and what makes it next-level.

-Project Wingman VR. I love PW, i put like 30-40 hours in the regular game and it stands out to me as the best arcade flying game(ily AC7 but AC8 has to step up). But I recently got my VR headset working properly and tried PW in VR using my modest T.16000M throttle and stick, and oh my sweet lord there is something so transcendent about the experience. So rarely do i feel goosebumps when i play a game anymore (getting old) but this was like 2 straight hours of goosebumps. I also literally, actually, shit my pants a little when i collided with another plane, so thats nice.

@Mechaguana@programming.dev avatar

Ive been abusing steep for days now, and boy is that game the after dinner thin mint of gaming. Its gorgeous, and offers million of ways to go down tue several proposed mountains.


Stray - There’s not a massive amount to it, but what’s there is charming, with just enough storytelling to drag you in. Plus you’re a cat. Who doesn’t like cats?

Guardians of the Galaxy - The gameplay feels a little rough around the edges, and the characters have an extremely irritating habit of starting to talk just before you cross the invisible lines that stop them talking again (and unlike God of War, that conversation is now lost), but it felt like a Marvel game should. More fleshed out than the movies (especially Drax and Mantis, who are just fucking moronic on screen). I feel everyone (including me) ignored this on launch because of The Avengers, which is a shame because it deserved to do better.

Ghostwire Tokyo - Definitely unique. It’s kind of a shooter, but not. They’ve added a (free?) update to it with a school, so if you played it before and wondered where the horror element was, go back and play that bit.

Death Stranding - The first strand type game. I’ve certainly never played an apocalyptic Deliveroo driver before. I recommend mostly just mainlining the story here, as the payoff is the best bit.

Humanity - Neat little puzzle game. Not especially challenging. Somewhere between Lemmings and an obscure Amiga game called Timekeepers.

Endling - Come for the cute foxes. Stay for the sudden realisation that you can actually lose those babies and this isn’t what you thought it was. Like Stray it’s not overly long, although somehow even bleaker.


I really liked that little crab island shooter. Cute and inexpensive. Not a huge or blockbuster game but pretty fun for me. I need a new FPS after OW2 ruined OW1.

@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

OP if you liked Project Wingman VR, you absolutely owe it to yourself to try out VTOL VR.

As a combat flight simulator enthusiast I can’t recommend it enough. Virtual joystick so you don’t need to set up a HOTAS (it works surprisingly well), online multiplayer with a very active modding/custom scenarios community, and a good balance between realism and arcade.

I literally rebuilt my pc with this game in mind 🤪


Elden Ring and Dead Cells stand out to me the most.


I replayed through Hypnospace Outlaw. And hoo boy does that game hit harder when you’re playing it whilst the major social networks are crumbling.


We Love Katamari

OminousOrange, (edited )
@OminousOrange@lemmy.ca avatar

I would be very interested in those Tarkov modes/mods you have, OP. I got into it a bit but would just get mangled by well geared groups of players too often that it made it quite frustrating.

E: disregard, I found your other comment with the details.

As for memorable games, I played all the Quantic Dream games recently after seeing someone play Detroit: Become Human on stream. The story(s) in each one are amazing and unique in their own ways. They make you feel emotion and you’re immersed in the character’s experience. Their facial mocap really takes the games to the next level. The emotions just feel so real, which I find many games fail to do with only janky animated expressions.


Hunt: Showdown.

The thrill, the suspense, and at times, action.

In theory, could do that with EfT too, but, EfT doesn’t work on Linux, so that doesn’t count :/ (And, with the recent changes, I feel EfT became too much of grindfest, while Hunt feels… chill at times. Which I love.)


Definitely a tie between Broke the Investigator (for the ending I got) and Beyond The Edge of Owlsgard (because I like the story and characters for the most part from how far I have gotten).

Also for a single moment in BTEOG where the English voice actor for the main character goes on what was an unscripted rant about something that leads to a death in game.

@bbbhltz@beehaw.org avatar

Street Fighter 6 taught me to enjoy fighting games again.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s about Time showed me (again) that rebooting a franchise is worth it. There is so much to do and I haven’t been challenged like this since Hollow Knight. The levels are gorgeous and creative. Plus, the game is teaching my son that it is OK to lose and that persistence pays off.


Played Hardspace Shipbreaker. Damn it’s good to do some industrial action :)

@drcouzelis@lemmy.zip avatar

The Guardian Legend for NES. I never heard of it until about a month ago and I am OBSESSED. I played through it on an emulator, bought the cartridge, and now I’m playing through it again on an NES. It’s a combination of Zelda 1 exploration and a vertical shoot 'em up with a dash of metroidvania, set on a futuristic space station. I can go on and on about how good it is so I’m working on a long form review as I play through it again.


Can second Mechabellum. It's super fun, the right mix of casual but still competitive. The match duration makes it great for squeezing in a game or two. And I love how the game has weekly tournaments built in. They even have one for each timezone. The built-in competitiveness without having to register on external sites really reduces the entry barrier.

@SevenSwell@beehaw.org avatar

I can third it. It totally feels like you’re playing an RTS but without having to study build orders and practice your micro.


Just like you, Tears of the Kingdom. I played for 140 hours before attempting the final boss. Man, was it worth it. That ending was one of the best and most satisfying endings I’ve ever had to a game.


I’ve played for 150+ hours so far and haven’t even gone to do my first “divine beast” yet (idk what they’re called in TotK), I’m too busy mining in the depths for Zonaite so that I can max out my batteries, and of course, gathering materials for making OP elixirs and stuff lol.


Get as many hours as you can before the ending. It’s worth it!

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