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Yeah because raw milk has two important factors: 1) it’s (kinda) illegal for health reasons “guv’ment not tell me what do!” And 2) it’s largely a white people thing.

Grown adults in most of the world can’t digest milk, because they are not children. Close to 80% of the world is lactose intolerant as an adult. Guess which demographic overwhelmingly ISN’T lactose intolerant? White people. From the same areas Hitler liked.


ITT: children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren of settlers in America realizing that the separation between church and state was just a power grab between white people.

The state sucks, so does the church. Which is just the state with more rituals.

WoahWoah, (edited )

You should be able to file a recall petition for any damn reason you want (edit: if you are able to gather sufficient support/signatures, obviously. This isn’t The Office, no one is saying random people should be able to stand up and say I DECLARE A RECALL and then it happens).

“I don’t like you and most of the people you work for don’t either” is sufficient cause to ask for the removal of someone who works for the public. If enough people agree with you, that’s that. It’s called direct democracy. You should try it out.

You don’t need to commit a crime for people to not want you to serve or represent them, though I could see how the current state of politics might lead you to believe that. If you work for the people and enough of the people you work for no longer want you to work for them, there are mechanisms to remedy that. It’s basic democracy. Sheesh.

Perhaps you’re confusing political democracy with corporate contractualism? She doesn’t work for a private company. She’s an elected official. You don’t have to be convicted of a crime to be recalled. You really don’t have to do anything except lose the political support of your constituency to be threatened by a recall in most democratic governments.

Perhaps you’ve heard of George Santos? Or snap elections?

Mod of Politics, everyone. Take a bow, @jordanlund

WoahWoah, (edited )

If a sufficient amount of people that the person works for don’t like the person, that’s called the “will of the people.” If you can describe the reasons you don’t like someone and get sufficient support for your position to file a recall, that is quite literally what a recall is for and what democracy means.

You’re under the impression that if someone you’ve elected starts governing in ways you don’t appreciate, and a majority of the constituency for that person feels similarly, then it’s just “too bad, wait for the next election?” Aside from it largely not being the case, why would you want that to be the case?

I understand what you mean, insofar as it seems capricious, but if someone is duly elected, a recall is unlikely to pass merit or muster.

But in a democracy, you can and should be able to recall anyone that was elected. It’s basically the control-Z of democracy, and it’s actually a very important facet of a well functioning democracy that holds its public officials to account to the will of the people.

The article, which perhaps you didn’t finish, is precisely about this fact. You can start a recall petition, but you can’t just make stuff up and make up voters in order to do it.

You might disagree with various democratic processes, but this seems silly for someone as wise as you to have a problem with. And I mean that. I have a lot of respect for your intelligence and even-handed moderation sensibilities. I imagine we agree on a lot of things, but recalls are politics not business.


Agreed. You have to state a reasonable case, otherwise no one will sign the petition. But if someone turns out not to be the person you thought you were voting for, and enough other people agree, then you shouldn’t have to be like “aw shucks, I guess they just get to keep doing their job until the next election.”

“Whoops, we made a mistake… and it’s you” is a very important part of democratic politics.


A recall petition is precisely “voting them out.” It’s a mechanism for doing it before an election cycle.

“I like you” and “I don’t like you” are exactly, for better or worse, how elections work. A recall is simply the demand of the people to run an election off-cycle if there is sufficient support. You aren’t going to get a recall petition certified if the only reason you don’t like someone is “you don’t like them,” but there are many reasons to recall a politician that don’t need to reach the level of malfeasance.

Again. Politics not private business?

I’m honestly struggling to understand why you wouldn’t support that idea.

WoahWoah, (edited )

Misfeasance quite literally means, in this statute and in a legally denotative sense, you did something someone deems inappropriate or wrong, but not necessarily harmful or illegal. I.e., you did something someone(s) didn’t like.

You’re literally arguing against your own point now. And honestly, I meant it and still mean it when I say I have so much respect for you. I don’t understand what’s happening right now.


Turnabout is fair play and all that, but this is just dumb. The dude is old. Anyone that’s talked a really old person sees all kind of weird stuff going on with their mouths.

This is the Trump equivalent of going after Biden because he’s also shockingly not great with words and controlling his saliva. Hell, I’m not an old, and I’ve had one too many coffees while hungover and foamy spit was about all the spit I had.

I think we can safely assume a few things here: 1) yes, Trump has health problems. Black people couldn’t use the same water fountains as white people for like the first 20+ years of his life. He’s old af. 2) this is dumb ass shit, and the fact that Trump is such a low-life “politician” is the only reason this kind of meaningless attack is coming out. 3) people are realizing the felony convictions aren’t going to be enough, and this reeks of desperation.


If he dies of natural causes before the election, no one that supports him, which is roughly half the country by the way, will believe it, and domestic violence will dramatically increase as well paranoid conspiracy theories.

I frankly hope he stays alive and is somehow, miraculously beaten by a significant margin.


Yeah, instead, based on polling, we will just elect him president. Every month we get closer to the election, the better Trump’s polling numbers get.

So, figure out what to do when he’s president, because if you’re someone who would like to bet serious money on the election, the smart money is on Trump.

Welcome to 2025.


I mean she could literally just own it and be done with it. She has 30B+. Just buy it and ruin it if you hate it so much, like Elon did with Xitter.

WoahWoah, (edited )

My bad, I forgot you can’t buy things from the government.

Or, you know, just … The government.

WoahWoah, (edited )

Because no one likes to assume the the color of their skin or the language they speak means more than what they believe. Democrats are arrogant.

On the other hand, Republicans might actually put people against a wall for the color of their skin or the language they speak. But no one likes being taken for granted.

Edit: or to put it more bluntly, “promises made, promises… still being made! Shut up if you don’t vote for us what are your options???”

Well. Our options are the other option. Not ideal, but at least they’re really excited to see brown and black people give cover to white supremacy. Democrats aren’t excited about brown and black support–they assume they deserve it.

I’m sure that hurts the feelings of the NPR-class of Democrats, but the numbers don’t lie. Even Colin Jost makes the joke at the correspondents’ dinner.

It’s like when leftists get pissy the the working class keep voting against their interests but don’t do anything to appeal to the working class.


55% of tax dollars in the united states goes to social programs, social security, and healthcare.


It’s considered a tax by the social security administration.


The amount of work campaigners and media are doing to try to keep these two walking corpses to appear vaguely conscience is a real testament to the effectiveness of the modern campaign apparatus.

WoahWoah, (edited )

I’m not saying they’re politically the same, because obviously they’re not. Trump being such a danger to American democracy and the health and safety of many Americans is why I’m highlighting this absurdity.

I’m saying if you were in a room talking to either of these octogenarians, you’d probably be uncomfortable handing either of them a loaded gun let alone the nuclear codes and command authority over a military super power.

We shouldn’t have to be choosing between two people this old. Age and cognitive decline is an unavoidable fact, but the DNC and raw fear of “changing horses midstream” by democratic voters has us hoping that we’ll get an 86 year old leaving office in four years.

Because the stakes are so high and the consequences between Trump and not-Trump are so important, it’s insane to be running Biden as the alternative. There basically running at a dead heat right now, and I can’t help but think that might no be the case if we weren’t running the Crypt Keeper against Cheetolini.

WoahWoah, (edited )

This is the most New Hampshire shit I’ve ever heard.

The icing on the cake is that after alleged statutory rape and threatening violent rape, murder, and a mass shooting, he is now a republican politician and gunstore owner: Black Op Arms in Claremont, NH.


One random guy on Twitter “there will be a civil war!”


I guess “random Twitter account spouts bullshit” isn’t as compelling a headline.


They were saying that this “slippery slope” of helping people get debt relief isn’t the big scary threat they statement seems to imply.

I.e., “if we allow debt relief for pilots, what will stop them from allowing it for nurses, teachers, and social workers???” And the person is saying “I don’t see that as a problem.”

They just misread the context of the comment.


Won’t somebody think of the vintages??


Aaaand, Trump ignored it. How could we have known??

WoahWoah, (edited )

Yeah and that point was in 1948.


Welp, you’ve effectively started a religious war. Great. 🤣


Is Russia really in any position to be trying to wage war on multiple new fronts? Poland just implied Russia is going to attack Europe. With what? Dry Russian wit and empty vodka bottles?


Outdoor activities as well, obviously. I think the point the parents are making is that kids are going to play games on their screens, so if, perhaps, they could get their child to play a game that improves cognitive ability, coping skills, problem solving skills, and socioaffective development, that would be better.

It also has an “IRL” version where the skills from the screen are almost directly translated over the board, which is helpful. That was the context of the win against the GM.

WoahWoah, (edited )

The very article you linked, from the first of the experts, states, “There was no way to protect the bridge, even if there was a warning system in place. If a ship like this collides on with any bridge it may take it down.”

Each expert after basically says the same thing. Even with extra protections using modern technologies, a head-on collision from a boat of this size and weight would destroy almost any bridge, and there is no practical fender system to effectively deflect a ship of this size. Most suggestions are that a more modern bridge would simply have a wider channel, but a modern bridge with modern fenders and plant of dolphins would not have stopped a head-on collision like this. And a wider channel wouldn’t matter if a boat if this size still ran directly into one of the (wider spaced) direct supports.

Other experts here note radar and sonar protections and lighting, none of which would have mattered here because the problem is the Dali lost power and navigation, which is what caused them to run directly into the bridge pylon. The pylon could have been made out of neon lights: they couldn’t turn. I don’t think you’re taking into account just how massively heavy this ship is.


ITT: poll denialism about the least popular president in modern history. The rising prevalence of poll denialism by democratic voters is the biggest indication, to me, that were in very serious trouble.

If wishes were fishes, we’d all swim in riches. Just because we are sleepwalking into fascism doesn’t mean denying what’s happening helps. At all. Quite the opposite.


Oh you weren’t personally involved? Then it’s probably fake news. Where have I heard that line of reasoning before… hmmm.


That’s not how modern polling works.

WoahWoah, (edited )

They still include landlines, but no major polling agency in the United States has used landline contacts as the primary source of polling data in at least a decade.

As you yourself note, landlines are wonderful for sampling particular demographics, which are then weighted against local, county, regional, and national demographics (to name only a few of the analytics used).

Do you think polling is just some guy smoking a cigar yelling at a room full of people dialing furiously on rotary phones to old people, and that’s why Trump is polling ahead?

No. He’s winning because majorities of likely voters are going to put a narcissistic fascist in the White House because they’re mad at things, and Biden has continued to lose astonishing numbers of non-white voters.

That should scare you, if you care about the United States falling into fascism. The US is a technology, nuclear weaponry, military, and economic superpower. The world’s economy runs on the USD and the United States has 800+ military bases in over 70 countries. That alone makes it a concern.

Whining about the polls won’t change that.


I imagine you probably don’t become a billionaire by just letting people force you to pay your “bills,” or by following “the law,” or by caring about “people,” or by responding to ethical “responsibilities.”

Probably you become a billionaire by doing the opposite, but idk

Why Gaza Won’t Cost Biden the Presidency (newrepublic.com)

"Despite these polls and the passions raised by the war with Hamas, it is easy to exaggerate the power of Gaza as a motivating issue for voters eight months from no-win November. History suggests that foreign policy issues end up as a minor motif in presidential politics unless American soldiers are dying in combat as they were...

WoahWoah, (edited )

It’s a perfect wedge issue to cleave voters away from Biden. He’s the least popular president in modern history and democrats have lost substantial support from people of color more broadly. He was likely to lose before this. He’s more likely now.

Democratic poll denialism is a sure sign we are in serious, serious trouble.

Edit: the fact that people downvote comments stating basic facts about a) the unpopularity of Biden, and b) the rising unpopularity of democrats among people of color is exactly what I’m talking about. We’re in serious trouble.


Republicans have become the party of “if we don’t win it, we’ll take it.” And democrats have become the party of “but we have to win! I don’t want to look at anything that doesn’t agree, and I don’t want to have to do anything about it except downvote!”

I’m straight up terrified.


I wish your parents had been part of that gang. Then I wouldn’t have to read your inane comments.


I’m not your buddy, pal!


I’m not you friend-o, chief!


And foreign-born candidates. In fact, if “shall” means “must be enforced by congress,” you don’t even have to be a US citizen at all.

Obviously such a candidate could be disqualified by congress, but states apparently have no right to disqualify such a candidate themselves.

WoahWoah, (edited )

It seems to me the point is that mail-in ballots are often added later in election results. The RNC is reallocating their budget to legal challenges. This seems to anticipate two things:

  1. the idea that mail-in ballots are corrupt will continue to be pushed. The “proof” will be how many more democrats there are in the mail-in ballots, partially due to the RNC attempting to minimize GOP mail-in ballots.

This will be informally reinforced by calls for armed Republicans to “stand watch” (aka voter intimidate) at ballot locations. This will disincentive in-person voting from democrats and increase the chances that mail-in ballots will seem partisan.

  1. based on the actions of #2, on election day live votes will be tallied first, ideally showing a GOP win based on the idea the hope that more GOP will vote in person.

GOP will then immediately declare victory and try to delegitimize mail-in ballots as they begin to be counted and are “suspiciously” (intentionally) largely democratic ballots based on the consequences of #1.

Then they’ll try to sue to win by attempting to invalidate all mail-in ballots as “irregular,” which they will be, because the republican party will have attempted to make them irregular.


Jews “aren’t supposed” to support or oppose anything as a monolith. That’s just racial essentialism.


The fact of the matter is that democrats are betting it all on the least popular president in modern history, who is also an octogenarian. The hope is he will somehow be disliked less than cheetolini.

The problem isn’t that democrats are going to vote for Trump. The problem is that polling indicates that Biden is already losing, so every person that decides NOT to vote for him by staying home or voting third party is just another nail in the coffin.

Biden deciding to run for reelection is the presidential politics equivalent of Ginsburg refusing to retire. And it’s right there in front of us. And we know it’s insane. But now everyone is just knuckling down and buckling up, because here we are.


I’m not collecting all Jewry and describing what they do or do not believe, for one! I’m saying that being Jewish isn’t only about participating in a religion. And I’m also saying, which underlines my previous points, not all Jews think the same or believe the same thing.

Are you Jewish? Are you Palestinian?

To disagree with the basic point that all people, regardless of classification, don’t believe one single thing is ridiculous. To what are you even trying to retort?


“We decided not to let you in because the chance you won’t leave Australia seems pretty high given the fact that everything is being turned to rubble where you’re from. As such, we’re sending you back to where you’re from. Better rubble for thee than rabble for me! G’day!”


This is simply not true, and this kind of belief–that misinformation only works on “other people”–is part of the problem.


I don’t know much about Balfour. Was he a genocidal maniac?


Ah. That makes sense. So basically like all contemporary governments in the Americas and Australia and…

Well. Most places except the imperial powers I suppose. Even then, idk! Seems kind of shady.


Greatest SOTU in history…? I mean, cmon.

WoahWoah, (edited )

I would respectfully disagree. The speechwriters crafted a fairly strong piece of rhetoric, but it wasn’t particularly substantial and the delivery was substandard, that’s just the honest truth.

Also “one of the greatest in history because it happened now” is not a great argument. Nunc pro tunc, as they say.


God damned gen z ruining another industry.

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