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Yeah, I used to run win 2000 on my desktop and had some games that I couldn’t play from the win95 era. So I resized my mom’s old windows XP machine and pulled a 2 gig partition out then installed win98 on that. I used the windows disk manager to mark the partition I wanted to boot from as active, so it was completely transparent to my mom when she would need to use the computer, including booting.

If I were going to do a system like this again today, id probably do something similar. An MBR formatted hard drive can have 4 primary partitions. FAT16 had a max partition size of 2gb, but fat32 was introduced in win98 so you could go with whatever partition size you wanted there.

So you could have a 95, 98, ME, and XP installation all on one drive and just switch between them using the drive manager to change the active bootable partition then rebooting.


Well I don’t see any damn gravy to go with those biscuits so I guess I’m gonna have to go with a $4 sausagep late plus $1 glass of milk and hope someone has some flour I can borrow.

My final order would be a double order of biscuits and gravy, and use the remaining dollar for a cup of coffee.


ISO8601 crew represent!


This has been the thought in my head when the argument comes up. Glad I’m not alone.

Preach on brother!


Hard disagree.

Least specific -> most specific is generally better in spoken language as the first part spoken is the part the listener begins interpreting.

Like if I ask if you’re free on “the 15th of March” vs “March 15”, the first example is slightly jarring for your brain to interpret because at first it hears “15th” and starts processing all the 15ths it’s aware of, then “March” to finally clarify which month the 15th is referencing.

The only thing practical about DD.MM.YY is that it is easier for the speaker because they can drop the implied information, or continue to add it as they develop the sentence.

“Are you free on the 15th” [oh shit, that’s probably confusing, I meant a few months from now] “of July” [oh shit, I actually mean next summer not this one] “next year (or 2025)”.

So the format is really a question of who is more important in spoken language: the speaker or the listener? And I firmly believe the listener is more important, because the entire point of communication is to take the idea you’ve formulated into your head, and accurately describe that idea in a way that recreates that same idea in the listener’s head. Making it easier for the speaker to make a sentence is pointless if the sentence itself is confusing to the listener. That’s literally a failure to communicate.


This term is often used specifically to refer to the French Republican calendar time system used in France from 1794 to 1800, during the French Revolution, which divided the day into 10 decimal hours, each decimal hour into 100 decimal minutes and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds


When you ask someone “what day is it today?”, they usually have a handle on what month it is and just need the day.

You’re still allowed to exclude implied information, no matter which method of dating you want to go with. You can just say “the 15th”.

For making plans, it’s only if you make them way in advance that you need the month first, which would be sorting and scheduling, not daily use.

I can’t speak for you, but for me I am making plans, sorting, and scheduling every single day.


lettuce* switch


Because that’s it’s name

But if you wanna get all specific about it we can call it SI


It’s certainly not the Decimal system


Between the two, I think temperature is the harder one. But strangely, it also brings weight and volume back into it: Cookbooks.

So many recipes are finely tuned balances of measurements that just look plain alien when converted to metric.


Meanwhile the advantage of day first is that often you don’t need to say the rest since if you don’t it’s implied as the present one (i.e. if I tell you now “let’s have that meeting on the 10th” June and 2024 are implied) so you can convey the same infomation with less words (however in written form meant to preserve the date for future reference you have to write the whole thing anyway)

That advantage is not exclusive to the date-first system. You can still leave out implied information with month-first as well.

Personally I recognize that it’s mainly familiarity that makes me favour one format over the other and logically I don’t think one way is overall better than the other one as the advantages of each are situational.

This is the biggest part of it. No one wants to change what they know. I’m from the US and moved to the UK, and interact with continental Europeans on a daily basis. I’ve seen and used both systems day to day. But when I approach this question, my answer isn’t “this one is better because that’s the one I like or I’m most comfortable with”, my answer is “if no one knew any system right now, and we all had to choose between one of the two options, which one is the more sensible option?”

dd-mm-yyyy has no benefit over yyyy-mm-dd, while yyyy-mm-dd does have benefits over dd-mm-yyyy. The choice is easy.


Sorry, I thought you were making a general comment. I didn’t realize you we’re criticizing the “metric money” statement.

But, reading over that person’s comment again they also say “centidollars”, which also doesn’t exist, so I believe they were trying to make the point that the US was the first to make a currency that seems to adhere to the same principles as the metric system since their currently since 1 centidollars = 1 cent = 1 dollar/100.

(I’m pretty sure it was a joke though. We don’t use kilodollars, etc)


Yeah. I think if someone had a sensible method for how we could switch from one to the other with minimal impact, it might work.

What would very difficult for me would be the recalibration of my internal clock. Knowing a second is slightly shorter, and a minute is longer, and an hour is much longer, would be hell for a while.

Unfortunately I think something that’s pretty hard coded into the society at this point is that a day should be able to divide by so we end up with the 8hr work, 8 hr rest, 8 hr sleep. I’d be interested in a 30hr day over a 10 hr day. But that one doesn’t make much sense either since it misses the mark on bringing tim fully into the 10 base metric system, but still has all the same troubles you’d encounter for getting people to switch.


London, all the Italian girls break out their scarves in September.


The brake pedal in automatics is twice as wide as a brake pedal in manual cars.

No one is intentionally hitting the brake pedal. They’re moving their foot to push in a clutch pedal that doesn’t exist, and accidentally hitting the left hand side of the wide ass brake pedal.


What does the grizzly bear say when you ask him?


“you can pry it from my cold dead asshole!”


You measure baking soda with a teaspoon.

You measure garlic with your heart.


I think dildo scissors handle is something I could use at my job to hit people with when they act like idiots


Sounds like a dumb move. I thought the money was in software/game sales, not hardware that’s sold at a loss?


That still doesn’t make sense. All this does is enable the PS VR headset to be used with a PC to play steam games. It gives people that already own a PS VR another option for usage: plugging it into a PC and playing VR games they purchased through steam. It lowers the barrier to entry for the user to experience PC VR games by being able to use hardware they already have on hand instead of having to purchase an Oculus or Index. Valve still gets their software sales cut because you can only use the PS VR to play games in your steam library on PC.


It has been a noticeable phenomena in East Asia for about 2 decades longer than the West. They’ve been studying it longer/have more data.


Because men piss on the seat, and women get pissy about piss on the seat.


Tell that to the women I work with that had us roll back the 12x gender neutral toilet stalls into 5x men + 5x female + 2x genger neutral. Top complaint was “using a stall after a man has used it is disgusting”. The second highest complaint was that it smells like someone poo’d in the toilet… which is a strange complaint for a toilet.


You’re preaching to the chior. Try convincing the rest of the men in the world that they also can.


Use beef tallow instead of butter. I personally just trim the excess fat from the steak and render that down then pull out all the solid bits, crank the heat until it smokes, then drop the steak in.


Loanword came into the language around 1860 so it is a claque. If it had been in the vocabulary since old-english then it would just be an evolved version of the German root.


My guess on #2 is Europe is increasing posturing against Russia as they continue to escalate the situation in Ukraine, so this accomplishes:

  • signaling to Russia that the UK is not a passive nation
  • Will be popular with the mid to late life Midlands voters who don’t really have anything to be proud of in their life other than “we used to be an empire”, without having to actually shoulder the burden.
  • Will be unpopular among the 18-35 year old voters, who are historically the lowest turnout demographic, and will actually have to shoulder the burden.

For what it’s worth, I actually think forced conscription (with alternatives) is actually an idea that can work well and help build a better more cohesive society where all people despite their differences participate in their “citizenly duties”, but it has to be done right: military service can be an option, as well as community service in things like fire departments, Emergency medical services, even working in government services like the NHS or community centers that have options for mentor programs, etc. Basically anything that teaches young adults to give back to their community which can hopefully turn into a lifelong habit. But you can’t start the policy as some bullshit military posturing. It has to come from a place of “we’re doing this to make our community better”. Also, you can’t make day 1 implementation only start with the current young adult generation and have everyone older than them grandfathered out. EVERYONE shoulders this. Anyone voting for it needs to know they’re all going to be participating in this (pro-rated based on age up to 65 or 70, but still those above should be encouraged to participate despite no obligation). But that probably sounds like communism or something.


Yeah, it does, and yet hardly any young voters showed up to the polls when the torries wanted to flush the kids futures down the toilet with the Brexit vote. So they’ve got lots of historical data to suggest young voters don’t matter.


The problem with AI isn’t that it’s not smart enough. The problem is it’s trained on data generated by humanity, which is mostly composed of idiots.


Close but not exactly. Windows 5 was 2000, Windows 5.1 was Windows XP.

But it’s more confusing than that because of the two different lines: the MS-DOS based line which covered Windows 1.0 through ME, and the multi-user NT line for workstations and servers which adopted the same version numbers as the currently released MS-DOS line that was available at the same time. I.E. windows NT 3.1 used the windows 3.1 UI from the DOS line, but was New-Technology instead of DOS under the hood. NT4 used the DOS based win95 UI, and NT5 was Windows 2000 also with the familiar Windows 9x UI. Everything since XP has been exclusively NT under the hood.


I thought the whole point was that the bear in any form was already less threatening than a man.


A big dog is fucking scary if it’s not trained, and doesn’t want snuggles.


Trees of green what, is the real question.


Exactly. If he’s kept out of the white house for a 2nd term because the biggest crime he’s committed is fucking a pornstar, our justice system is a failure.

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens (

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....


said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons

That explains why they had everyone dig into the radioactive soil around Chernobyl and get radiation poisoning. Gotta simulate that nuclear fallout environment “for practice”


and don’t put your hands in areas you can’t see

Serious question: do you check your bed before you crawl into it for the night? Like, what’s the level of paranoia you guys have there? Does the room get a quick glance then you just go “yeah, I’m sure everything is fine”? Or do you turn all the lights on, rip the duvet up, and smack the bed frame to scare off any creepy crawlies that might be lingering about?



Ya’ll fucking crazy


crossplay is fully functioning

Well I’m sure they’re working on fixing that


X-Wing Alliance is so freaking good


Yeah, I thought that was so cool when I played it the first time. Gives you some insight into how the neutral parties went about trying to live their lives.

Although I really liked the story in TIE Fighter too with slowly beating back the rebellion while also trying to prevent internal sabotage and spies from stealing the TIE Defender.


What the FUCK did Magic The Gathering ever do to you, eh?

(Let’s pretend there’s a little ^/s^ there on case anyone needs it)


That CPU socket is ZIF LIF (Lots of Insertion Force)

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