
Oh good, I guess Biden has absolutely nothing to worry about then…


Democrats will continue to act like he’s gonna coast into office by virtue of not being Trump. They will continue to ignore all warnings from their left. And they will blame the left when he loses. It’s the 2016 playbook all over again.

flying_sheep, avatar

If he loses. Maybe the complacent non-voters learned something. No thanks to the Ds, but neither Trump nor Biden winning is a done deal


Any lesson they might learn is a one way trip to hell with no way back


If he loses? What’s he doing to win? Which group of voters is he trying to pick up? Netanyahu can’t vote for him. Republicans won’t vote for him no matter how many of their policies he adopts.

Centrist Democrats alone aren’t enough. No matter how large a majority they think they command.

flying_sheep, avatar

Leftists who aren’t completely brain-dead will of course vote for his administration.


Calling people braindead is a great way to win them over.


I don’t think winning you over was their goal.


I’m not even one of the people they’re talking about, since I intend to vote for Biden.


I guess it depends on what you mean by Democrats. There were some quite high ranked people openly critical and suggesting replacing him (more than I would expect). Dems are not a singular entity… but the only person with the power to replace the candidate at this point in time is Joe Biden himself. So if he doesn’t step down I do expect most high-ranked Dems to fall in line.


This just adds to the growing list of journalists that are discovering people in rural red areas aren’t going to vote for an asshole after all, MAGAs excepted.


Considering the fat orange liar is the only alternative, kinda expected some increase to the laid back side


This is literally a new article about an X post where they’re interviewing some Latinos… Objectively, the cope is insane. Joe is fucked


Yeah this is reporting on the feedback from a focus group of like 20 people conducted by some Latino TV station… Not sure how representative that is of the wider electorate…


…really? Hey, I’ll take it!


Undecided Latino voters specifically according to the article. I don’t think that should be too surprising based on the lies Trump was spewing about illegal immigration.

elbarto777, (edited )

It’s so stupid that there are “undecided” latino voters at this point. As if it wasn’t enough to know that Trump was a liar when he mentioned that Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists back then?


This is not surprising, because everyone knows Latinos are avid golfers. Why wouldn’t they support the candidate with a 6, uh, I meant 8, handicap?


As a decided Joe Biden voter I am confused but I thank you.


I don’t consider myself a Republican or a Democrat, although unless things change drastically in American politics, I can’t see myself ever voting Republican by the time I’m dead and gone. With that said, I mentioned to someone yesterday that if I didn’t have the experience of living through Trump’s time in office, this debate would make me seriously consider voting for him.

I really don’t believe that this debate is going to sway many undecided voters toward Biden. If you compare their performance at face value, Trump was unusually well-spoken, and Biden seemed like he belonged in a nursing home. Half of what Trump said was complete bullshit, but how many undecided voters are actually reading articles that show how full of it he really is?

What you have is a person who stated lies as fact and did a decent job of being convincing and a person who was generally truthful but seemed like he “wasn’t all there.” Undecided voters who “don’t follow politics” are going to see this and say “You know, I think I understand why people support Trump.” That’s a very scary prospect.

I don’t dislike Biden, but my personal opinion is that the best thing he could do for the country is step aside and let a different Democrat take the nomination. Geriatrics like Trump and Biden need to retire, do whatever they feel like in their golden years, and let someone else take the reins. A competent politician in his 50s or 60s would absolutely destroy Trump, and that’s exactly what we need right now.

FuglyDuck, avatar

What you have is a person who stated lies as fact and did a decent job of being convincing and a person who was generally truthful but seemed like he “wasn’t all there.” Undecided voters who “don’t follow politics” are going to see this and say “You know, I think I understand why people support Trump.” That’s a very scary prospect.

to be fair to Biden, he wasn’t all there. I mean, he had a cold, and if that doesn’t fog things up, the medications would.

But, I feel like somebody on his Campaign programing team should have pointed out that if the win-conditions for a successful debate is literally staying alive (see John Olliver rant,) that there wasn’t really much to be gained by it in the first place. it’s not like we don’t know their positions. we’ve already had 4 years of these guys. (well, 3.5 for biden. close enough for politics.)


Pure copium.


Yeah sure!!


Dark Brandon has seen your comment and is most disappointed, he believes in us, our our country, the other guy wants to wipe his ass with it, again. Easy choice.


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