
fuckin losers


You know they are, but legitimately I’m pretty sure a large percentage of them actually have solvable/manageable mental illnesses. I’m starting to pity them more than anything now.


It can be hard for most to pity the spiteful and hateful.

Get what you give


I’ll reserve my pity for those more deserving.


My pity isn’t just for them, but for the families destroyed by the rhetoric and the love lost between people.

People are so divided now on everything, everyone’s caught up in trying to apply labels to themselves so they can be further divided into categories and discriminated against.

I’m really tired of the labels. Republican, Democrat, Right Wing, Left Wing, Fascist, Socialist, blah blah blah… these labels just help external influencers drive that wedge a little better.

Can’t we all just be human and start to talk to one another? I think we’ll find we have more in common than not. The only way to bring people over to your side is to befriend them, and slowly work on it. The fighting just causes everyone to dig their heels in so much more.

Deceptichum, avatar

What nonsense is this?

The labels aren’t just meaningless words, they represent the views of a person.

No one wants to just get along with the *phobe *ist who wants to strip away people’s basic human rights.


No one single word can represent someone’s entire world view. It’s simply not possible.


And yet, one single word can be enough to describe a person who is not worth wasting time on.

If you tell me women shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions, I’m going to call you a misogynist and ignore you.

If you tell me that your god demands I act a certain way, I’m going to call you a zealot and ignore you.

If you tell me that eating horse paste is a cure for a fucking virus, I’m going to call you an antivaxxer and ignore you.

If you tell me Ukraine should surrender to Russia, I’m going to call you a Putin apologist and ignore you.

If you tell me trickle-down economics works, I’m going to call you a fool and ignore you.

If you tell me that mankind isn’t causing the Earth to warm and that won’t be bad for us, I’m going to call you a science denier and ignore you.

Hitler liked dogs, too. That doesn’t excuse the rest of the evil shit he did or mean we should have a talk about the merits of Nazism. Likewise, Republicans are a willfully ignorant, evil party. I don’t need to know how much of that party one disagrees with; the mere fact that one agrees with any of it means one should be ignored. I don’t need to know their entire worldview; the GOP platform is egregious enough that agreeing with any of it makes Republicans terrible people.


They are meaningless words, because the views of a person are far more nuanced than that. But by labeling yourself as something, people immediately get to start assuming what your views are before getting to hear them from you instead. That’s the big problem with society today - everyone wants to be something unique, because we’re all so connected now that nobody feels like they stand out. But by adding labels to yourself, you just paint a target on your back for people to aim for, because with that brand new label, people get to make assumptions more easily. You get to be divided off from the “rest” of society, and put in a special bucket and targeted.


you right they're not meaningless.
In the hands of the right demagogue they can be powerful tools for creating and extending stimgatisation and division - and undermining society and weakening the grown-up methods of resolving social stresses.

Daryl Davis arguably did try to get along with the kkk.
There might not be many like him and it might be a drop in the ocean, but at least it isn't no-one who wants to try to do the difficult thing.


This is kind of blaming the victim: you think black or queer people did something other than existing to egg on hatred? True, some go out of their way to try to befriend KKK members and such, but that strategy has only makes a tiny dent on things. Once someone is pouring gasoline on your lawn in a cross, it's a bit too late to make friends.


I don’t want to befriend someone who thinks my other friends are child molesters and should actually die. I get the impulse to say we should seek friendship and common ground, and I do where possible, but I just can’t with people who don’t see people I care about as even being people.

And that’s not a hypothetical, that’s actual “I have talked with these people” decisions.


I’m happy to work with and listen to people capable of basic human compassion, but my patience for those who seek only to hurt the less fortunate and the marginalized has reached its limit.


Don’t donate to politicians.

There’s refugee resettlement charities if you need people to help. Like, in Atlanta, New American Pathways helps families fleeing awful situations to get English classes. jobs, housing, enroll kids in school, etc. Lots of cities have similar charities. People who teach English at libraries and the like.

snownyte, avatar

Their daily routine consists of this:

  • Wake up
  • Drink Coffee
  • Proceed to bash head with a mallet at least 7 times
  • Proceed with the rest of your day, repeat additional bashings to the head 3 more times if you have "the itches" that constitutes things that are called thoughts.

I read somewhere that traumatic brain injuries are correlated with voting Republican, but I don’t know if there’s any causation or in which direction it goes. A lot of Republicans might just have lives where they’re more at risk of getting injured.

jmanes, avatar

It is sad to think about how many working class people will funnel their earned money into his pockets.

snownyte, avatar

Fuck them. It's their choice. This conman will sell them all out again when he gets the chance.

This voterbase of his are living in an entire universe of their own from ours. They've been convinced that any negative that happens, is "winning" against their opposers. The easily duped. The mislead. The fools. They know not any better even in the face of reason and logic. Even as their friends and family have died, gotten jailed or been fucked over by the very party they continue voting for who lied to them about how they were going to "make this country great again".

So at this point, these people are systematically committing suicide by political association.


So at this point, these people are systematically committing suicide by political association.

It may be fucked up but my only reaction to reading this sentence was “I wish they’d do it faster”. I don’t think I have any empathy left for them.

To be clear, I don’t think that’s something to be proud of. In fact, I think it’s a terrible sign of how divided we are as a nation. Nothing good can come from feeling that way about a significant portion of your fellow citizens. Still, it is an accurate description of my feelings.

snownyte, avatar

We've tried for years to tell them, without political sway or swagger, that the direction they're going in with this poor excuse of a 'man' is devastating them inward and outward. The laundry list of evidence is there.

But all that they're going to do is yell at us about how we're a part of Deep State, our news is 'FAKE', our findings are from sources distrusted by them. That because we're smarter than them by being informed, their insecurity levels will reach all time highs and we'll be threatened against through use of force by their choice.

These are really the kinds of people that just has to learn the hard way. They're the kind of people that stay behind during tornadoes and hurricanes as they all go "wow...that's amazing" as everything is destroyed around them and they're at high risk of being taken along for a painful ride.


It’s worse than gambling. At least when you gamble you have a (meager) chance to make some money back. Political donations are black holes and DJT’s has radioactive, acidic sewage at the bottom.


He despises the people who love him.…/trump-fundraising-donor-dinner…

rhythmisaprancer, avatar

It could be a ddos but I'm guessing not...


Dedicated Dummies Offering [their] Savings?


Ahahaha, excellent


Trump cant pay any bills, who’s to say the site didnt get turned off because of that?

Or maybe it cant handle more than 3 concurrent users or something.


How many of those are legit voters and how many are bots micro donating to mask Russian oligarch campaign financing?


Ah, pulling the ol’ breaking bad scene. Of course.


This is bad for Joe Biden



This made me think of the old meme

This is good for bitcoin


Who cares? Anybody who still supports Trump even knowing he's a wannabe dictator, convicted felon, serial rapist, and buddy of Epstein, need their fucking head checked. At this point I really hope these bozos give Trump all of their money. Knock yourselves out, dumb fucks.


Lol, tech competency was not his strong point. That’s for Barron. He’s good with the cyber.

He’s probably more upset at losing money from rubes than the guilty verdict.


I recall an adage that says something about fools and their money. What was it again?


They sure do seem to have a lot of it

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