FlyingSquid, avatar

I learned a bunch of Klingon way back when the first Klingon-English dictionary came out, but I’ve forgotten it all since then.


Immersion is so important

FlyingSquid, avatar

For sure, but it also doesn’t help that we’re talking 1992 here and I was 15.

(I’ve learned that it didn’t first come out then, but it did first come out in paperback in 1992.)


Does it hurt more that we’re talking about a language where immersion would require living on a fantasy spaceship or a planet that doesn’t exist?

Unless you grew up in the household where that dad only spoke Klingon his kid. Which was not very nice of him 😬

FlyingSquid, avatar

Whoosh for me not getting the joke!


:D one day, when we’re maxing out a Holodeck’s capabilities together Squid (e.g. using them to browse Lemmy), it won’t be a joke no more

massive_bereavement, avatar

Learn it from a true master:


I was expecting this:

massive_bereavement, avatar

An elegant video for a more civilized age.

Naate, avatar

I fell into serious FOMO b/c of some friends joking around about the owl harassing them and then getting into daily xp competitions… so I joined and tried Klingon.

It is very not good. The sentences it builds for learning are…weird at best, and the audio was inconsistent. Maybe it’s my learning style conflicting with how Duo does things, but… I hated it.


Duolingo is not so much about teaching, but more about (here it comes again) building engagement with the users. It didn't start out like this, but somewhere the MBA's probably took over.

Naate, avatar

Hehe. This is true.

But there is also a big quality difference between Klingon and languages like German,Spanish, and Japanese.

ptz, (edited ) avatar

Just mix them together into Klingish (or Spangon?).

¡Qapla’, mi amigo!

ummthatguy, avatar
ptz, (edited ) avatar

¿Dónde está tu batlh? No tienes ninguno. Pahtk!

Bienvenido a Sto’Vo’Kor

I’m surprised at how well these languages mix, lol. Definitely going to start sprinkling some random Klingon words into my Spanish.

FlyingSquid, avatar
ummthatguy, avatar
FlyingSquid, avatar

You’d have to ask Gowron the Klingon who definitely isn’t Gowron.


The B’Elanna Torres strategy

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