US aircraft carrier counters false Houthi claims with 'Taco Tuesdays' as deployment stretches on - AP

“I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been,” Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier. “It is almost comical at this point. They’re attempting to maybe inspire themselves through misinformation, but it doesn’t work on us.”

mlg, avatar

Actually hitting a modern USN vessel with cruise missiles is like throwing a dart at a haystack and trying to hit the one needle.

Actually hitting a modern USN Carrier with cruise missiles is like throwing a dart at a haystack guarded by the ultra rapid fire death laser 3000.

I said it before, but I’m pretty sure they only sunk the one container ship, and even then after a week of it slowly taking on water.

JustZ, (edited ) avatar

They have no chance, it’s a lost cause. They’re tools of and for Iran. Another poster said, these groups need propaganda to sustain. If their people realized how full of shit they are on everything, they’d be strung up.

tal, (edited ) avatar

“I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been,” Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier.

That’s getting up to Enterprise numbers.

On three occasions during the war, the Japanese announced that she had been sunk in battle, inspiring her nickname “The Grey Ghost”.

JustZ, avatar

Please specify parameters.

FlyingSquid, avatar

The truth is it’s the only aircraft carrier that’s also a submarine.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’d say that, while literally true, “carries a single plane” is a real stretch when we’re talking about what we think of as aircraft carriers today.


Mostly I just think they’re an interesting historical footnote.

tal, (edited ) avatar

The big class carried three.

They were submarine aircraft carriers able to carry three Aichi M6A Seiran aircraft underwater to their destinations.

reads further

It wasn’t an I-400 that bombed Oregon, but apparently Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night, Japan’s abandoned last-ditch plan to hit with the US with some form of strategic bombing, dropping bubonic plague bombs on population centers in the US, would have used an I-400. I don’t know how effective that would have been – the US had taken preemptive measures to work up anti-biological-warfare stuff earlier in the war – but at least potentially, that’s a considerable amount of hitting power.


Not quite, the Ohio SSGNs are still around. Because what is a cruise missile if not a spicy UAV?

tal, avatar

That doesn’t prove anything about the Eisenhower being sunk or not. Submarines are underwater, and they can do Taco Tuesday too:…

Taco Tuesday: Exactly what it sounds like. We had a CS (Culinary Specialist) that made some of the best Fajitas I have ever had in my life (and I was raised in West Texas by a hispanic family). All the fixings are provided as well.


Taco Tuesday is a human right

JustZ, avatar

I think this article shows an interesting look at how these violent pan-Islamic nationalists use lies and propaganda to maintain their populism.

And for good measure, here’s an example of Al Jazeera, which is Qatari state-run media repeating the Houthis false claims without note of skepticism, let alone pointing out the fact that it was completely false, which is par for the course for Al Jazeera:…/red-sea-tensions-yemens-houthis-a…

I think we are seeing the death throes of these types of populist movements, such as Hamas, Boko Haram, IS, and even MAGA. The Eisenhower’s commanding officer shot the entire fake story down with one tweet showing that everyone on the Eisenhower was living it up, having Taco Tuesday, while the houthis were saying they are at the bottom of the ocean. How many times can that happen before the movement loses its popular support?


The Al Jazeera report that you link to only claims that Houthis launched missile and drone attacks at a US ship. It makes no claim that they seriously damaged or sunk a US ship. Here is a BBC/MSN report that describes similar things.… what exactly are you claiming is false in the Al Jazeera report? Both reports also describe US actions against Houthis targets, which would be a strange thing to do if the Houthis aren’t in fact doing something (even if it is a very ineffective something).


Person above you either didn’t read the article they posted or is hoping other people won’t. Not that Al Jazeera doesn’t have its own biases and blind spots like any news source, but I don’t see anything incorrect in that article. They even put quotes around the word attack and then say only that Houthis claim they attacked them. It only mentions a sunk ship when it talks about the Houthi attacks on merchant vessels, which is true, they they sunk a Belize flagged ship containing fertilizer and fuel that was on its way from the UAE to Bulgaria.…/yemen-houthi-rebels-rubymar-sinks-re…


Al Jazeera is both:

  • Sponsored by the Qatari government
  • The best journalism in the Middle East

Don’t trust their reporting on Qatar, but everything else is pretty good. While other networks rely on second hand info, Al Jazeera will send reporters into literal war zones to find out the truth.

JustZ, avatar

It’s not even actual journalism. The report rumors and gossip as fact, constantly. It’s a glorified anti western tabloid. It’s radical panislamist fan fiction, as in this example: there was no attack on the USS Eisenhower.

JustZ, avatar

As far as I can tell there was no attack of any kind against the USS Eisenhower.


These far-right and otherwise insane ideologies need misinformation to work. Even with the ability to spread it being greater these days it’s also way to easy to doublecheck them with a solid level of confidence and they struggle to be consistent even amongst themselves. They still have power and we can’t get complacent but it sure could be a lot worse.

And then there’s Germany fielding a Nazi party and actually getting some traction lol


How many times does Trump need to blatantly lie to people’s faces to convince people he’s a liar? How many porn stars does he need to bang before Christians stop thinking he was sent by Jesus?

The death throes of these regimes will only come when every child is taught critical thinking and can no longer be turned against each other through baseless/lazy manipulation tactics, but even education itself is under attack so none of this is a given.


Shush. You are sunk and you know it. Now stop talking and no tacos.

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