
This is what happens when Republicans try to seem like they are down home people instead of corporate shills. The cracks in the mask show



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  • EchoCT,

    Am Tankie and am really confused by why you think I would defend the GOP. It was creepy and gross.

    Please learn where tankies comes from before using it as a catchall insult.


    I dont think that word means what you think it means…


    creepy little smiles……/when-liars-smile-the-tellta…

    I am not a psychologist and this should not be considered a diagnosis.


    I don’t understand why they didn’t have Trump give it… like I’m not rooting for Trump and the GOP deserves to be in chaos, but Trump would have done an infinitly better job. Like “look at me, I’m your other choice. Here’s what I’m claiming to bring to the table.” Instead they gave us Senator Mrs. Whomever talking weird.


    Simple, having Trump talk sensible would be impossible. So airing him directly after Biden would show how weak he is as a public speaker.


    I don’t think that matters to his constituents. They just want to see him on TV giving it to the libs.


    A lot of Republicans questioning Trump just lost their nominee. Showing him look like a fool is not in their best interest.


    I’m starting to wonder if they’re putting her in the limelight as setup for her being Trump’s VP pick.


    Crazy eyes.

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    What, are they saying that creepy dead-eyed stare and the overall Gilead vibes are a bad look for them?

    ProfessorProteus, avatar

    No, they just don’t like the stare.


    I’d never heard of this person until my wife suddenly started seeing so many pictures of her on Facebook that she asked me who it was… After I said I had no idea she proceeded to Google it and then told me her name… Which I promptly forgot.

    lennybird, (edited ) avatar

    It’s honestly so bad that it’s actually getting it more views and it’s being covered everywhere including the Daily Show. Part of me wonders if that’s the intent but then I realize much of the GOP is completely incompetent.

    Also, since the BoRDeR CriSiS is going to literally be the GOP’s only attack this election cycle, let’ remind them of a couple things:

    • Republicans blocked the border plan THEY originally wanted and which the Border Patrol themselves endorsed. <— Republicans chose politics over policy.
    • iLlEGal ImMiGraNts actually commit less violent crime as a whole than American citizens themselves…
    • Right-Wing domestic extremists are far more violent.
    • Such undocumented immigrants yield a net-positive to our economy as a whole.

    Part of me wonders [whether] that’s the intent

    Definite agreement here. How many chess-moves ahead is she?


    … turns to downvote.


    Would you have preferred the Gen Z “low-key” instead of the Millennial “literally”?


    They didn’t care either way. That was a stream of consciousness of projected insecurity.

    lennybird, (edited ) avatar


    Literally instantaneous down-vote and dismissal at point-of-contact.

    Only two periods for an ellipsis? Clear laziness.

    Using two hyphens for an em dash? Disgusting.


    Don’t let them distract you with it in the first place.

    They’re being quiet about the Comstock act which they will use to make mailing Mifepristone, an abortion medication, illegal.


    Holy shit, did she just echo “manifest destiny”?


    Yup, we had to stop it just a few minutes in when it appeared she was turning herself on over the rape story she mostly made up.

    jordanlund, avatar

    The rape story is apparently true… from Mexico… back when George W. Bush was President.…/was-sen-katie-britt-caught-in-whopping-l…


    Yup. She made up everything about it except that it happened. Then she went into the weirdest description of it, while appearing to lose her breath over it.


    The contrast of one of the greatest SOTU speeches in history to an utterly creepy call to gather a nut-fringe group to take over the Republican tent is a two piece diorama of what we are today. We are the UNITED States. I hope everyone spends some time thinking of what that means.


    It should be clear to everyone, now that we are not united and never have been and holding this country together is a bigger challenge than anyone these days realizes.


    Wow, just watching that now. She needs to go back to her streaming channel and 500 viewers


    Greatest SOTU in history…? I mean, cmon.


    One of the greatest, but certainly not the greatest of all time. It seems apt for the moment we’re in as a country.

    WoahWoah, (edited )

    I would respectfully disagree. The speechwriters crafted a fairly strong piece of rhetoric, but it wasn’t particularly substantial and the delivery was substandard, that’s just the honest truth.

    Also “one of the greatest in history because it happened now” is not a great argument. Nunc pro tunc, as they say.


    I wouldn’t say because it happened now, but because it fits the state of the country very well.

    astronaut_sloth, avatar

    Yeah, I agree. It was well-written, and I thought it was good, but saying this was the best SOTU of all time seems a bit far-fetched. Biden straight-up isn’t a great orator, and that’s fine by me. I would rather someone who can do the job than make wonderful speeches.

    Now, how Biden dealt with the hecklers was pretty great, I’ll say.


    The greatest that ever will be, too!

    We’re deep in it here.


    Any time a country has an adjective in its name that adjective is always wrong.

    littlebluespark, avatar

    /Great Britain has entered the chat


    You mean the United Kingdom? I always loved that name. Neither United nor a Kingdom. Regular attempts to secede and proudly an empire.


    We have a king and are a union of 4 countries. What do you mean?


    It’s mostly a joke but the reasoning is in the comment.


    4? What, are you counting Wales?


    The Great bit refers to it being the largest of the islands that make up the British Isles. GB is a land mass, not a country.

    littlebluespark, avatar

    It was in reference to an Eddie Izzard bit. Simmer, youngin.


    PEOPLE’s Republic of China


    I think we can give Northern Ireland a pass though

    littlebluespark, avatar

    It’s pronounced “Norn Ir’n”, thanks. 🤘🏽


    Except for the Federal Republic of Germany. It’s much too federal, actually.


    I mean it’s sad but predictable when your sanest member still sounds like a lunatic because that’s what the Republican party wants in their leaders.

    However I do understand what she was going for in the whole kitchen aesthetic, you know trying to connect with the old boomers that have kitchens talking about their “Kitchen Table” issues.


    The same kitchen table that their kids refuse to sit at now…


    Let’s not dive into baseless speculation as fact that Republicans do so very much now.


    “A study in 1997 explored family relationships in later life and found that 7 percent of adult children had cut ties with their mother and 27 percent from their father. In 2020, research by sociologist Karl Pillemar showed that 1 in 4 Americans are estranged from their families—roughly 67 million people.”

    From the second article that provides links to the studies


    Provide a citation that her kids have cut ties with her then because the stuff you’re posting isn’t about her family here.


    …“the old boomers that have kitchens talking about their “Kitchen Table issues.””

    This is what I was referring to and from the articles I thought that would be clear to anybody who read them and nested studies I linked

    Edit: Also it’s why I said “their” and not “her”


    If only there was a bipartisan border bill which consists of nothing but concessions from democrats. Katie’s one of the people who killed the bill.

    Please. I beg you people, do not drink psycho moms sweet tea. There’s something in that shit.


    Pedro: Man, what is in this sh*t, man?

    Man Stoner: Mostly Maui Waui man, but it’s got some Labrador in it.

    Pedro: What’s Labrador?

    Man Stoner: It’s dog sh*t.

    Pedro: What?

    jordanlund, avatar

    Katie is one of the people who helped WRITE the bill AND who helped kill the bill.


    There is something extremely creepy about her tone of voice and body language. One second it feels like she is trying to convince you that she is genuine but she tries too hard which immediately make you think she is faking it. All of a sudden she sounds angry in a very serious way which makes me think she is a psychopath and she about to stab me in the neck with an ice pick. My immediate instinctive reaction is to stop the video. Last time I was this creeped out was watching Anthony Hopkins’ performance in Silence of the Lamb. Of course that was just really good acting of a fictional character and this is a real life person which makes it even more disturbing.


    It sounded like she was out of breath and being held at gun point lmao. Fellas this is like the end game of don’t stick your dick in crazy.

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    I bet this one is a total nut in the sack, but given my anecdotal experiences - it’s never worth it. Definite bunny boiler vibes…I get the same vibes from Boebert, BTW. The fact that she was having a grope sesh in public was probably the least surprising Boebert news, ever.


    It was so disturbing I couldn’t physically make myself watch it, and I’m a news junkie obsessed with this crap.


    I had to turn it off halfway through. My kid was playing switch and said Daddy, what’s she talking about? And I had to turn it off out of fear that he would take any of it at face value. I told him she was lying to try to get votes and turned it off.

    neuracnu, avatar

    Show me your “There is no war in Ba Sing Se!” face.


    And through the whole thing she’s using her submissive wife voice


    It legit looked like something Vaught made to defend Homelander in The Boys. It was laughably bad.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Last time I was this creeped out was watching Anthony Hopkins’ performance in Silence of the Lamb.

    I had the same feeling watching it, and there’s a reason for it.

    Filming the movie, Anthony Hopkins and the director and editor collaborated around making sure he basically never fucking blinks on camera. It causes a very unsettling effect when there’s long periods of not blinking.

    Katie seems to have inadvertently adopted the same technique. I’ll take Marco Rubio grabbing water like a man dying in the desert any day over this creepy Stepford wives thing.


    That link doesn’t work for me, but this one did:…/1766308578904998127

    Suavevillain, avatar

    I had to watch that clip twice because I thought it was fake with the way she was speaking lol.

    Spedwell, (edited )

    Her manner of speaking reminds me of the sermons you get at ‘modern’/nondenominational churches here in the south. Just the way phrases are timed, the intonation, the need to make every minute factual statement sound emotionally profound…

    I have to wonder if she is consciously trying to speak in that way. I don’t know why they would think that was a good approach for a political speech lmao. It’s just so bizarre I can’t actually process it.


    It’s a good approach because their base is open to it. They are used to listening to that cadence and inflection with openness and willingness to swallow whatever poison is in the message, and that conditioning makes it so that the content doesn’t matter, only the delivery.

    I doubt she even recognizes that she’s doing it too. She’s just used to authority with a microphone speaking this way and so she does it too. It’s exactly how I used to be before I got out.

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    Yep. The same bunch that would buy the qtarded conspiracy theories, or fall for Satanic panic, or that Jaysus is going to come back any day now and start up some bad fan-fic ala Left Behind is totally going to eat this drivel up with a spoon.


    She’s just acting. You can see the crazy in her eyes. She’s literally insane.

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