
If that’s all it takes to get you drunk then you are the lightest lightweight I’ve ever even heard of.


Soju is the same thing as what we used to call “fortified” wine like Great White. It lures you in with 20% alcohol being sneaky enough to not immediately buzz you like liquor which then lowers your guard until suddenly you’re black-out drunk singing 80s Nami songs in the nearest noraebang. OH YEONG WON HAN CHINGU! OH HAENGBOK HAN MAEUM! OH JEUL GEO EUN INSAENG! YEAH!


Soju is literally wine strength. It’s tasty for sure but it’s not magic drunk juice any more than a bottle of Chardonnay.


I mean taking a, out of my as guess that looks slightly larger than your average beer bottle. So that is the equivalent to 3-4 beers.


3-4 beers isn’t even enough for me to get tipsy, much less drunk. I literally can’t understand how people get drunk off beer. I can drink the stuff until I’m literally full and just get nicely buzzed at best no matter how strong they make it. Which is fine, I prefer sweet stuff anyway. Mixed drinks and shots can actually get the job done on the rare occasion I actually feel like getting drunk.


As a drunk and alcoholic, that’s because you’re a drunk and your tolerance is too damn high. Or you weigh like 350lbs.


Cool but you’re an alcoholic. It’s not something to be proud of.

Stern, avatar

Personally when I have it, I get a bottle of sprite, put both in my bigass water bottle, and have a grand ol’ time.

noxy, avatar

That’s not at ALL what soju is like in my experience.

My noises are much more canine than feline!


ok so I don’t really drink alcohol, but some online friends got me to try soju. Grabbed some from the store and… I don’t get it. very much an alcohol taste to it. I can taste the plum in it, but it’s just not that great imo.

steal_your_face, avatar

Gotta drink it extremely cold. Still kinda tastes like alcohol (because it is alcohol) but way more easily drinkable.


Try this:

It’s fruit sake, plum infused also, it does have an alcoholic feel to it but frankly barely tastes like alcohol at all.


Plum soju is a weapon of mass drunkeness

rab, avatar

As an alcoholic, alcohol literally tastes bad and your brain only starts liking it once it recognizes the high. I mean it’s literally ethanol, a poison

Much like weed smelling bad to non smokers


As kid I thought beer tasted great and weed smelled divine.

rab, avatar

I believe that is quite uncommon haha


Interesting. I grew up believing most people liked the smells lol.


Were your parents drunk druggies?




Unless it’s fucking corona, which smells like armpits. Every time someone opens one I check if it’s coming from me


Lol. Fucking Corona. I don’t mind the taste, but goddamn people love putting limes in those goddamn things and ruining a perfectly good beer.


Yeah gasoline smells great too


I’m not an alcoholic, but used to drink wodka regularly when going out like decades ago. Even today when I smell non scented hand sanitizer, I can feel a little buzz in my brain.

rab, avatar

Isn’t that like 20% max? Gonna need a couple more bottles for this meme to make sense lol

steal_your_face, (edited ) avatar

Yeah it’s usually after like a shit ton of bottles for the whole table then you start feeling silly. Soju is the best.


Yeah and of the entire subgroup they pick furry talk to be drunk? Near every one of those cat fuckers are alcoholics. At minimum triple this. To really get that meow meow talk you’d need to convince one of those teetotaler tiny girls to drink but you know she won’t. Instead you’re trying to get an alcoholic 190lb man named Blaze drunk enough to start that kitty babble? Try six lol.


I came in to ask if there were actually people out there getting drunk before finishing a single (what is that, 500ml?) bottle of Soju!?

rab, avatar

I had a good friend in college who had never touched alcohol before, finally convinced him to come out for a beer and he threw up wasted all over the table after 1 pint of beer

So it’s possible lol

Also I think soju comes in 250ml?

FeelThePower, avatar

Does soju not taste like alcohol? I’ve never had it.

alquicksilver, avatar

This is flavored soju, which is usually around 10-12% abv and is sweetened. Very drinkable. Unflavored soju is a little less friendly if you don’t like tasting alcohol.


Unflavored soju is my defense against drinking too much soju. I’ll have one bottle of that and be like “yep, I’m good”.

Meanwhile, everyone else is near the bottom of their second bottle of flavored soju and eyeing a third…


I’ve never had the flavored ones, but not really. It’s actually a very smooth drink. It’s a neutral spirit made from sweet potato so it tastes kind of like vodka, but without the bite because it’s half the alcohol content.


Unflavored and by itself, it’s meh. But flavored and/or mixed in with yogurt drinks or calpico, it’s dangerous.


I fucking LOVE soju

Jimbo, avatar

Oh I don’t need to be drunk for that

bruhduh, avatar

Happy cake day

Jimbo, avatar


bruhduh, avatar


Xirup, avatar

Community check out (oh how ironic)


checks instance oh that makes sense nvm

Jimbo, avatar

Honestly, the amount of upvotes that comment has already for a non furry community is slightly concerning…

Just how many cat people are on Lemmy? 10%? More?

L0wded_, avatar

Happy cake day


You don’t have to be a furry yourself to find it funny.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Mew from Pawb, fellow furfriend ö/ :3


Look brother I don’t agree with your lifestyle but I will defend to the death your right to rawdog seventeen other anonymous partners in the local motel 6.

popekingjoe, avatar

This is so beautiful.


Very same


Soju is waaaay too easy to drink


This. It’s deceptive af. My old job we had our holiday party at a KBBQ spot and all 12 of us went through like 30 bottles. I remember looking up and thinking, wtf where did all these bottles come from?!.. oh wait I’m blasted. God I miss that little company, such a fun job.

rab, avatar

Sounds like you dodged potential addiction by leaving that company to me


Fr. My friend’s dad introduced me to it. We used to get slushed and play street fighter. RIP Glen.

bruhduh, avatar

Easier than cider?


Depends on the cider/soju, but in my experience, yes.

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