@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar


All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.

Newsweek is tabloid-adjacent.

Biden is underperforming his 2020 run by pretty much every metric. It’s time to try something different while we still have time.


Lol. There is no time. Replacing an incumbent at the last minute is a death sentence for a political campaign. It would be the most foolish option. Even if Biden came out and said he’s stepping back and letting Kamala Harris take the spot, you’d be fighting an uphill battle for people who haven’t been paying attention to her work as VP, which the uninformed thinks does nothing.

That’s not even taking into account all the sexist and racist shitheads who have been doing all the fear mongering and hand-wringing about the prospect of Harris becoming president by simply being VP. We have a bunch of really shitty people in this country…


If Biden is the head of the ticket he’s going to lose. Full stop.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely. And given his rate of decline, how fucked are we if he suffers a medical emergency one month out?

lennybird, (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

That is complete and utter bullshit and smarter minds than me are already advising it, including one of the biggest analysts in the industry, Nate Silver. Here, let me walk you through it:

I’ve thought this through for quite some time and I think you’re missing the opportunity for Democrats to seize the narrative.

  • “We listened to voters who were unsatisfied with either candidate, a large majority who said age is a real concern for them.”
  • "Joe Biden stepped down for the American People to let a younger generation lead."
  • FREE VIRAL MEDIA TIME for months on end about the fresh face of the Democratic party.
  • A complete lack of developed right-wing talking-points to disseminate.

It doesn’t have to – nor should it be – Harris. I can think of half a dozen other candidates with semi-national profiles who could easily surge in polling with such viral media attention following a Biden resignation.

All we know is what doesn’t work, and what doesn’t work was shown last night. It has been showing in poll after poll after poll despite people burying their heads in the sand: a President with approval ratings in the 30s, and a Presidential candidate who is FAR behind in every data-point compared to where he was in 2020. Need I remind you that Biden took this debate out of pure desperation to begin with, and now he’s now 2 full steps further back than where he needs to be as my link on battle-ground undecided voters proves.

I’ve listened to Jon Stewart, Katie Couric, 2 different NYT podcasts, post-PBS analysis, Pod Save America (former Obama/VP Biden staffers), Washington Week roundtable – and they are all echoing the same fucking thing:

It is time to try something different.

just_another_person, (edited )

I’m laughing my ass off that you even try to source Nate Silver. Member when he was right those two times a long ass time ago? 🙄

You checked his accuracy rate, friend? It’s not good. He makes prediction models, buddy. Well, then after they aren’t very good, he writes a ton about how they were actually great and everyone misunderstood what the data REALLY was saying.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I’m laughing you don’t seem to understand how statistics and probability work. But please, DO tell how he was wrong – I’m going to enjoy this.

But hey, excellent attempt to cop-out of the myriad of other points in my comment, buddy. Can only respond to maybe 10% of a comment but want to try to take down a leading statistician? Okie-dokie!


Given the timing that nearly all the primaries are done, his replacement would necessarily be someone no one even has the chance to vote on. This is a tremendous risk.

However, if he announced someone like “announcing my new chief of staff: Obama”…

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

That would be interesting and I’m frankly open to it.

I don’t think people not voting is a big deal because frankly we didn’t have a legitimate primary season this cycle anyway. More importantly, if Biden himself voluntarily stepped down and endorsed someone else, then that at least channels those votes through Biden.


Man its already a death sentance. They can’t hurt it any more than than that debate did.


As literally every single outlet has already pointed out, plenty of other candidates have had the same issue, and come right back from it. Y’all need to chill out.


You cannott undo dementia or Alzheimers the mans brain is going. With how few press conferences and speeches he has done without a teleprompter its fairly clear that this is NOT new.

He needs to grow a pair and gracefully step down, or he is just handing this to Trump on a silver platter.


In this thread:

Everyone not on the Right doing what they do best:

Argue incessantly with one another.

And ya’ll wonder why the Left struggles so often.


This is unfortunately true. We have the same shit in Germany. The Nazis are uniting while the left fight each other because one doesn’t support lgbtq+ enough, the other group forgot to gender correctly, other hardliners won’t go to pro-democracy protests because CDU voters are amongst them. It’s pathetic. We need a strong and united front against the far right. Not this hissy bullshit.


Keep the masses divided and all that jazz

dirthawker0, (edited )

That phrase “Don’t let perfect get in the way of good” is our stumbling block. We want our candidate to support everything we support and no less. Friggin’ Trump is a rapist, a traitor, a racist, etc., but if he says he wants let’s say Christianity to be the national religion, the Christians are like “Hey he supports us, we’ll vote for him,” and completely ignore everything else. Single issue, boom, they’re in. The left needs to value unity over their individual issues right now.

@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

If you want to see a great example of this is in a comment section, watch the comments on Boing Boing for a bit. The site used to be one of the top 100 sites, IIRC, and maybe still is, and the comments used to be rather fun and interesting. In recent years, it’s been take over by a very far-left fringe with a very particular interest in just checking off boxes and playing “oppression olympics”. It’s a textbook case of this. I got on there a few years ago and made a few comments in defense of sanity and unity among the left.

Some of the best posts making great points got taken down in quick order, even though I was entirely civil the entire time. Those arguing against me - if not the mods themselves - were absolutely violating the supposed rules - had theirs all left up, even if it was using things like ad hominem or just using dumb and overused giphy memes as a supposed “response”. Even anyone that tried to cut a middle ground between me and this echo chamber had their posts nuked, too.

Anyone on the fence witnessing such a thing is not going to vote for leftists, I can tell you that much. If they don’t vote for donnie (or his next version), they’ll just sit out on elections.


I think its a social defense mechanism, I met an old bastard who saw it in full swing after Catalonia when he was a teen. When a bunch of unions where he lived purged out authoritarian elements especially if they sympathized with the Soviets. Basically use debate to figure out who is stupid, lying, or compromised so that you can deal with them. Such things are helped along by it being a semi-constant force.


Not arguing among each other is what helped turn the party of Lincoln to what it is today.


As a decided Joe Biden voter I am confused but I thank you.


This is not surprising, because everyone knows Latinos are avid golfers. Why wouldn’t they support the candidate with a 6, uh, I meant 8, handicap?


Pure copium.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I’m laughing that I submit 2 different focus groups of undecided voters saying the opposite and it’s down-voted into oblivion.

But this copium is upvoted…

@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

What’s more important liberals? The United States of America or the Democratic party?

Which one would you let go of first?

Ranked Choice voting or barbarism. Take your pick. I couldn’t give a shit less what you pick to be honest. I didn’t have kids. The pain ends with me.



wtf are you talking about?


I think he wants us to vote Trump to justify his doomerism? If things go well then he has to think about the future and act on plans, he’d rather screw up the dems than see things continue to improve under Biden. Seems to be the thinking of most the ‘I’m above politics because I’m unflinchingly negative about everything’


maybe, I mean it tracks with enlightened centrism people speaking utter nonsense while trying to sound deep and thought provoking… but it still bothers me. what does it mean to let go of the democratic party or the united states…


This just adds to the growing list of journalists that are discovering people in rural red areas aren’t going to vote for an asshole after all, MAGAs excepted.


what matters


Yeah sure!!


Dark Brandon has seen your comment and is most disappointed, he believes in us, our our country, the other guy wants to wipe his ass with it, again. Easy choice.


Considering the fat orange liar is the only alternative, kinda expected some increase to the laid back side


…really? Hey, I’ll take it!

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