


Thank you Bill, now I can math!

Korne127, avatar

For anyone really curious about this, 1, 2, 3, 95 and 98 are using the old MS-DOS Kernel. Windows 3 was the first product also released with an alternative new NT Kernel and available as Windows 3 NT.

So then when they continued with this NT Kernel they continued to count the version number like that (at least retrospectively when creating Windows 7).


I thought 1 came after 360.


This thing goes to ELEVEN now.


That’s how old this meme is.


The ancient texts are resurfaced.


C’mon! It is not as old as Spinal Tap!


But why not just make Windows 10 better? ;P


Well fuck time to relearn math again

OhStopYellingAtMe, avatar

0, 360, One, X, S…

creditCrazy, avatar

People say valve can’t count to 3 but Microsoft is guessing what number comes after 0


Isn’t it null though?

kshade, avatar

I wonder if they will call the next versions 12 and especially 13. Alternative names:

  • Windows AI (because all those new features are so transformative)
  • Windows Azure Blue, Red and Yellow (Home and Pro, neither allowing local accounts, also Enterprise where non-hybrid AD still kinda works)
  • Windows Edge 20XX (everything has to use cloud computing terms!)
  • Windows. Just Windows. (four years later: Windows 2 announced!)

How about Windows NoPrivacyOnlyAdsForYou Edition? Kinda rolls nicely off the tongue.


i mean that applies to every windows version ever so :P

kshade, avatar

Windows NP(OAFY)


Theres the problem. Everytime hes tried to go sequential, he fucks it up


The reason there isn’t a Windows 9 is because there was a common test for windows versions that went something like this:

<span style="color:#323232;">std::string winVer = getWinVerStr();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">if (winVer.find(“Windows 9”) != -1)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    // This is windows 95 or 98
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

A good chunk of older programs would likely have issues.

dan, avatar

This is a myth. The Win32 API doesn’t even have a method that returns the string “Windows 95”! Windows version numbers are numbers, not strings. Windows 95 was actually 4.0. Windows 98 was 4.1, ME was 4.5, and XP was 5.0.

Actually it’s not entirely a myth - there was some Java library that did this - but it wasn’t widespread at all, and certainly not the documented approach to check the version.


Close but not exactly. Windows 5 was 2000, Windows 5.1 was Windows XP.

But it’s more confusing than that because of the two different lines: the MS-DOS based line which covered Windows 1.0 through ME, and the multi-user NT line for workstations and servers which adopted the same version numbers as the currently released MS-DOS line that was available at the same time. I.E. windows NT 3.1 used the windows 3.1 UI from the DOS line, but was New-Technology instead of DOS under the hood. NT4 used the DOS based win95 UI, and NT5 was Windows 2000 also with the familiar Windows 9x UI. Everything since XP has been exclusively NT under the hood.

dan, avatar

Thanks for the correction :)


WMI was introduced in XP (I think? Was it later?) and asking WMI for the version string was pretty common.


Lmao they only considered 95 > 98 > ME to be minor version updates? They didn’t even deserve their own major version? Although it’s probably pretty accurate, I remember 98 basically just being a slightly updated 95. I never used ME so no idea with that. It’s still pretty funny though.


Really chafing at mixing NT codebase with 9x codebase (especially when NT had versions).

dan, avatar

9x had versions too… 95 was 4.0 and 98 was 4.1. They were mostly just used internally though.

EmperorHenry, avatar

What about windows millennium edition?


It was the true mistake edition.


We don’t talk about Windows ME.

dumbass, avatar

Its always ME ME ME with you lot!


You make me WinCE


I distinctly remember this joke when 2000 or ME was the most recent one.


Hi, my name is Gabe Newell and I’ll teach you how to count to ten:

1, 2

konalt, avatar

2 Episode 1, 2 Episode 2, Alyx

Snowpix, avatar
umbrella, avatar

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