
Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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Everyone loves to say ACAB, but people often forget about the cop in their head


As a kid who had a habit of reverse engineering shit, (malware analysis and ethical hacking my beloved) I genuinely don’t know you can reverse engineer an equation with a question and 4 answers, 3 of them which are wrong. Even with two questions, its still a crapshoot, and the amount of wrong to right answers seems a bit time consuming to use to try and figure out the real solution, much less the equation, in a reasonable amount of time needed to complete an exam.


That’s making more sense to me, but my view of reverse engineering is 100% tainted by my work in SRE and hacking.

I work in the same way, but I’ve kinda forgot about using a calculator since the last few math classes I took forbid using calculators


My first pride experience involved wearing a Kuffiyeh and shouting at my local military contractor’s HR department and the one visibly LGBTQ person as they strolled down the street appalled that people didn’t want them there.

No pride in genocide,


You think an entire people are one dimensional religious fundamentalists, based on an article of clothing worn by an entire people, even their queers?

Jesus fucking christ, you are being racist as hell


I don’t see anything racist about the meme, but I’ll take it down if it is.


I don’t see anything racist about it, but I’ll take it down if it is racist.


I live near another military contractor, and I saw them in pride this year. I’d say this is real.

It’s pretty disgusting ngl


So, are you gonna tell me what’s racist, or what?


“Zionists” = Jews, an entire people.

Unfortunately, zionism is not equivalent to a group of people. Zionism, at least in this context, is a geopolitical position, not an ethnic or religious group.

To consider an entire population of people one-dimensional and hold a political position is harmful. I literally said this exact thing in an earlier comment.

Zionism, at least in this context…

To elaborate on this point, I’ll describe it in this context, and then describe it being used as an antisemitic dog whistle, so we should be on the same page.

In this context, zionism is a political ideology based around settler colonialism, and it led to the founding of Israel, among many, many other consequences.

The meme points out a really annoying tendency that I, as a queer person, and many others have seen when supporting palestine where pro-israel people will go “lol why do you support hamas, they will literally torture you and kill you for being LGBT” even though it is pro-palestine, not pro-hamas.

In the antisemitic dogwhistle context, it is simply used as a stand-in for “the jews”. If you think this is the context people on the left are using, you lack all forms of critical reasoning.

Based on what you said, this meme would indeed be racist if you view it from the antisemitic dogwhistle context. But it isn’t coming from there. To try and conflate the two is just trying to conflate opposition to a geopolitical position with racism.


I’m sorry, you are being silly and rejecting reality.

Zionism literally is a political movement, founded by jewish people, with a desire to make their own state. Zionism isn’t new, and it is well over 100 years old. Check out this wikipedia article for a rundown.

To say that it is only a dogwhistle is just a rejection of reality. But it is also a convenient rejection of reality because it lets you vilify political opponents.


If you throw it at the windshield it will fit way better than the sidewalk


Ouais, et beauté est dans la rue!


I’m younger and in the same boat I’m a bi person questioning gender, and I remember what it was like 10 years ago, but due to precarious family politics I’m stuck in the closet even now. I’m horrified knowing how much worse it was 15 years ago.

I remember taking a politics class in high school around 2015, and even though I lived in a deep blue state at that time, people were debating whether or not trans people should have the right to exist, and the amount of disgust I heard in people’s voice when talking about trans people is horrifying. I remember being in heated debates on whether or not someone would have the right to refuse service to gay people because of their “religious reasons” and just knowing that things were comparatively better when I had my political awakening around then is not a very good thought. I feel bad for more elder queers who had it much worse.

Although I wouldn’t realize I was bi for a few years, I ended up finding that whole situation pretty radicalizing, and it pushed me towards more militant queer activism. People’s existence is not up for debate. Respect existence, or expect resistance.

I might show up to pride as the strangely militant straight cis ally, but I refuse to let queer rights erode to the point that it was at a decade ago, and I’ll fight for a future that I can eventually come out in, and one where people are not confined to the closet.


I’m in the closet. I’ve only told a small group of friends who are enough degrees of separation away from my family that I don’t need to worry too much about it getting out. I haven’t told my family or most of my friends, considering that a mistake would result in that side of my family knowing. I’m bi and probably nonbinary.

I have some very bigoted family, fuck em. I don’t mind burning bridges with them, even though it would hurt for a little while. This family has cheered for the deaths of queer people, such as Nix Benedict. They have supported calls for genocide against queers, they have a huge amount of bigotry.

However, about 10-12 years ago, there was a debate over the existence of queer people in my family, regarding a string of current events about lgbt rights. My grandma, was the only person on that side of the US who supported the right for queer people to exist. My bigoted family was so upset that they just cut her out. She was blocked by that side of the family on social media, they’d drop her calls, and wouldn’t visit. My grandma was devastated. After the death of my grandfather, she was even more isolated, having nobody within 400 miles who would talk to her. Though she met up with the whole family to mourn for the funeral, she was still isolated for another month after it, until things healed a few months later and she was able to talk with that side of the family again.

I refuse to be the person who is the wedge in my family. I know my grandma good enough that she would still love and support me as a queer person, but I refuse to cause another split in my family that would harm my already very lonely and isolated grandma.

Even as an otherwise militant queer who had no problem coming out in a rough area like where I used to live, I draw the line on harming vulnerable people like my grandma. I just hate this situation so much.


I love it


What the hell is going on in the background


I don’t know how I missed BOOG as boogaloo boy considering there are some active boogs in my area. Granted, I usually spot them based on apparel around political events and protests.

Good catch.


It reminds me of a rowdy protest I went to a good while back, where two people in full bloc were holding eachother, exasperated, having drove off the cops and then marched through the streets in defiance of the state. A third person comes in, and hugs the other two, and they swayed together slowly in the light spring breeze.

It was a rough day, some comrades were arrested, and there was still work to be done, but it was a fabulous moment while it lasted.


Straight? I was straight once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with femboys. And femboys make me not straight.


TIL Foucault wasn’t the first person to have that idea, I’ve always heard it referred to as Foucault’s Boomerang



I work in Cybersecurity, and although I loathe windows, I love the enterprise tier solutions microsoft has. Azure AD is great for management, it has useful federation features, and having centralized logins is useful during incidents.

Their DLP suite is phenomenal too. O365 logs integrate their platforms together in a convenient way.

But windows 11? Windows server? Practically anything else they touch (fuck azure cloud) is Disgusting. I’d rather throw my hard drive out the window and use a ancient drive with temple os than use windows 11


Their platform is only good from the perspective of an administrator.

But it really does manage the pile of horseshit that they make. And it all runs off that pile of shit too, you need windows server to set up ADDS, for example.

Its like a pretty tower with a basement full of shit. If you can ignore the shit or avoid it it’s not that bad


Capitalistic motives is incompatible with any art form. Executives are the harbingers of the mindless greed of it.

The good art we see under capitalism is in spite of it, not because of it.


Collective will is just the myth that is used to legitimize the state

The state is also so much more than the will of the governed. To say that it is all there is to it would consider governments like those governed by the divine right of kings fo be stateless. Stalin’s Russia, or Kim Jong Un’s DPRK would then be stateless.


And when we weren’t drone striking the shit out of them, we were giving Turkey the weapons needed to fight them on the ground, for some reason


I mean, there is a reason why redfash is sometimes used as an insult for authcoms


Liberals are somewhere between center left and center right. In the US, the alternative to republicanism is the “liberal party” and because they often encompass people further left than the party line, they are seen as left wing. Generally, I associate people who are always in favor of slow electoral measures, a strong state, strong individualistic rights that are positively defined (the right to do rather than not having the right to do) and the view that capitalism is the only method that had worked so far and is therefore best with liberalism. But thats far from an academic definition.

When you add in the fact that people usually end up seeing another person’s politics in relative to their own, things get unintelligible for someone trying to pinpoint an ideology.

An anarchist like myself will probably point towards someone like Biden or Obama and say they are a liberal or neoliberal, which is probably accurate enough (if I do say so myself), but I’ll also call conservatives like Romney, Bush, and Raegan, liberals or neoliberal even though those are people most self titled liberals would hate. A staunch authoritarian communist might call AOC or Sanders a liberal because they aren’t revolutionary communists, even though I’d personally consider them somewhat socialist progressives. Heck, I’ve ben called a liberal by hardcore communists even though my views are more similar to their definition of communism than theirs, and I’ve been called a liberal by some alt right people even though their views are closer to liberalism than mine.

Fox news, on the other hand, would call a pink haired person on a college campus a liberal for the pink hair alone. They might label a gay trump supporter who has a pride flag a liberal because of their homophobia combined with the association pride has with liberals to them. They might call someone who is genuinely far left a liberal because they either can’t comprehend their beliefs or because they don’t catch some of the indicators that they are looking at a communist, anarchist, etc.


Yeah. The US is a shit show. At least the Overton window now includes antizionism, small victories!

I do think a lot of liberals are further right than they realize. But I don’t think it’s accurate to call them far right unless you solely are considering their economic ideology (which is reductionist), or are lumping in people who would probably be more accurately described with a better label. Or your perspective is skewed from being far enough left.


You need to be hydrated to participate in the revolution, we don’t want dehydrated comrades.

Drink more water.


What makes it not an election issue?

Is it the fact that many people consider it the strongest motivation for not voting for biden?

Is it the fact that people are putting in a lot of time and effort to change the position of one of the candidates before the election?

Is it the fact that people protesting against this around election time makes you unhappy the reason you think it isn’t an election issue.

Shut the fuck up. Stop talking and stop spreading this braindead take that is begging to remain at the pro-genocide status quo. You don’t get to decide whether or not it is an election issue for everyone.

I’ve seen and been at protests against my congressmen, mayors, state houses, and governors. People have been doing these types of protests since October. Just because the current wave of protests is campus occupations.

Also, if you think this is solely a congressional issue, you fundamentally do not understand what the president can do in a situation like this.

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