mint, avatar
  • metroid
  • returnal
  • beyond good and evil
  • the FFXIII trilogy (yes they're good and I'll fight anyone that says otherwise)
  • Bayonetta
  • A lot of the Resident Evils
  • Celeste, bonus points for being very gay as well
  • Half-Life: Alyx
  • Tales of Berseria (if you like anime stuff. the protag's outfit is trash but she's probably the best Tales MC IMO)
  • Telltale's Walking Dead
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey. The female protag is canon as far as I'm concerned
  • Night in the Woods
  • Control
  • Nier Automata
  • Kena: Bridge of Spirits
  • Signalis
natarey, avatar

Great list. I would also say most RPGs, if they're any good, will give you the choice -- Mass Effect, Skyrim, Pillars of Eternity, the Divinity games, etc.

Lots of adventure games as well -- The Longest Journey/Dreamfall games, Life is Strange, Whispers of a Machine, etc.

Honestly, the number of games where you're trapped playing a lantern-jawed, grunty doofus is way, way less overwhelming than it used to be, which I really appreciate.


Kena is so good

mint, avatar

i actually haven't finished it! i need to get back to that. it was surprisingly difficult


It’s funny, I really liked the outfit for Berseria. Something about a not well-groomed-in-the-middle-of-fights look stood out from the crowd.


Great list from @mint, just a few more:
Gris is an absolute gem.
The A Plague Tale duology is also up there (with Requiem being my favourite game of all time, so I'm extremely biased, sorry / not sorry :D).

hazelnoot, avatar

"good" is subjective, but I can recommend the Tomb Raider reboots.


Mass Effect! FemShep is amazing!

pvr, avatar



Also some smaller indie games with a cyberpunk theme: Dex (sidscrolling action RPG with a great soundtrack! Although Dex has generally a linear main plot, there is a clear attempt to give you the ability to approach parts of the game different and make it feel more open) Cloudpunk (odd mix of open world and walking/driving simulator with focus on story, if that makes any sense? Despite the voxel graphics: the city has a great atmosphere. Great music at times. Some really interesting stories.

CoderKat, avatar

Cyberpunk is soooo much fun. I can't wait for the DLC. It got a bad rap when it launched, but at least when I played it (on PC about 6 months after launch), it was really great and didn't experience any major issues.

Though it should be noted for those unaware that it is a very dark and mature game. An NPC is violently raped off camera. That makes the game not for everyone's taste. Personally, I enjoy when games don't feel like they're avoiding subjects like that (which can feel jarring, since it's a real life concern) and it does add an extra level of emotion to the game. Plus of course, getting to have revenge.


I enjoyed Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. It's a bit shorter than U4, but still worth playing. I liked Chloe and Nadine together.

iNeedScissors67, avatar

Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm are some of my favorites.

valpackett, avatar

I loved True Colors as well.

iNeedScissors67, avatar

The only reason I didn't mention it is I haven't played it. Not sure I'm ready for another round of emotional decimation just yet lol

CoderKat, avatar

When you do get around to it, you'll enjoy it! I played it fairly recently. It isn't quite as hard hitting as the first game, but it still made me cry. More of a "prey on insecurities" kinda hard hitting. The power (because they never want to go back to rewind, do they?) is pretty neat. Second best after the original.


The Mass Effect series is still my favorite, you can choose your protagonist to be female and the game will adapt accordingly. Or Dragon Age if you are more into fantasy.


Some not yet mentioned.


The modern tomb raiders are pretty decent.

CoderKat, avatar

Seconded. And I'd say they're more than pretty decent. They have amazing level design, particularly with respect to interactions with the level. Eg, you jump on a ledge and the ledge might start to break. Think stuff like that, repeated dozens of times in various ways.

Lara is pretty cool. She has that kinda inquisitive yet "I wanna help everyone" power fantasy that I relate to. They did also try to make it like she doesn't want to kill bad guys (which is realistic -- it's weird more video game characters have no qualms with the first time they kill someone), but it is a video game where combat plays a prominent part, so it doesn't really work when Lara is kill people by the dozens.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Lara Croft is still a thing…


The entire Tomb Raider series, but Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, just make her feel so believable and relatable.

ShaunaTheDead, avatar

I just finished Control and it's really good! Jesse is a strong female lead and there's no male option like some games.

Ragnell, avatar

Seconding Control. One of my favorites.

Skray, avatar

I would third control. I picked it up from the Humble female protagonist bundle and it was fantastic, loved everything about it.
Once you unlock all the powers the combat and exploration really open up, and the game still has a significant bit of story left giving you time to have some fun with them.

Also loved the environmental lore, all the notes and the vids with Dr. Darling are great. Highly recommend the game.


Amazing game, definitely one of my all-time favorites and the most fun I've had with a combat system. The atmosphere of the game is fantastic as well, pulling so much tension out of every new supernatural office space you discover. I'm absolutely thrilled they confirmed a Control 2 recently, I can't wait to get back into that world with all its lore to discover. I feel like I need to play Alan Wake now too since they're connected.

Ragnell, avatar

Alan Wake is pretty interesting from a female perspective, because it's a male hero but it's good a pretty good female supporting character in the Sheriff and the plot with Alice is really interesting in light of the idea of fridging. Also, the sequel will have a second playable protagonist that's a woman.

CoderKat, avatar

For anyone unaware, Control feels like a triple-A SCP game. Which should appeal strongly to anyone who enjoys SCP.


I love sane clown posse. thank you I will check this out

FloatingAlong, avatar

Their in-depth, yet surprisingly simple breakdown of magnetism has always been one of my favorite science clips.


Definitely. Control is an absolutely fantastic game!

hybridhavoc, avatar

Great lists already. I'll add What Remains of Edith Finch

minishoemaze, avatar


-A Hat in Time


-Shantae (Pirates Curse and Risky's Revenge are my favs)

-Touhou Luna Nights


-Portal 1/2 if that counts

Pixelologist, avatar

Just wanted to add that Celeste is one of the best games to get into speedrunning.

Unlike most games the dev actively worked with the speedrunning community and made the game as accessible as possible.

You're timed by the ingame clock and it pauses in between chapters so you can take a breather without affecting your time.

Here's what it looks like (My PB) I learned by doing 1 run a day and slowly improving (as well as watching other runners)

mrbubblesort, avatar

A Hat in Time!!! It's like an old school n64 platformer, but so solid and well polished. Both my 11year old son and myself have 100s of hours in it

saigot, (edited )

Celeste is a classic. It’s a platformer. Really amazing game.

Chorus is a space dogfighting game. It has a great core gameloop but imo it is missing out on side content and story.

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