Trump advisers propose mandatory military service

Some in the former president’s camp say it’s time more young adults put “some skin in the game.”

JD Vance appears to be in on requiring the kids of non-billionaires to serve in the military too:

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), a potential Trump running mate, said in an interview that he sees a clear need for measures to boost participation. “I like the idea of national service. And I’m not talking about in wartime,” he said, calling for more Americans to put “some skin in the game.”




Where the fuck are you?

Why don’t presidents fight the war?

Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?


Will Baron go or will he dodge it like daddy?


Mah spurs! They hurt!


Barron likely will not go.

dogsnest, avatar


Erasmus, avatar

Hmmmm….Fortunate Son plays softly in the background.

dogsnest, avatar

“It Aint Me”


TokenBoomer, (edited )

You sure you want a military-trained proletariat Trump?

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

Alternatively, would teaching all his red neck lackeys how to use guns more responsibly and effectively be a good thing or a bad thing?

I guess they would be slightly less likely to shoot themselves in the nuts accidentally. But they would also be more effective in murdering more Innocent folks when they have one of their conspiracy-fueled mental health crises.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Mandatory Patriotism™


Let the Trump advisors go first.

Stop sending young men to die for profits them and their families will never see. We see through the facade.


for what? the wars they plan to start?


For that, and because when you’re in the military, you don’t have the same right to free expression.


The U.S. military has been yet another way religion and in particular Christianity has been forced upon folks.


Yes, probably. But a larger military means more money piped into the military budget, even in peacetime, if there ever is such a thing again. And a larger budget means more money funneled into the military industrial teat for the GOP and their donors to suckle off of.


A lot of misogynists like to throw out how ‘women don’t have to suffer the draft’ (like we’ve even had one of those in forever). So if it’s just for men, probably giving that old tired jaw teeth again?


We still have mandatory registration for selective service, it’s only for men, and feminist groups like the national organization of women believe it should be expended to I clude women or eliminated because it’s sexist


For national defence, right? Surely they’re not wanting to throw more bodies at “lesser” nations to “secure democracy”, right? /s


defending the us from middle eastern babies

jordanlund, avatar

Finland, Norway, and Sweden all have mandatory military service, and are notably democratic and socialist compared to the US. Switzerland and Austria as well.


They also have about 5-10 million people each. And Russia right next to them.


Austria, not so much; Austria is in central Europe, and doesn’t have a shared border.

I don’t think mandatory conscription is a good idea in the US per se, but I don’t necessarily think that it’s necessarily a bad idea either.



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  • Thrashy, avatar

    Different Vance. Cy Vance was the prosecutor who treated Epstein with kid gloves. J.D. Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy, who was briefly the darling of liberal media types for showing how the folks of Appalachia and the Rust Belt have been abandoned by those in power, before realizing he could do better for himself by gargling spraytan-orange mushroom dick and riding Trump’s coattails into right-wing demagoguery. He’s a Senator from Ohio now.

    hopesdead, avatar

    Just so he can call us losers if we end up dead? No thanks.


    Sorry, I can’t. I have bone spurs.


    That’s the worst idea I’ve heard on so many levels.

    Drafting people is immoral.

    Also, it’s politically stupid because the draft is just… Extremely unpopular. Universal mandatory service will be radically less popular.

    Then, you’re filling the military with a bunch of people who don’t want to be there. Suddenly a sizable portion of the US military is composed of new recruits who don’t want to be there. If only half the people who come up for mandatory service actually get drafted, that’s still more people than are currently in the US military. This will do wonders for effectiveness and morale.

    Finally, once they get out, you have an insane amount of GI bill benefits to pay out, to say nothing of the long term VA costs that come from more than doubling the size of the military. (Potentially up to a 10x increase, assuming four year term of service and roughly 4M 18 year olds per year).
    Or you can change the law to deny GI bill benefits to draftees, which is definitely going to be popular with the people whose life you’re stealing.

    I suppose “draft everyone” is technically a way to give everyone subsidized college education and universal healthcare, but I think there’s better ways.

    Just the dumbest possible people.

    solidgrue, avatar

    Then, you’re filling the military with a bunch of people who don’t want to be there. Suddenly a sizable portion of the US military is composed of new recruits who don’t want to be there. If only half the people who come up for mandatory service actually get drafted, that’s still more people than are currently in the US military. This will do wonders for effectiveness and morale.

    A gift for Papa Putin, you say?


    As if they would actually pay out on the GI bill. I’ve known more than a few that gets screwed over over stupid technicalities or paperwork. The fact is the US government does not give a shit about vets and that’s a sad thing


    Good, easier to organize the proletariat dictatorship.


    I remember when Obama suggested mandatory civil service. Not necessarily military but local government or parks. Doing some local community work. I thought that was a great idea.

    Having mandatory military is dumb. I was in for a few enlistments and you don’t want someone forced to be there when people’s lives are on the line. Vietnam ended up with a bunch of officers getting fragged by disgruntled draftees.


    I think it would be a great way to nearly eradicate unemployment and justify free college/trade school until we can force UBI down politicians’ throats.


    I think some kind of public service is potentially good but you have to sort out your incentive structure first. Otherwise all those extra workers just end up being the only workers.

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