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LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

I’m not sure where your sister lives, but I don’t think she’s not going to call the police if I walked into her living room with my shoes on. They’d probably get me for trespassing or breaking and entering. /S

I know what you mean about the sneaking food into theaters. They’d just ask you to throw it away /put it in your car / or just leave. Source: first job was a theater. Now if you refused, it would likely be an officer that throws you out on a Friday/Saturday as they hired off duty officers to be around those nights for security purposes. Used to keep the K9 for the K9 units in the birthday room because we felt bad they would leave them in the running car all night in Central Florida. Surprised a few employees when they went to grab something and were startled by a happy go lucky Shepherd/Malamute.

They were very on or off duty dogs. In the car, work mode, and ready to go to war. In the birthday party room, you better be ready for pets and snuggles.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

What state do you live in if you don’t mind me asking. Many states have rules that would allow you to add them to their insurance if you live together for a length of time. A year for AZ is what popped up when I went to search because I’m here on a work trip.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

I don’t think being cringe really exists when it comes to kids. They are developing into who they are/will be.

Adults on the other hand like myself I could say can be, because we are supposed to(according to culture) have figured out who we are, so when we do something out of place it is an attention seeking act that went poorly often times. So when I say a bad joke, I can come across as cringy, or even me trying to explain myself here can come across as cringy. But kids, we need to cut them a lot more slack. We shouldn’t be punching down on adults either, but if we start by supporting those kids finding themselves maybe it’ll grow with time and eventually maybe anyone can say something dumb and not feel like they should shove their head in the sand, but rather feel safe in their own insecurity and be supported by people around them.

Love for those feeling insecure may be the change they needed to not lash out negatively, whether against themselves or others.


Did he not break federal law when purchasing them? Or is it just the sale of that is federally illegal? Never bothered to look.


Nah man, Utah made gummy vitamins a misdemeanor to ensure kids wouldn’t get tricked into enjoying them. /S


He should face a life sentence for treason. The fact that he doesn’t shows how weak this country has become. Every supporter should be tried with aiding and a betting an enemy of the state. Aka treason. Start executing the law and people will start acting like it matters.


Religion murdered these people.


So let me ask you. When some Russians stripped people of their clothes and made them march into the frozen tundra, do you really believe those Russians werent guilty of murder, it was all the tundra’s fault?


Did the pilot push them out without a parachute? Then yes.

If religion starts condemning people doing this, then they won’t be responsible.


They can make federal arrests on people sending anything illegal in the mail I believe. So if an illegal bribe was sent to him via the USPS, they might have jurisdiction to make an arrest without a warrant or subpoena anyone needed. They are a federal law enforcement agency, older than most. Don’t think the FBI were around when they became, and the secret service definitely weren’t.


There is a replica of the Parthenon near Nashville as well

Full size replica built a hundred+ years ago


In theory it’s up to 5 year imprisonment and 250,000 for failing to show. Dodgers must have some way around such. (Also a felony charge, the kind he can pardon if president)


Don’t forget the walls. And then those to build the towers that will have to shoot down the drug drops that will still fly over in drones if it were cement like the great wall. Oh, and those checking for tunnels. As our expenses go up and up as we start having people constantly hunting for tunnels and our population declining and taxes be reduced on the rich… What happens to the country?

All of this avoided by legalizing and taxing the drugs, growing them here. Easier to regulate, and it cuts the funding to the cartels allowing Mexico to stabilize better and slowly maybe south America if we partner with them on manufacturing. Inflation stabilizes there, a lot more places to live safely. Reducing immigration, while keeping immigrants coming at rates that we can set with updated policy. (That part requires the legislative branch to do their job)… actually all of it requires the legislative branch to do their job. Set age and term limits… Scrub the rust off.

Biden Administration Tightens Mileage Standards to Buoy E.V.s | The new rule requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon across all models by 2031. (

The new standards require American automakers to increase fuel economy so that, across their product lines, their passenger vehicles would average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today. The average mileage for light trucks, including pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, would have to reach 45 miles per...


They really aren’t that much heavier. It is just one downfall that people try to play up because they want to spread anti human propaganda.

Most of the people buying giant ass vehicles don’t need them at all. If we took 90% of the trucks off the road and replaced them with electric cars the average weight would go down. So it would be good for “guardrails” if we care about them. The pedestrians wouldn’t get hit as high anymore as well making fatalities go down there as well.

Edit: quick search returned this “The study finds that a 4 inch-increase in vehicle front-end leads to a 22% increase in fatality risk for a pedestrian.”


Now what would be comical (not actually comical) is to see Congress declare war for the first time since world war 2. They can do so without the presidents approval I believe, and can fund it against the presidents wishes. Now… The president can just tell the troops not to go to war though, showing how broken that system is.

No war, the president can send troops. War, the president can not send troops.
So the other representatives don’t matter to awfully much when it comes to starting wars. Now ending them on the other hand … Congress holds that with the funding part.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

Emergencies can only exist for 6 months and then have to be voted for termination by Congress. So say Prump pulled a Trutin, if the rest of the house/Senate weren’t bought and paid for that war would be over “years” ago now and congress could impeach the president if he tried to act like it was another emergency, followed by the Senate voting to oust them.

All the mechanisms are there, tainted and charred.

We need an age of restoration to clean it all off and update everything to fit with modern times.

““Jefferson states that each new generation has a right to choose for itself “the form of government it believes most promotive of its own happiness.” That every 20 years, the state constitution should be handed off to the next generation to amend and repair as they see fit””

So a bit controversial but I’d say that would point at older generations not supposed to be holding legislational positions/powers. If we up the age to fit lifespan from 20 to 30 years, then take the average age of the writers/powers at be during that time it would place a retirement age for legislative members at maybe 60-65.

Being that our supreme Court is somehow altering legislation at this point that would say 4 or 5 out of those 9 would have to retire immediately. The average age of senators is 64, so ~50 there, and a significant chunk of Congress.

Get out the steel woal and start cleaning the rust of this jalopy.

How to fix Korea's birthrate? Put girls in school earlier, controversial report argues (

“Notably, Chang’s report claims that biological females develop earlier than males do, so requiring girls to enter school at younger ages will create classes in which the two sexes are of more equal maturity as they age. This, the author posits, makes it more likely that those classmates will be attracted to each other, and...


During the time period when the highest tax brackets fell from 70% to 50%… Down to now 37%.

Surely the people holding the most money paying near half the taxes they used to didn’t cause them to hold onto that money and drive more and more money up into their hands.

But I have it invested! So you can’t tax it yet, but I rolled it into a company so you can’t tax it or if you can you can’t tax me the same way!

For capitalism to work there has to be strong legal bindings to taxing the rich and subsidizing the poor to make sure they don’t get steamrolled by the system.

We having been pumping the breaks for years on those responsibilities, and more and more people in turn will get steamrolled and forced into starvation, homelessness. The mental health rates being low are directly tied to money in the middle and lower classes.

If we made a rule that for every 10 people who committed suicide do to scarcity that the richest person would be killed as well, we would run out of rich people not trying to promote subsidizing the poor pretty quick and trying to get the happiness of the people up instead of only worrying about profits.

That’s crazy obviously… But we need healthier motivation to make the world a better place. That isn’t a healthy one.


Congress is bias and allowed to be. The courts are bias and not supposed to be. They are supposed to recuse themselves if they have Personal bias/impact on a case.


And some run for other seats that will be opened so they can vacate their seat if they win and the vacancy can be filled by the governor. If they lose the new seats election, they keep their current seat.


We’ll see in time. Also not sure much will be done if they are. Remember the warrant for Putin was placed March of 2023. The impact on Russia so far seems about summed up to be “Putin can’t attend a D-Day remembrance, and he probably shouldn’t go see the Olympics, which he wouldn’t”

Outside Groups Spent $285,000 Backing Jamaal Bowman. AIPAC Alone Just Dropped Nearly $2 Million to Attack Him. (

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s super PAC has launched its first ads attacking Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District. The ads claim that Bowman “has his own agenda” and refuses to work with President Joe Biden....


While I think that the supreme Court is slanted shite, isn’t every ruling they make just a “that’s not what we think the law currently says” meaning we should instead be blaming Congress for not writing an updated law that clarifies what we want?


I have a feeling the drugs he was on for a long time he cut back on, like Adderall shortages and Trump suddenly falling asleep everywhere.


Nah he’d get drugs for that. Someone pointed out the Adderall shortage lines up with Trump’s sudden constant non ability to stay awake. He might have to resort to cocaine though, so we may get some random rants about wanting to have sex with his daughter again


Did you see the 2020 debates, One could say they may have won the election for Biden.


Thou shall not kill. Louisana has the death penalty. Might be a bit of a conundrum.


Always been a gun owner, they would have done nothing for me in any of my arrests except get me killed or get police officers killed and place me in prison for likely life…

You won’t be able to shoot police officers when they come to arrest you and walk free. An actual militia will not happen again in the u.s.


Mate, you might need to take some time off the Internet for awhile. I hope everything goes well for you and all is good.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

20 American doctors starving and dehydrated in Gaza, Israel hitting their supply trucks being shipped in. If the U.S doesn’t care about 20 doctors, they surely don’t care about a few numbnuts


They are idiots, but you just said to abduct people beyond written law in their country and hold them against their will. I don’t think the UK will support that idea very much. They should face the time for the crimes they did, but “keep them locked up forever” is some backwards ass views clearly not focusing on prisons to be for recovery, just simply imprisonment for life… When no one was actually harmed from their actions. Really it shouldn’t be much of an issue. Pulled over for going over the speed limit but not harming anyone. “Keep them locked up forever”

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

So can a fork. They didn’t travel with a gun apparently. Going to have to go shut down every Lowe’s that sells fertilizer, because you could rig it up and make it explode… Like a bullet without a gun.


Can you explain it to me. What is going on, I tried to read the article but I don’t think I grasped why the rioting is occuring. He said they have been citizens for 10 years, why weren’t they able to vote before…?


Stopping shipments of weapons clearly isn’t going to be enough. We need to start destroying their military posts


If you fly spirit, it still might be cheaper


4 pepperoni, 1 sausage, 1 cheese is $40.94 here (subtotal) if you pick it up. That’s Little Caesars though, so… The pickier you are, the higher the cost. People who pay $25 for a pizza usually chose to buy something nice and or paid delivery and 5 other fees.

Hopes of Gaza ceasefire rise as Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo (

Egyptian and US mediators have reported signs of compromise in recent days and Egyptian state news channel Al-Qahera said on Saturday that a consensus had been reached in the indirect talks over many of the disputed points but gave no further details. However, many analysts remain pessimistic after five months of stop-start...


Don’t forget in March when the cease fire was proposed and China and Russia vetoed it. It isn’t as simple as the U.S. being the only outside group at fault for the UN not stepping in.


Strange question maybe, but what percent of Lemmy is young enough to have a teacher? I’m the old man now (34). Seems like college was yesterday

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

Could anyone in Florida not sue the state for obstruction of the free market and access to food items do to political agendas? Seems like a violation of rights beyond the first. Shit even saying it is against your religion, which would hold if you place science as reasoning for your choices… I seem to remember a religious group Desantis wants out of Florida and tried to refuse to recognize because of it.


And if rescheduled ironically when someone makes moonshine wrong and poisons themselves, a doctor could prescribe liquor to solve it.


Called an Uber Friday night. Dude was much more drunk than I was. I ended up having him crash on my couch.

Trump Lawyer Makes Disturbing Immunity Claim Before Supreme Court: Apparently, John Sauer thinks staging a coup should be considered a presidential act (

Donald Trump’s lawyer pushed an outrageous line of thinking on Thursday during oral arguments at the Supreme Court over whether the former president has immunity for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election: that a U.S. president could order a military coup d’état with almost no chance of repercussions....


Guantanamo Bay for security measures. Poof. He all the sudden was treated like every other , tyrant Trump wouldnt execute

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

All of them. They could have hired 20x as many as they laid off, and gave them all raises.


What are the clearances for, you can just show everything to anyone you feel like anyways… Even after you leave office. When everyone finds out about it, apparently half the voters will still say you’re a viable candidate to trust our countries well being with


Or as Fox and News Max would air it, the 9/11 activists.


How do they know when they won, who do they fight? Is it over when the rich destroy all small businesses and own everything and we have a dictatorship? Do they just start attacking their fellow working class…? Do they shoot their kids and family members and make it so they have no social security or ability to retire or ever stop working? Surely they have to realize at some point they would fighting themselves.


Good Friday also gets a government holiday in 12 states as well, that should get an honorary mention. In public school ash Wednesday used to be a thing… But not sure if they finally did away with it

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