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And what about heating water?

A heat pump water heater is pretty great, if my basement ever gets too hot I run the dishwasher or take a shower and the water heater cools things down nicely. In winter I close the door and vent to the utility room and it doesn’t hurt the heating very much. It’s smaller than my previous gas water heater but it lasts significantly longer and heats up faster if you do end up using all the hot water. My house of 4 uses about 50kWh of hot water a month, which works out to about 5bucks a month. I’ve messed with it a bit so it runs mostly during off peak hours.

I replaced my water heater, got a heatpump and improved insulation at around the same time (through the greener homes loan program) and on the whole saved about 50bucks a month overall, and will save another 30 when I cap off the gas pipe and get to stop paying all the bullshit fees for just having it connected. I live in southern Ontario, away from the lakes, so -30 - 30 weather typically. (All this week has been 40+ though, wonder why…).

Oh and fwiw, I would take my current induction stovetop over a gas stove anyway, much more consistent, easier to clean and heats up faster, and doesn’t heat up the whole house to run.


A perfect Electrolysis reaction takes about 39kwh to produce 1kg of hydrogen that if burned at 100% efficiency would yield 33kwh of power. More realistically it takes 50-60kwh to produce 1kg that is burned to produce ~25kwh of usable energy.

I’m not too sure about converting hydrogen to methane but that will have energy overhead as well, and then you have to deal with the fact that 6% of natural gas production today is leaked into the air, which both further hurts the efficiency of synthesizing it and also has a significant climate impact.

I think it willl almost always be cheaper to just provide electricity directly except in cases where energy density is far more important than efficiency, which is not the case for stationary homes.


If you take co2 and convert it to methane and then release that methane you are increasing the impact of that co2 by 6x.


Not to be cynical, but how can you monetize peertube as a creator. Even if you are established enough to do in video sponsorships, your sponsors aren’t going to really accept views from peertube when they evaluate how much your worth. So it either does nothing or it sinks your career.


so why not rm -rf folder/.git/* then rm -r folder/*


I always pronounce FFS in my head. I imagine it’s the person breathing out in frustration.

saigot, (edited )

They don’t appear to even have basic protections against ai. They didn’t even get rid of the context menu to download them, and the app shows up in google image search which means google has the thumbnails. It’s a losing battle, if you can see it so can ai, but they could at least but a few speed bumps.

State of S3 - Your Laptop is no Laptop anymore (

In this article, I aim to take a different approach. We will begin by defining a laptop according to my understanding. The I will share my personal history and journey to this point, as well as my current situation with my home and work laptops. Using this perspective, we will explore the current dysfunctionality of the standby...

saigot, (edited )

Nothing with a recent AMD gfx Card or APU will officially support S3, and I think Nvidia is the same. Just because it isn’t supported doesn’t mean they’ll intentionally break anything, but over time you’ll have more and more bugs related to it and one day it will break and never be fixed.

Personally I use S4 (hibernate) more or less exclusively.


I know it’s a joke but time is not (or should not be at least)a synonym for bandwidth in the corporate world. A p1 ticket takes more bandwidth than a p2 even if they take the same amount of time to complete.

saigot, (edited )

For context, I’m a senor dev at a large corporation, that works at a much slower pace than your typical continuous integration web app. If I was to translate “Do you have bandwidth for x” from corpo speak I would say “Are you able to work x to completion without the stakeholders noticing it not progressing” . That encompasses time, but it also needs to account for all the other resources needed to do that task and more intangible things like the latency expected in updates or the amount of mental capacity (some at my company call it “mind ram” which I think is a good metaphor).

Here’s an example. If I have a p1 that takes 1 hour of my time a day before being blocked by other people (this is common in my industry, it’s common for dozens of developers from various specialties to work on the same issue). Because it is high priority and involves many people the important thing is that I work on it immediately when the issue is with me. This is a ticket that takes a lot of bandwidth, but not a lot of time.

If I have been assigned this issue I can work 2 or 3 p2 tickets in addition to that without missing anything. However I wouldn’t have the bandwidth to work on another p1, because if they both needed my attention at the same time, or have a meeting at the same time I wouldn’t be able to appropriately meet the needs of both p1 tickets.

As another example, I need specialized hardware to test certain things. That HW is in short supply and those tests can sometimes run for days. If I have an issue that ties up that hardware, I don’t have the BW for another issue that uses that HW. Although I have all the time in the world for other issues, I lack the BW for any issue that needs that HW.


There was a guy in my town that 3d printed these things that release the air out of the tires. That means if you get caught you get a misdemeanor mischief charge and not a vandalism.


I know people hate Linus tech tips and everything, but they have a great guide on how best to save wet hardware , skip to 30s if you don’t like their comedy

saigot, (edited )

It all comes down to definitions. First off, Totally Ordered is a property of the function that compares two elements not the set you are talking about. most sets have total orderings (if the axiom of choice is true then all sets have a total ordering). With Fields and vectorspaces there is the concept of a totally ordered Field which is essentially when the total ordering is compatible with it’s field operations (e.g the set of complex numbers has many total orderings, but the field of complex numbers is not an ordered field).

So it really depends on how we define the sexuality spectrum. So long as it’s simply a set then it has a total ordering. But if we allow us to add and multiply the gays then depending on how we define those functions it could be impossible to order the gay field.

Also a total ordering doesn’t mean that there is exactly 1 maximal element (it would need to be a strict total ordering to have that property), so we can all be the gayest.


Crunch is just a reality of any SW released on a schedule. When it’s fairly compensated, relatively rare and still respects the occasional hard no then I don’t think it’s particularly bad. There are times I push for OT in my work so that I can rack up some extra vacation for later in the year when I want it more.

This article is 3 pages stretching out a single sentence quote, we don’t really have enough information to judge in any way.


Some species of bats spend more time in the upper ranges that no human can hear than others.

The spotted bat for instance, is found on west coast if North America and mostly calls at 11khz well within even older human hearing while other bats operate entirely outside human hearing.


Your both wrong there are crabs and then there are crabs 🦀🦀🦀🦀


5 presses would be enough to pay yourself 100k a year for 50 years + interest gained with a 95% chance of success. That’s what I’d go with.


I’m disappointed. Thirpy is a bit of a killer for me, I think it undermines any competitiveness of the game and frankly just doesn’t feel good in PvP. It also seems to be leaning into the more MOBA side of things. This seems to be the direction a lot of team shooters go, but personally I like the more arena shooter style big fights, I greatly dislike the concept of lanes.

That doesn’t necessarily mean the game won’t be good, but it really doesn’t look like something I personally will enjoy.


I took a lawnmower home on my cargo bike (well trike), the box was too long to fit in our car.


With a 3 wheeler it’s not really hard unless there is a hill or you have to dodge cars.


Everything is crab!, embrace Carcinisation! Become one with the crab!


Modern farmers generally generally don’t replant their seeds for a variety of non-gmo reasons.

P.s seedless watermelons are not gmo


A bunch of nazi’s used it as a dog whistle and it got added to a database of hate symbols.


Well the purpose of the hate list like this isn’t “what symbols not to use” so much as, if a guy uses this and there’s context to suggest it’s a dogwhistle, this is what it means.

As a concrete example, If someone turns to a camera makes the ok gesture then punches a black guy that can be used as evidence in conjunction with a database like this to add a hate crime charge onto the assault charge.


Helldivers with friends have been fun, don’t think I’ll ever play with randos tho.

I picked “the swindle” back up with the intent of 100%, just got to win in 1 life, which is challenging but easier than I expected since you start making huge amounts of cash as your win streak increases. Highly recommend this game it’s got a lot of replability for what is a fairly simple game.

I also started “chronoark” it’s a deck builder roguelike. Story seems a little too verbose at times and I think I may have to ramp the difficulty a bit (I got a fun meta cut scene for winning my first run and breaking the story) which might be why I feel like I’m spending more time in story than playing. Still having fun so far.


Probably bullshui but there’s a 3rd option that they have legal reasons not to operate servers in some of those regions and helldivers was violating those restrictions. It takes more than a week to review the legal code in 180 countries, review the internal policies in place and audit the game for any violations all with the added complexity that arrowhead and sony are independent entities.


I want to know why Trinidad, indonesia, Uruguay and Chile have 🤣 where as most of the world does 😂


Genz won’t be a majority for another couple decades. Millennials and older don’t use it as much.


Normal: 🤣😂

Italicized: 🤣😂


Just south of us are 26million uninsured people who desperately need healthcare and 100million in medical debt. We can’t afford to support them, nor do i really want to more directly support america. So how do we, from a legal point of view, differentiate between the small sustainable group of people above vs the potential huge group of people, niether would have paperwork, both need help.

This isn’t just concern trolling, if you have a genuine answer to that question I’m all ears, but I have 0 doubt in my mind that if there’s a backdoor way for Americans to get canadian healthcare they will take that option en mass.

I think the best way to solve the program of the undocumented workers above is to make the path to legal immigration easier to transfer into and to grant medical coverage earlier in the immigration process.


The thing with the 3 new countries seems to be a fix by valve, you might notice that there were several invalid country codes in the previous restricted list.


Y&eah I really enjoyed the game and thought it had a lot of room to be expanded witha sequel. it really left me wanting more which is pretty rare.


The use of Lady/Male is kinda off putting


I prefer Dpad for platforming and top down as being able to move precisely diagonal is more important than speed control, plus the analogue stick wears out quicker and dpad allows switching directions faster. Analogue for driving and therpy gamess


It is a trope that this how a partner responds to seeing self harm scars. But this isn’t a self harm scar it’s a circumcision scar.


Meta drove me out of vr. Still quite bitter about it.


It will be interesting to see if tiktoks newest big selling point (relatively free from US influence) will be able to offset it’s loss in users.


The Obama AMA was in 2012, That to me is the turning point for reddit, it’s when it’s population exploded overnight (which meant old users could no longer enforce cultural norms for the platform), it’s when news media really started taking the platform seriously and I think when a lot of the political influence of reddit was realized.


I am embarrassed at many of these comments I had to read before realizing this wasn’t about ice skating.


IOT devices shouldn’t connect to wifi. ZWave or zigbee is much better suited to IOT stuff, but it seems to mostly get adopted in very limited, locked down proprietary shit like Hue Lights.


If you can tell the contribution is ai generated, it’s not good enough


A face to face would be fine, I just find that the shitty quality of a phone call and the fact I can’t see their face or body language completely destroys my ability to both understand and be understood.l and especially my ability to judge their emotional state. Unless I have both written down what I need to communicate and write down everything they communicate I will remember nothing that happened. These aren’t problems I have in a voip call at all, I spend all day in teams calls.

I still make them from time to time, but I will jump at any option to not have a phone call even at extreme inconvenience.


ccan you link the higher wuality one here in a comment, I don’t think It’s propagated.


I like this graphic, some of my favourites:

git log --oneline is super useful for getting just a list of title of commits and nothing else

git bisect is a little known but extremely useful git archaeology command that automates binary searching for a regression.


Hard to say without some indication of what sort of thing you’d like. Are you looking for something to just power trip and blow off steam, are you looking for strategy games that make you think, narrative experiences, dexterity/reaction time challenges etc etc etc? But knowing absolutely nothing here’s 3 good games:

Stardew Valley has native Linux support. It’s a game about farming. There’s not really any consequences for doing things slowly so take your time and enjoy the game.

factorio is a strategy game essentially about optimizing supply lines. Programmer types tend to find it extremely addicting.

Baulder’s gate 3 is a Turn based RPG based on Dungeon’s and Dragons. It may be a little difficult for beginners especially if you haven’t played DnD but it is also one of the best games to have come out recently having swept all the award shows for both it’s great story telling and run mechanics.

If there’s anyone in your life who really likes gaming asking them for games you can play together or that they can watch/guide you through would be a great idea.


Rizz = charisma = good flirting. A rizzler is a person who flirts well.

Gyat = Girl Your Ass is Thick. And is also used as an exclamation upon seeing a thick ass and a term for a thick ass in general.

So rizzler gyat is a flirtatious girl with a thick ass.

Also of note “sticking out your gyat for the rizzler” is the song that blew up those words would mean “sticking out your butt for the charismatic guy”

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