@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Wake me when it happens.


They might accept the short term cease fire but I have my doubts that this war is over.


Must be nice to know something I don’t

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

Where are all the people screaming genocide Joe now? Did they get reassigned?


Yea what’s the kremlin’s latest outrage orders ?


Amazed that you still believe them, it’s been 8 months of leaking stories about how much Biden hates what Israel is doing (while providing unlimited support and protection). Then again, yall spent 9 years convinced that Trump is going to prison next week.

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

Believe whom? The tankies? The maga in lefty clothes? The kremlin social media disrupters? All pushing the genocide Joe idea in an attempt to remove Biden.

The president of the United States does not have the power to control another country. Nor do the other 191 countries in the UN who have been silent.

And, I don’t think Trump will ever go to prison. So, I’m not sure which group you’re lumping me in with. It’s wishful thinking at best.

Israel can go fuck itself, for the record.


The tankies? The maga in lefty clothes? The kremlin social media disrupters?

Why would any of your bogeymen be claiming that Biden hates genocide?

Centrists will throw unfounded conspiracy theory accusations like this at anyone who dares to suggest that Biden should stop supporting genocide.

But say that centrists support genocide…

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

You have no idea how misinformation works do you?


Sure. Centrists see someone on their left, and then summarily announce that they must be spreading misinformation, usually accompanied by an accusation that the person in question must fall into one of a small number of archetypes that can be dismissed without thinking.

These archetypes often coincide with groups conservatives hate, such as communists and foreigners.

Lemmy is a tiny, fledgling platform full of hostile centrists. Why would anyone want to spread misinformation here? There’s no ROI to speak of.

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

No roi that you see. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Small or niche communities are easy to steer. Most of Lemmy probably have other social media like Reddit or Twitter. Plant a seed and watch it grow.

That’s why lots of stuff gets credited to 4chan, or similar. For example: Pizzagate. Totally false. Started on a niche network.


Small or niche communities are easy to steer.

Which is why lemmy is all tankies and centrists aren’t represented for shit here.


That niche network 4chan, with merely 22 million visitors a month

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

Insert another name.


Lemmy is full of hostile centrists?


Believe whom?

Liberal media, the guys who trick you every week into thinking Biden wants to stop doing <unambiguously evil thing>, he’s just unable to, or actually it’s electorally unpopular not to facilitate genocide, build Trump’s wall, continue locking immigrants in camps, send bombs to Ukraine/Taiwan/Saudi Arabia, sanction Cuba, or increase the tariff on EVs and solar panels.

These things didn’t stop being bad when team blue started doing them instead of Trump.

The president of the United States does not have the power to control another country

The US literally gives Israel the bombs they drop on Gaza, the direct military support that stops neighboring countries from helping, and the diplomatic support that prevents Israel from being more economically isolated than North Korea.

And all three of these things are within the purview of the executive.

tsonfeir, (edited )
@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know about you, but I said when the news came out that I’m waiting to see how it plays out.

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

As with everything, only time will tell. 🤞


Are you saying people should stop criticizing Biden because a spokesman “expects” Israel to stop genociding? He still sent billions of dollars in weapons long after it was clear was Israel is doing.

@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

They’re still here. Hell, one of them praises Lebanon is fighting a good fight, and I pointed out Hezbollah isn’t exactly what you should support. In addition, get this, I’m not even anywhere near being pro-Israel, but rather anti-ME(Middle East) as a whole as they have culture of grudges and war crimes and hyper-religiousity.

@cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

Istg why do important people lately completely ignore what the person of interest is actually saying and substituting what they wish would happen? It’s just like the fucking bankers who have been saying “the fed is definitely gonna lower rates” for the last year when then fed has been saying “we’re definitely going to fucking not” and then get surprised when they dont


Bibi is being pulled in two directions. His right, which put him in power and keeps him there, definitely doesn’t want this deal and threatens to explode his cabinet. But, to the left there is a very large amount of folks that want this deal. They too promise to blow up his coalition government. Bibi, for his part, is looking for a way to have his cake and eat it too.



Over 90 percent of Jewish Israelis believe Operation Protective Edge is justified, with less than 4% saying they think Israeli has used excessive firepower against targets in the Gaza Strip

Where is your “Israeli left”?


In the streets and in the cabinet.

Just because Israelis don’t follow your definitions of justification, doesn’t mean they don’t want to end it.

An example would be Afghanistan. Americans thought the invasion of Afghanistan was justified. They also wanted to end it.


With regard to the prospect of a ceasefire, about 80% of respondents voiced their opposition to a unilateral Israeli ceasefire lasting 48 hours and continuing for a longer period of time if rocket fire stops. Most — about 65% — also said they would not support an immediate ceasefire in order to discuss terms for a longer-term truce. Most participants, just over 60%, said they would agree to a ceasefire only if an agreement were reached on conditions for sustaining quiet on the Gaza border.

“A quiet gaza border” means they want to return to the pre-Oct 7th siege of Gaza. These people are not left, they just want the eradication of the Palestinian people to happen quietly and politely.


While I try to discuss the current political pressures and a ceasefire, you position your view of history. I’ve given upon that, since those people that tend to do this simply don’t know that much about it, and what is the end conclusion? More war? Less progress for sure.


Your poll is from 2014 about a different operation.


Oh whoops. Good catch.

Here’s one from 2 months ago that’s no less bloodthirsty: timesofisrael.com/poll-half-of-jewish-israelis-sa…

Only 4% of Jewish Israelis […] say “Israel’s military response against Hamas in Gaza has gone too far.”

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Israel should run Gaza. Who else would even want to do it?


I said this before, but I think third party intervention is needed in case of I/P. 2ss won’t work, and 1ss won’t work. So, that leaves third party intervention as the only viable option. I’d personally would carve a little of Israel’s territory, a little of Palestine’s territory. Then evacuate Israelis and Palestinians. Then place a strong military and have a justice system which involves extrajudicial arrests and investigations. Then negotiations can start.


How long have they been saying a ceasefire is right around the corner, and how long will they keep saying it? Probably right on through November, at least. Are people really still buying it?



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