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I was all ready for outrage, but I think maybe they got this one right. Equality under the law should mean that the top of a pyramid is treated the same as the bottom.


I don’t even know what an “ultra processed food” •IS•.

Ultra-processed food - Wikipedia


Hilarious? Folks don’t usually downvote things that make them laugh. It was my belief that putting a link up as a follow up to his question was helpful.


Did you have a point relevant to UPF? The fact that my post above had maybe 9 upvotes and 12 downvotes does show that some folks found it helpful. In the early days of the publicly-available internet, folks tried to help each other. Now the world is on the edge of WWIII and folks are beating folks down where they think they can. I kinda miss the old internet. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


It looks like a mafia. Thumb your nose at a subpoena? Legislators will come to your aid.


If we have a world war, would they tell us?

By Dawn’s Early Light


Regardless of how you may feel about LGBT folks, I find the idea of witholding medical care to transgender people curious in light of the fact the U.S. still does not have single-payer healthcare or Medicare for All. There does appear an element of scapegoatism in these candidates within a larger pattern of rationing of healthcare to everyone who is not wealthy.


…“It’s very difficult to get evidence to show abuse of children."

Ain’t that the truth.


When it first began, Trump underestimated COVID and spun it as under control.

Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early pregnancy (www.statnews.com)

Among the causes of infant deaths, one increased the most: congenital abnormalities, which increased 22.9% in Texas in children between 2021 and 2022, while they decreased 2.9% in the rest of the country. That trend suggests that at least in some cases, parents were forced to carry a pregnancy to term while knowing their...


“There’s a built-in assumption that there’s nothing at all weird about viewing the US as sort of an open field for Israel to operate in, that there are no limitations,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.

Does the U.S. citizen get “No taxation without representation”, or does Israel get “representation without taxation”?


I sure don’t want U.S. weapons going to genocide an entire people, but I also doubt Netanyahu’s assertion.


Abrahamism sure has a stranglehold on the U.S.


Reminds me of, “Accuse the opposition of that of which you are guilty.”


During the drug war, the authorities told us that cannabis affected the testes. In that same time period, health authorities were telling us to eat low-fat high-carb diet to combat high cholesterol.


Remember “Build that wall” and “make Mexico pay for it”?


Hope we don’t see a return to tuberculosis sanatoria.


Globally, there are at least two relevant definitions in play per Wikipedia:

A child (pl. children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty,[1][2] or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty.[3] It may also refer to an unborn human being.[4][5] In English-speaking countries, the legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, in this case as a person younger than the local age of majority (there are exceptions like, for example, the consume and purchase of alcoholic beverage even after said age of majority[6]), regardless of their physical, mental and sexual development as biological adults.[1][7][8]

It seems reasonable to request clarification as to which definition of child is being used.


Catholic priests are supposed to be celibates. It seems they’re celibate in body but not in mind? It reminds me of following the letter of the law but not the spirit.


All those lead-brained 70-year old former hippies and flower children! Scott McKenzie - San Francisco [HD] - YouTube

Feliskatos, (edited )

How does Louisiana feel about beating the hell out of kids? I wondered so searched and results were primarily about kids being killed by beating. Not quite what I wanted, another search said Lousisana was rankied 49 in child well being. Yeah, that’s a little closer, but still not what I wanted. Per the Bible, you’re supposed to strike a kid with a rod to save their souls from sheol (which is another word for hell). Search says it’s Proverbs 23:14, though I’m not gonna look, there are several different variants. My question is, since the bible actually says to beat the hell out of kids, has Lousiana immunized parents who do so? Or is this just more religious BS? Shove the 10 commandments down kids throats but still jail parents who beat the sheol out of kids? Legal contradictions.

Edit: Found it: Louisiana Child Abuse Laws - FindLaw

It seems it’s illegal to beat the hell out of kids, but that’s pretty much what the bible tells parents to do. Posting the 10 commandments is some kind of police state entrapment.


If I could afford to, I’d buy an electric car. Tester shouldn’t have to justify this to anyone one, particularly other members of the legislature, who are bullying him. Electric cars are a big part of stopping climate change. If climate change isn’t stopped, we’re all gonna go extinct in a few more generations. Animals can only survive in a narrow temperature band that doesn’t evaporate all the water from the land surfaces. The fossil fuel lobbyists are literally advocating slow genocide, and are undoubtedly behind the bullying. And they’d just call it bread and circuses.


And the White House is baffled by Netanyahu’s claim about not supplying enough weapons to Israel. Is torture allowed under the Geneva Conventions?


It’s been found that wealth reduces compassion.


Filipino sailor lost his thumb. How much longer until a life is lost?


Is Mumin a psuedonym or his real birth name? Wikipedia says “mumin” means “believer” whereas “muslim” means submitter. I’m wondering if this is a caste-based naming system.


Kinda sad. As a kid I was sent to private religious (Christian) schools decades ago. The schools’ final lesson to me was always expulsion. My parents told me I was going there because the public schools weren’t as good and I’d have better success as an adult with a private school education.

Expulsion was not the lesson the PR sold me as a kid. You do not want your children learning expulsion as a primary-survival tactic!

Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like had I only gone to public schools and had never been expelled, but there’s no use in crying over spilt milk. Just a few more years to go, maybe a decade if I’m lucky, and the nightmare of a fatally-flawed high-school education will finally be over. I got the last laugh though, they didn’t get my kids.

Here’s a related comment I made recently about California law: New California laws go into effect on July 1 : california


One of the most important things I do with my gas stoves is when adjusting the temperature I look at the flame. The knob is numbered from 1 to 10 but it seems there are near infinite settings between each number. I would estimate that I actually set it to hundredths of a digit, though it’s the flame height that I’m adjusting. I paid about $400 for the stove new about 20 years ago, it has 5 burners and an oven.

A relative has a electric stove, it has a similar set of numbers on each knob, but it’s manufactured so that the knob clicks into place on each number. There’s no ability to set it to 5.5, or 5.45, it’s either 5 or 6. It has 4 burners and no oven. I don’t know how much it cost, but I know I would not enjoy learning to use it. The heat is delayed, you set the knob and wait for several minutes for the burner to heat up.

Not long ago online someone online recommended a Breville “control freak” induction stove. It looks like it might actually be able to replace the controlability of the gas stove’s flame height with an intelligent electronic control. One burner costs roughly $1500. If I wanted 4 burners then I’d be looking at $6,000.

I’d love to have an electric induction stove, but I just can’t afford that upscale price. Alternatively, an electric stove like my relative has would never be a product I would choose to use.


Really disgusting, particularly coming from “law and order” leaders who are turning the U.S. into a police state. I hope we see more articles about this leading up into the election.

I’d also like to see more discussion about striking a number of non-violent crimes. If a criminal and felonious ex-president will have special exemptions to laws that others are expected to follow, doesn’t the guideline of equality demand similar treatment for the poor and politically disenfranchised?


Law and order is only for little people!

Harvard Scholars Suggest Pollsters Ask Questions to AI Simulations of Voters Because Real People Won't Answer The Phone (futurism.com)

Instead of asking humans who they would vote for, try to understand the nuances of their thoughts and concerns, let those messages bubble up to candidates so they can adjust their campaign to meet voters' demand, instead of that, why not just segment humans into a bunch of shallow stereotypes (the socialist Millennial, the...


Better pay ChatGPT real money and force it in turn to pay rent and pay for its own electricity, etc., or kick it out on the street and be subject to police batons and handcuffs. Then perhaps it can understand what it is to be human right now. I guess I think this is a bad idea.

My landline is registered under Do Not Call. During the Obama presidency, that was an effective means of blocking marketing calls. Trump won, and the sales people started calling, so we stopped answering it. Under Biden, I’m still getting what I presume are sales calls, they call and when the machine answers, they hang up. They’re continuing to harass by ringing the phone.

Speakers pull out of prominent activist group’s pro-Christian nationalist conference (www.texastribune.org)

On Wednesday, the Tribune reported that the conference lineup features figures with ties to antisemites and extremists, including Paul Gottfried, a far-right author who mentored neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. Since then, at least three of the 12 listed speakers have said they will no longer partake in the event, two of whom said they...


Good. LGBT people are not trying to destroy you, they just want to live their lives and love their loves.


Giuliani turns to Christian Nationalists while Ms Willis responds to an Epsicopal congregation.

Last Friday, my colleague Stephanie Mencimer had the distinct honor—or misfortune—of witnessing Rudy Giuliani’s apparent attempt to convince the Christian right to help him amid his dire financial troubles. …

… While speaking to leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Georgia, Willis appeared to single out the former New York City mayor’s denigrating remarks. …

US-built pier in Gaza is facing its latest challenge — whether the UN will keep delivering the aid (apnews.com)

The U.S.-built pier to bring food to Gaza is facing one of its most serious challenges yet — its humanitarian partner is deciding if it can safely and ethically keep delivering supplies arriving by the U.S. sea route to starving Palestinians....


How sad. Aid workers depend on neutrality to avoid hostilities, and that neutrality is now in doubt.

Palestinians already harbored deep doubts about the pier given the lead role of the U.S., which sends weapons and other support to its ally Israel, said Yousef Munayyer, a senior fellow at Washington’s Arab Center, an independent organization researching Israeli-Arab issues.


It should be noted that the term I have been using – contagious sociopathy – is not mutually exclusive from what we have been observing with the perversion of Christian thought to suit sociopathic behaviors and the rise of fascism in the U.S. (Ruth Ben-Ghiat has written extensively on the latter). …

The bolded link goes to a Pew Research page and looks like it will take me more time than I’m willing to spend digesting it. It occurred to me that sociopath or perhaps psychopath is an accurate psychological description of the god described in the old testament but not necessarily the new. Can anyone explain in a few words what is meant by “perversion of Christian thought”?




Last fall, amid public outcry about ethics controversies, the Supreme Court adopted a code of conduct for the first time in its history. The code, however, has no enforcement mechanism.

We mere citizens are over-regulated and over-punished! George Orwell wrote, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”


Interesting the bill doesn’t allow home growing.


What is the population of Gaza? Maybe 2.1 million in the Gaza strip? Various search engines give results between 1/2 million and 5 million, a rather wide variance. This article says the U.S. hopes to deliver 1 million pounds of food every 2 days. The average person eats between 3 and 5 pounds of food per day. It’s not enough food even for the lowest population estimate. OTOH, every bit of additional food helps and is good news.

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