
Nobody becomes filthy rich by being honest. You can only become this rich by exploiting people and having absolutely no fucking empathy whatsoever.


Absolutely agree. Happy mutual cake day!


Oh I didn’t even notice! Nice! You too! 😁


Thanks, Captain obvious


The biggest lotto win in the USA was $2.04 BN, in California. Subtract taxes and there is no way that comes close to the account of money other billionaires have ammassed, even assuming there was no outstanding debt to pay and the money was invested in high-yield investments (green or not). I believe you're right.


In theory a modern artist, writer, musician, etc could become a billionaire from direct to customer sales, but I’ll believe it when it happens.


Isn’t Taylor Swift a billionaire? That is about the extent of my knowledge of her though.

Palerider, avatar

Wasn’t Taylor Swift born into a wealthy family? That’s why she could take the time and chances to become a pop star. Not that I’m saying she isn’t talented, she obviously is, but a lot of talented poor kids don’t get that opportunity.


Yeah. But I wonder if she’s the first billionaire off actual performance and content sales.


Kanye supposedly was before he lost all his endorsements for openly being a Nazi. Artists dont actually own any means of production so they can very quickly lose everything.


Some do. Some, like Shaq or Ryan Reynolds (or Kanye) use their money to invest in other companies. Ryan Reynolds coming out and saying Nazi shit would probably be bad for Mint, just like Ye’s controversy was bad for Yeezy, just like Elon’s controversy is bad for Tesla.


Kanye lost about 2/3rds of his net worth over night because Nike dropped the Yeezy brand. Being a partial owner of a niche brand is in no way comparable to someone like Musk who has controling interest in multiple market leading companies. Celebrity status can be leveraged to get a minority stake in a company, but minority owners can be forced out just as easily.


Reynolds sold Mint. They are now owned by one of the big 2

Jakdracula, avatar

I think Paul McCartney was


As much as I dislike her and her views, J.K. Rowling would be an example wouldn’t she?


Nah. Tons of merchandising, films, publishing etc.

Those Quidditch brooms and plastic wands don’t assemble themselves in a sweatshop.

Think more like if some self hosted webnovel had the same success somehow, or if she’d been as involved with checking the conditions of the merchandise empire as thoroughly as she was apparently involved in making sure the child actors were treated well. Not particularly likely, but hypothetically.


Why do the merchandise sales not count? Are they not a product of her creative writing? Many webnovelists sell merch. One of my favourite webnovelists semi-recently hired an editor, would that disqualify them?

I’m a little confused on how you are defining the conditions. If the artist can only count their personal contributions than I don’t think it is possible in any sense. No person no matter how hard working or talented can personally generate a billion in profit.


because made by “slaves” (low-paid workers), so the income becomes “dirty”, the entire point of this post.


Add single use garbage like party favors too, which pollute the earth to the list.


"by being honest"

Zehzin, avatar

Even them are profitting off the work of hundreds of people. Or rather, a publisher is profitting off of their work along with the work of a lot more people.


Direct to customer meaning they sell direct to a customer. Presumably through digital copies and owning a server rack.

You can certainly argue that even that kind of hypothetical billionaire shouldn’t exist, and you’d be right.


Captain obvious 💪


That’s why it’s called filthy rich


Eat the rich.


Feed the poor 🎸🎶 Until there are, no rich no more 🎶

(The original starts with “Tax the rich” but you do what you can with what you got right?)

hark, avatar

Are these the job creators I’ve heard so much about?




See? Trickle down economics really works! The wealthy trickle down $8 per day to their thankful employees for 18hr shifts! And don’t you dare say it’s slavery, you damn liberal! They’re getting paid and free to leave at any time! Slaves don’t get paid!


Firstly, who the fuck are they?

Secondly, you have the money, why can’t you just be reasonable? Like it’s not enough to rich, and not work and be happy, travel the world without limits and without a care… you somehow need to hurt people. It’s awful.


But how else will they get a bigger house? Nicer, larger yacht? More private jets?

Like, I kinda understand the “more more more!” mentality. As my income has gone up over the years, there’s always something more my monkey brain tells me I should want. A nicer, more comfortable car. A new video card. Two angry ponies. You know how it is. I tell it to shut up because I have more than enough already.

I’m not a sociopath, though, so at no point has my monkey brain told me to enslave others so I can have nicer stuff.


Why do the ponies have to be angry? Seems kind of uncharacteristic


Little Grandpa story time:

Ponies are generally nicer than horses, but I was raised believing ponies were angry, vicious little assholes. My father was bucked off of a pony in his twenties, causing him to break a rib and paralyze half of his diaphragm. Being the actual asshole in this story, he never stopped to think that maybe he was too heavy and too drunk for a pony, so he spread pony hate throughout his life. I want angry ponies as I dislike my father and on a primal level think they’d keep me safe from people like him, like two pissy, grass eating charms to protect against narcissists.


Yeah but still, once I hit my “number”, I’m taking my small slice of the pie and living life. There isn’t a never ending drive to accumulate forever and ever. That’s just these psychos


But how else will they get a bigger house? Nicer, larger yacht? More private jets?

Yeah, paying your staff a liveable wage would be like a fraction of your wealth would mean it take slightly longer to get that bigger house, larger yacht, or new private jet.


Because they’ve got their fortune by being an absolute psychopath not having a second thought about walking over dead bodies for a penny. This is how anyone becomes rich, just throw all morals, compassion and legality to the wind. And they can’t stop now.


SMH. Is it any surprise how they got to be rich?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Behind every great fortune is a great crime


Just one?

sensiblepuffin, avatar

There are also some okay crimes


I’m not even kidding when I say it’s getting to be pretty close to the time that we need to break out the guillotines and remind these people what happens if they get too sure of themselves.


Wow, they’re scared as fuck now!


It’s far past that time tbh.


It’s always a good time to get out the guillotines


Actual monsters. I know you don’t get this rich by being generous but god damn. Unless people like this do get jail time then nothing will change.


Fuck, I’m not generally one for capital punishment, but it’d send a message.

Diplomjodler3, (edited )

They wouldn’t even notice the money if they paid their staff properly. But people like that actually get off on the cruelty. I hope they throw those fuckers in jail.


I think maybe the rich folks just don’t think about their staff or employees as people, or they think they’re out to get them.

I work manufacturing adjacent and see a lot of this attitude from the management layer. They think they own people and that every dollar they give them, every break, every word not out of necessity is the worker pulling one over on them.

It’s a sad othering, like they’re not raking in money with these people. It’s like they think the money is coming no matter what, and every wasted moment is direct theft in opposition to them.


Watch in awe as absolutely none of these fuckers go to prison.


Several family members got 4,5 years each in Prison.
They will take the judgment to the next court.

jordanlund, avatar

UKs richest family? But not the King? 🤔


The british royal family are a bit like a church, Not that rich on paper but buffalo buffalo buffalo owning so many assets all over the world that if you did the legwork to put it all together they might turn out to be richer than the richest oligarchs.


I need a better linguist to ELI5 buffaloes

Or is this just bully bully bully

jordanlund, avatar

As mentioned the sentence looks unrelated to bison and/or the city, leaving the interpretation to be ‘bully intimidate bully’ which sounds jank

Am I just overanalyzing a phrase meant to be a joke


Nope, not the King. He might have a lot of stuff, but quite a lot of that is basically unsellable. So his crown might be worth a gazillion, but parliament would probably interfere if he tried to sell it off. And it would be an issue what is actually his to sell and what is really owned by the state.


Much of it is owned by the Crown Estate. Which is technically owned by the current monarch, but it’s not their personal property.

All sounds like a scam to me to prevent inheritance taxes scooping off a chunk every time one of them carks it.


All the revenue that the Crown Estate generates is given directly to the UK government to use, so they get plenty of tax from it already. ~$400 million in 2022 for example.


The king is worth at around $700 million.


See? Just like I said, all they really want is slaves.


You tried to tell us, but we didn’t listen. 🎧


It’s been found that wealth reduces compassion.


Seriously, why do rich Criminals always come here and think they can get away with it just because they’re rich? We arrested the child of Gaddafi. The son of a literal fucking dictator in charge of Libya, a country that is fairly important in European politics.

If not even he got away with it, what makes you think you will?


Shut up genocide supporter

ynthrepic, (edited ) avatar

Is the royal family not the richest in the UK? Edit: Not just me wondering this I see!


The UK royal family’s net worth is estimated at $28 billion. While king Charles’ personal net worth is at $700 million.


Imagine having $700 million, having almost no responsibility, and still being that much of a putz.


Yet they still take money every year. Scroungers and pedophiles.

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