
While Reddit is atrocious without Google, Google is my Reddit search engine, given how its algo is gamed. I miss the day when I could get more than 50 pages of results and still found something useful from some really obscure sites. Now it just stops you after a few pages.


Sounds like more gross incompetence from the Elon Musk playbook, whom spez idolizes because he’s also an incompetent fucking bozo. Oh well, fools and their money and all that.


Am I the only one that regularly used “search phrase” on Google? It makes the search engine so much better.

Really bad idea to get rid of this feature.

brihuang95, avatar

definitely not, i used this a ton too. it’s obvious reddit is just getting greedy

VinesNFluff, avatar

Reddit commits suicide, more at 11.


Pretty hard to kill yourself, when you are already dead. They are pretty much a zombie company at this point, much like X.

YuzuDrink, avatar

Weirdly, I read this as “Reddit doesn’t think it needs search engines,” and was confused about seeing everyone discussing Google specifically. That’s a bit stupid to try to block only the one search engine.


I see a lot of the Kagi shills crawling out of the woodwork here. I’ve been using SearXNG locally to query many free engines at no cost to me.


Just my two cents, but I think it’s okay to suggest both. Everyone is capable of doing their own research and deciding for themselves what they like and don’t like. I’ve never heard of SearXNG, but it looks really cool. May spin one up for myself.


I don’t recommend Kagi because it lacks privacy and you have to pay for it.

It lacks privacy because you’re required to log in AND pay for it. Logins enhance the chance your queries are logged; and providing payment information is a good way for law enforcement to obtain your identity; even when you’ve done nothing illegal. If you don’t believe me just look up how Geofence Warrants work in America and how they’ve backfired in some cases.

If a company as big as Google complies with Geofence warrants; Kagi has no chance at all in resisting them, even when they’re issued in an illegal and unconstitutional manner.

GadgeteerZA, avatar

Reddit’s big claim to fame is having results show up in Google searches. Removing it would probably hurt Reddit (and to some extent Google). I’m just hoping that enough content gets indexed by Google for Lemmy and similar sites, as the best content creators don’t just reside on Reddit.


That sounds like something someone who has never tried to use reddit’s own search would say.


I don’t think they can.


Oh no that is a very bad idea. Google search is the only way to find things on reddit


This would be so fucking annoying, I don’t use reddit day to day anymore but it’s still a useful research tool when I see results from it on Google. I don’t hate their search feature quite as much as some but I still don’t want to use it most of the time.

This seems so dumb for them to do, I feel like having their content listed on search engines is s major advantage they have over Facebook et al.

dan, avatar

over Facebook et al.

Public Facebook posts are indexed in Google. I think public groups are too. There’s just so much content (given how much larger Facebook is) that I doubt Google actually indexes every single public post.




Fog, DuckDuckGo is bonkers useless for Reddit search


Never had an issue, but I guess to each their own


Search query has entered the chat


If they block Google, they will likely block DDG an every other search engine.

You’ll probably need to be logged in to see anything with rate limits so bots can’t crawl the site.


Well, that depends on how they implement the block, if its by domain or a blanket block (which would make sense, but I’ve seen weirder shit done online)

tal, avatar

I don’t think DDG runs its own indexer. It’s a frontend to other search engines.

dan, avatar

Right; they mostly use Bing. Bing is the largest search engine that has an official API, so the majority of services that need search functionality use it, including voice assistants like Siri and Bixby, smaller search engines like DuckDuckGo, etc.


That reminds me. Should make double sure to blank all my comments, just the other day they banned me from another subreddit, seems like some are still re-opening, re-automodding, or whatever.


I’ve been googling my old username every now&then, and keep finding comments that the “forget me” tools didn’t delete.


I’ve just noticed, that some of the communities have switched to archiving posts, meaning the comments can no longer be edited or deleted. Others still haven’t, and indeed some comments have resurfaced, so I guess it’s a time to have another go at the tools.


lol I also just got a shockingly random ban from a sub with a toxic mod. It made me realize what a stupid place it is. I’m pretty much never on there and now that subscriptions for the API are becoming required, I’ll never go on mobile again. It’ll basically be a thing that I just look at in front of a computer periodically


that’s literally the only reason i still end up visiting the site after I left it


Same, sometimes Google sends me to Reddit, it’s the only visits they get from me


The only time I ever go onto Reddit is when I google something and it leads there




Dear Investors to Reddit’s upcoming IPO

We have been making some exciting changes to ready the company for our public offering. Please read on for the exciting details.

First, we want to reassure investors that we’ve worked hard since June, 2023 to alienate our most active users, who have been cluttering Reddit with non-profitable, straightforward discussion and help for years, and ensure that users cannot access our platform with reliable, convenient smartphone apps.

And we know it’s not enough to merely insult the people who have donated substantial parts of their lives to make our platform valuable; we’re also planning for the future. As you may have recently heard, we’re introducing a system to directly pay users who reliably produce the most attention-grabbing clickbait content. We are confident this will ensure that if those long-time users ever feel like returning, they will only find a hellscape of low-effort, reheated viral content and memes, accompanied by consistent, reliable comment sections of karma-farming bots and users.

But there’s more! We today announce that search engine users eventually will not be able to locate anything on the site, consistent with the existing experience for current on-site Reddit users. We know that a curated, managed experience is what most reliably leads to happy investors, so rest assured, we will be slowly cutting off all avenues for users to direct their own experience on Reddit. Yay!

As the IPO day nears, remember: when we are finished only the worst content will be available by an audience who can’t find us. Our core audience will be the users who remain trapped, Clockwork Orange-style, in an endless cycle of stimulation triggers structured to maximize ad viewing, in order to ensure our investors capture the maximum proportion of the site’s rapidly diminishing value. In other words, get ready to maximize ARPU, investors!

With these changes, invest with confidence. With geniuses like us at the helm, you can be sure line goes up.


Long live daddy Spez. Well said, looking forward to the IPO based on this.

jherazob, avatar

You know what depresses me the most about the current world situation? That it might be go well after all anyway

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