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because citizens united allows for corporate personhood, giving them all the benefits of citizenry, with none of the obligations.

jpreston2005, (edited )

I’m going to my city’s Pride parade tomorrow, Verizon will have a booth there as a “silver level” sponsor, I think I’ll stop and give them a piece of my mind.


Oh I’ll 100% be peaceful, but I’d be lying if I said a part of me doesn’t want to flip their table lol


I go to Pride to revel in my community and support the local LGBT vendors/small businesses. Couldn’t care less about whatever big corp is there, as they’re all equally soulless. Plus I like to get my face painted


They’re waiting until they know the outcome of the election. If drumpf wins, then they’ll greenlight presidential immunity… immediately after Biden vacates office. For the love of god, vote for the sane choice.


Wow. The video of the Greek official, denying everything during the official interview (whilst seeing video of a migrant woman and her child, forced onto a boat by armed men, who were then left in a dinghy to float towards Turkey), then caught with a hot mic during the break, talking to a colleague, saying:

“I haven’t told them much, right? It’s very clear, isn’t it. It’s not nuclear physics. I don’t know why they did it in broad daylight… It’s… obviously illegal. It’s an international crime.”

This migrant crisis will only get worse.


Yes that bit caught me off guard. How this dude just said migrants don’t care about their children… Like, my brother in christ, why do you think they’re fighting so hard to migrate somewhere better?


Americans increasingly blame their political rivals for their hardships and show compassion only toward those who share their beliefs.

Ok, I get that you’re saying we need to unite but you can’t heal a wound without removing the necrotic, bacteria laden tissue first. One side is, literally, doing everything in their power to regulate less, pollute more, and scam people into voting against their best interests.

One side reacted to Sandy Hook by saying “never again,” while the other side reacted to say “No, we’ll take more of that please.”


Bacon, Eggs, Toast, Home Fries, Coffee, OJ. BAM. Perfect breakie. Just don’t forget the tobasco!


Climate change driving entire populations to migrate is going to prove disastrous over our lifetime. Already we’re seeing voters turn to the far-right in response to rising immigration rates, and I fear it will get worse before it gets better. It’s real easy for bad faith politicians to take all the legitimate grievances of the working class, and then blame it all on migrants. We’ve seen it time and again in the United States, and no matter how often they do it, they still find traction among their voter base.

Just gonna put this here: Immigrants Make Economies More Dynamic, Increase Employment Growth


That was incredibly informative and it’s age only makes it more horrific.


wow wtf, never read the youtube comments, indeed


It’s literally in the headline of the article that she’s not voting for drumpf.


sorry, not headline, but the large print immediately following the headline.


Anyone else getting serious “religious nutjob from The Mist” vibes from the zakas lady? Like wow yup, nobody should be listening to you yet here we are.


Boyle (PA) Democratic Pennsylvania Yea

Caraveo Democratic Colorado Yea

Cartwright Democratic Pennsylvania Yea

Craig Democratic Minnesota Yea

Cuellar Democratic Texas Yea

Davis (NC) Democratic North Carolina Yea

Frankel, Lois Democratic Florida Yea

Gallego Democratic Arizona Yea

Golden (ME) Democratic Maine Yea

Goldman (NY) Democratic New York Yea

Gonzalez, Vicente Democratic Texas Yea

Gottheimer Democratic New Jersey Yea

Horsford Democratic Nevada Yea

Landsman Democratic Ohio Yea

Lee (NV) Democratic Nevada Yea

Levin Democratic California Yea

Manning Democratic North Carolina Yea

McBath Democratic Georgia Yea

Meng Democratic New York Yea

Moskowitz Democratic Florida Yea

Nickel Democratic North Carolina Yea

Norcross Democratic New Jersey Yea

Pallone Democratic New Jersey Yea

Panetta Democratic California Yea

Pappas Democratic New Hampshire Yea

Peltola Democratic Alaska Yea

Perez Democratic Washington Yea

Peters Democratic California Yea

Phillips Democratic Minnesota Yea

Ryan Democratic New York Yea

Schneider Democratic Illinois Yea

Schrier Democratic Washington Yea

Scott, David Democratic Georgia Yea

Slotkin Democratic Michigan Yea

Soto Democratic Florida Yea

Stanton Democratic Arizona Yea

Suozzi Democratic New York Yea

Thanedar Democratic Michigan Yea

Torres (NY) Democratic New York Yea

Vargas Democratic California Yea

Veasey Democratic Texas Yea

Wasserman Schultz Democratic Florida Yea

of course it’s rounded out by that traitor wasserman schultz


I love that outfit on Data though. Lavender really is his color


Also Monday, Toyota’s Japanese rival Mazda Motor Corp. reported similar irregular certification testing, and halted production of two models, the Roadster and Mazda 2. It said incorrect engine control software was used in the tests.

Mazda, based in the southwestern city of Hiroshima, also acknowledged violations on crash tests on three discontinued models. None of the violations affect the vehicles’ safety.

Tokyo-based Honda Motor Co. also apologized Monday for improper tests, such as those on noise levels and torque, on a range of models. Honda said affected older models — the Accord, Odyssey and Fit — are no longer in production. The safety of the vehicles is not affected, it said.

Dang, did they all coordinate beforehand? When all of your countries top automakers all admit to wrongdoing on the same day… well I can’t think of punchline to this obvious set-up right now but I’ll come back to it


Unfortunately, they already peddled their lies, made their money, and will find another lie to peddle next. Another half-apology that will never reach half the number of ears their lie has. Put that asshole in prison.


Yeah, new star trek just has not been paying off. At least the first season of Picard was pretty good. and I love all of Lower Decks (RIP).


Levar Burton - The New Spock

lol as if Spock would ever get lovesick over a hologram of a person, just to have the real person show up and hate him


on Lemmy for a single day, proceeds to only post biden whataboutism bullshit. gtfo troll


Putin removed his longtime ally Shoigu from his role as defence minister earlier this month. Two other senior defence officials have also been arrested on corruption charges.

The removal of top military figures seems to also serve as a way to mitigate any push-back when he does order a nuclear strike. I can’t imagine having to countermand my boss on my first day on the job.


The allograft they made was from the patients own pluri-potent stem cells, which developed into a piece of tissue comprised of islet beta cells which produce insulin. They took this tissue, cut open this huge vein that goes into the liver, stitched this tissue into the opening, and closed the patient back up.


Ever since I visited, I’ve wanted to live in the Netherlands. I hope the situation eases so I can follow my dream without being seen as an asshole immigrant taking up space ☹️


Democrats are a lot better tho


Looking at everything you post, you’re clearly a right wing troll. Go shill elsewhere


My first thought was “It’s the guy from Frighteners!”


Finding an outstanding misdemeanor warrant for Muhaymin, all four officers attempted to arrest him by wrestling him to the ground. They noted in their official statements that the 43-year-old Black man had “superhuman strength.”

Muhaymin’s autopsy report said he was 5 feet, 5 inches and weighed 164 pounds.

Police out here thinking every black man is pound-for-pound the strongest person in their weight class. Believe in yourself as much as police believe in black peoples strength.


I still have my original Nintendo 64 Gold edition that I purchased when I was 13 or so. I’ve recently got it hooked back up, and discovered that playing Mario Kart while on my recumbent stationary bicycle makes the time fly past. I speed up my pedaling cadence whenever I’m on straightaways, stop pedaling when I have to hard brake, makes for a more vibrant workout. In fact, it’s worked out so well it has me thinking about how well a gym/arcade hybrid business would do…

Also I finally figured out how to drift for a speed boost, so. come at me, bro

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


they accepted a two-state solution previously, the isreali PM that was negotiating with them at the time was assassinated.


I’ve had the “pleasure” of rubbing elbows with a few of the people currently engaged in bribery political donations. I hear the going rate is about $10k and a nice meal.


they’re dressing in comfortable clothes, not starting a union. shill elsewhere.


I was not prepared to learn the White House Phrase for Kamala’s husband is Second Gentleman.

I like it. It’s cute.


Hey it’s cool. I came out to my parents thinking that they would have a similar “awakening.”

They didn’t.

So, way to go this guy, you’re better than my parents. admittedly low bar, but hey, good news is good news!


What’s clear, however, is that all the properties were undergoing renovation at the time of the eruption.

Escaping workers left roof tiles neatly stacked; their pots of lime mortar are still filled, waiting to be used; their trowels and pickaxes remain, although the wooden handles have long since rotted away.

For some reason this is the coolest thing out of the article for me. That we were able to figure out what was happening there, that day, at that moment. Wild.

Study finds voters skeptical about fairness of elections. Many favor a strong, undemocratic leader (

Voters in 19 countries, including in three of the world’s largest democracies, are widely skeptical about whether their political elections are free and fair, and many favor a strong, undemocratic leader, according to a study released Thursday....


Ugh. Just a reminder that Bernie Sanders made repealing citizens united, and campaign finance reform one of his main platforms for each presidential run. He would have done so much good. His lampooning by neo-liberals who are devoted more to order than justice, forever stains my opinion of them and their institutions.


This is why the second Poltergeist movies villian (evil preacher Kane) is so damned terrifying. Because you know these people exist in reality, and are just as evil as portrayed in the film. Late Great Julian Beck real life counterpart, kenneth copeland


unironically in agreement


The conservative regional government of the Balearic Islands, which came into power last year, has chosen not to implement a housing law approved by the Spanish government in Madrid which seeks to cap rentals in areas of the country where they have soared.

Conservative regional government is just, choosing not to do anything, despite a law passed that would explicitly help this situation.

Instead, the local authorities mainly attribute the housing problem to homeowners in residential areas of Ibiza who are flouting the law by offering their properties for short-term rental, when local laws state they must rent for at least six months at a time.

So the local government has resorted to fining the people that don’t bribe them.

It’s a great system


no, increasing taxes on the wealthy, while simultaneously funding the IRS to go after white collar tax cheats, would 100% fix the problem.


after perusing your other comments, I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re a disingenuous right wing troll. I don’t care to educate you on something you’ll more than likely ignore.


lmao sure, go back to telegram loser


Lock Out/ Tag Out what? Just post a handmade sign, dude


but dude, it’s like a man-made private island. Perfect zombie apocalypse shelter, you’d just have to ensure they couldn’t crawl up the anchor line


Dang, so they just swept all of this shit under the rug in return for him being dismissed from the police “quietly?” Dude threatened to rape, and kill the chief of police wife, and kids, before killing the chief himself. Abused his authority to engage in an inappropriate relationship with a 15 year old girl, all while his fellow officers actively feared for their lives due to his anger.

Their response? “Well we don’t want him going psycho and killing us, so in exchange for him quietly exiting the police force, we’re just not gonna hold him accountable for literally anything. Feel free to go off into the night, you violent, angry, pedophilic monster! Good luck everybody else!”

Then they elected him state rep! TWICE!

And not one single cop came forward to talk about this shit while he was seeking election.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, but dang man. ACAB.

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