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Oh man, spoilable items? Spoilable agriculture research packs?
That’s pretty intense


Most multinational web apps will have different deployments for different countries.
Locating the servers geographically closer to the users reduces latencies and costs.
Running different deployments allow them to tailor more closely to local regulations, without having it impact everyone else


Not really based on a user’s IP.
Based on BGP peer routing, so it’s actually physical location of users/ISP/trunks etc, and how they connect to the rest of the world networks.
The geographically local data center can announce a shorter route for a specific IP (block) than a data center on the other side of the planet, so the packets get routed to it


Any older disk based console also required a memory card.
Pretty sure the controller was the first to have an analogue joystick.
I think a lot of the quirks of the N64 were because they were essentially first drafts. A lot of first, a lot of ground breaking tech.
Nobody knew what they were doing, at that time: nothing was wrong


It’s sad. Also, not really surprising. KSP2 has had a very rough development cycle, and a very rough release.
Do they still support KSP?

I need some help choosing a monitor.

Simply put I have built a gaming tower that I have no monitor that will connect with the machine only having a BIOS and no OS. As I understand it, I need something that will connect with an HDMI cable, but that seems to be either a traditional monitor or a tablet. I’m completely unsure which would be more stable, and therefore...


There is a game I play where I have an advantage playing at 4k about 80% of the time. I’ve actually adjusted my gameplay towards this, and I actually massively prefer being the “useful” player as opposed to the PvP god.
Like, to the point that people ask me in local coms how I am seeing things.
I just have 4 times as many pixels, and as long as I’m holding above 50fps I’m probably still going to win a PvP fight


Don’t use a tablet or a compact screen if you are wanting to actually play games.
Monitors have been used for decades.
Small compact portable tablets or tablet-likes as a monitor are a compromise: quality for portability.
A tablet/tablet-like as a monitor is an accessory, as opposed to an actual peripheral.
You will regret not getting an actual monitor.
Any regrets you have with an actual monitor can be placated by slaying in vidya


If you are unsure, buy a cheapish monitor on Amazon or wherever. You can get a 1080p60 monitor for like $100.
Whilst it is somewhat an investment, it will last you a few years, and you will find out what you want from a monitor while still being able to play games etc.


I guess it’s the “ai shotgun” approach.
Holistic ai, apply it to everything, celebrate the few that hit


For some people, the walled garden and the “it just works” is a feature, when compared to the potential mine-field of building your own PC (or the increased cost of a pre built).
Some people have some money but not time, so a console a couch and a TV is easier to get into for the few hours a week they have.

Value for money, a build-your-own PC is better.

I don’t get why people buy iPhones. But if you go all-in on apple, the ecosystem is very attractive.


Training will never stop, tho.
New models will keep coming out, datasets and parameters are going to change.


Maybe the amount of shoplifting hasn’t changed that much, but reporting and detection of it is better?…/shoplifting-data-Target-Walgree…

ASUS Scammed Us (

This undercover warranty investigation is a one-year follow-up from our series that investigated ASUS for motherboards incinerating AMD CPUs, at the end of which ASUS promised a number of improvements to its then-anti-consumer warranty processes. Spoiler alert: They’re still anti-consumer. We sent our ASUS ROG Ally Z1 Extreme...


I don’t think anyone hates noctua. That’s like a free bingo square, or something


Unimogs are exciting


I feel like Talos Linux is NixOS applied to a very specific purpose: kubernetes.
I’ve recently been playing with kubernetes, and talos linux feels like cheating.

I think NixOS could has a huge market unexplored of server side deployments. Install NixOS, connect to the fresh install via a CLI tool, apply the patches (flakes?), and have an easy way to reset to base NixOS when you make a mistake so you can try a different set of patches.
All from the cli, all with idempotent config files.


USB4 is TB3 “compliant” isn’t it?
I was recently playing around with USB4 on some AMD NUCs, trying to get thunderbolt networking to work in a mesh (3 nodes, ports each, interconnected so each had a route to the other 2).

Ultimately, the premise wouldn’t have worked for what I was trying to achieve.

Regardless, I found it flakey when I was labbing it.
I found it depended on which USB was connected to the other, would often fail to initialize correctly, sometimes just turning a cable around would fix it (I know not all cables are made the same, certainly a big factor).
I’ve read quite a few write-ups of “it just working” on intel nucs.
And I’ve (now) read a lot of write-ups on AMD thunderbolt being “compliant”, but not really 1st party like intel TB is.

Unfortunately, I think if TB connectivity is important to you, intel is still the way to go.
Similar with CUDA and NVidia.


Do people really run zenarmour, snort or suricate on their desktop?
Feels like a network firewall thing to do DPI for the whole house, instead of a per-machine thing.


Releasing a standalone server, the server source code, or spec for how the server runs sonit can be reverse engineered.
There is no financial incentive to do this, there is reputation incentive to do it. But I think it needs government regulation to make it actually happen.
A final patch removing any online requirements (accounts, DRM etc), a standalone server and the source for it would all be amazing!

Baldur's Gate 3 actors reveal the darker side of success fuelled by AI voice cloning (

The cat is out of the bag and despite many years of warning before this and similar technology became widely available, nobody was really prepared for it - and everyone is solely acting in their own best interests (or what they think their best interests to be). I think the biggest failure is that despite there being warnings...


nasty things people do with AI [trigger warning]> “I went on to this stream because somebody gave me a heads up and I went on and heard my own voice reading rape porn. That’s the level of stuff we’ve had to deal with since this game came out and it’s been horrible, honestly.” Amelia Tyler.

I cannot imagine going into a stream of someone playing a game you have poured your heart and soul into for years, and hear you own voice reading stuff like that

Edit: fixing spoiler tag.


I use jerboa and it is working (I used the toolbar to generate it, but had to fix it because my mobile keyboard is a massive PITA for any corrections and I haven’t had time to find something new).
Anyway, looks like sync and boost are not lemmy-markdown-compatible


Good work doing what you can!
Dodging shitty companies is difficult.


I had a google summary telling me how to use a lodash (js object/array/things helper library) method that sounded like it probably would exist.
It was named how lodash would likely name it, and was summarised to do what i needed.
Except, lodash doesnt have that method. Had to use a couple methods.

But that was eye opening for me.
Similar to lawyers citing cases that dont exist.
Saw a meme-ish post recently from an IBM presentation 30-40 years ago along the lines of “computers cannot be held accountable. So dont have them make decisions”.

Anyone else addicted to Balatro right now? (

I’m not usually a huge fan of rogue-likes, but I’ve enjoyed a few, like Hades. I bought Balatro last week and have been absolutely smashing it ever since then. I love the way the game works, each run being so different even within the same framework, and the feeling when your build starts to go off is so incredibly...


Addicting, fun, loads of builds/options.
I do wish the early game was a bit more reliable. You can get stuck always playing catchup if you dont get a scoring joker in tge first couple shops


Its the DRM of shopping.
Impacts legit customers, does very little for everyone else.
After the media hype of a shoplifting crime spree hitting world wide, i imagine this is some businesses answer to that, and they managed to sell it to supermarkets


Any computer with a network port and a wifi adapter can be turned into a wifi access point.
But there are cheaper and better alternatives than a raspberry pi


For mass distribution of wifi APs? Some SDN solution would have a higher upfront cost but a lower running cost. Im sure all the big providers have their own system, consumer ones include ubiquiti and omada.

Cheaper than that would be mikrotik. Not really deployable at the scale of 1000s that would be required to fit every room with a wifi AP, but CAPsMAN can scale to hundreds, so still has centralised management to reduce running costs.

If it has to be cheaper still, then any cheapo SBC with wifi. While raspberry pis might fit the bill, they would be too overpowered with too many unused features to really squeeze the cost effectiveness.
Hey, its google. They could probably fork an AP into one of their home automation thingies. Then probably a whole stack of ansible scripts to try and manage 1000s of deployed linux installs


Apparently a part of that is that EVs are more expensive to insurance companies, so they are spreading that cost around.
My insurance jumped by about 20% as well, after discounts from shopping around.
It cant just be EVs, but when i was searching this was the main reported factor.

Or, all the insurance companies just decided to massively bump rates


Factorio’s FFF blog posts have always been amazing.
From deep dives into development, their automated testing systems, terrain generation, and hyper-fixation (in a good way) on optimisation and QoL, through to more meme-ish and lighthearted things.
Im sure there is a great story of an indie developer making the best/funnest production optimisation games out there, all in the FFF blog.

Im so glad they are writing them again, even tho im not playing it at the moment

Bridge WiFi between two devices?

Not sure if that title is accurate, this field is not my strong point. Basically I’m about to move homes. And in my new (temporary) home I wont have access to ethernet, plus my server doesn’t have a network card. I was therefore wondering if it was possible to bridge a connection between my laptop to my server with an...


You can do the same with $25 mikrotik device.
Infact, a lot of cheap wireless APs can connect to a wifi and bridge to ethernet, especially if they are running an openWRT fork (most cheapo wifi APs do)


The Q series used to be wired only. The new Q Pro series are wireless.

I use a Q6 at home and love it. I bought a k12 for work, and while its great its much noisier than the Q.
So im currently using a wired Filco at work. Which is nice, and quieter than the k12 (even tho both have silent reds).

I havent used Keychron wirelessly, so cant comment.
And I had to update the firmware to be able to use VIA, which involved a program and some scary messages. But it was straightforward.

If you have the budget for a Q Pro, then go for it. I love my Q, so I doubt you will regret it


No. Network over HDMI.
Nobody implements it, but its part of the standard


Ive seen an uptick in twitch users offering graphics packs for streamers.
I presume some company has figured out the prompts to get AI generated emote packs, and now hire people to offer this service randomly to small/medium streamers.


Sorry, maybe I’m a bit out of the loop, but what is “mrrp”? I tried to google it, but couldn’t find a Linux related thing.

Im seeing mrrp, mrow and >w<
I think it may be furry related


Yeh, i forget lemmy has profiles.
Used to old reddit where a user is just a collection if posts


Raising awareness of private jet usage by targeting politicians is not going to be as effective as targeting high profile celebrities.

The positive is hopefully that rich folk start reducing their private jet usage so they dont get raked over thr coals and have a jet-usage-tracking-account publishing their ridiculous flights.

Extreme carbon usage like that is a huge issue (if not the defining issue) at the moment to a large amount of people.
Shine a light on all of it, expose it all. Every polititian doing stupid stuff, every rich CEO, every celeb. But it has to start somewhere


Ok, well TS has been roasted over this.
Who is next?

The roasters have shown billionaires are carbon spewing POS.
Theyve shown musics favourite isnt innocent of this, nor immune to scruitiny.

Targeting a politician isnt worthwhile, unless its a super hypocritical action (like greta taking private jets).

I guess a movie star? Someone from “dont look up”, a parable for climate change denial? Hits the hypocrytical stance. Plenty of celebs in that.
Cant target J-Law, cause she is a woman (and thats unnaceptable to you).
Leo is already known as an oddity (what with never dating anyone older than 24).
So, Jonah Hill i guess?
Could try Rob Morgan. Hes black, i dunno how that fits into your prejudice of who can and cant be targetted.
Altho, they are only the actors. Maybe better to go after the writer/director/producer Adam McKay. Hes white, in his 50s, has had a successful career. Sounds perfect


Yeh, seems like the CVEs were against an alpha branch.
So, perhaps its a good reminder not to use alpha in production… But I feel it warranted a bug report instead of a “Common Vulnerabilities and Exploits” notice, normally something used to notify potentially production deployed systems of an issue.

That would be like Pepsi issuing a product recall to all retail outlers for a product that has only been tested internally (kinda)


So, “hands are supposed to be here” and the arms figure out the rest.
By the time add in “finger pointing at this” combined with spells to make your thumb big (or whatever, ultimately everything is made at a base level to allow for a lot of creativity further up the stack) means the finger might drive the scaling of the arm.

Same with the strange jumping. Body “jumped” in a downwards direction, and the feet animated correctly in an upwards direction. Ends up with a body doing a strange wrap around itself as it figures out how the feet can be above the torso.

Walking books might be a really easy way to animate a book flying around, have physics and a health pool without having to create a whole new object/entity class (just inherit all the features and disable the standard person/object body).

The faces-talking-out-the-head thing is animation data imported with the wrong scaling. Some parts can just move to where the animation says they are, others warp the geometry of the rest of the model.

Remember that a lot of the models and animation will be made with no idea how they end up being used, at the same time as they are actually programmed into the game. There might be some iteration, but its not like they know the end result, make the models, make the animations, make the game. All this happens at the same time, and any iteration might set multiple departments back days or weeks.
So, super flexible APIs, models and animations are designed at the start in a way that allows for a small amount of specialisation and iteration, but the rest is all “bodge what you have available”. Ultimately if it isnt flexible enough early in development then its going to cost a lot to fix

Who, in your opinion, is the most annoying character in any game?

Personally, it’s Faith from Farcry 5 for me. Uninteresting dialog that can be summed up to “I was bullied once” and that’s it. Literally every other character is so much more interesting. Jacob gives you a sequence where you run through a gulag which he then uses against you, John tries to kill you and is openly hateful...


The Owl from OOT as well


Ahaha! Yes. So annoying!
I seem to recall navi being mostly skippable. But the owl having to say everything. But you would still button mash to try and skip, then end up having to see it all again


Oh, that’s not new tech.
Programs used to be on standard audio cassettes.
In fact, there were even radio shows that would broadcast games. Listeners could then record the audio onto a cassette and play it on their zx spectrum or commodore 64


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  • towerful,

    I suggest you watch someone playing it on twitch for 30m. Or watch a letsplay on YouTube.
    It doesn’t seem like an asset flip. It’s heavily inspired by other games, and picks the best parts.
    It’s feature complete (certainly up to level 30, haven’t seen beyond that) and plays well. Very few bugs, mostly just jank geometry in the gigantic map.


    It’s not even the servers or VOD storage. It’s the bandwidth.
    Live streaming isn’t cheap. AWS have example pricing:…/cost.html

    Now, expect twitch to get a hefty discount. Even if they are paying 30% of that cost (and I’ve pulled that number out of my ass), that’s $500 per hour for a 10k viewer stream (and that’s assuming an average of 4mbps bitrate, not the source 8mbps).

    A 10k (8mbps bitrate, so 80,000mbps or 80gbps total sending - egest? - bandwidth) viewer streamer is going to be on a 70/30 split.
    So for a $5 sub, twitch is getting $1.50.
    So that’s 330 subs per hour, or 5.5 subs per minute, or 1 sub every 11 seconds to cover the bandwidth costs.

    AWS EC2 outbound bandwidth calculators align pretty closely with these costs, so it’s not like “video connections get the cheap networks” or anything.


    I find twitch to be a live-first platform.
    Sometimes it’s hard to tell if something on yt is live, if a channel is currently live etc.
    And things like raids (sending your viewers to another channel) and clips (user selected segments of streams) which helps build community.
    Twitch is a community, and a community of communities. I’ve never found that feeling on YouTube.
    I do like how easy it is to rewind YT live streams, tho.

    I hope twitch gets some decent competition (and not something that buys a few high profile streamers and expect the rest to work… because it’s the smaller communities that makes twitch more than shroud/xqc/whoever).
    But I have no idea how someone would actually make it profitable, never mind build the level of smaller communities that twitch has.


    Shortly? It’s happening already. I notice it when using Google and Duckduckgo. There are always a few hits that are AI written blog spam word soup


    Check windows event viewer after booting from one of these crashes.
    It will likely have an error or warning. Follow that thread.

    Edit: I’m an idiot, ignore me


    I didn’t understand it the first time I played it (I was quite young). But I loved the music, the environment, the aesthetics, the architecture.

    If you like Myst, but found Firmament missed the mark (I feel like it was “follow the wire” and “look for hard to see thing” instead of myst puzzles of “information way before you need it”, or “puzzles way before you have information”), check out Quern: Undying Thought.
    It nails the Myst experience, imo.


    Yeh, but all of those are currently defined by dictionaries in that regard.
    A software update delivered over-the-air, with no end user interaction, without having to move the car is not in the dictionary definitions of the word “recall”.
    The dictionary definition says “return item to company”

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