captain_aggravated, avatar

Diaper Retard Hitler will kill the Western world as we know it, and the only other option we present to you is a man who is too old and senile to hand out werther’s originals by himself.

Civilization is a lost cause.


At this point it is the fault of the media that is keeping us divided, democrat hubris, and the bubble they live in thinking a man with dementia will bring out the parties very fickle voters to vote.

pjwestin, avatar

This is such a stupid take that I keep hearing. It’s like saying, “Yes, the captain is steering us towards the iceberg, but the real problem is the iceberg.” Well, we can’t change the iceberg, but there’s still time to change the captain.


That’s a great analogy, perfect, I might repeat it around if you don’t mind.

pjwestin, avatar

Yeah, go ahead.


Clearly you both just want to replace the captain with the iceberg. /s

Squirrel, avatar

Well that’s certainly true, but Biden is a problem that really shouldn’t exist. He is by far the lesser of two evils, but we still deserve better.


Biden and Trump are symptoms of the same problem, which is the political system. Without getting rid of the framework that effectively supports only 2 parties you’re never going to get better candidates. The parties have too much power over the pick because what are the voters going to do, give their vote to the candidate they believe to be an even worse president?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Without getting rid of the framework

The framework has a lot of fat on it. Tens of thousands of bureaucrats and lobbyists and party cronies exist to facilitate the corporate-financed bipartisan system. To change the framework, you’ve got to fight with all the folks who profit off their positions in that framework.

The parties have too much power over the pick because what are the voters going to do

Parties have enormous amounts of money and manpower at their disposal. The money comes from business interests exchanging cash for political favors (a thing which SCOTUS now recognizes as perfectly legal). The labor comes from armies of paid workers, complemented by even larger seasonally sourced pools of local volunteers, who have been whipped up into a panic by mass media.

That’s what gives party leadership the influence it commands. There are huge carrots for folks who play ball with the sitting administration and huge sticks waved over the heads of party-splitters and indie candidates.


The single next thing Trump could do for our country is to drop dead of a heart attack 2 days before election day.


Best*, (I hope!?).

hark, avatar

Kind of hard to deal with the problem when the democrats insist on using the weakest tools to fight back.


Well the orange fuck just became an even bigger problem thanks to his pocket-justices.


“The Republicans are the problem.” (actually fair)

“The democrats are the problem.”

“The [insert dice roll here] are the problem.”

It’s more complicated than one or another. So taking into account that all parties are currently “the problem” with Republicans being absolutely 100% on top of the fuck off list of naughty naysayers, I argue that YOU are also the problem, my dear voter.

So look, Lemmy is a leftist, and to some degree, progressive vacuum consumed by a desire to see better days. We have our trickle-in bright red-orange tarts to displace some sentiment, though mostly we all want similar things. The problem though is that we are all just too fucking opinionated on precisely where and how to do “it”. Like fuck, guys, here’s our narrative:

"Biden Harris is a good bad mediocre handicapped stable president old man who had a cold raspy voice that still answered, didn’t answer, could have answered, more harder faster. His policies are good great bad awful, work, and we need to get him back into office, probably, maybe, someone else, not Trump.

You all collectively sounding like a certain riddle-giving Statue guarding a mad tyrants vault.

We fucking agree on so god. damned. much. But like fuck all if all of you aren’t so hung up on the petty details and discourse within your own neigh disillusionment that you can’t help but yell at one another over stupid bullshit.

Shut up and come together for fucking once. Because if there is one thing the right has that ANY group left of the bipartisan line doesn’t have, it’s the ability to hate each other and still act together when the stakes are the highest.


I agree with what you are saying I just don’t think it’s a problem to also say Democrats are the problem.

In a just world many GOP officials should have been thrown out of office for supporting Jan 6th and the fight to overturn the election and the supreme court should have been packed, and every day our democracy was slowly being destroyed, high up democrat officials stayed quiet instead of loudly proclaiming that the Republicans are destroying our country and democracy.

There are Democrats who don’t fit into this mold but the problem is that if you ask republicans, to a man they can immediately recite the reasons to vote for trump, wall, southern border, china … And they are dumb in falling for the lies but it’s because the Republicans have been so effective at messaging and that the Democrats have failed at messaging that we are in this situation.

AOC has said she would draft up articles of impeachment for the supreme court justices involved in the decision and though she isn’t a perfect politician, that’s the kind of fire we need from democrats.

Regardless of all of this, in 2024 I will be voting for biden. We can’t afford to give trump another chance at Kingship. Project 2025 might mean the end of US Democracy and so it is with great shame that we are all tied to the Democrats on a sinking boat.



we would LITERALLY not have to deal with Trump if Newsmax, OANN, Fox, and their like weren’t allowed to just lie and specifically aim to enrage the population. They hide behind the “opinion” designation of their show but act like it’s news, or they admit it’s opinion and claim it’s opinion entirely based on “facts.”

The reason Trump exists in the form that he does, with the support that he does is 110% at the feet of the fucking propaganda that gives him cover.


We wouldn’t have to deal with trump had it not been for Clinton’s Pied Piper strategy. That’s the sole reason he’s in politics.


He ran in 2000 or 2004 on the democratic ticket. Didn’t get very far. Joked about having Oprah as his VP


We can trace this back to Reagan nixing fair reporting laws.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

we would LITERALLY not have to deal with Trump if Newsmax, OANN, Fox, and their like weren’t allowed to just lie

Okay, but while we’re rounding them up for the gulags, can we sweep through and pick out all the fuckwits at NYT, WaPo, WSJ, and The Economist that were insisting Joe Biden was our Last Best Hope To Save Democracy and Actually Whip Smart And Totally Ready To Lead? Hell, even NPR gets in on this shit, and its supposed to be the nice polite republican media rather than the frothing bomb-everyone-that-criticizes-Israel news outlet.

The reason Trump exists in the form that he does, with the support that he does is 110% at the feet of the fucking propaganda that gives him cover.

Trump is the direct result of Republican rhetoric outrunning its own policy. For the last 40 years, we’ve been told that immigration is the root of every problem in the country - from bloated budgets to housing crises to drug use to violent crime to COVID. And as things keep getting worse, and immigration keeps getting blamed, the only conclusion Americans are allowed to make is that they’re not hard enough on migrants.

The celebrity candidacy of Trump was made possible by a news media fixated on the opulence of rich white guys, a conservative leadership that saw enormous profits in using migrant laborers to supplant labor unions, and an aging American public with a Pavlovian hatred of brown people. (And also, Hilary Clinton backing him in the GOP primary because she thought he’d be easy to beat).

But the real root of the problem is our national fixation on scapegoating. If Trump hadn’t won in 2016, it could just as easily have been Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, both of whom are perfectly happy with our home grown brand of fascist tendency. They’re riding the same Hate Wave as Trump, he just did it better.


Yup. Decades of conservative propaganda calling Democrats the enemies for no specific reason. Republicans have been brainwashed 100%. No sane human being would ever fucking vote for trump.


We are truly fucked. Thanks for letting the wrong guy run and dooming us a terrible outcome.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Imagine if Biden has initiated prosection of Trump within his first 100 days, rather than waiting until his last year in office to press charges.

lennybird, avatar

Breaking: Merrick Garland magically throws together a team and analyzes thousands of documents and gets search warrants for former presidents and analyzes all information, gets grand juries and indicts magically really quickly!

(… Later)

Breaking: Merrick Garland’s indictments thrown out on technicality because of rushing things; widespread animosity that this is a political witch-hunt thrown together.

We fucked up, but not because of this.


Man, if only there was a team at DOJ that had already been looking at Trump for years and had already come up with otherwise chargeable offenses

lennybird, avatar

Golly, if only Barr wasn’t overseeing that aforementioned Department during that period of time.


For two and a half years, Garland was overseeing that department and also did nothing.


Well according to my fox obsessed father all of that was “proven” to be false by 50someodd number of politicians/political appointees that has recently been brought to light…

I’m too depressed and angry to look into it because every time I do he’s wrong by some technicality thats too nuanced to explain to someone with their fingers in their ears “nahnahnahnah not listening, Hannity said fake news!”


Garland didn’t even start the process for two and a half years. He thought it would all just blow over and he wouldn’t have to prosecute Trump.

Never forget that Garland is a conservative. Always has been. Nominating him for SCOTUS was an olive branch that got smacked down by the GOP. Appointing him as AG was another olive branch that was lit on fire by the GOP. Democrats just can’t help themselves with all these fucking olive branches.

The right is coming to opress and exterminate the normal people. The Democrats are not fighters and cannot defend against it. We need people willing to meet force with force. Throughout history, there has never been a peaceful solution to an infestation of conservatives. Never.

lennybird, (edited ) avatar

First off, Garland was a Supreme Court Justice nominee By Obama and who the Republicans would block, right? I’m not remotely buying this olive-branch attempt to downplay this. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t survive scrutiny from the left if he was a partisan hack for both being a SCOTUS nominee, as well as an AG under Biden. If Garland was that much of a conservative partisan hack, McConnell wouldn’t have blocked the appointment. So far I think he’s doing a fucking fantastic job and the only people I see complaining are people who are clearly not legal experts and think everything is so cut-and-dry and easy with a “if I was in there, it would’ve been done overnight!” mentality.

Second, I know exactly which WaPo article you’re discussing and it did not take 2.5 years for him to begin investigating. Nor does that article cover the OTHER investigations apart from January 6th, such as the classified documents case.

Forget the obvious fucking fact that goes completely unmentioned: Garland was busy building the case from the ground-up while handling — gee I don’t know — So naturally, it would make sense if you wanted to make sure you eliminated ANY hole for accusation of bias to first build your case from the ground-up, charge the actual insurrectionists first, then let smaller fish turn on bigger fish which can then be used as evidence for the mega case that is taking down a former President.

Edit: the silence of the anonymous down-votes without substantive rebuttal couldn’t be more deafening.


That’s kind of what Republicans are going for. The president prosecuted his enemies, with a rush job to make it look sort of good.

Personally I’m happier with going through all due process to prosecute this particular criminal, and that it is not in the hands of the sitting President

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Personally I’m happier with going through all due process to prosecute this particular criminal

SBF went through due process in a matter of months and is currently cooling his heels in MDC Brooklyn. There’s no reason to believe Trump should be permitted to continue his crime spree under Biden for the last four years.


Imagine all you want, in reality he shouldn’t have final say regarding anyone’s prosecution… Its sort of a cornerstone of this supposed democracy experiment thingy that we’re doing.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

he shouldn’t have final say regarding anyone’s prosecution

His entire purpose as head of the executive branch is to assign the nation’s chief prosecuting attorneys. If he’s not setting their prosecutorial agenda, he’s not doing is fucking job.



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  • UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Because his successor had committed a slew of crimes and he wanted to run as a Law And Order replacement. He gets to pick the AG and all the downstream USAs, so he’s got enormous influence in which prosecutions take precedence. And because he wants to make sure the guy committing all the crimes isn’t in a good position to campaign for public office in the next Presidential cycle because… you know… of all the crimes.

    lennybird, avatar

    I agree. We are going to lose in November if we remain on this shuffling horse.

    I will vote for Biden, but we will lose because we’re not the people who needed to be convinced by that debate performance.


    AIPAC wants Trump and 14a3 is not on their policy platform


    And Beryl and it’s super storm family on the Atlantic. Looks like FEMA is going to need FeMan to save them. (Fe is the element symbol for Iron…Iron Man? Anybody???)


    I think the Democrat party is a problem for pushing forward candidates that suck. There no way Trump wins in 2016 if he was going against somebody that was actually popular.

    I am getting serious 2016 vibes this cycle. Biden should never have run a second time. And after that debate performance it feels like continuing with Biden is just as big of a mistake.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    There no way Trump wins in 2016 if he was going against somebody that was actually popular.

    No way he would have won the primary without Hilary’s Pied-Piper Strategy

    This isn’t even entirely an optics problem. Democrats in leadership believe they are best served when they are the centrist running against fascism rather than a progressive running against some boilerplate business conservative. So they actively encourage the freaks in the GOP while fighting tooth and nail to keep greens and socialists off their end of the ballot


    Democrats are so afraid of being called “Far Left” that they end up being much further right than most Democrat’s want. Fact is, progressive democrats aren’t even “Far Left”. They need to quit playing onto they narrative cause it’s not true.


    They are a center right party…of course they don’t want to be called progressive…


    People like you underestimate how old and conservative most ppl who vote Dem are


    I get that, but part of the issue is optics. The Democratic party can easily promote the narrative that “progressive” ideals are not far left.

    Hillary Clinton said in a debate that Medicare for all will never be implemented. She didn’t say that because she believed it, or even that she wanted it to be true. She said it because her opponent was running on that platform and gaining a massive following of mainstream voters as a result.

    The party needs to quit reacting when Republicans say they are “far left” and instead fight to control the narrative. I guarantee the “old and conservative” democratic voters would follow suit if the party pushed for it.


    I think Brandon should fuck off. But i am 100% voting for him and it should be plain as day that while he is declining, he is nonetheless leagues superior to a fascist traitor.

    Of course trump is an existential threat. Brandon is just a basic problem.

    Brandon 2024. Fuck the republican traitor filth.


    Brandon also filled his administration with a competent team of non-fascists and none of his relatives.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Brandon also filled his administration with a competent team

    I haven’t seen much evidence of this


    Yeah they’re not talking about it nearly as much as they should cause their spokespeople are asleep at the wheel.


    Then you havent been paying attention.

    hark, avatar

    Doesn’t take much attention to see his dogshit vice president, which extra sucks because democrats have decided that the vice president automatically gets to be picked as the presidential nominee for the next available election.


    For a while I was like “ok they’re both old, but Biden has more than just yes men around him.”

    After hearing about Bidens capacity being limited to 10am-4pm… Wtf? What happens at 8pm when some emergency happens? The president may have advisors, but he makes the final call.

    Obviously I’m not voting for Trump, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re kinda fucked no matter what


    Brah… Commander in Chief is a huge responsibility. That man has access to the nuclear football. That is NOT a basic problem. The Dems as a whole can’t even geopolitic.


    Dude isn’t nearly as fried as Reagan was, with full-blown Alzheimer’s in his 2nd term. I don’t think he should be Prez, but the scales of these two problems are vastly divergent.



    So…Trump then?


    I hear ya and I guess Im doing the same… But jesus fucking christ is it hard to imagine voting for that walking corpse after the debate. I’m wondering if it’s somehow in the playbook that Democrats secretly want to lose. If we’re not in a cult of personality it should be a no brainer to replace the candidate.


    He’s doing really well in the job and at the debate his answers were good, if you only pay attention to the least important thing then yeah he was low energy.

    It’s like picking race car drivers, one is a great driver but the other has a racing stripe…


    Interesting headline - its disconnected from the content of the article. Most of it is about how broken the US electoral system is.

    The important point is that an electoral and political system that was designed to protect from the “tyranny of the majority” has instead created a system perpetuating the tyranny of the minority.

    Americans are indoctrinated to think theirs in the greatest country on earth from a very young age. But the political system is an absolute mess - the electoral college, the senate (which is totally skewed in favour of small states), the supreme court and politicised legal system, and the embedded 2 party system.

    Trump isn’t a threat to democracy. Democracy in the US has been dead for a long while now. It vaguely worked when there was a post war consensus but now it’s completely log jammed. And nobody has a plan to fix it because they can’t.

    Clinicallydepressedpoochie, (edited )

    What the ruling class wants you to believe is that they have the ability to subjugate everyone. The heart of power will always be with the people. Despite whatever military force or technology they think is under their control. They keep us glued to a screen and at odds with each other hoping we will never harness that power.

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